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Sinful Takeover_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 25

by Piper Sullivan

  I got up and walked over to where she lay, I grabbed two pillows and stacked them next to her then I settled in next to the pillows. At least if she wakes up she can rest assured that I had her virtue in mind before taking up bed space. A few minutes later I was still wide awake, and the only thing on my mind was the red head with her legs wrapped around my neck and my tongue buried in her pussy.

  I’m not sure when I finally dosed off, but when I woke up, I had red hear stuck to my stubble and an arm and a leg draped over my torso. The pillows I had stacked between us last night were strewn on the floor. I tried not to move and disrupt sleeping beauty here, but I had to get out from under her before she woke up. Or before she moved her leg and dragged it over my boner. I gently hooked her hair with my finger and pulled it out of my face, and then I slowly took her wrist and lifted her arm. She groaned and moved and I froze, barely taking a breath. Easy Irish, you can do this, I told myself and then moved her arm again, gently placing it on her hip. But when I slowly shifted away from her, she mumbled something inaudible followed by a squeal.

  “Irish! What the hell… oh my god… did we… did you…”

  I jumped out of bed and grabbed for the pillow holding it in front of me to hide my morning glory, “Hell no, fuck, I swear I was only sleeping!”

  “Here in bed?” she asked with eyes wide open.

  “Yes dammit, the chair was uncomfortable, I stacked pillows between us,” I uttered.

  “So why are they not here anymore?” she asked accusingly.

  “How the hell would I know?”

  She groaned and grabbed her head, “Oh god it’s too early for this, I need coffee.”

  “Well help yourself darlin’, I’m going to grab a shower and head on to town.”

  I didn’t bother waiting for her response, simply tossed the pillow at her and stalked into the bathroom. It was insane, even the cold shower couldn’t tame the beast. My balls were aching and my cock was still rock hard, if I didn’t do something to remedy the situation now, I was going to be in a lot of shit later. My skin prickled under the cold water as I thought of Alana, she was indeed a temptation I did not expect. Just thinking of her body under my control sent my hormones into overdrive.

  I wrapped my fist around my aching cock and slowly slid it up and down from the tip to the base, images of Alana in the throes of passion, her mouth wrapped around my dick, my cock buried deep in that sweet pussy of hers. I kept trying to divert my thoughts to exclude Alana, and focus more on my physical release, but it was futile. I simply could not get her out of my mind. The fact that I had seen her naked from the waist down already gave me a sneak preview of what she looked like and imagining me thrusting into that soft pink pussy was driving me insane. Now! I groaned inwardly as I pump my cock faster, slapping against my balls and then finally, my balls tightened and my cock erupted, spilling cum against the shower wall. This time I groaned audibly as I pressed my head against the shower wall while I finished myself off, savouring the moment as my release left my limbs numb and relaxed. Hopefully this would solve the immediate issue I was facing, for the time being at least.

  When I came out, she sat with her head resting on the table, “Oh my god, I’m never having whiskey again, that stuff is poison.”

  “Yeah well your condition is self-inflicted. Listen, I won’t be long, an hour max,” I said as I grabbed my keys. While I unlocked my guns so that I can at least have some form of protection, I continued, “If I’m not back by 9am, you need to get out of here, a few miles south from here, past the oak tree is a hidden underground bunker. Go there and wait until someone comes for you.”

  Her jaw dropped as she looked at me, “Why wouldn’t you be back?”

  “I will be back, but I’m taking precautions.”

  “Okay but what if you’re not back by then and I’m stuck in some bunker, who will know where to find me?”

  “I have connections, and they know the drill,” I said, “Just promise me you’ll make tracks if I’m not back by nine.”

  I tucked my gun into the back of my pants, and then took out the Colt Alana was familiar with, “Here, keep this on you at all times, and do not hesitate to shoot,” with that, I dumped my bag back in the closet and walked to the door.

  “Irish…” she said, and I turned around, “Please come back.”

