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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

Page 41

by Westwood, Susan

“I have the utmost faith in you Nikolai. With Destiny by your side, you can do this. She’s been invaluable to me and she’s the most loyal assistant I’ve ever had,” Yuri said.

  She sounded like a puppy. Well, they had done it doggy style once last night. Will this day never end? Could she fake a seizure and get out of here? No, this was Yuri and she had to reassure him that she would work with Nikolai.


  She smiled at Nikolai, her best fake smile. “I’m sure we’ll be fine, Yuri. I’ll do my best to make this transition smooth.”

  Nikolai only glanced at her. Was he as uncomfortable as she was? She hoped. Finally she was able to leave the office. She went into the ladies’ room to splash some water on her face. She took a deep breath, trying to ground herself.

  “You can do this, Destiny. You can do this and then find another job.”

  Then someone knocked on the door.


  Nikolai stood outside the ladies’ room door. Destiny had escaped into it after their meeting. He wanted to reassure her that he wouldn’t give up their secret.

  Destiny opened the door, looking less harried than she had in Yuri’s office.

  “You okay?” he said.

  She nodded. “I need to get back to my desk.”

  He put a hand out to stop her. “I’m not going to say anything.”


  She brushed past him. He couldn’t blame her for being uncomfortable. He was a little nervous also, though if anyone knew, they would pat him on the back. Why was it such a double standard? Women should get high fives for the guys they bed also.

  He watched her stride away from him, wishing he could say something to make this right. He’d like her in his bed tonight. Should he just be honest? He could work and play with her. That wouldn’t be a problem.

  He would have followed her, but he had a meeting with someone; Martin Krevchenko, the person who probably thought he was going to run the company. Nothing like starting off strong. Nikolai had specially asked for the meeting to be in Krevchenko’s office to make the man think he was in control.

  He wasn’t.

  Nikolai knocked on the man’s door then entered before he could say anything. Martin was at his desk, looking surprised that someone had walked in.

  “May I help you?” Martin said.

  Nikolai had worked summers here in college, but Krevchenko hadn’t been there then. He’d joined after Nikolai had graduated and moved up the company ladder quickly. He thought Martin was into the office politics and was probably a good schmoozer.

  Which meant Nikolai didn’t trust him. He entered the office as if he owned it, which in a sense he did, then closed the door behind him.

  Martin looked at him worried. “Do I need to call security?”

  “I’m Nikolai Alman.”

  He let the words stand. He wasn’t going to explain. Martin seemed to recover. A fake smile appeared on his face as he rose with his hand extended. “Martin Krevchenko. I had heard you were coming in today.”

  Nikolai shook the man’s hand, holding it longer than he should have to put him off balance. He didn’t like this man who he had just met. His law enforcement career had taught him to trust his instincts. This man pinned his bullshit-meter.

  Even after only exchanging a few words.

  “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you, Nik. Can I call you Nik?”


  “Oh, then Nikolai. Your father is so proud of your career.”

  Nikolai wanted to throw up on the man’s desk. He might have diabetes after this meeting because this man was being so sickeningly sweet. He sat down without being asked.

  Martin blinked then sat in his own chair. “I’m sorry about your dad.”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  Nikolai continued to stare at the man.

  “Can I get you some coffee or water?”

  “I’m just meeting the main executives of the company. I’ve met with my dad and he’s given me the rundown on everyone,” Nikolai said.

  “I hope he only said good things about me.”

  Nikolai only flashed him a small smile. This guy couldn’t be this much of an ass-kisser could he? Probably how he got his job. As long as he did his job and kept his nose clean, Nikolai actually didn’t care if he liked him or not. Or if Martin had any feelings toward Nikolai.

  Didn’t matter. This was business. He had plans to only mix business and pleasure with Destiny.

  “What I’d like from you is a report about your job duties.”

  “Didn’t Destiny give you that?”

  “I do have that. I want it in your own words. Everyone on this floor, including administrative assistants, will be required to do this. No need to feel singled out.”

  “Will Destiny have to do one?”

  Why was he so interested in what Destiny was doing?

  “Of course. She’s on this floor.”

  “I’m sure there will be some duties she won’t mention.”


  What the hell was this man talking about? If he was intimating what Nikolai though he was intimating, he wanted to pound him into the ground. Then again, he knew nothing about Destiny other than she’d picked him up in a bar and had sex with him.

  Martin made a fist then looked like he was punching the air in front of him. A universal sign for sex. Nikolai had a choice at this moment. If he said anything, he might out himself. If he ignored the man, he could pretend he hadn’t seen it. Either way the gesture was rude and made Nikolai’s blood boil.

  “I’m sure she’ll tell me everything pertinent to the job. I have a few more people to meet before days’ end. Thanks for your time. I expect that report on my desk by end of the day tomorrow.”

  He stood, then left without shaking the man’s hand. He didn’t want to touch him again. The man was an ass. Even if his father and Destiny were having an affair, it was none of the man’s business. And if he was spreading that rumor around, the man might have to be disciplined; through Human Resources, of course, not by the vigilante justice that Nikolai would like to administer.

