Blood for Blood
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Blood for Blood
Simon Smith-Wilson
Copyright © 2015
Blood for Blood
Simon Smith-Wilson
Books by Simon Smith-Wilson
Five Days Notice (City of Sin1)
Curse of Meredith Holmes
Hand of God (City of Sin 2)
Last Tomorrow (City of Sin 3)
The power struggle for North City finally reaches boiling point. Marcus Riggs defects from his grieving father, declaring himself the first President of the North. Marcus wants to offer peace, security and progression for the people of his great city, but dark forces move in the shadows. Jasmine Murdock rules the twelve families with brutal effectiveness. If you do not stand with Jasmine, then your life expectancy will be vastly shortened. Things turn bad when key members of her crew begin to turn up in body bags. Trouble is brewing at North City airport, as the world media covers the hostage situation by the criminally insane JR. President Riggs has to deal with his first major crisis carefully, as all eyes around the world watch his moves.
River and Ariel are struggling with their relationship. Ariel’s dependency on drugs leads to a complicated affair with her landlord, which threatens to ruin everything they have created. Kerry has come to a significant decision. She has to leave North City. Travis is turning her daughter against her, but how far is she willing to go to secure the job transfer? How deep into the darkness will she walk? Chelsea is lost in a world of sorrow and hate. They murdered her boyfriend and are taking back her home. She sets out on a path of revenge, but with her daughter contracting the Hot Death how will she cope in this dark world alone? Life changing decisions have drastic repercussions on those in power and those ordinary people just trying to get by. Devastating actions lead to bold choices. The future of North City is in the balance in this epic battle for total control.
Chapter One: Monday
Snowdrops drifted down from the heavens above. A sea of white consumed the landscape. A lone figure, dressed in black, crunched through the snow. The incline of the small hill was just about manageable. Each step they took left a deep footprint etched into the smooth surface of the snow. The person stopped at the top of the hill. A gloved hand wiped away the layer of snow upon the headstone. No words were written upon the stone. She had not been able to afford it.
‘I miss you,’ said Chelsea.
Her breath crystallised into a white mist.
She hugged her arms around her body.
It didn’t matter how many layers she wore. The howling wind continued to freeze her to the core.
‘I can’t believe it has been one year, Riley. I miss you. I miss you so much. Things are getting hard. Cassie is sick. They think she has the Hot Death. All the money you left us has gone on her treatment. The Riggs Crew are repossessing the house. I don’t know where we are going to live. I won’t be able to afford much on my wages. It’s Cassie’s medication. It’s hard to come by these days. Prices are going through the roof.’ Chelsea sunk onto one knee. A gloved palm was placed against the face of the cold stone. ‘I need you. I miss you. I love you. I haven’t given up hope, you know? I will keep looking. I will learn who killed you. I will get justice for you. If the Riggs Crew won’t act, I will. You died because you were trying to create a better future. You wanted to restore justice to this world. I will get justice for your murder. I promise you. I promise you.’
Her heart was beating like a war drum. It was thumping so hard that Jillian thought it might break through her ribs. The gorgeous slim figured woman, wearing nothing more than a black pair of panties and a black push-up bra, rushed over to the king sized bed and shoved her clothes into the suitcase. Next to the suitcase was a duffle bag. The zip of the bag was open, revealing its contents. There were enough wads of cash for them to buy a one-way ticket out of this city, and more than enough drugs to fuel a small nightclub for several months. Luke was stood on the far side of the room. The aging man, with the receding hairline and round belly, was talking frantically on the phone.
‘Are you sure the car is waiting for us?’
Luke waited for the person on the other end of the phone to reply.
‘Yes. I did everything that you asked of me.’
Jillian paused and surveyed the room. Was there anything she had forgotten? The penthouse suite was massive. It had far too much room. She did a quick checklist in her head. She had her clothes, her jewellery, the money, the drugs and her mother’s book. She opened up the suitcase and doubled checked she had the book. It was the only thing she had to remember her mother, her family, and any normality she might have once had.
‘I tipped them off,’ continued Luke. ‘Okay. Okay... Okay.’
He hung up the phone.
Jillian grabbed a pair of sweatpants off the back of her chair and slipped them on. They didn’t look sexy, but they were functional. She needed clothing she could run away in, run away very fast. Her high heel shoes, tight dresses and fancy clothes didn’t offer any of this. A tight V-neck vest was pulled on over her head. Luke grabbed handfuls of clothes out of the large chest of draws and stuffed them into a backpack.
‘They will be meeting us in five minutes. We have to go.’
‘Did they promise to get us out of North City?’ asked Jillian.
‘Yes. We are getting out of this shithole.’
Relief filled her heart. Luke promised her an easy life. It was an upgrade from the horrible existence she had before. Her father had sold Jillian when she had been fifteen. She was a bargaining chip for development plans. Jillian had become the young bride of a dirty, lecherous old man. He used and abused her for years. Her ex-husband had also allowed his top men and business partners to have her whenever they wanted. She was just a tool for him. Luke had fallen for her. He was infatuated with her. It wasn’t love. It was lust. Her life with him had been more stable. She had nice clothes, nice things, and nice homes and went out to parties and nice restaurants. It had all been going well until he followed rumours of riches to North City. The last eight months of their life had been a living hell. They just wanted out. They wanted to be anywhere, but here. Finally, it was time to escape.
