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Winter Secrets

Page 7

by Melissa Limoges

  In a flash, she shifted and scowled up at him. “What are you doing?”

  Making the transition as quickly, he chuckled at her outrage. “You weren’t going to stop until you’d worn out and hurt yourself.”

  She planted her hands behind her and pushed upright. “I would’ve stopped.”

  He raised a skeptical brow. Like hell, she would’ve.

  “Well….” Her gaze darted away. “I would’ve at some point.”

  “Yeah, after you’d injured yourself, most likely,” he scolded.

  Unable to bear her sitting naked in the freezing snow any longer, he scooped her into his arms and lifted her onto his lap. Granted, he didn’t have a stitch on either, but his body was accustomed to the temperature.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she conceded. “Okay, you’re probably right. But God, Stephen. It was incredible. I never knew it could be like this.”

  The look of wonder shining in her face caused his heart to skip a beat.

  “I know it is, baby.” He stroked her damp, tousled hair. “I don’t want to see you get hurt is all. You need to learn to set a pace so you don’t tire your Wolf out so quickly. I’ll be more than happy to teach you.”

  Her bright hazel eyes speared into him, and her lips curved with a sensuous smile, which had his body tightening in response. His dick didn’t give a damn that it was cold as hell.

  “I’d like that.” Altering her position, she moved to straddle his lap. She reached between her legs and grasped his hardened length, lining the head at her entrance. “But, right now, I’d like something else.”

  His heart thudded erratically in his chest, and it had nothing to do with the miles they’d run. He gripped her hips and challenged, “If you start this, I won’t stop.”

  “Good.” She sank down on his cock, tossed her head back, and sighed with bliss. “Don’t ever stop.”

  Never, he silently vowed. Where she was concerned, he’d never stop as long as he was able to draw breath.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was close to midnight when the last of the pack, a young couple wearing guilty grins, made it back to the town square. Apparently, she and Stephen hadn’t been the only couple to break away from the group and seek out their own pleasure.

  “Jesus, did everyone stop to get some booty while they were out there?” Jace shook his head in disgust.

  Stephen tucked her closer to his side. “Don’t get pissy because you didn’t get any.”

  Her brother snorted. “Hey, asshole, I was doing my civic duty, protecting the ones who stayed behind. Besides, I’m not the only one.” He tipped his head at Damien.

  Unconcerned, the other Wolf shrugged. “I’ll catch up later.”

  Mike cut a sideways glance at his mate. “You sure about that?”

  Jace and Stephen burst into laughter, and Kate rolled her eyes at the men’s teasing. Why did they always act like teenage boys when they got together?

  A thought struck Kate. There seemed to be someone missing. “Hey, where’s Wes? I thought I saw him earlier.”

  “He left a little after Mom and Dad,” Jace explained. “Said he had some crap to do tonight. Who the hell knows anymore? He’s been acting weird lately.”

  Her interest perked up at the mention, and she shared a telling glance with Michelle. After Wes showed up at Emily’s store, she and Michelle had speculated there was something going on between the two, but the Wolf wouldn’t give anything away.

  And poor Emily. Kate suspected the woman was clueless when it came to Wes. Only time would tell, though.

  Stephen dipped his head near hers. “What has you grinning so?”

  “Oh, nothing.” He’d find out sooner or later. She nudged his arm. “Come on, they’re starting.”

  They moved closer around the bonfire, listening as Gee began with a story of two brothers born in the same pack who each chose to follow different paths. In the end, Kate smiled at the sage message Gee imparted with his tale. How like the Bear to choose a story stressing the importance of pack bonds.

  When the storytelling wound down, Drew challenged each shifter to learn something new about one of their packmates. For Kate, the task was simple. She knew exactly what to share with her close friends and family, a secret she’d yearned to tell them for a long time.

  She wasn’t scared to reveal the truth. Tonight symbolized a new beginning for them all. The past was over and done with and had no place in her life anymore. Only the future mattered.

  In their small group, Jace volunteered to start off the challenge. Of course, Stephen nearly choked to death when her brother revealed Michelle had thought the two of them were gay lovers before Jace mated with her.

  After the laughter faded, each person took turns sharing an unknown piece of him or herself. As soon as the task fell to Kate, she didn’t flounder over her admission. Instead, she spoke the words clearly and without shame.

  “I couldn’t shift until Stephen and I mated.” After her declaration, another degree of weight lifted from her shoulders. The night had been an absolute all-around freeing experience for her.

  Jace jerked his surprised gaze to hers. “What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  At once, Stephen spoke in her defense. “Living under Magnum’s rule, I’m sure you can understand why she didn’t. But it doesn’t matter. She can shift fine now.”

  “I know she can. I saw her earlier.” Her brother narrowed his eyes at her but cracked a smile. “We’ll talk about it later, sis.”

  Oh, she had no doubt they would talk. Jace would never let it go until he heard every last detail. Grinning, she nodded. “You can bet on it.”

  Once each member of the pack had fulfilled Drew’s challenge, the part of the evening Kate anticipated arrived. The pack gathered around the tree, watching as eager children tore into the presents Stewart and his mate had left for them.

