500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars

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500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars Page 79

by Kurt Eichenwald

  Castelli, Jeffrey, 126–27, 406, 407

  CBS, 39

  cell phones, 96, 546

  Center for Constitutional Rights, 159, 236, 311, 318

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 107, 124–25, 126, 128

  Central Command, U.S., 80, 81, 173, 184, 252, 260, 498

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 93, 94, 95, 98, 105, 123, 129, 203, 222, 243, 361, 439

  Afghanistan operations of, 56, 60

  in Afghanistan War, 64, 73–74, 78, 86–87, 137, 138, 143, 146, 149, 162, 169, 171, 175, 176, 177, 180, 184

  Al Jazeera interview obtained by, 309

  al-Libi interrogation information at, 208, 209

  al-Libi’s interrogation by, 209, 218–19

  al-Libi’s rendition by, 219, 233

  in Almalki case, 272

  and al-Qaeda nuclear reactor threat, 325

  in Arar case, 381, 384

  bin Laden assassination plots of, 369

  bin Laden capture plan of, 520

  bin Laden’s pursuit by, 56

  Bush’s pre-election intelligence briefing by, 1–3

  in detainee treatment debate, 187

  in El-Maati case, 147, 165

  FBI intelligence sharing with, 350, 529

  Global Response Center of, 141

  in Guantanamo interrogation policy conflict, 404

  identification techniques of, 249, 250

  interrogation methods used by, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284–85, 332, 333–34, 337–38, 342–43, 490, 491

  interrogation program of, 192, 193, 194, 195, 209, 218–19, 253, 255–57, 277, 278–85, 299–300, 322, 325, 332, 333–34, 337–38, 342–43, 344–45, 348–49, 370, 456, 457, 484, 559, 562

  interrogation research study by, 256–57

  on Iraq’s al-Qaeda connection, 343–44

  in Iraq War planning, 422, 497, 498

  Iraq weapons report of, 383–84, 392

  Italian rendition plot of, 126–27, 132, 345–46, 405–7, 411–12, 426–27, 477–79, 480, 511

  Jemaah Islamiyah’s crippling by, 492–93

  KSM’s interrogation by, 484, 487, 490–93

  military interrogators’ meeting with, 377–79, 403, 442

  and Moussaoui investigation, 529

  Office of Inspector General of, 62

  operational authority of, 74, 79, 127, 350, 369–70

  in Padilla case, 305

  paramilitary units of, 64, 73, 169

  Powell’s criticism of, 505

  renditions by, 127, 219, 233, 277, 333

  secret prisons of, 253, 332, 486–87, 504, 557, 572–73

  Special Operations Group of, 406

  in Zubaydah capture, 240, 248, 253, 254, 277

  Zubaydah’s interrogation by, 278–81, 282, 284–85, 322, 337–38, 342, 344–45, 348–49, 559

  see also Tenet, George

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Counterterrorist Center of:

  al-Qaeda plots prevented by, 7–8

  Black’s defense of, 350–51, 368–70

  funding of, 37, 57, 62, 74, 87, 350, 369

  and interrogation policy, 279, 370

  9/11 investigation by, 32–33, 37–38, 45–46, 255

  Operation Jawbreaker of, 87, 138, 143, 162, 175, 176, 177, 184

  post-9/11 work of, 62, 73–74, 350, 369–70

  pre-9/11 intelligence gathered by, 7, 8–9, 350, 369, 530

  Predator drone program of, 56–57, 64, 73, 141, 350

  scapegoating of, 8, 62–63, 350, 369

  Special Operations branch of, 149

  in Stellar Wind operations, 105

  Chamberlain, Casey, 88, 107

  Chechnya, Russian assault on, 54, 81

  chemical weapons, 68, 129

  see also weapons of mass destruction

  Cheney, Dick:

  Addington’s relationship with, 58

  in Afghanistan War planning, 64, 75, 142, 180, 181

  in Algerian Six case, 205

  and anthrax attacks, 128, 128n, 129

  biological weapons concerns of, 75, 76

  Blair’s meeting with, 241–42, 243

  Bush’s 9/11 phone calls with, 29, 30–31, 32, 35

  Bush’s relationship with, 505

  in detainee treatment policy debate, 230

  in detention center decision, 196, 197

  and Hamdi case, 309

  on Iraq’s al-Qaeda connection, 344

  in Iraq War planning, 241–42, 243, 261, 351, 499

  Iraq War position of, 352–53, 354, 355, 356, 357, 363, 364, 505

  in military commissions formation, 83, 145, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158

