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Sinful Takeover_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 33

by Piper Sullivan

  “How many people are living here?”

  He ignored my question and just started talking.

  “Breakfast is at seven after me and the hands have finished morning chores. Lunch is at one but usually it’s something simple sandwich with sides, or stew with bread because we often eat out on the spread. Supper is at four but the hands usually eat in the bunkhouse. There’s a kitchenette they use.” He exhaled as though he were completely exhausted from talking.

  I took a seat at the butcher block table and he finally took the one across from me.

  “Clean and do the laundry between cooking or while you’re cooking, I’m sure you’ll figure it out but food is top priority. My men work hard and they need sustenance so make enough. It’s better to have leftovers than not enough for everyone, including you.”

  I won’t lie, I totally bristled at the way he said that, like I would actually eat all the food. I mean it’s a common misperception that because I’m a big girl—size 20 to be exact—I must eat everything in sight. I don’t, but I do have a healthy appetite. And an unhealthy amount of disrespect for proper exercise.

  Mr. Hawthorne held up his hands, in surrender at my glare I suppose, shaking his head.

  “Hell, that’s not what I meant. My point is you’ll be eating with us, so make sure there’s enough for everyone to be satisfied when their done, alright?”

  All I could do was nod. Even when he was scowlin’ at me like a mean old alley cat he was still a handsome devil. Too handsome so I had to shake it off. Act like an adult.

  “Alright that all sounds good. I’ll familiarize myself with things. Do you have a female bunkhouse where I can settle in?”

  He laughed at the question. “How many ranches have you been on before this one,” he asked.

  “None.” I tilt my head and frown. “Is it that obvious?”

  I didn’t like the worried look that crossed his face one bit and so I did what any Georgia woman would. I kept talking.

  “I can cook and clean like nobody’s business, which is exactly what you need. I’ll stay out of your way as much as possible and you’ll only know I’m here because your belly is full and your clothes are clean.”

  The look he gave me was odd but he nodded, probably because I widened my green eyes, pleading with him like the fool I was.

  “Alright, come on then,” he grumbled. “Let me show you to your room. Spend today getting settled in and tomorrow you can start with breakfast.”

  I groaned inside at the early hour I’d have to wake in the morning, but gave him a polite nod and a smile.

  “Seven sharp.”

  Six o’clock came way too early even though I went to bed at ten just to make sure I didn’t oversleep. It didn’t seem like Mr. Hawthorne wanted me around all that much, so I didn’t want to do anything that might make him regret hiring me. Like not show up to feed a tribe of hungry men.

  I rolled out of bed, thankful for the en suite bathroom in my skimpy sleep attire. Texas is as hot as the dickens even in spring.

  I was dressed in no time, wearing a thin blue t-shirt dress and matching sneakers, with my hair in a ponytail. Six was too early in the morning to worry about looking cute. It was time for me to earn my paycheck.

  The kitchen was massive, decorated in butter yellow with lavender accents. Definitely designed by a woman. I had no time to navel gaze, there were hungry cowboys to feed. Throwing open the windows to enjoy the crisp early morning breeze, I wrapped the apron around my waist and got to work on a breakfast fit for working men. An hour later, the dishwasher was loaded and gurgling while I enjoyed another cup of coffee.

  I heard the boots first and then the laughter. Then one after one, each one bigger than the one before and every single one of them hotter than a fireman’s calendar. I’m pretty sure my mouth gaped open like a fish but sweet mercy, a girl needed a warning before setting eyes upon all that good-looking flesh. And the boss, hotter than the rest combined, lumbered in last. “Morning,” he gritted out, prompting the other hands to greet me with warm smiles, waves and curious looks.

  “Morning everyone. I’m Clara and I’ll be cooking for ya’ll for the next little while.”

  “Sure smells good, ma’am.” A young dimpled cowboy flashed a killer smile my way and grabbed a seat. “I’m Colin and I am starved.”

