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Sinful Takeover_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 31

by Piper Sullivan

  She tried to tune him out and shifted her weight leaning away from him. Even with his betrayal, her body still reacted to his closeness and her heart cramped painfully. Her attraction to him just made her hate him more.

  “Say something,” he said quietly.

  She could sense that his eyes were pinned on her but just then, and much to her relief, she saw the cab arriving.

  “I have nothing to say to you Louis,” she said bitterly and gathered her luggage. But Louis was quick to stop her from taking another step and blocked her way.

  “You’re not the only one who has been forced into doing things you don’t want to do. And I am just as caught up in this mess as you are.”

  She glared at him and dropped her bags to the floor, “Let’s get one thing straight, NO one on this god forsaken earth is going to tell me how to live my life, least of all tell me who I will and will not marry. I am done with these games so I suggest you step aside.”

  She was taken aback when Louis suddenly laughed incredulously.

  “I’m glad you find this so amusing.” she scowled.

  The one moment Louis was laughing, and the next he had a deadpan look on his face with his lips tightly pursed. She could see the tiny muscle flex in his jaw, and when he stepped forward and stood so close she could feel his breath fan his face, she felt scared for the first time.

  “You do not choose your family in the mafia, you’re born into it tesorina, and once you are a part of them, everything you own becomes theirs. Your business, your home even your bambinos and trust me there is no way out of it. So if you want the brutal truth, here it is. We are getting married, whether you like it or not.”

  Impulsively Belinda raised her hand to slap him in the face, but he gripped her wrist firmly and tugged her against him and with his lips pressed against her hair, he whispered, “La calma è la virtù dei forti – the calm is the virtue of the strong.”

  He left her with those words, which at that very moment meant absolutely nothing to her. When she looked back out the window, she saw the cab driving out of the gates.

  Chapter 9

  Belinda spent the next two days locked in her room, refusing to talk to her father or to Louis. Her life as she knew it was over. She was part of the mafia now, and organized crime was going to be a part of her future. She supposed she was always a part of it, just ignorant of her role. She was surprised that no-one came to put a tracking bracelet on her ankle to track her every move, since she should be considered a flight risk. If she had it her way, she would be sneaking out in the dead of night to flee this god forsaken fortress.

  She took her out her laptop and rested it on her lap, and while she waited for it to start up, she couldn’t help but wonder if they were screening her calls and internet activity. If they were, then tuff luck, she thought as she logged into her E-mail account. She had nothing to hide, and she sure as hell would not let anyone intimidate her.

  The first email that loaded was from Natalie. She clicked on it hoping that hearing from her friend would improve her mood somewhat.

  Hey Bee

  When did we get a new accountant? Some guy rocked up at the restaurant saying that some Louis Angelino sent him. I don’t know what’s happening.

  Cheers Nat

  She took a few steady breaths to calm herself; Louis didn’t lie when he said that the mafia owns everything. She tucked her bottom lip under her teeth and hit reply.

  Hey Nat

  Long story, I’ll update you as soon as I can.

  My stay here in Italy has been extended, but I’ll keep you posted.

  Love Bee

  She couldn’t really admit on e-mail that she was now a member of the mafia, forced to marry the Consigliere of the Angelino family and was being held hostage. What an utter mess, she thought as she shut her laptop. She really had no say in the matter, she had nowhere to run and knowing how the mafia operated, she had two choices. She could fight them, or accept her fate. But inevitably the mafia will win.

  Louis stood in the study looking out the window, by now he was sure that Belinda had come to terms with her fate, much like he had to when he was only eighteen. Being forced to marry someone against her will, and the fact that his father omitted to tell him about the promise made when he was only six years old infuriated him. Needless to say, there was no denying the fact that he was attracted to Belinda, something he hardly expected to happen.

  During the time he spent with her before the house of cards came tumbling down, he got to know a confident woman, one who challenged him like none of the others ever did. And albeit he had prior notions to transform her into a supermodel to his liking, he ended up liking her just the way she was. The fact remained, they will be married and they will have to learn to live with each other, there was simply no other choice. He could only hope that she would learn to accept it, and maybe by some miracle, she might learn to love him despite his role in betraying her.

  The driveway was starting to fill up with cars, family and friends from surrounding towns were all gathering to meet his fiancée thanks to his father and Gino. He rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. He was going to have to talk to Belinda before they faced they music.

  When he got to her door, he knocked but knowing that she would not answer, he pushed the door open slightly. She was standing in front of the full-length mirror trying to put on her necklace.

  “I suppose I have to play the role of the dutiful fiancée now,” she said blankly.

  He didn’t reply, simply walked over to her and took the necklace from her, fastening the clasp.

  “It doesn’t have to be all that unpleasant,” he said as he watched her in the reflection of the mirror, “we had real chemistry before all this happened, all is not lost.”

  “Unfortunately betrayal is the only truth between us. I can play the role Louis, but I cannot forget or forgive the betrayal,” she stated and turned to face him.