  No, he’d do it by the book. There had to be a record of it.

  Another day for this problem. He had the rest of the floor to talk to. If anyone else mentioned Destiny with his father, he’d have to look into it. As far as he knew, his father loved his stepmother. She worked in Human Resources, so the rumors must have gotten down to her.

  Nikolai puzzled over it as he went through his day. What had been Martin’s point in saying something like that to him? Did he expect Nikolai would be tunnel buddies with his father? He shuddered for a moment. That was a creepy idea.


  The end of the day was approaching and Destiny hadn’t seen Nikolai. Thankfully. He’d been talking to all of the executives today. She knew he was on the floor, but she hadn’t had to run into him. Now she was exhausted.

  Lunch had been lonely again as Yuri and his wife, Natasha, were off to his first chemotherapy session. She’d had the corner office to herself. She suspected that Nikolai would come back here and she wanted to be gone before then.

  As she was packing to leave, he was striding down the hall. He was a large man who was not easily missed. Despite that his step wasn’t heavy.


  She swallowed hard. “Uh, yes. Did you need me for something?”

  He stared at her and she realized how loaded a question she’d just asked. She would have blushed if she could. “I mean, is there something else I can do for you?”

  That didn’t sound any better.

  “Can I go?”

  He chuckled. “I’d like to talk to you about my day, Destiny. Let’s go in my father’s office.”

  Oh, shit. She really needed to have packed up ten minutes ago. Then she wouldn’t be having this conversation. Alone. With this man who had turned her on so well last night.


  She pasted on a smile. “Sure thing. You need coffee

  “No. I’m not a huge coffee drinker.” He walked into Yuri’s office. “Close the door behind you.”

  She did, then sat on a chair she helped pick out. It cradled her and she thought she could sleep in it. Maybe not what an executive wants, but she liked it and she probably sat in it more than anyone else in the company.

  Nikolai settled on his father’s chair, as if he owned the place or had been running it for years. Guess he just had that presence. Even before she sat down at the bar last night, she’d noticed him. Her eyes had been drawn to him. His snow white hair stood out on such a young man.

  At least she thought he was young.

  “I talked to everyone on this floor except for the administrative assistants. I’ve asked everyone to give me a report about their duties here at Alman Enterprises. They should be filtering in all day tomorrow. I want to compare what they think they are doing to what you and my father thought they were doing.”

  “Sounds reasonable. Do you need one from me?”

  “No, but that brings me to a question.”


  What could he want to know? He looked uncomfortable. “Did Martin Krevchenko ever hit on you?”

  She gulped. “Uh, maybe. I guess he did ask me out when I first started.”

  “Did you go out with him?”

  “No, he’s twice my age and was married at that point.”

  Eww was all she could think. She’d turned him down as politely as possible. A grin blossomed on Nikolai’s face.



  He rubbed his chin, while studying her. “He intimated that you and my father were having an affair.”

  Destiny’s eyes widened. That might explain why no one wanted to eat lunch with her. “I’m not sure how that information would be pertinent to your job.”

  He blinked. “You aren’t going to answer the question?”

  “No. I don’t think it’s any of your business.”

  She hadn’t had an affair with his father, but how could he ask her that? It was insulting. His father had been more like a father to her than a skeevy uncle like he was suggesting. He shifted in his chair, still studying her.

  She knew what he was doing; remaining quiet so she would fill in the silences. She wasn’t biting. She could sit here all evening and not talk to him. She might yawn, but that’s all he’d get.

  He finally smiled. “You’re good, Destiny. Most people wouldn’t last that long without stammering out some words. It also leads me to believe that you haven’t had an affair with my father. I didn’t think so, knowing him and that he loves my stepmother.”

  She only nodded, not giving him anything.

  He laughed. “Okay. Contest over. You won. You free for dinner?”

  She blinked. “Dinner?”

  “You know, that meal that you eat in the evening after work. Are you free or do you have plans?”

  “Am I obligated to go to dinner with you?”

  “No, your job is not dependent on it. I just wanted to take you to dinner. Casual.”

  “Casual? Shall we address the elephant in the room then? We’ve seen each other naked. We’ve done wonderfully nasty things to each other. I don’t see us dating or joining a book club together.”

  He laughed again. “Okay. You certainly put me in my place, but I still want to take you to dinner. We’re going to be working closely together over the next several weeks so we might as well get to know each other.”

  “I’ve worked for your father for five years and we’ve never gone out to dinner. I’ve been successful as his assistant without getting to know him.”

  “You are one tough cookie, Destiny. I don’t have anyone to have dinner with tonight so please cut a man a break and go to dinner with him.”

  She stood, a small smile on her face. “I’m sure a guy that looks like you can find someone to take to dinner. I need to go home. I have family obligations.”

  She strode out of his office, or Yuri’s office, grabbed her things then left. She didn’t look back and she should probably update her resume. She never would have talked to Yuri that way, but he never would have asked her to dinner.

  It was repulsion. No, Nikolai was hot, but she was embarrassed about her behavior. She had the man’s penis in her mouth last night. The first penis in there ever.

