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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

Page 55

by Westwood, Susan

  “Come back to my place for dinner. We can set up the crib for Derek and I can order some food,” Nikolai said.

  The invitation was tempting. She wanted to put her feet up somewhere. Maybe take a nap, but she knew she probably couldn’t do that in the hotel room.


  Her mouth formed the words before her brain had made any decision. He smiled at her. “Good. Let me pamper you.”

  Pampering sounded good. She suspected she’d get very little of that until Derek was away at college. Might be nice for a change, but she shouldn’t get used to it. Derek was going to be a full-time job on top of her full-time job.

  He drove her to his house. He took the baby and grabbed the portable crib. He set it up in the living room. The baby would be close enough to hear, but far enough that they wouldn’t disturb him. Then he poured Destiny a glass of wine.

  “That was a long day,” she said.

  She had removed her shoes and her feet were up on a stool in the kitchen as he called for a pizza. He ordered it then hung up. “It was.”

  “You didn’t like any of the places,” she said.

  She decided that that had been on purpose. She had to call him on it. As tired as she was.

  “I didn’t think the security in any of them was any good,” he said.

  He sat down by her, taking one foot in his hand, he rubbed it. She might have died and gone to heaven. His fingers were strong and he was working out the kinks in her foot. She knew what those hands could do and she had to stop thinking about that because her lady parts began to tingle. No. She couldn’t sleep with Nikolai tonight. No way.

  She had to stay focused on staying away from him and taking care of Derek. Their relationship had to go back to being professional. It couldn’t be any other way. They didn’t have the same goals in mind anymore. She had Derek and he came first.

  “I think that you were being too picky. I’m going back to look at the second place again tomorrow. It had parking and an onsite day care. No worries about walking in the rain,” she said.

  And she’d liked the amount of security in the building. She’d also like the apartment despite the lack of view. It wasn’t a penthouse, but she didn’t need that. She needed a place for her and Derek, and eventually her grandmother. Derek could stay in her room for a while. At some point, she would need a new place, but that was down the line. Maybe she’d even buy a house.

  A small one or a town house. Her plans had changed. She had to do what was best for Derek. Being involved with Nikolai was not the right thing to do. They were on different paths and he would eventually go back to his FBI job. She didn’t want to have any part of that.

  He nodded, sipping his glass. “I’m not talking you out of it am I?”

  “No you aren’t. You might as well give up.”

  He seemed to ponder that, his gaze on her. “I guess I can’t argue.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  The doorbell rang, but it didn’t wake up Derek. They had the whole meal in peace.

  “Guess he’s tired,” Destiny said.

  “It was a big day for all of us. He was awake a lot of the time.”

  “He’s nosy,” Destiny said.

  Her grandmother had described her that way though she'd slept at night very early on. Hopefully, Derek would, too.

  “Are you getting him a checkup?”

  “I want to find a place to live then I can find a doctor close to home. No reason to drag him all over the place when he’s sick.”

  “Good point.”

  Only three pieces of pizza were left in the box when Derek began to wail. It was the loudest Destiny had ever heard him cry. She hurried to get him. He was red in the face as he cried. When she returned to the kitchen, Nikolai was already heating up a bottle. She bounced Derek as she waited for his dinner.

  Nikolai handed her the bottle. Derek refused it. “He isn’t hungry. Let me change his diaper.”

  Nikolai nodded. Then they both smelled it.

  “Bet he's shit on his junk again,” Nikolai said.

  She laid him on the floor on a dishtowel. The poop was everywhere. “He needs a bath.”

  Nikolai held his nose. “You go ahead.”

  She could see that he was trying not to gag. She wanted to laugh. At least she wasn’t depending on him. What would he ever do if he had his own children? She filled a bathtub as she wiped Derek as best she could. Then she put him in it. He seemed to settle down which was good. His crying was rattling her. He’d never been this vocal.

  After the bath, she returned to the kitchen. “I have to throw this right into your trash can.”