  The truth was like a bitter wine that dried his throat and turned his stomach. But here she stood before him and he couldn’t ignore the way his body responded to her closeness. The steeliness in her hazel eyes spoke volumes of confidence fueled by anger, she was a determined and strong woman who will not only fit into his life, but become his life. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt and he cupped her face.

  “Tesoro, this is not easy, but I will promise you this. I will be devoted to you always, I am a man of my word, and if it takes a lifetime to get you to forgive my betrayal, it’s a lifetime worth living,”

  Belinda was stunned into silence at his words and even though she was opposed to this arrangement she could not deny the attraction she felt towards him. What if this turned out better than she expected? She thought searching his eyes. She licked her lips and saw his eyes drop to her mouth. Her body and heart was at war with her mind.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she said softly and stood on her toes to place a kiss on his cheek, then whispered; “liars make the best promises.”

  Chapter 10

  She turned to walk to the door, but Louis grabbed her by her arm and tugged her roughly against him. And when his lips met hers, an uncontrollable moan escaped her and she simply slumped against him in surrender. She may not agree with the ways of their families, but that didn’t mean she had to ignore the obvious sexual tension that had been escalating between them from day one. And if she was going to play the part of the Mafia Consigliere’s wife, she may as well have fun doing so. She returned his kiss with such zeal she could have easily convinced herself that this was something more than a physical desire between two consenting adults.

  Louis groaned and cursed in Italian and walked her back until her legs hit the bed and she flopped down on it. The desire she saw in his eyes ignited the same desire in her. He tugged at his shirt buttons and in no time shrugged his shirt off, tossing it aside. She followed suit taking her dress off and lay before him. Only wearing her lingerie.

  “Mozzagiato,” he said as
he shoved his pants down over his hips while toeing his shoes off, “you are a goddess.”

  “Keep up the flattery, and I might consider forgiving you,” she said wickedly and slid her hand around the back of his neck pulling him in for a kiss. His wedged his knee between her thighs and leaned over her supporting his weight with one arm, while he moved his other hand down to cup her breast.

  “If flattery is all it takes, consider it done,” he teased and dropped a string of kisses from the corner of her mouth, along her jaw and to the nape of her neck. His fingers curled around the lace of her bra tugging the one cup down to expose her breast, and then he latched onto her aching tip, sucking and swirling it in his mouth.

  “Oh!” she cried out and threaded her fingers through his hair clinging unto his head. I’m in so much trouble, she thought and arched her back, pressing into him. Sleeping with the enemy had a whole new meaning all of a sudden.

  Louis could hardly control himself as Belinda ground her body against his, she was so responsive, and the confidence that radiated from her was like a radioactive force consuming him. He moved his attention from her one breast to the other, biting her taut nipple through the lace of her bra eliciting a moan from her.

  “Ti desidero,” he whispered against her heated skin, “from the first day I saw you, mia dolce.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” she said breathlessly.

  He took his sweet time exploring every inch of her body, from her ample breasts to her curvy hips. And as he peeled her panties down her legs he knew he could no longer hold back.

  “Apri le gambe,” he demanded as he met her eyes, and she willingly spread herself open for him. God help me, he thought as he nipped nuzzled her neck sliding one hand down to cup her mound. She was soft and wet, her desire for him palpable, and as he rolled the pad of his middle finger over her clit she cried out dragging her nails across his skin.

  He teased her a while longer, until her body was writing beneath him and when he finally moved himself into position, she wrapped her legs around his, pulling him into her.

  “Cazzo!” he cried out as he drove his length into her wetness. Nothing could compare to what he was experiencing this very minute, and with each thrust into her, she met him. Stroke after stroke, her hips rose to meet his like an erotic dance between two lovers.

  Between his grunts and groans he heard her moan his name, pleading with him not to stop. The way she vocalized her desires was a complete turn on, and he was edging dangerously close to his climax. As he reached down where their bodies met, he found her clit. All it took was a single touch to send her crashing over the edge and as her body shook and her nails dug into his skin, he surrendered and spilled himself into her. He lay on top of her for a few seconds before he rolled over unto his side, propping his head on his hand, admiring her where she lay still with her eyes closed. A smile tugged at the corner of her full lips, and he bent his head down and kissed her.

  “Does this mean I am forgiven?” he whispered huskily and kissed her shoulder.

  “No,” she said and scooted to the edge of the bed, “but maybe if you do this again tomorrow, I will reconsider.”

  He chuckled and got off the bed reaching for his pants, then removed a small black box from the pocket.

  “How about this?” he said and flipped open the lid exposing a diamond ring.

  She smirked and reached for the ring then slid it on her ring finger, and without a word she gathered her dress and underwear and walked through to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

  She was a complex creature, he thought with a grin as he too got dressed and headed downstairs.

  Chapter 11

  Belinda stood at the top of the stairs studying all the guests. She knew the organization was large but she couldn’t help but wonder how many of these people were unsuspecting pawns unaware of the fact that the Angelinos and Benedettis were a part of this criminal organization.

