Book Read Free


Page 4

by Steven Brust

  “A fellow named Loraan.”

  I controlled my reaction, stared at Vlad, and waited. He said, “I take it you know who he was?”

  “Yes. I follow your career, you know. I’d thought he was pretty permanently dead.”

  Vlad shrugged. “Take it up with Morrolan. Or rather with Blackwand.”

  I nodded. “The boy saved your life?”

  “The simple answer is yes. The more complicated answer would take a week.”

  “But you owe him.”


  “I see. What happened while you were waiting for me?”

  “I learned everything about Fyres that was public knowledge, and a little that wasn’t.”

  “What did you learn?”

  “Not much. He liked being talked about, he liked owning things, he didn’t like anyone knowing what he was up to. The accountants are going to be hard at work to figure out exactly what he owed and what he was worth—I imagine his heirs are pretty nervous.”

  “It’ll be harder without those papers.”

  “Yeah. But I’ll probably return them when I’m done. I’m in more of a hurry than they are.”

  “What else has happened?”

  “Who do you mean?”

  “With the boy.”

  “Oh. Nothing. She’s still trying to figure it out. I guess it isn’t easy to know what’s going on in someone’s head.”

  That, of course, was the understatement of Vlad’s life.

  “What’s she done?”

  “Stared into his eyes a lot.”

  “Notice any sorcery?”


  I thought for a minute, then, “Take me to the cottage,” I said. “I want to see it, and I want to meet this woman, and we can go over the information there as well as anywhere else.”



  “All right.”

  We struck out for the cottage, walking. I like walking; I don’t do enough of it. It was about four miles, deep in the woods, and the cottage really was painted bright blue so that it showed against the greens of the woods to a truly horrifying effect.

  As we approached, a reddish dog ran out the door and stood in front of us, wagging its tail and letting its tongue hang out. It sniffed me, backed away with its head cocked, barked twice, and sniffed me again. After consulting with its canine sensibilities, it decided I was provisionally all right and asked us if we wanted to play. When we took too long to decide, it ran back toward the house. The door opened again, and a matron came out.

  Vlad said, “This is my friend, Kiera. I’m not going to try to pronounce your name.”

  She looked at me, then nodded. “Hwdf rjaanci,” she said.

  “Hwdf rjaanci,” I repeated.

  “Kiera,” she said. “You look like a Jhereg.”

  I could feel Vlad not looking at me and not grinning. I shrugged.

  She said, “Call me Mother; everyone around here does.”

  “All right, Mother.”

  She asked Vlad, “Did you learn anything?”

  “Not yet.” He held up the parcel I’d given him. “We’re just going to look things over now.”

  “Come in, then.”

  We did, the dog following behind. The inside was even worse than Vlad had described it. I didn’t comment. Savn was sitting on a stool with his back to the fire, staring straight ahead. It was creepy. It was sad. “Battle shock,” I murmured under my breath.

  “What?” said the old woman.

  I shook my head. Savn wasn’t a bad-looking young man, for a Teckla—thin, maybe a bit wan, but good bones. Hwdf rjaanci was sitting next to him, stroking the back of his neck while watching his face.

  Hwdf rjaanci said, “Will you be staying here?”

  “I have a place in town.”

  “All right.”

  Vlad went over to the table, took out the papers, and began studying them. I knelt down in front of the boy and looked into his eyes; saw my own reflection and nothing else. His pupils were a bit large, but the room was dark, and they were the same size. A bit of spell-casting tempted me, but I stayed away from it. Thinking along those lines, I realized that there wasn’t much of an air of sorcery in the room; a few simple spells to keep the dust and insects away, and the dog had a ward against vermin, but that was about it.

  I felt the woman watching. I kept looking into the boy’s eyes, though I couldn’t say what I was looking for. The woman said, “So you’re a thief, are you?”

  “That’s what they say.”

  “I was robbed twice. The first time was years ago. During the Interregnum. You look too young to remember the Interregnum.”

  “Thank you.”

  She gave a little laugh. “The second time was more recent. I didn’t enjoy being robbed,” she added.

  “I should think not.”

  “They beat my husband—almost killed him.”

  “I don’t beat people, Mother.”

  “You just break into their homes?”

  I said, “When you’re working with the mentally sick, do you ever worry about being caught in the disease?”

  “Always,” she said. “That’s why I have to be careful. I can’t do anyone any good if I tangle my own mind instead of untangling my patient’s.”

  “That makes sense. I take it you’ve done a great deal of this?”


  “How much?”


  “You have to go into his mind, don’t you?”


  I looked at her. “You’re frightened, aren’t you?”

  She looked away.

  “I would be, too,” I told her. “Breaking into homes is much less frightening than breaking into minds.

  “More profitable, too,” I added after a moment.

  I felt Vlad looking at me, and looked back. He’d overheard the conversation and seemed to be trying to decide if he wanted to get angry. After a moment, he returned to looking at the papers.