  “In the garage,” Nikolai said, not letting her get close to him.

  The man was a CEO of a company, but he was felled by a dirty diaper. Guess the one he’d changed hadn’t been so bad. After the bottle, Derek fell back to sleep.

  “I better get back to the hotel.”

  “Why not just stay a little longer? He’s asleep again.”

  She sighed. She didn’t want to leave. It was nice to have someone to help her with the baby.

  “Just a little bit.”


  Destiny fell asleep on his couch, so Nikolai covered her up with a blanket and brought the baby upstairs with him. He managed to bring the crib up without waking her up. The baby lay sleeping while he read over some reports. He was sure who the embezzler was, but he had to build a good case. He had to gather evidence.

  That was one problem solved.

  Now he had to confront Luis Esposito. There was no holding back. Otherwise, Destiny and Derek would never be safe. The boy began to make some noise.

  Nikolai picked him up. He changed the boy’s diaper then settled him in the crook of his arm as he read the numbers on the spreadsheet again and again. The boy sat contently in his arms. He was probably going to be hungry in a little while. Nikolai decided he'd get the bottle when he was done with this page. Only a few minutes.

  “You look like a natural,” Destiny said from the doorway.

  She looked sleep-rumpled and sexy.

  “He’s a pretty easy baby.”

  She nodded. “I’ll go get a bottle. He’ll probably need it soon.”

  “Thanks. Then I need to run an errand.”

  “In the middle of the night?” she said between yawns.

  “Yes. It’s important.”

  She nodded. She came back a few minutes later with the bottle. She crawled onto the bed next to him as if she belonged there. If someone asked Nikolai, she did. Leaning up against the headboard, she held out her arms for the baby. He handed the tyke over to her.

  He put down his papers. He hadn’t changed yet, so he still had his day clothes on. They were a little rumpled, but this wasn’t a social call. “Just sleep here when you’re done. No need to go back downstairs.”

  She smiled at him bleary-eyed. “Thanks.”

  He didn’t want to go. No, he wanted to wait until Derek was back to sleep then bury himself inside of her until she cried out his name. That wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  Instead, he was on his way to where Luis Esposito was staying. The place was surrounded by guards, but Nikolai had already paid them off to let him in. The heat was on so the place wasn’t fancy. Nikolai nodded to a guard as he snuck into the main building.

  His intelligence said that Luis was in the living room, enjoying an after-dinner cognac. His wife and kids were still in Mexico, so they wouldn’t be collateral damage. Nikolai had no beef with them. He only wanted Luis.

  He had his gun out as he crept down the hallway. He was thankful for the paid-off guard. Otherwise, he’d be in more danger. As it was, he was going to get off the shot then get out of here free and clear. No one the wiser.

  He located the living room. It was a large room, with high ceilings. A stone fireplace dominated the far wall. Two wing back chairs were positioned in front of the roaring fire. Luis sat in one of them, rolling the liquid around in his glass. He had a gun in his
other hand.

  Crap. Someone had tipped him off. This might not go as smoothly as he’d expected. His pulse ratcheted up.

  “Come in, Nikolai. I’ve been expecting you.”

  That’s when Nikolai noticed Butch, the private detective, lounging on the couch. Shit. He’d underestimated the weasel. Nikolai had been in tougher situations. He could get out of this. Even if he didn’t, he had set up a fund for Derek. The kid would never want for anything.

  He’d left notes for his father about the embezzler. He’d tidied up his affairs as best he could just in case he didn’t get out of this alive. That was looking more and more like a good decision. He wasn’t cocky enough to think that even if he bribed the guards, something couldn’t go wrong.

  And something had, in the form of a private detective.

  Damn. He hadn’t seen that coming.

  Nikolai strode into the room occupied by only the two men. He’d locked the door behind him so no one could ambush him. He suspected there were other ways in, but at least he’d blocked one.