  “Dig in,” I told them, bringing coffee and more milk to the table. They all stared at me for a second, for what I have no idea, so I just gave them my best scowl and told them, “Eat before it gets cold. I made those biscuits myself.”

  “You heard the lady Bob Lee, she made those biscuits.”

  Colin looked to Bob Lee, and then up at me.

  “He’s gonna propose to you now. Everyone knows how Bob Lee loves his biscuits,” he joked, flashing me a charming smile I was sure brought young women to their knees.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as Bob Lee’s face turned hot pink. “Take a few for later,” I told him, drawing even more laughs from Jerry, Colin and Ralph. I listened to them banter back and forth, like overgrown kids, a smile creeping across my face but I couldn’t help it. Watching them like that reminded me of watching my brothers of the heart fight on the farm back home in Cranberry, Georgia. The farm started as a place for a bunch of foster care rejects to recover from abuse and become productive members of society. I was the only girl in the bunch and the boys never treated me any differently.

  Dolly, Mr. Hawthorne’s housekeeper currently on leave, had trained these boys well. Whatever they took with them was wrapped in a napkin and they all set their plates in the sink, thanking me heartily for a delicious breakfast.

  “Thank you, Miss Clara, those biscuits are in my top five.”

  “High praise,” I joked. “You’re welcome, Bob Lee.”

  I handed him a plastic container filled with the five leftover biscuits. He blushed and left with another muttered thanks as the other men joined him. All but one.

  “Seems like you’ve made a good impression on the boys.”

  I shrugged because it wasn’t all that hard. “Feed men and they are mostly happy. Feed young boys like you have here and they are eternally grateful.” I smiled, trying to let him see that I was an okay girl. Not flighty and not likely to disrupt his routine or get in the way.

  Instead of smiling in return he grunted, grabbed a few more slices of bacon and the last of the eggs piling them high on his plate and stomped out. I watched through the window as he walked to one of the buildings on the property. Could be a barn or a stable, I didn’t really know. And the way I felt after he’d grunted at me, I didn’t particularly care. It was clear he didn’t like me.

  What wasn’t clear was the why of the matter, but I had no right to ask, did I? As long as I did my job and he didn’t mistreat me, I couldn’t complain. I wouldn’t. So, I didn’t. Instead I got to work cleaning the kitchen and getting a load of laundry started. In between dusting and polishing I put together sandwiches, fruit and chips for lunch and stored them in the fridge until later when I expected them to make their way back.

  The first day was exhausting. I cooked and cleaned, laundered, dusted and polished…everywhere. But the house was clean and homey. It was nice. It was exactly the kind of place I’d like to have as my own someday. With a husband and maybe a few kids. That was a pretty big maybe, considering my longest relationship lasted three months and it ended for the same reason they always do. Sex. Or lack of sex would be more accurate I guess.

  Another thing to work on. Another day.

  For now, the sun had set and I’d taken a pot of chili and fixings to the bunkhouse while another pot simmered on the stove. Mr. Hawthorne hadn’t come in yet, and I didn’t think he’d really want me to wait for him anyway, so I didn’t. I dug in, savoring the smoky spiciness of my prize-winning chili. About half my bowl was finished when he walked in looking like he’d just come from a cowboy romance cover photo, dirt smudged on razor sharp jaws, shirt streaked with something I didn’t want to think too hard about,
and those jeans—hallelujah!—they were a work of art.

  While I drooled over him, he, again, scowled at me. Then he stalked off, only to return ten minutes later looking even more delicious with his wet hair slicked back, blue eyes bright and clear. Fresh from the shower.

  “You’re an excellent cook Clara. You should be doing more than cooking for ranch hands.”

  I was so shocked by the compliment I spoke without thinking.

  “Yeah well I tried that out, and it didn’t work so well. Your good luck.”

  I hadn’t meant to sound so defeated or be so truthful to my boss, but talking about my brief time in New York trying to become a real chef still stung. “I’m happy I get paid to cook, and your guys are more grateful than any customer I’ve ever had.”

  “How old are you?” he asked.