  I stood up, went over to the dog, and got acquainted. It still seemed a bit suspicious of me, but was willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. Presently Hwdf rjaanci said, “All right. I’ll start tomorrow.”

  By the time I got there the next morning, Vlad had covered the table with a large piece of paper—I’m not sure where he got it—which was covered with scrawls and arrows. I stood over him for a moment, then said, “Where’s the boy?”

  “He and the woman went out for a walk. They took Rocza and the dog with them.”


  “Flying around outside trying to remember if he knows how to hunt.”

  He got that look on his face that told me he’d communicated that remark to Loiosh, too, and was pleased with himself.

  I said, “Any progress?”

  He shrugged. “Fyres didn’t like to tell his people much.”

  “So you said.”

  “Even less than I’d thought.”

  “Catch me up.”

  “Fyres and Company is a shipping company that employs about two hundred people. That’s all, as far as I can tell. Most of the rest of what he owned isn’t related to the shipping company at all, but he owned it through relatives—his wife, his son, his daughters, his sister, and a few friends. And most of those are in surrender of debts and have never really been solvent—it’s all been a big fraud from the beginning, when he conned banks into letting him take out loans, and used the loans to make his companies look big so that he could take out more loans. That’s how he operated.”

  “You know this?”


  “You aren’t even an accountant.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have to prove it—I’ve learned it because I’ve found out what companies he was keeping track of and looked at the ownership and read his notes. There’s nothing incriminating about it, but it gives the picture pretty clearly if you’re looking for it.”

  “How big?”

  “I can’t tell
. Big enough, I suppose.”

  “What’s the legal status?”

  “I have no idea. I’m sure the Empire will try to sort it all out, but that’ll take years.”

  “And in the meantime?”

  “I don’t know. I’m going to have to do something, but I don’t know what.”

  Savn and Hwdfrjaanci returned then and sat down on the floor near the fire. The woman’s look discouraged questions as she took Savn’s hands in hers and began rubbing them. Vlad watched; I could feel his tension.

  I said, “You have to do something soon, don’t you?”

  He gave me a half-smile. “It would be nice. But this isn’t the sort of thing I can stumble into. I should know what I’m doing first. That makes it trickier.” Then he said, “Why are you helping me, anyway?”

  I said, “I assume you’ve been making a list of all the companies you know about and who their owners are.”

  “Yeah. They’ve gotten to know my face real well at City Hall.”

  “That may be a problem later on.”

  “Maybe. I hope not to be around here long enough for it to matter.”

  “Good idea.”


  “No help for it, I suppose. Do you think it might be wise to pick one of these players and pay a visit?”

  “Sure, if I knew what to ask. I need to figure out who really owns this land and—”

  Loiosh and I reacted at once to the presence of sorcery in the room, Vlad just an instant later. Our heads turned toward Hwdf rjaanci, who was holding Savn’s shoulders and speaking under her breath. We watched for maybe a minute, but there was no point in talking about it. I cleared my throat. “What were you saying?”

  Vlad turned back to me, looking blank. Then he said, “I don’t remember.”

  “Something about needing to find out who really owns this land.”

  “Oh, right.” I could see him mentally shaking himself. “Yeah. What I really want is to get the picture of this thing as it’s going to emerge when the Empire finishes its investigations, say two hundred years from now. But I can’t wait that long.”

  “I might be able to learn something.”


  “The Jhereg.”

  Vlad frowned. “How would the Jhereg be involved?”

  “I don’t know that we are. But if what Fyres was doing was illegal, and it was making a lot of money, there’s a good chance for a Jhereg connection somewhere along the line.”

  “Good point,” said Vlad.

  Loiosh was still staring at the woman and the boy. Vlad was silent for a moment; I wondered what Vlad and Loiosh were saying to each other. I wondered if they spoke in words, or if it was some sort of communication that didn’t translate. I’ve never had a familiar, but then, I’m not a witch. Vlad said, “You have local connections?”


  “All right,” he said. “Do it. I’ll keep trying to put this thing together.”

  The woman said, “Cold. So cold. Cold.”

  Vlad and I looked at her. She wasn’t shivering or anything, and the cottage was quite warm. Her hands were still on Savn’s shoulders and she was staring at him.

  “Can’t keep it away,” she said. “Can’t keep it away. Find the cold spot. Can’t keep it away.” After that she fell silent.

  I looked at Vlad and turned my palms up. “I might as well go now,” I said.

  He nodded, and went back to his paperwork. I headed out the door. The dog gave its tail a half-wag and put its head down between its paws again.

  It was over two or three miles to Northport, but I had been there often enough to learn a couple of teleport points, so I went ahead and put myself into an alley that ran past the back of a pawnbroker’s shop, startling a couple of local urchins when I appeared. They stared at me for a second, then went back to urchining, or whatever it is they do. I walked around the corner and into the dark little shop. The middle-aged man behind the counter looked up at me, but before he could say a word I said, “Sorry to disappoint you, Dor.”

  “What, you don’t have anything for me?”

  “Nope. I just want to see the upstairs man.”