  My heart felt like a fist was wrapped around it, squeezing the air out of my lungs. She looked at me with such desperation that I almost opted to stay, but she needed stuff and I was going to at least help her out with that. This also gave me the time to try to find out where the Bronx Raiders were, and see if McLeary has managed to get any heat on them, or find out who exactly framed Fergus.

  I took my baseball cap off the hook next to the door and tugged it on to my head. In my line of work, being a hit man for a cartel, I knew better than to make empty promises.


  Somewhere in an abandoned warehouse…

  Blood splattered across the floor as another fist hit Sully’s face. His eyes were swollen shut and blood dripped from his nose and mouth. No matter how much they tortured him, he refused to hand Irish or the girl over to Shamrock.

  “I can make this easy for you, you tell me where Irish is hiding the girl and I’ll spare your pathetic life,” Shamrock said flatly.

  Sully struggled to lift his chin from his chest and peered at his nemesis through slits, “Fuck off,” and then spat blood all over Shamrock’s shoes. Dealt another blow and another blow, he knew he wasn’t going to last long. Irish was his brother in arms, and his mentor, and nothing anyone did or said would make him turn on his own.

  “You’re an effing dick, I don’t see any of your mates coming to your rescue, they’ve left you out to dry,” Shamrock ground out.

  Shamrock ran his hands over the cold scalpel and sighed theatrically. And then he nodded at Vince, his henchman. This was it, Sully thought and prepared himself for the worse. He had made peace with death when he first joined the Labyrinths Cartel, they all did. A sworn oath of blood to their brothers was far more valuable than life itself. He had nothing left to lose, they had already killed his wife.

  Orchestral music filled the abandoned warehouse, the acoustics causing it to echo in the empty space. Then Shamrock moved over to where he was tied up to the chair and dragged the blunt side of the scalpel across his neck.

  “I’m going to ask you one last time Sully, where is Irish?”

  “I’m not tellin ya anythin’ you can suck my cock for all that I care,” he gargled.

  Without a word, Shamrock pressed the cold blade against the top of his ear and sliced right through, cutting the shell of Sully’s ear clean off. Sully cried out in pain, huffed and cussed as he shook in the chair. The pain was excruciating.

  “Boss,” one of Shamrocks’ men interrupted.


  “The lad at the grocery store called, he spotted Irish there this morning so Irish must still be in town.”

  Sully cursed inwardly and gritted his teeth, what the fuck would Irish still be doing here in Boston? He should have been long gone by now.

  “Are you sure?” Shamrock asked.

  “Aye, he swore on his life,” the boy confirmed.

  “Well then I’m sure we will find him sooner or later.”

  Shamrock handed the scalpel to his henchman Vince and muttered a blank, “Finish him,” before pulling his leather gloves off and getting into the car parked a few feet away.

  The torture was finally over, and he would finally meet his maker and be with his wife, he thought peacefully. Even before the bullet penetrated his skull he already breathed out his last breath.

  Liam “Irish”

  I entered the Saint Lorde’s Catholic Church through the rear entrance and scanned the hall for anything suspicious. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary, to my left I saw Father Callaghan and nodded at him. We both entered the confession booth at the same time, and I knelt down and waited for the door to slide open.

  “Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it’s been two weeks since my last confession,” I whispered.

  “Why have you taken so long to confess your sins my son?”

  “I’ve been working very hard.”

  Callaghan slid a small piece of paper under the frame that separated the two booths and I opened it up, it read—The Shamrock is feeling lucky.

  I cursed inwardly and crumpled up the piece of paper. This was not good news, I needed to get out of here, get to Alana and hit the road. Hanging around was no longer an option.

  “I killed two men in cold blood,” I said.

