Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America from Colonial Dependence to World Leadership
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Laurier, Sir Wilfrid
Lausanne Conference
Laval, Pierre
Lawrence, James
League of Nations; German withdrawal from; Haile Selassie at; on Japanese aggression; opposition to; successor to; in Treaty of Versailles
Leahy, William
Lebanon; Hezbollah in; hostages in; Marine barracks bombing
Le Duc Tho
Lee, Charles
Lee, Harry
Lee, Henry
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E.; as Confederate commander; and Harper’s Ferry; surrender of; Virginia loyalty
Leigh-Mallory, Sir Trafford
Le Marchand de Lignery, François-Marie
Lemke, William
Lend-Lease Act
Leopold II, Emperor
Lévis, François de
Lewis, Merriweather
Liberty Bell
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lieberman, Joseph
Ligonier, John, Lord
Lilienthal, David E.
Liliuokakani, Queen
Lincoln, Abraham; assassination of; character of; and Civil War; as conciliatory; Douglas debates; Emancipation Proclamation; FDR comparison; and Fort Sumter; Gettysburg Address; orations of; political mastery; presidential campaigns; and Republicans; in Richmond; and Stanton; on “unrequired toil,”
Lincoln, Benjamin
Lincoln, Robert
Lindsay, Sir Ronald
Lin Piao
Lippmann, Walter
Little Big Horn
Litvinov, Maxim
Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, Lord
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, Robert
Livingston, William
Lloyd George, David
Locke, John
Lodge, Henry Cabot; and Eisenhower; and naval disarmament; and Preparedness Movement; and Vietnam; vs. Wilson
Logan, John A.
London Economic Conference (1933)
Long, Huey P
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longstreet, James
Longworth, Nicholas
Lon Nol
López, Narciso
Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of
Louis XIV, King
Louis XV, King
Louis XVI, King; and Franklin; and Revolution
Louis of Brunswick, Prince
Louisiana Purchase; and West Florida
Lovejoy, Elijah
Lovett, Robert
Luce, Henry R.
Lumumba, Patrice
Lusitania, RMS
Lvov, Georgy
MacArthur, Arthur
MacArthur, Douglas; and Chiang Kai-shek; congressional hearings on; dismissal of; on draftee armies; FDRdistrust of; Inchon landing; insubordination; and Japanese surrender; as Japan’s governor; and Johnson’s war service; in Korean War; Medal of Honor; “no substitute for victory,” on nuclear weapons; and Philippines; popularity of; and Truman; on Vietnam
Macdonald, John A.
MacDonald, Ramsay
Mackenzie, Alexander
Mackenzie, William Lyon
MacLean, Donald
MacMillan, Harold; and U-2 fiasco
Macon, Nathaniel
Madero, Francisco
Madison, James; and Bank of the United States; and Barbary pirates; and Constitution; on debt; and embargo; on French Revolution; vs. Hamilton; on Jackson; and Louisiana Purchase; political skill of; presidency of; as presidential candidate; on slavery problem; on standing army; and suffrage; and trade policy; and War of 1812
Madrid Convention
Magsaysay, Ramon
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Maine, USS
Major, John
Manchuria: Japanese in; Russia vs. Japan on; USSR in
Manhattan Project
manifest destiny
Mann, A. Dudley
Mansfield, Mike
Manstein, Erich von
Mao Tse-tung; and civil war; death of; Great Leap Forward; and Korea; and Nasser; and Nixon; and Vietnam
Marcy, William L.: and Albany Regency; and “Hunkers,” in presidential race; as secretary of state; as secretary of war
Maria Theresa, Empress
Marie Antoinette
Marion, Francis
Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of
Marshall, George C.; on Berlin; vs. Brooke; and China; and Churchill; as Israel opponent; and Korean War; on MacArthur; McCarthy accusations; Overlord command; as secretary of state
Marshall, John; and Burr trial; as chief justice
Marshall, Thomas R
Marshall, Thurgood
Marshall Plan
Martin, Joe
Masaryk, Jan
Mason, George
Mason, John
Massu, Jacques
Matsuoka, Yosuke
Mauriac, François
Maximilian, Archduke
May, Karl
Mayo, Henry T
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz
Mazzei, Philip
McAdoo, William Gibbs
McCain, John
McCarran Act
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph R.; and Eisenhower
McClellan, George B.; firing of; as presidential candidate
McCullough, David
McDowell, Irwin
McDuffie, George
McElroy, Neil
McFarlane, Robert (Bud)
McGovern, George
McHenry, James
McIntyre, Thomas
McKinley, William; assassination of; and Cuba; Gold Standard Act; and Philippines; reelection
McKinley Tariff
McLane, Louis
McNamara, Robert; on nuclearparity; retirement
McNary, Charles L.
Meade, George C.
Meany, George
Meir, Golda
Melbourne, William Lamb, Lord
Mellon, Andrew
Mencken, H.L.
Mendès-France, Pierre
Menzies, Robert
Metternich, Clemens von
Mexican War
Mexico: and Alamo battle; Diaz overthrow; and FDR; French intervention in; illegal immigrants from; PRI dominance in; and Texas; turmoil in; and World War I
Midway Island: discovery of; in World War II
Mifflin, Thomas
Miller, William
Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, Count
Missouri, USS
Missouri Compromise; and Dred Scott; repeal of
Mitchell, John P
Mitterrand, François
Miyazawa, Kiichi
Mollett, Guy
Molotov, Vyecheslav
Moltke, Helmuth von
Monckton, Robert
Mondale, Walter F.