Sex, drugs and loud music were the key elements of this party. All the captains of the family were in and about the mansion. Half-naked women danced on tables, or refilled drinks, or fulfilled other desires for these wicked men. Anne was in her early thirties. The former police officer was slim, sexy and incredibly beautiful. She was currently topless, as she sat on the lap of Andre King, the head of the King crew. A giggle escaped her mouth, as Andre sucked on her erect nipple. A strong hand was already nestled neatly between her thighs. Her mini-skirt offered easy access to the one thing he wanted. The middle-aged man wasted no time in finding it, but then again she was acting like a dog in heat. Fingertips teased the slit of her most private parts. She gasped, as two fingers were pushed up inside of her. Andre didn’t care who was looking. Somewhere in the mansion was his wife, but he didn’t give her a single thought. At this moment in time, he was infatuated with Anne. She was the hottest woman in the room. He had got the first pick over all the women, and he had picked her. Nobody blamed him. Anyone with eyes could see that she was a rare and cherished beauty.
‘Maybe we should go someplace quiet,’ she whispered into his ear.
‘Oh?’ he raised a curious eyebrow.
‘Take me upstairs and I will fuck your brains out.’
His smile said it all.
Suited and booted he stepped out of the car. At least thirty or forty men were in and about the area. They were giving various weapons final checks, as they prepared for what was about to happen. The majority of t
hem wore the same impressive, and expensive, suits as Travis. The difference was that Travis carried an air of authority about him. He walked to the back of his reds sports car and popped the boot. His trusty revolver was already sitting on his hip, but a military style pump-action shotgun rested nicely within the boot. He glanced up at the people all around him. There were people from four of the twelve families here. This was a joint operation, led by the Murdock Crew. The key players of the crew were here. Danny, Jasmine Murdock’s son, was stood by his black four by four, smoking a cigarette. He looked more bored than anything else. Danny was steadily losing interest in the Murdock Crew. He had been since the death of his father. The woman in charge of this operation was Elizabeth. She was second in command to Jasmine Murdock. Elizabeth was a rare beauty. In another life, she would have been a movie star. She just had this sweet angelic quality, but the body that inspired men wet dreams. She was currently wearing combat boots, black trousers, and a long flowing black coat. She somehow made wearing these clothes look sexy. In her hands, she held a pretty impressive looking assault rifle. The woman looked sweet, but she was as deadly as they come.
Her giggles were infectious. Andre laughed a dirty laugh, as they walked backwards into his master suite. The way her tongue rolled around his mouth was so intoxicating. He began to remove his suit jacket while her fingers fumbled with his gun belt. They didn’t get very far. Anne couldn’t keep her hands off him. Every few seconds their lips were locked, as she moaned erotically through her nose. Andre tossed his jacket to one side and quickly removed his gun belt. It was dropped onto the end of the double bed with the beautiful red silk quilt. Anne pulled back and looked at the two big strapping bodyguards by the bedroom door.
‘Are you going to join in? Or are you going to watch him fuck me?’
‘Get out!’ ordered Andre. He was not in the mood for messing around.
The two men nodded their heads and backed out the room.
The door was closed with a click.
‘Where were we?’ he smiled.
Anne dropped down to her knees. Andre’s breathing was growing short and sharp with anticipation. She popped open the button of his trousers. They fell around his ankles. A quick tug brought his chequered boxer shorts down. His fat solid organ nearly poked her in the eye. She looked up into the windows of his soul and giggled excitedly. Strong hands grabbed firm handfuls of her hair. Anne put up no resistance, as it pushed it between her lips and deep into her mouth. She began to suck him off.
The creaking gate brought a cringe out of Jillian. It sounded so loud out here. Music vibrated through the walls of the mansion, but the grounds were so big that any passing guard would be sure to hear the noisy hinges. Jillian was wrapped in a long brown fur coat, thick winter gloves, and a fluffy white hat. She carried a bag in each hand. Luke was one step behind her. His eyes were like saucers. They were so big, bright and full of fear. They shifted left and right, searching the shadows for anyone that might question where they were going.
‘This way,’ he whispered.
They headed straight across the road and started moving east.
It was hard to run while carrying heavy suitcases and backpacks, but they wanted to put as much distance between them and the mansion as possible. Luke led her into a pitch black alleyway. They could see nothing. There were no lights, or fires, down this alleyway and with the sky cast in permanent darkness, due to the black clouds that stained the world, there was no natural illuminate to guide their way. Regardless of this fact, Luke pressed on. Suddenly, the headlights of a car blinded them. They hadn’t even realised that one had been parked in the alleyway.
‘Luke?’ asked a voice.
‘Yes,’ he replied, his voice filled with nerves.
‘I work for Mr Riggs. I came to get you out of here.’
‘Thank God,’ he released a massive sigh of relief. ‘Let’s get out of this fucking place, Jillian.’