  “Twenty three.”

  “Why do you want to live on a ranch with no other women around for miles?”

  I shrugged, unsure how to answer that question.

  “First of all, it’s not like you or your boys will be so overcome with passion that you’ll attack me, and second, women don’t care for me all that much.”

  Why was I explaining myself like I’d done something wrong? I let out a weary sigh and looked up at him.

  “I know you’re not fully sold on me Mr. Hawthorne, but I can do this job and I promise you I have no desire to seduce you or your other employees.”

  I stood up and rinsed my plate before shoving it into the fancy silver dishwasher and turned to go upstairs. “I’ll come down later to finish the kitchen. Enjoy your meal.” I ran up the stairs to seek out the refuge of my room.

  Sleep couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter 2

  Asher (Two weeks later)

  “I thought you were going to the dance with the guys?”

  The last thing I expected when I got back from the barn with my manager Jesse, was to see Clara lounging on the gingham covered glider on the porch, miles of creamy skin on display even in the moonlight.

  She shrugged, looking adorable. And young.

  “I didn’t want them to feel like they had to be good since I was there. Figured I’d stay here while you boys painted the town.”

  Her smile was bright enough to make my heart skip but I shook it off. “Not my scene. I’m too old to be twirling a girl around a dance floor.”

  “I don’t know, I think girls and women dig guys who dance. But if you’re too old,” she said and left it hanging in the air, a smirk dancing on her face. It faded at my dark look.

  “Your dinner is in the oven and on the table Mr. Hawthorne.”

  Ah hell, I did frown at her again.

  “Asher. My name is Asher.” For some reason my words didn’t work around this woman and that had to stop. I couldn’t let myself get distracted again, especially by another city girl who wouldn’t make it a year on the ranch.

  “Okay Asher,” she exaggerated my name. “I’ll see you around.”

  “Wait.” I don’t know why I didn’t just let her walk away. Run upstairs and avoid me. Things would be easier. But I didn’t.

  “I’m sorry. Not used to talking to many females these days. I could use a little work on that.”

  “I’m sure most women are too charmed by your looks to be bothered by your awful manners.” Her smile said she wasn’t mad, but I did notice that it didn’t reach those sparkling green eyes. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” I couldn’t stop smiling at her misspoken words. The moment between us was tense, almost as though she wanted to say more but couldn’t or wouldn’t. I wanted to say a lot but none of it appropriate between an employee and employer.

  She stood. “Go on and grab a shower, I’ll fix your plate.”

  “I don’t need you to wait on me. You’re off the clock.”

  She sighed. “I was only helping since you had a long day. Won’t happen again,” she grumbled.

  Dammit I was messing things up big time.

  “I’ll be back.” She nodded but said nothing else, instead she turned her attention back to the starry night and the cold beer clutched in her hands.

  I showered quickly, pulling a plain white tee over my damp body and another clean pair of jeans. I paused in the kitchen and smiled. Clara had made my plate anyway, but set it on the table rather than have it waiting for me outside. I grabbed two more beers and joined her.

  “You fixed my plate.”

  “I did,” she answered, nose turned up.

  “Thank you.”

  Her shoulders relaxed a little. “You’re welcome. Asher.”

  Damn I loved the way she said my name in that syrupy southern drawl that screamed long, hot summer nights. I dug in to the delicious chunk of lasagna she’d cut for me. It was full cheese and sauce and fresh beef straight from Hawkeye Ranch.

  “Amazing,” I told her, pointing at the plate with my fork.

  “Thanks,” she answered, seemingly amused by me. “Have you always been a rancher?”

  My body tightened at her question. Not that she would have any idea how much I hated the subject.

  “Nope. Until about five years ago, I was an investment banker in New York. I loved it and then I hated it. I’d bought this place a few years before I left as a vacation home, kind of a gentleman’s ranch. Then I moved here full-time and I haven’t looked back.”

  “Wow you’re on a second career and I can’t even get the first one off the ground.” She sighed and propped her feet up on the bannister. “I think I’m jealous.”