Monde, Le
Monro, George
Monroe, James; and British embrace; and Canada border; and Constitution; as “co-president,” in France; and Hamilton; and Jefferson; in London; and Louisiana Purchase; and Missouri Compromise; presidency of; as secretary of war; and War of 1812
Monroe, Marilyn
Monroe Doctrine; and Lodge Corollary; and T. Roosevelt
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de
Montgomery, Bernard L.; anti-Americanism of; on German partition
Morgan, Daniel
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr.
Morgan, Ted
Morgenthau, Henry
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Morse, Wayne
Morton, Levi P
Mossadegh, Mohammed
Mountbatten, Louis, Lord
Mubarak, Hosni
Mujibur Rahman
Mulroney, Brian
Mundelein, George Card
Munoz Marin, Luis
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Robert
Murray, James
Murray, William Vans
Musharraf, Pervez
Muskie, Edmund
Muslim Brotherhood
Mussolini; Albania invasion; Ethiopia invasion; execution of; Greece invasion; and Hitler; ouster of
Nagy, Imre
Napoleon I (Bonaparte); Berlin Decree; exile of; on Jefferson/Madison embargo; Leipzig defeat; and Louisiana Purchase; Prussian conquest; on Royal Navy; Waterloo
Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon Bonaparte)
Nasser, Gamal Abdel; death of; and Eisenhower Doctrine
Nasution, Abdul Haris
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Defense Act of 1916
National Republican Party
National Rifle Association
Native Americans. See Indians
Naturalization Act (1789)
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nelson, Horatio
Netherlands: and Belgium; and Britain; capitalism in; in East Indies; and France; in Gulf War; individual rights in; loans from; in NATO; in Seven Years’ War; strong currency of; in World War II
Neutrality Acts
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of
New Deal; attacks on
New England Anti-Slavery League
New England Emigrant Aid Company
New York Journal
New York Morning News
New York Times
New York World
Nicaragua: canal plan; Sandinistas vs. Contras; Somoza rule in
Nicholas II, Czar
Nimitz, Chester W; and casualty rates; Formosa plan; at Iwo Jima; Yamamoto shoot-down
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Richard M.; and Acheson; on anti-missile defense; on arms control; and Brezhnev; on Bush; and Cambodia; Caracas attack; on Castro; Checkers speech; and Chile; and China; on Cuban missiles; death of; and de Gaulle; and desegregation; and Eisenhower; and EPA; and East Pakistan; foreign-policy expertise; governor run; and Hiss; House impeachment vote; on inflation (price controls); and Kent State shooting; and Kissinger; on Korea; landslide reelection; on McCarthy; and McGovern; memory; Middle East tour; and national parks; as ordinary man; pardon of; and Pentagon Papers; political maneuvering; as presidential candidate; press hostility to; resignation of; in Romania; and Sadat; on silent maj ority; and space program; on tax cuts; and Thieu; in USSR; as vice president; and Vietnam; and War Powers Resolution; and Watergate
Nixon Doctrine
Noriega, Manuel
Norstad, Lauris
North, Henry, Lord
North, Oliver
North American Free Trade Agreement
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); and de Gaulle; eastward expansion of; fragility of; and Germany; and Kosovo war; and Sept. 11 attacks
Northern Ireland
Northern Securities
North Korea: aggression by; and Carter; and Ford; see also Korean War
nuclear weapons; and China question; and Cuban missile crisis; de Gaulle on; Eisenhower on; Hiroshima & Nagasaki; hydrogen bomb; and Korean War; Manhattan Project; and Mutual Assured Destruction (parity); and Potsdam Conference; and Reykjavik talks; Soviet program; test bans
O’Connor, John
O’Connor, Sandra Day
O’Dwyer, William
O’Hara, Charles
O’Sullivan, John L.
Obama, Barack; on BP; and Libya; on Mossadegh; and racial guilt
Obregón, Alvaro
Olney, Richard
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Organization of African Unity
Organization of American States
Orlando, Vittorio
Ortega, Daniel
Orwell, George
Osgood, Samuel
Pace, Frank
Pacelli, Eugenio Cardinal
Page, Walter Hines
Pago Pago
Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza Shah; and Carter; and Nixon
Paine, Thomas
Pakenham, Sir Edward
Pakistan: and East Pakistan; and Nixon; and SEATO; and War on Terror
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palestine Mandate
Palin, Sarah
Palmer, A. Mitchell
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord; on Civil War
Paluski, Casimir
Panama; and Noriega
Panama Canal; handover of; Suez comparison
Panama Canal Company
Pan-American Union
Panic of 1907
Papen, Franz von
Park Chung Hee
Parker, Alton B.
Parker, Dorothy
Paterson, William
Patton, George S.; and “Bonus March,” at Casablanca; and D-Day; at Messina; and Roosevelt; and Third Army
Paul VI, Pope
Pavlov, Vladimir
Pax Britannica
Peace Corps
Peale, Charles Wilson
Pearson, Drew
Pearson, Lester
Peel, Sir Robert
Pelham, Henry
Pendleton, George H.
Pendleton Act
People’s Party. See Populist Party
Pepper, Claude
Percival, Spencer
Peres, Shimon
Perkins, Frances
Permanent Court of International Arbitration
Perot, Ross
Perry, Matthew
Perry, Oliver Hazard
Pershing, John J.
Petacci, Clara
Pétain, Henri-Philippe
Peter I (the Great), Czar
Peter III, Czar
Pham Van Dong
Philadelphia, USS
Philby, Kim
Philippines: independence of; in Spanish-American War; and Taft Commission; U.S. occupation of; and World War II
Pickering, John
Pickering, Timothy
Pierce, Franklin; and Confederacy; in Mexican War
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery
Pinchot, Gifford
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth; as presidential candidate
Pinckney, Thomas
Pinochet, Augusto
Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham); and Churchill; expansive vision of; and George III vs. Newcastle; and Rockingham; in Seven Years’ War; sympathy for Americans