Jasmine Murdock sank back into her leather armchair. A glass of white wine rested within her right hand. Her eyes were locked upon the antique wooden clock above the fireplace. The moment she had been waiting for was close. Her sadistic smile looked menacing in the glow of the flicking flames of the open fire. The beautiful blonde woman looked like the angel but had the heart of a devil. This was her city. She would be Queen of the North. It was time to start pulling up all the weeds and planting seeds of her own. The door behind her opened with a faint creak. High heel shoes clicked off the wooden floors. A lovely young woman with short brown hair and big brown eyes appeared beside her. The young woman had to be no older than nineteen years of age and wore a smart black dress and a white blouse. She was going for the professional officer worker look.
‘They are moving in now,’ said Holly.
Jasmine’s smile widened.
Her hand danced back and forth along his throbbing organ. Anne giggled with delight, as she sucked hard on the end. She pulled back and looked up into his eyes.
‘Are you going to cum for me, baby?’
‘Fuck, yeah,’ he groaned.
‘I want it over my tits.’
‘Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.’
He closed his eyes and threw back his head. Anne continued to jerk him off hard and fast. His entire body locked, as it erupted over her. She could feel the wet warmth spraying across her breasts. This was her chance. Anne reached for his gun with her free hand. He wasn’t even aware what was happening. He was too lost in the moment. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she pressed the barrel up against his saggy balls and fired. They were blown clean off in a shower of red. He dropped to his knees, as his screams filled the air.
The two security guards burst through the doors.
Anne was ready for them.
She double tapped, quickly and professionally, putting two rounds into the centre mass of both men. The ex-cop turned to face Andre, as he cradled his bloody groin. The gun was pressed up against his forehead. ‘Nothing personal,’ she told him, as she squeezed the trigger. Brain matter was splattered across the silk covers of the double bed. Her eyes fell on the briefcase on the desk. That is what she had come for.
‘What a shit night,’ sighed Stevie. ‘Nothing ever happens. I just pray for some fucking action. I don’t even get to see any of the hot dancers. I am just stuck out here doing patrols in the fucking cold.’ The gate guard kicked a stone across the driveway. He disappeared into the shadows. ‘My life is so fucking dull.’
Suddenly, gunshots echoed out from within the mansion.
‘Gunshots?’ he asked the world in general.
The sense of adventure filled his soul. It was quickly shattered by the sound of screeching tires. Wide eyes looked out through the metal gates. A convoy of vehicles was speeding down the road towards him. Stevie’s brain acted fast. This was a lot of information to process in a short space of time. He had begged for adventure. His job was to protect the mansion. He had a submachine tucked under his armpit. This was his moment to make a name for himself.
His next decision would dictate his destiny.
Stevie dived head first into the nearest artificial bush, as a Land Rover crashed through the front gates, smashing them clean off the hinges. He tucked his head down and made himself as small and as invisible as possible. Screams and gunfire roared into the air, as a violent firefight began within the mansion. At the earliest opportunity, Stevie was making a break for it and going home. It was time to have a change of career. This decision allowed Stevie to live to the age of six-seven, and he would become the proud grandfather of four children.
Jillian was momentarily illuminated by the bright orange glow of the fire. The top floor of the mansion was engulfed in flames. The battle had only been going for a handful of moments, but already the entire place was a battleground. The Murdock Empire lived up to their reputation. They hit hard; they hit fast, and they showed no
mercy. She had escaped at the right time. She was sitting in the back of a black sports car that was racing through the city streets.
‘That’s what you get for fucking me over,’ said Liam.Jillian sat back and faced the front.
Relief filled her soul.
They were safe.
The driver shifted through the gears, as he overtook what little traffic was on the road. The outside world flashed by frightfully fast. She dreaded to think just how fast they were going. In the distance, the Riggs Hotel was coming into view. The magnificent structure stood like a beacon of light in this dark and lonely world. Searchlights danced patterns on the black clouds that poisoned this dying world. The towering building looked so foreign to this world. Suddenly, the car pulled off the main road and started heading into a new direction.
‘Where are we going?’ asked Liam.
The driver said nothing.
‘You are going the wrong way,’ he continued, but with more urgency.
All the doors automatically locked.
Jillian’s heart began to pound again.
Something wasn’t right.
‘We are not going to the hotel,’ said the driver.
‘Where are you taking us?’
‘You will see soon.’
‘Mr Riggs said he would get us out of this city,’ replied Jillian.
‘And he will. JR always keeps his word.’
‘My God,’ gasped Jillian.
‘John Riggs Junior?’ asked Liam.
The driver smiled at the rear view mirror.
‘He is a fucking psycho!’
‘A word of advice,’ said the Driver. ‘I wouldn’t say that to his face.’
The car turned off at the next road and began to follow sign posts to North City Airport.
Black boots walked through the stream of blood. Bodies were everywhere. One or two dancers had been caught up in the crossfire, but the majority of the civilians walked away from the battle unharmed. Elizabeth stopped in the centre of the large function room and surveyed the situation. Danny and Travis followed closely behind.