  He wasn’t getting rid of his gun yet. He was probably a better aim than Luis. He was counting on that. Before he reached Luis, Nikolai ducked behind the couch where Butch sat. He rolled, then took aim from around the side and shot Luis. The one bullet hit the man square in the forehead.

  Not bad for being a little out of practice. Butch had ducked, but now looked over the side of the couch. As Nikolai raised his gun to shoot the man, the private detective got off a shot.

  But he missed. By a little bit. Nikolai shot the man, but he was able to discharge one more bullet that hit Nikolai.

  The private detective was dead. Nikolai was wounded and had to get out. He gritted his teeth as he chose a glass door that opened onto a patio. No doubt any guards not on his payroll were running toward the sounds of the shots. He ducked into a pool house, listening for feet going by.

  When they were gone, he dragged himself out of his hiding place. He’d have to climb the fence. His car was a block away. He’d come to the house on foot. His vision wavered. If he passed out here, he’d be as good as dead.

  With a groan, he hoisted himself up to the top of the fence, then landed on the ground with a grunt. The place was probably in pandemonium and he only had a few minutes to get to his car before the search for him would widen.

  Damn. That had been close, but at least Destiny was safe now.

  That’s all that mattered as he started his car and headed for home.


  Destiny heard the knocking and it made her heart ratchet up a notch. Who would be knocking on the door in the middle of the night? Derek didn’t stir. Small favor since the person downstairs was banging louder and louder.

  She was still in her clothes since she didn’t have any pajamas here. She didn’t risk undressing, knowing Nikolai. He might see that as an invitation.

  She looked out the sidelight beside the door. She’d turned on the porch light. A stern-looking man stood there.

  “Destiny,” he said. It wasn’t a question. It was more of a command.

  “Who are you?”

  She wasn’t opening the door for just anyone. Especially not in the middle of the night. He could be sent from the man that Nikolai was chasing.

  “I’m Sacha Kozlov. I’m Nikolai’s friend. He’s been hurt. I’m here to take you to him.”

  “How do I know that you are who you are?”

  The man had a thick Russian accent. She probably should believe him, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.

  “Nikolai was to tell you that his father is Yuri. His stepmother is Natasha. You’ve been working for Alman Enterprises for seven years.”

  She pondered that. Anyone could know about Nikolai’s parents.

  “His mother died when he was ten.”

  She bit her lip as she pondered the information he’d shared. When she looked out again, a very pregnant woman had joined Sacha on the porch. Destiny blinked. How could a pregnant woman be bad?

  With some trepidation she unlocked the door, opening it just a little.

  “I’m Kendra Kozlov. Sacha brought me to take care of Derek while you go to the hospital.”

  Destiny’s instincts screamed that this was okay. The woman rested her hand on her stomach and gave Destiny a bright smile. Destiny opened the door further. “Come in.”

  The woman waddled in while Sacha helped her. The love in his eyes was clear to see. This woman was his or he was a very good actor.

  “Will you come with me?” Sacha said.

  “I need my shoes and to show Kendra where the baby’s bottles are,” Destiny said.

  Sacha nodded. Kendra found a spot on the couch. She looked as if she was going to drop that baby any second. Destiny eyed her for a moment. “All of the bottles are premade and in the fridge. The diapers are in his bag which is upstairs in the bedroom. He will probably be hungry in an hour or so if you want to prepare the bottle. That way you don’t have to carry him. Are you going to be able to get him out of his crib?”

  Kendra waved a hand that sported the biggest engagement ring Destiny had ever seen. “I can do it. I’m fine.”

  “Thank you for taking care of Derek. It would be awkward to bring him to the hospital.”

  “No problem.”

  She ran upstairs to get her shoes. With them on and her purse in her hand, she was ready to go. She glanced one more time at Kendra and her large belly before she let Sacha lead her outside.

  “What happened?” Destiny said when she was in Sacha’s car.

  She watched where he went in case she needed to bail on him. She wasn’t completely sold that he was a good guy.

  “He went to take out Luis Esposito.”