  The pure joy on each kid’s face as they ripped away wrapping paper to discover the toy inside melted Kate’s heart. Parents looked on with adoration, their child’s delight the best gift they could receive.

  One day, that would be her and Stephen.

  It had taken her all week to decide how she might break the news. Strangely, during the last few days, she’d come to grips with her pregnancy. Any lingering hesitation or doubts she might’ve had vanished and her excitement grew. With all the love, understanding, and support Stephen had shown her, there was no question in her mind he’d make a wonderful father. She couldn’t wait to tell him about the baby.

  Forget it. Why wait any longer?

  Resolute in her decision, Kate cuddled deeper in her mate’s arms, his warm embrace shielding her from the cold. When they made it home later, she was telling him.


  “Are you coming to bed?” Kate called from the upstairs bedroom.

  Stephen jumped at the sound of her voice. “I’ll be right there, babe.”

  Once they’d stepped through the front door twenty minutes earlier, Kate had rushed upstairs to take a shower. He, on the other hand, resumed pacing the living room as he’d done before the Solstice celebration, flicking repeated glances under the god-awful Christmas tree in the corner.

  Fuck it.

  He was a man of action, not the dawdling fool wearing a path in the floorboards like a lunatic. Time for him to suck it up and be that man, dammit.

  Determined, he strode to the corner, snatched the box he’d placed under the tree hours ago, and made his way up the stairs. He stomped into the bedroom as Kate stepped out of the bathroom wearing those frumpy pajamas he loved. For a few moments, the two of them stared at each other across the short distance, neither saying a word, until he swallowed his nerves.

  “Kate….” He moved closer, his fingers tightening around the small box in his damp palm. Sweat broke out on his forehead. Why the hell was it so hot in there?

  When he didn’t continue, she tipped her head to the side, her brows lowering in ques
tion. “Is something wrong?”

  “Wrong?” Stephen almost choked on the word. Hell, no. Everything was perfect. “No. Sunshine….”

  Shifting from foot to foot, he racked his brain to find the right words, but nothing felt adequate. Crap, this was not going as planned. The words he’d rehearsed for days seemed to desert him. Instead, he stood there like a fool, almost crushing the small box.

  Her features fell into a frown, and she clutched the hem of her T-shirt, as though she expected him to deliver a devastating blow.

  Fucking great. His stalling caused her worry. He inhaled a deep breath and started again. “Sunshine…. Do you know why I call you that?”

  Watching him with uncertainty, she shook her head.

  He stopped a few inches away from her. “Every time I look at you, it’s like I’m looking at the sun. Your brightness…it warms me inside. Right here.” He placed his free hand over his heart.

  Holding her hazel gaze, he eased down on one knee in front of her. Those pretty eyes flared wide, and her mouth parted. Smiling, he presented her with the small wrapped box in his palm.

  “Katherine Elizabeth Matthews, will you marry me?”

  “Oh God.” She covered her gaping mouth. Tears pooled in her wide eyes.

  Stephen anticipated some type of a sentimental show of emotion, but when her silent tears morphed into noisy, blubbering sobs, he panicked. Shit, he’d screwed up.

  He silently berated himself for not waiting. Why the hell hadn’t he given her more time?

  “Kate….” Fuck, he didn’t even know what to say to her.

  He shifted his weight to stand, and she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms tight around his neck. Off-balance, he tumbled backward to land on his back with her on top, peppering kisses all over his face.

  “Does this mean yes?” he asked in a muffled tone.

  “Yes!” she cried against his lips. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Thank whichever almighty power listened to his prayers.

  Boneless with relief, he melted to the floorboards. He used the last of his energy to pass her the small box. “Open it.”

  She pushed up from his chest and sat upright. She carefully unwrapped the paper, and then opened the tiny box. Her face sparkled as brilliantly as the half-carat diamond inside.

  “Oh my God. It’s beautiful!”

  He helped her slip the platinum ring on her finger. A perfect fit. Did he know his mate or what?

  She leaned down to pepper another round of kisses on his face and neck then propped herself up on his chest, beaming a bright smile.

  “I have something for you, too.” Jostling off of him, she rushed into the bathroom. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  She’d get no arguments out of him. Currently, his muscles and motor skills wouldn’t work for shit. He was limp as a wet towel.

  Kate hurried from the bathroom and settled on her knees beside him. Worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, she shoved something under his nose.

  At first, he simply blinked at the mystery item. Was that toilet paper? Wrapped in dental floss?

  Full of enthusiasm, she thrust her weird present at him again, waiting expectantly for him to open it.

  When he held the odd package, he frowned. “Um, is this a tampon?”

  “No.” She tossed her head back and laughed. “It was the only paper I had to wrap it in at the time. Open it.”

  Fine. As long as it made her happy, he’d unwrap the damn thing. Even if he was a bit scared to find out what was inside. Forcing his limbs to obey, he managed to sit upright on the floor.

  As soon as he untied the tiny string and unfolded the wad of toilet paper, a white plastic stick fell into his lap. Hesitant, he picked up the strip and flipped it over. A small window to the right displayed two blue lines.