  I laughed a real full bodied laugh. Haven’t had one of those in a while.

  “Don’t be. I came this close to a heart attack. Then I moved here and it wrecked my marriage.” I wasn’t all that sad about the breakdown of the marriage. But it did give me a taste of something I hadn’t experienced a lot of in my life. Failure.

  “Well that sucks. Did you love her lots?”

  “I thought I did. But we were comfortable together. Came from the same kind of background and did the same kind of work. It was convenient because we attended so many of the same events. But living out here with no buffer brought everything to light.”

  “Well yeah, I imagine you’d need to have someone you can talk to out here, but what a view!” She shook her head, red curls falling around her bare shoulders, face radiant with her sweet smile. “I’ve been out here for an hour and I can’t get enough.”

  That was more than Elena, my ex, had ever been able to say about the ranch. About the town of Rogue. She had made it explicitly clear what she thought of small-town life. Elena was having none of it, even at the risk of my health.

  “Yeah I know what you mean. So many stars at night. Nothing like New York.”

  “Or Atlanta,” she added. “My hometown though is just like this. Remote. Quiet. Small. Starry and green. Gorgeous.”

  She sounded so wistful I believed she really meant it. But only as much as a person who’d been in the city for the past few years. A year or two in, she would be just like my ex-wife. Or the one short-lived girlfriend I’d had since then.

  “Why’d you leave?”

  She huffed out a laugh, but it was more bitter than nostalgic or amused.

  “I wanted more opportunities. The only thing in Cranberry beyond Main Street is a dying factory or marriage and babies.”

  Her words took me by surprise and I choked on my beer. “You don’t want marriage and babies?”

  “Of course I do, but not with boys I used to babysit or I’ve known my whole life. I wanted to cook amazing food for people who would appreciate it. That was my big dream you know? A chef. I wanted that, thought I could have it.”

  “You have plenty of time,” I told her because I believed that.

  I’d gone into an industry that dealt in millions and billions of dollars so I’d made a lot of money and quickly. Between my own investments, trust funds and the ranch, money would never be a problem for me. But none of it came overnight.

  “Nah, maybe I need to re
adjust my goals. Get a job as a cook. Period. Doesn’t have to be fancy or Michelin starred just…food.”

  “I’ve tasted your food and it’s more than just anything. It’s an experience.”

  “Careful Asher or I might think you actually like me.”

  I frowned at that. “I do. Too much.” Damn, why’d I say that? I stood and reached for her. “Come on.”

  She frowned, confused. “Where?”

  I didn’t tell her, figuring she’d appreciate a surprise like this. Unless she really was a city girl, in which case she might just feel grossed out. Pulling her along, I savored the feel of her soft palm against my rougher one from five years of ranching work. It wasn’t easy work, it was damn hard, but it also calmed something in me. Settled me.

  “Careful,” I grabbed her waist when she stumbled in the diming light, and I really shouldn’t have. Good Lord, she was soft and curvy and so damn lush.

  She gasped when I tossed the barn door open, holding on to my arm as we walked to the back.

  “Oh!” she fell to her knees in her sexy little dress, emphasis on little. “You’re a handsome fella aren’t you?” She cooed to the foal stumbling around his mama, just barely noticing the ranch manager off to the side. “Hey Jesse, life treating you alright?”

  “As alright as I reckon it’s gonna get Clara.” She laughed and Jesse actually smiled—with teeth showing and everything.

  “Glad to hear it. So, you guys don’t have a vet or something who does this?”

  She might be small town, but I knew she’d never set foot on a ranch before a few weeks ago.

  “We’re only here as a precaution. The horses know what to do. Doctors just get in the way.”

  I watched as her mind processed that before another startlingly beautiful smile touched her mouth.

  “I suppose that’s true. Good goin’ mama,” she offered to the tired black mare in the corner.

  “Don’t get too close,” I told her, it came out harsher than I intended, and she shot me a glare. “If you get too close his mama might not accept him.”


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