  She nodded. “I knew he was going to. I wish he hadn’t. Revenge is never a good thing.”

  The stern-looking man glanced at her. “He did it to make sure you were safe. And the baby.”

  “There must have been some other way.”

  Sacha shook his head. “No, there wasn’t.”

  She was glad she’d decided to leave Nikolai. She was having enough trouble thinking about him dying in a hospital. She’d never make a good cop’s wife. It would never work. She’d make sure he was okay, then she’d pack up and go back to the hotel. She had to be out of his life, other than working with him.

  She’d draw that line and it wouldn’t be in sand. It would be in concrete. Derek deserved more and so did she. It didn’t matter what she felt for Nikolai. She couldn’t risk her heart any longer.

  Sacha parked outside the hospital. “I’ll go up with you. He was in surgery when I left.”

  “He called you?”

  “He drove to my house, the idiot. I called an ambulance.”

  He’d driven to Sacha’s house? What an odd thing to do. “Why?”

  “Because he wanted me to pick you up and bring you here and he knew Kendra could take care of Derek.”

  “He was thinking all of that while he was bleeding?”

  Sacha put a hand on her lower back to guide her into the hospital. “We Russians are tough.”

  She let him lead her to an elevator. The receptionist had said that Nikolai was settled into his room. Her heart beat faster. What would he look like?

  “I’ll wait out here,” Sacha said.

  She entered the room. Nikolai was on the bed, an oxygen mask on his face. Machines beeped and his shoulder was bandaged. Her heart seized for a moment. He looked pale and fragile. He’d never looked like that to her. Her heart broke. He’d done this to save her. He’d done this make sure she was safe no matter what happened.

  She sat next to the bed. She wanted to take his strong hand in hers, but did she have the right? She would be out of his life as soon as she found another job. She had to leave Alman Enterprises. Working closely with him every day would be torture. She couldn’t do it.

  She sighed. “What a mess we’ve made Nikolai.”

  He didn’t stir and that was okay. She wanted to stay with him, say
her goodbyes, then leave him be. She’d find another job. It would all be okay.

  Then Nikolai opened his eyes.


  Nikolai blinked, bringing Destiny into view. She looked worried and as if she’d been crying. He reached out to her.

  “I’m okay,” he croaked.

  She smiled, but he was touched that she was so upset. At least she’d believed Sacha. He wasn’t sure if she would have gone with anyone else, but Kendra being pregnant had the credibility that Sacha needed to convince Destiny. No one else would have been able to do that. It was good that she was questioning things.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “You came.”

  “I did. Sacha was pretty convincing.”

  “I need water,” he said. She put a straw near his mouth and he sucked. The water tasted like nectar of the gods. “I knew that you wouldn’t go with just anyone.”

  “No, you’ve taught me that. I talked to Kendra and Derek is okay. I’m going to go back there in a few minutes.”

  “Stay with me?”

  “I can’t Nikolai. I know you’re okay. Besides, your step-mother and your father are on their way.”

  “You can’t stay?”

  “I have to get back to Derek. Kendra is very pregnant. She shouldn’t have to lift a baby.”

  “He’s not that heavy.”

  “To a big strapping guy like you, of course not. She’s ready to pop, so I’d better get back there.”

  He didn’t want her to go. He wanted to just look at her for a while. Just stare into those eyes. She wasn’t having any of that, he guessed. He’d screwed up, but he’d figure out a way to fix this. He could always fix things.

  He held her hand tighter. “One more minute. Okay?”

  She sighed then nodded. “Okay.”

  He wasn’t ready to sit up, but he wished she would curl up next to him. He’d feel a lot better with her warm body up against his.

  “Is it over?” she said.

  “It is. Luis is dead.”

  “Did you kill him?”

  “Yes. It’s what I do for a living, Destiny.”

  She pressed her lips together, but didn’t say anything. He could see some disappointment in her eyes.

  “I didn’t have any choice. He wasn’t going to stop his vendetta. You and Derek were going to be collateral damage.”


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