  “Alright, say five Our Fathers for your penance.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  With that, I waited for him to exit first, no tap followed and I knew I was safe. Without looking anyone directly in the eyes, I headed into the back of the church, grabbed a nun’s robe and cape and put it on. It was a wee bit short, but for the time being it would cover me, mostly. I exited the same way I came. Time was of the essence now. If Shamrock, the head of the Bronx Raiders, was still in town, it meant that they had eyes all over. Retracing my steps, mentally I recalled where I had been in the last two hours. But nothing suspicious stood out. I glanced towards where my car was parked and then looked up and down the street. I didn’t notice anyone lurking around, but I knew using the car would be too risky. Instead I scanned the street for another car. Luckily, I spotted a cab and I flagged it down. The cab pulled up, and I slipped into the back seat. Immediately I pulled out my gun and held it against the driver’s head.

  “Do exactly as I say, and no one has to die today,” I whispered through gritted teeth.

  The cab driver froze and held up his hands.

  “Keep dem hands on the wheel and head down 3rd, then take a left on Saxton Avenue. Once there, I’m going to drop you and take your cab.”

  The driver nodded nervously and drove down 3rd while I sat back, keeping my head low and the gun pointed at the back of the driver’s seat.

  “Don’t think of trying anything clever, I’ve killed for less,” I told the driver.

  “Please sir, if you could just…”

  “Shut the fuck up, just get to Saxton and I’ll let you go,” I promised.

  We drove for 5 min then he turned into Saxton Avenue. I instructed him to turn into the next alley. The moment the cab came to a stop, I nudged the gun against the man’s head and said, “Now you stay dead quiet, any sudden moves will cost you more than just your cab.”

  I got out and dragged the fearful man out of the cab then pushed him up against the wall. I held up a picture of his wife and kids, which I plucked from a string hanging on the rear-view mirror.

  “See this, I know where you live. If you breathe a word to anyone, I’ll cut them up and feed them to the fucking dogs,” I growled.

  The man nodded frantically, his eyes wide and full of tears. I pulled him by his shirt and shoved him in between the two dumpsters and hijacked the cab. It was already 8:42 AM, I had less than 15 minutes to get back to the cabin for Alana, and get back on the road before Shamrock and his men find us. The moment the cab driver gets to the police, it’s only a matter of minutes before Shamrock and his goons track this cab.

  I couldn’t exceed the speed limit either, the last thing I needed now was to get pulled over for a traffic violation that would only fuck things up even more.

  Soon enough I pulled up to the cabin, 9:10 am. I rushed up the stairs only to find Alana with the pistol pointed straight at me. Without thinking twice, I launched myself at her, carefully disarming her. She couldn’t follow a simple instruction to leave the cabin, was the first thing that crossed my mind.

  “What the fuck Alana!” I shouted and unloaded the gun then flicked the safety back on, “Why are you still here, I gave you strict instructions.”

  “I-I… I didn’t know if I should wait-oh my god, I almost shot you!” she heaved hysterically.

  “Calm the fuck down,” I said and impulsively pulled her into my arms. On the one hand, I was pissed that she even considered taking the Bronx Raiders on, on the other hand I was relieved that I didn’t still have to waste time trekking to the bunker to find her before we could hit the road.

  I pushed her away and held her at arm’s length, “Look at me, we have to get going. We can’t stay here any longer. I need you to pack what you can but pack lightly; you can use the backpack, we’ll stop at the next town and get the necessities,” I instructed and continued without a pause, “Are you okay on a bike?”

  What the hell was I on about? Who cares if she was okay with a bike, but she nodded. Her eyes still wide with shock.

  “Good, now hurry and pack what you can, I’ll get the bike.”


  In less than twenty minutes we were back on the road, I gave Alana one of my jackets to keep her shielded against the elements. We had no time to waste; I need to get to the next state if I was going to keep ahead of Shamrock.

  Alana’s arms were wound tightly around my waist, and her head ducked low behind me; I couldn’t even begin to imagine what was going on in her mind. A carefree existence suddenly ripped away from her and now she was on the run, with a man who couldn’t keep his shit together. I rode like a demon on a mission, about two hours out, we pulled up to a gas station to fill up and to get a bite to eat. Since leaving the cabin there had been no time for conversation. To be honest, I hadn’t a clue what to say to her.