  For several moments, he stared at the plastic stick, his brain struggling to comprehend what was in front of him. Once he realized what he held, his heart slammed into his throat. His frantic gaze jumped to hers, and she nodded in confirmation.

  Holy. Shit.

  She was pregnant.

  He was going to be a father.

  A shockwave of elation careened through his body. He snagged her around the middle and dragged her over his thighs. He placed his hands on her cheeks and looked deep into her shining hazel eyes.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I haven’t seen a doctor yet, but, yes, I’m sure.”

  Stephen laughed in delight. This was the best night of his life. First, she’d accepted his proposal. Now, they were having a baby. He wanted to howl at the moon.

  She pulled back to look at him. “So…you’re happy about it?”

  “Happy? Baby, happy does not begin to describe how wonderful I feel right now. How long have you known?”

  “A week or so.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me then?”

  “It wasn’t exactly the right time, you know.” She glanced away, her voice holding a note of sadness.

  Ah, of course. Their argument.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He grabbed her chin and pulled her gaze back to his. “You couldn’t have made me a happier man tonight, Kate. Not only have you agreed to become my wife”—he laid his hand over her flat stomach—“but you’re carrying our child. This night couldn’t get any better.”

  She arched a seductive brow. “You wanna bet?”

  Chuckling, he hugged her close. “I’ll take you up on the offer later. Right now, I want to hold you.”

  For a long while, he simply held her in his arms, thankful fate had given him such a gift for a mate. No matter what their future held or what snags they hit in their relationship, he had no doubts they’d find a way to endure and grow stronger. Their love was pure and everlasting, and he couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Running her finger over the ring, she glanced up at him. “How long have you had this?”

  For a split second, he debated revealing the absolute truth but decided against it. He wasn’t ashamed. “A year.”

  Her mouth sagged open. “But we mated a few months ago.”

  “I know.” He grinned at her surprise.

  She searched his gaze. “But...why?”

  “The very first day we met, I knew you’d be mine one day. I didn’t need the mating bond to tell me so.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I already knew it in my heart.”

  Tears glimmered in her eyes, and her chin trembled. “What would I ever have done without you? I love you so much, Stephen. I’ll never stop loving you.”

  “I love you, too.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Always and forever, Sunshine.”


  Christmas Eve

  Crouched low in the surrounding wood, Wes glared at the closed workshop door several feet away. He’d been out here in the fucking freezing-ass cold for at least an hour, waiting on the damn woman in there to go back inside her house.

  What in the hell was she doing in there anyway?

  Didn’t she know it was Christmas and shit? Most normal people took a day off every once in a while, but apparently not Emily. She worked too damn much.

  Tiny balls of ice pelted him in the head and he frowned up at the darkening sky. He snorted to himself. Figured, it would start snowing again. Wasn’t like he wasn’t cold as hell already.

  All right, fuck this shit. He was done waiting. He had better shit to do with his time. Why had he come there in the first fucking place?

  Wes made it halfway up from his crouched position when she opened the door to her workshop and stepped outside. He sank back down out of sight.

  Bundled in a heavy winter jacket, she carefully moved along the stone path leading to her front porch steps. Her bright-red hair gleamed against the dreary backdrop of winter. She paused at the front door and bent over to pick up the package he’d left beside her doorstep. Tucking the box beneath her arm, she stepped inside her home a
nd closed the door.

  About fucking time!

  He straightened from his position, his knees popping as he stretched his legs. Now he could jog to where he’d parked his truck along the wooded trail and get the hell out of there. But he hesitated.

  Why in hell was he hesitating? He scowled at her front door. What the hell was he going to do? Bang on it and ask her if she liked the shit?

  Irritated with himself, he swiped a hand over his short hair, raking off the remnants of melting snow.

  He growled in frustration. His dumbass brain wouldn’t give him a break until he saw her one last time. He was either stupid or crazy. He hadn’t decided which yet.

  Like a perv in the night, he stalked closer to the cabin and took cover behind a thick spruce. The angle allowed him an unimpeded view inside her cozy living room. There on her stylish coffee table lay his package.

  Several minutes passed, and he was ready to give up and get the hell out of there, but then Emily ambled into sight. Wearing a pair of plaid flannel pajamas, she plunked down on the couch with a mug in her hand.

  Taking a sip of her drink, she stared at the box, as if she contemplated its contents. As the snowfall steadily increased, he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from shouting at her through the window to open the damn thing already.

  Thankfully, she set her mug on the table and grabbed for the package. She made short work of his shitty wrapping job, opened the box, and picked up the scrawled note he’d placed on top. After she set the slip of paper aside on the table, she reached in and pulled out his gift.

  His pulse sprinted in his throat. Waiting for her reaction, Wes held his breath like a man submerged underwater.

  Emily swept a delicate finger over the small wooden wolf he’d spent the last week carving. Her pretty mouth curved into a smile, and she hugged the figurine close to her heart.

  Damn if the stupid erratic thud in his chest didn’t start up again. With one last glance at her, he did something he hadn’t done in ages—he smiled.


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