  She rubbed her face as she went down in the elevator. How was she ever going to work for him if all she ever pictured when they spoke was him naked?


  Nikolai stood in the parking lot, taking in one of the last warm days of fall. The weather was already cool at night and soon that coolness would creep into the days. He’d needed a breath of fresh air so he was outside. People murmured at him as he passed, but there had been no formal announcement of his taking over.

  Most of the company probably knew it via the rumor mill, but he decided he’d have to say something. At least an e-mail so no one got antsy and worried about their jobs. He didn’t need a mass exodus of the most talented people. The untalented could be shown the door eventually. His changes might shake them out anyway. Change always did.

  He watched a car pull into the parking lot. The driver parked it in the row for Administrative Assistants. The car wasn’t as expensive as he could afford, but the price tag was startling. A Cadillac. Who in the administrative assistant pool could afford that? Maybe someone’s husband bought it for them.

  He continued to eye it, waiting to see who it was. He was curious now. He settled on a bench on the sidewalk leading to the building. He had a few minutes. He’d need lunch soon, but then there was a meeting. He felt as if he’d met with everyone personally.

  He also must go through all of the job reports that were on his desk. Part of him wanted to have Destiny help, but she’d taken the morning off. An appointment of some kind. He hadn’t paid much attention. All he needed to know was that she wasn’t going to be here.

  He should have had her bring him lunch. Then he’d have it on the way. Instead, he’d have to make a decision, which wasn’t hard, but he didn’t know what was good and not good in the neighborhood.

  Italian was always excellent. This was New Jersey, of course. That decided, he’d have Destiny call in his order when she arrived. He could eat whenever.

  It still smarted that she’d turned down his dinner invite. He also wished she’d told him if the rumors about her affair with his father were true. He couldn’t really ask his father. “The company is fine, Dad, and by the way, have you been doing your assistant?”

  He didn’t see that as dinner conversation. Nor did he know the next time he’d have dinner with his father. Yuri was pressuring him to move home, but Nikolai couldn’t see that working. He lived alone. And if he wanted to bring a woman back to his place, he wanted that freedom.

  Just like he’d brought Destiny back. The memories of that night made his mouth water and his dick twitch. If his father was having an affair, he was a lucky man. The woman knew her way around a man’s body.

  If he had a chance to have her again, he would.

  Finally, the person driving the Cadillac climbed out. To Nikolai’s surprise, it was Destiny. That wasn't the car she’d driven the other day. This one was brand new. Had she just picked it up? Was that her appointment this morning?

  Well, well, well. He knew her salary. She couldn’t afford payments on that car. What the hell? She just went to the top of his list of suspects. She could so easily be embezzling money from the company. How stupid could she be to flaunt it?

  Not smart enough to not get caught. He’d figure out what she was doing.

  Guess he wouldn’t find out unless he used pillow talk to get it out of her. Not that they’d talked a whole lot last time. They’d slept a little and fucked a lot. She’d looked pretty good the next day, but makeup was probably a wonderful thing.

  Destiny sauntered out of the parking lot, onto the path to the door. She seemed to be in another world and she jumped when she saw him. />
  Guilty conscience?

  “Hello, Mr. Alman. I didn’t see you there.”

  “I was getting some fresh air. I don’t usually work in an office so it’s an adjustment.”

  “It’s a beautiful day.”

  He glanced over her shoulder. “Nice car.”


  He studied her. She wasn’t going to say anything more. She’d be a great witness. He doubted any prosecutor could get her to break on the stand.

  “You pick it up today?”


  No more information than he asked for. No less. Just an answer. Straight up. She was good. He’d bet that she’d covered her tracks very well. This case might actually have some meat in it. This might be more of a challenge than he thought. Destiny would probably prove to be a worthy advocate.

  “Could you order me a chicken Parmesan sandwich from the best Italian place around?”

  “Sure. Anything else? I really should get to my desk. My boss is a jerk about being late.”

  Was she flirting with him? He smiled, but wanted to laugh out loud at her. That took big brass balls for sure. Was she that cocky or that confident that she’d covered her tracks?

  “I’ve heard he can be a slave driver.”

  “You’ve heard correctly. Chicken Parmesan sandwich.”

  “Yes, and a soda. Nothing diet or with caffeine.”

  “No caffeine?”

  “Nope, don’t need it once I get going.”

  She gave him a knowing smile. He hadn’t meant that to be dirty, but it seemed many things were around Destiny. She didn’t seem to be too uncomfortable around him today. She must have gotten over the initial shock that she’d had a fling with her boss.

  “I’ll call it in as soon as I get settled. You have a meeting in an hour?”

  “Yes. With the Human Resources Department. It will be my fourth meeting today.”

  She chuckled. “That’s why you make the big bucks.”

  She sauntered away. He watched because she had a nice ass. He had failed to bite that ass, but he would if it were presented to him again.

  Then again, she might be his only suspect. She might be taking money from his company. He shook himself. He had to banish thoughts of Destiny naked.


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