  Within a matter of two weeks she went from an ordinary woman to one forced to embrace her place in the mafia. If she was going to survive this, she was going to have to be strong and make her mark in society.

  She tilted her chin defiantly and mechanically put one foot in front of the other as she descended the stairs. Her eyes locked on Louis as he stood at the bottom of the staircase. As she reached him, her father appeared alongside Stefano but she simply nodded at them both.

  It was Stefano who announced the engagement and the pretense of it all was sickening, but she remained composed nonetheless. She had a few tricks up her sleeve, and with her position in such a powerful family at the side of Don Angelino’s son, she was going to make this work to benefit her.

  The evening soon drew to a close. Her father approached her on a few occasions but never quite spoke to her. At times her heart ached to reconcile with him, but she shut her emotions down. She was no longer going to be this timid soul who allowed others to walk right over her.

  “Did you enjoy the evening?” Louis asked as he came to stand beside her after the last of the guests exited the house.

  “It was pleasant,” she said and sighed softly.

  “Yes it was,” he said and then took her hand in his, “you should to speak with your father.”

  She rolled her eyes and withdrew her hand from his, “I have nothing to say to him.”

  “Belinda, you can’t shut him out forever.”

  “You want to bet on that?” she said bitterly, “In due time I might talk with him again, but right now, I want him to wallow in self-pity and reflect on his actions.”

  He took her by her shoulders and tilted her chin up, “Life is too short to harbor hatred, and the woman I met two weeks ago would never have been so callous.”

  “Well that woman died,” she said blankly.

  She simply had no choice but to toughen up, the only way she knew how. She had to feel nothing, allow no sadness, hurt or love to cloud her judgement. If that meant shutting everyone in her life out and pretending to be a cruel hard woman, then so be it.

  A commotion outside drew their attention and Louis was the first to go and investigate, with her following closely. A small crowd of guests who still remained outside were huddled together in a group near the fountain. She shoved her way through the crowd to see what was going on and when she saw her father laying on the ground her heart stopped.

  “Papa!” she cried out and dropped to her knees next to him, “papa!”

  Louis was beside her immediately feeling for a pulse and checking his breathing, “I think it’s a heart attack, I can’t find a pulse.”

  “No!” she cried as horror gripped her heart, “Help him Louis!” she pleaded as tears streamed down her face. He immediately started CPR while Stephano called for an ambulance. Ten minutes later, her father was on his way to the hospital and Louis was driving like the devil himself following the ambulance.

  At the hospital everyone gathered in the waiting room. Louis was seated next to Belinda trying to consoler her. He knew that if her father did not pull through she would blame herself for the rest of her life.

  “Let’s go and get some coffee,” he said and took her hand.

  “I don’t want coffee,” she mumbled.

  “It will do you good, come,” he insisted.

  This time she didn’t object when he pulled her to her feet, and led her to the cafeteria. Seated across from her at one of the small tables, he studied her intently.

  “You shouldn’t blame yourself, these things happen when we least expect it. For such a severe heart attack, he was probably sick for a long time.”

  “I want Natalie to run El Pescore,” she said changing the subject completely.

  “Belinda, business can be discussed at another time,” he said and took a sip of his coffee.

  “No, it can’t. By Friday I’ll be Mrs. Angelino-Benedetti, I know you have already acquired a new accountant for the restaurant without consulting with me, so now is as good a time as ever.”

  He cursed inwardly.
His father had the very bad habit to stick his nose in everyone’s business. He wasn’t even aware of this change at El Pescore. The agreement was that the restaurant will remain unchanged. There was something dubious going on, not that it was any different from any of the other business deals his father was involved in. But for the sake of peace he agreed with her and reassured her that Natalie will be the manager in her absence.

  “Miss Benedetti?” a somber voice spoke next to them. It was the doctor and the expression on his face was grave.

  “I’m sorry we did all we could, but the damage to his heart was too severe.”

  Louis met her gaze and she hardly blinked. Simply closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

  Chapter 12

  A few weeks later Belinda sat in the confession booth at the Catholic Church and covered her head with her scarf. There were so many questions that remained unanswered and she needed a sign, any sign to tell her she was doing the right thing. The little door slid open and she sighed and knelt.

  “Bless me father for I have sinned, it’s been four years since my last confession.”

  “Why has it been so long my child?” the priest asked.

  “I don’t know, I guess life just happened,” she stated nervously.

  “I see…so what would you like to confess today?”

  “I’m not sure Father, it’s quite complicated,” she said suddenly having second thoughts about being here.

  “Well, you do know that everything said here is completely confidential. So why don’t you start at the beginning,” he said in a modulated tone.

  “I’m in a tricky situation; I have been forced to marry a man selected by my family.”

  “Do you know this man?”

  “Yes Father, I know him well,” she said not sure what else to say.

  “How do you feel about the man?”


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