  “For a minute there—”

  “Next time.”

  He shrugged. “You know the way.”

  Poor Dor. Usually when I come into his place it’s because I have something that’s too hot to unload in Adri-lankha, which means he’s going to get something good for a great price. But not today. I walked past him into the rear of the shop, up the stairs, and into a nice, plain room where a couple of toughs waited. One, a very dark fellow with a pointy head, like someone had tried to fit him through a funnel, was sitting in front of the room’s other door; the other one had arms that hung out like a mockman and he looked about as intelligent, although looks can be deceiving; he was leaning against a wall. They didn’t seem to recognize me.

  I said, “Is Stony in?”

  “Who wants to know?” said Funnel-head.

  I smiled brightly. “Why, I do.”

  He scowled.

  I said, “Tell him it’s Kiera.”

  Their eyes grew just a little bit wider. That always happens. It is very satisfying. The one stood up, moved his chair, opened the door, and stuck his head into the other room. I heard him speaking softly, then I heard Stony say, “Really? Well, send her in.” There was a little more conversation, followed by, “I said send her in.”

  The tough turned back to me and stood aside. I dipped him a curtsy as I stepped in past him—a curtsy looks silly when you’re wearing trousers, but I couldn’t resist. He stayed well back from me, as if he were afraid I’d steal his purse as I walked by. Why are people who will walk into potentially lethal situations without breaking a sweat so often frightened around someone who just steals things? Is it the humiliation? Is it just that they don’t know how I do it? I’ve never figured that out. Many people have that reaction. It makes me want to steal their purses.

  Stony’s office was deceptively small. I say deceptive because he was a lot bigger in the Organization than most people thought—even his own employees didn’t know; he felt safer that way. I’d only found out by accident and guesswork, starting when someone had hired me to lighten one of Stony’s button men and I’d come across pieces of his security system. Stony himself was pretty deceptive, too. He looked, and acted, like the sort of big, mean, stupid, and brutal thug that the Left Hand thinks we all are. In fact, I’d never known him to do anything that wasn’t calculated—even his famous rages always seemed to result in just the right people disappearing, and no more. Over the years, I’d tried to puzzle him out, and my opinion at the moment was that he wasn’t in this for the power, or for the pleasure of putting things over on the Guard, or anything else—he wanted to acquire a great deal of money, and a great deal of security, and then he planned to retire. I couldn’t prove it, I reflected, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someday he just packed up and vanished, and spent the rest of his life collecting seashells or something on some tiny island he owned.

  Over the years, I had gradually let him know that I knew where he stood in the Organization, and he had gradually stopped pretending otherwise when we were alone. It was possible that he liked having someone with whom he could drop the game a little, but I doubt it.

  All of this flashed through my mind as I sat in the only other chair in the room—the room just big enough to contain my chair, his chair, and the desk. He said, “Must be something big, for you to come here.” His voice was rough and harsh, and fitted the personality he pretended to; I assumed it was contrived, but I’ve never heard him break out of it.

  “Yes and no,” I said.

  “There a problem?”

  “In a way.”

  “You need help?”

  “Something like that.”

  He shook his head. “That’s what I like about you, Kiera. Your way of explaining everything so clearly.”

  “My part isn’t big, and what I need isn’t big, bu
t it’s part of something big. I didn’t want to ask you to meet me somewhere because I’m asking for a favor, and you don’t get anything from it, so I didn’t want to put you out. But it isn’t a favor for me, it’s for someone else.”

  He nodded. “That makes everything completely clear, then.”

  “What do you know of Fyres?”

  That startled him a little. “The Orca?”


  “He’s dead.”


  “He owned a whole lot of stuff.”


  “Most of it will end up in surrender of debts.”

  “That’s what I like about you, Stony. The way you have of reeling out information no one else knows.”

  He made a loose fist with his right hand and drummed his fingernails on the desk while looking at me. “What exactly do you want to know?”

  “The Organization’s interest in him and his businesses.”

  “What’s your interest?”

  “I told you, a favor for a friend.”


  “Is it some big secret, Stony?”

  “Yes,” he said. “It is.”

  “It goes up pretty high?”

  “Yeah, and there’s a lot of money involved.”

  “And you’re trying to decide how much to tell me just as a favor.”


  I waited. Nothing I could say would help make up his mind for him.

  “Okay,” he said finally. “I’ll tell you this much. A lot of people had paper on the guy. Shards. Everybody had paper on the guy. There are going to be some big banks going down, and there are going to be some Organization people taking sudden vacations. It isn’t just me, but we’re in it.”

  “How about you?”

  “I’m not directly involved, so I may be all right.”

  “If you need anything—”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “How did he die?”

  Stony spread his hands. “He was out on his Verra-be-damned boat and he slipped and hit his head on a railing.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him.

  He shook his head. “No one wanted him dead, Kiera. I mean, the only chance most of us had to ever see our investment back was if his stuff earned out, and with him dead there’s no way of it ever earning out.”


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