  “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she mumbled as she hugged the leather jacket around her.

  “I’ll go with you,” I said as I pushed the bike in next to the building, obscuring it from the road.

  “You’re not going in with me.”

  “No, I’m not going in with you, I just need to make sure it’s all safe.”

  “Ugh, they have no idea where we went, I’ll be fine.”

  Needless to say, I went with her, and stood outside until she came back out.

  “We can grab a quick bite to eat, then we need to head out,” I said as we made our way back towards the bike.

  “Sure,” she muttered.

  “Alana, are you okay?” I asked.

  “Just peachy,” she said. Yeah it was a dumb question, she wasn’t okay. And I had to understand the fact that she was dealing with a shit load at the moment. Strangely enough, I wasn’t feeling the intense attraction from earlier in the morning. Call it trepidation, or maybe it was the fact that I helped myself in the shower. Right now she was just a frightened little bird who I need to protect.

  The convenience store’s door chime jingled as we entered. “Grab a few things, when we get to the next state we’ll have a proper meal.”

  Alana nodded and made her way through to the fridges at the back of the store while I grabbed a few chocolate bars and snacks. The teller was a fat greasy bastard who vegetated behind the television screen and hardly took note of us.

  “Excuse me, where are your road maps?” I asked.

  He looked at me and then pointed to the shelf behind him, “Well can I get one?”

  With a sigh that would kill all surrounding vegetation, he stood up and waddled to the shelf, took one of the maps and dropped it carelessly on the counter. Service in some of these places was shocking, I thought as I piled the rest of the stuff on the counter. While I waited for Alana, I took the time to page through a newspaper, hoping to see some good news on Fergus, but there was nothing yet. He was still on the most wanted list. The sound of a V8 engine drew my attention, and when I looked out the faded dirty windows, I noticed two of Shamrock’s guys.

  “Fuck,” I cursed under my breath, as I ducked behind the counter and crouched my way to where Alana was still making up her mind on what to drink, “Do whatever I say, and do not try anything stupid.”

  “Hey! Are you going to pay for this stuff?” the teller asked when he stood up.

  I pulled out my gun and pointed it straight at him, “If you want to fucking live, you’ll do exactly as I say. Those two men
out there…” I started, “Don’t look at them, just do what I say.”

  He nodded, eyes wide and fearful, “If they ask you, if you saw us, you just say no. Play it cool and you’ll live to see another day, if you utter one word to them I swear I’ll shoot you myself.”

  “Is it them?” Alana asked in a panic as I pulled her around to the back of the store and next to the fire exit.

  “Yes, and we need to move fast. They don’t know we’re here yet.”

  “But what if they see us?” she asked nervously.

  “They won’t,” I said far more confidently than I felt.

  The door jingled again, and I shoved her in behind a stack of boxes, and held my finger up over my mouth, “Don’t move,” I mouthed.

  I peeked towards the counter. One bald guy was stacking his arms full of snacks while the other one leaned against the counter. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but at least it looked like the cashier was keeping as cool as he could. I watched for about two minutes, when the one against the counter reached into his breast pocket. He pulled out a gun and put it on the counter. Chubby cheeks stepped back and held up his hands, his eyes darting from the man to the door where I stood. Fuck! I should have shot him myself, I thought. Footsteps drew closer, and I shoved myself into the corner with Alana, cupping my hand over her mouth. The darkness lent some protection, but if those goons came any closer, someone was going to get hurt.

  The footsteps stopped just next to the door, when I heard chubby cheeks speak up, “The couple you’re looking for left about thirty minutes ago, I swear,” he called, “The guy and a girl with red hair.”

  The footsteps moved away from the door and I let out a sigh of relief, hoping they would buy the story. Then a single shot rang out. Alana gasped and I tightened my hand over her mouth. They had shot the teller in cold blood, now it was only a matter of time before they found us. But much to my surprise, I heard the screeching of tires as they sped off.


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