  national security expertise of, 58

  on 9/11, 22–23, 27, 29–31, 32, 34–35, 42, 45

  Olson’s relationship with, 310

  public opinion of, 505

  Rumsfeld’s 9/11 phone call with, 34–35

  in surveillance powers expansion, 96–97, 100

  at 2002 State of the Union address, 229

  war on terror policy of, 204, 353

  weapons inspectors’ meeting with, 410, 411

  weapons of mass destruction position of, 352–53, 410, 488

  Chequers, 251

  Chertoff, Michael, 46, 173, 342, 343

  Chevron, 507


  of 9/11 victims, 503–4, 508

  in Syrian prisons, 349

  Chile, 485, 493


  Communist interrogation tactics in, 192

  Russian relations with, 81

  Chirac, Jacques, 391, 454–55, 458–59, 460, 461

  Churchill, Winston, 531

  Cifrino, Michael, 26

  ciprofloxacin, 134

  Clark, Wesley, 89, 123

  Clarke, Dick, 21–22, 23, 36, 37

  Clarke, Torie, 22

  Clement, Paul, 309, 310, 316, 318, 323, 408, 409

  Clinton, Bill, 74

  Clinton administration, 34, 155, 354, 529

  CNN, 23, 27, 155

  Coast Guard, U.S., 45

  Cobb, Whit, 259

  COBRA, 53, 475

  Cohen, Melanie, 396

  Cold War, 460

  Cole, USS, al-Qaeda attack on, 5, 103, 345, 439

  Coll, Steve, 526

  Combat Search and Rescue, 80

  Combined Air Operations Center, U.S., 81

  Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam, The, 46

  confinement, 284–85, 333, 337, 491, 559

  Congress, U.S.:

  antitorture legislation by, 334

  Bush’s 2002 State of the Union address to, 228–29

  Bush’s post-9/11 address to, 90

  counterterrorism funding by, 37

  Joint Select Committee on Intelligence of, 350, 368

  military commissions role of, 155, 174, 512

  9/11 hearings in, 350–51, 368–70, 529

  Persian Gulf War resolution of, 58, 59, 60, 61

  Stellar Wind information in, 106

  War Crimes Act in, 187

  war on terror authorization by, 57–58, 59–62, 65–67, 68–71, 139

  war on terror notifications to, 79

  see also Senate, U.S.

  Conspiracy Theory, 496

  Constitution, U.S., 335, 465

  Article 2 of, 36

  Eighth Amendment of, 403–4

  Fourteenth Amendment of, 36

  Fourth Amendment of, 36, 98, 100

  habeas corpus rights in, 48, 236, 237

  preamble of, 36

  Copé, Jean-François, 463

  Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute at, 57

  Crumpton, Hank, 149, 171, 180, 181

  CTV Network, 129

  Curveball (Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi), 505

  Customs Service, U.S., al-Qahtani’s interview by, 10–12

  Cyprus, and Iraq War, 328

  Czech Republic, NATO summit in, 420, 421–22


  Dailey, Dell, 184

/>   Dalton, Jane, 188, 451, 474–75

  D’Ambrosio, Stefano, 405, 406–7, 411–12, 426–27

  D’Amuro, Pasquale, 284, 342–43

  Dark Side, The: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals (Mayer), 526

  Darya Suf Valley, Afghanistan, 138

  Daschle, Tom, 69, 115, 131, 133, 134, 228, 229

  Davis, Aubrey, 27, 28

  Dawn Services, 85, 102, 223

  Defense Department, U.S.:

  Afghanistan War role of, 56, 78, 81, 82, 111, 137, 146

  al-Libi interrogation information at, 208

  and al-Qaeda nuclear reactor threat, 325

  anthrax vaccine program of, 115

  Detainee Interrogation Working Group of, 464–66, 474–76, 485–86

  in detainee treatment debate, 187, 214, 215, 227

  elderly detainee release by, 246, 336–37

  Guantanamo Bay photos by, 245

  and Guantanamo interrogation policy, 404, 417, 427–29, 434–35, 437–39, 444–45, 446–47, 449–51, 453, 455–56, 463, 464–66, 473, 474–76, 485–86

  in Hamdi case, 303, 309

  Human Intelligence Operations of, 203

  in interrogation policy formation, 192–93, 327–28, 330, 332

  on Iraq’s al-Qaeda connection, 343, 344

  in Iraq War planning, 321

  Ivins’s commendation by, 489–90

  Manchester Manual’s referencing by, 544

  military commissions authority of, 145, 148, 182, 183

  military commissions bureaucracy in, 246–47

  in military commissions hearing, 181–82

  in military commissions study, 122

  9/11 events in, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33–35

  in Padilla case, 305

  Powell’s criticism of, 505

  Red Cross relations with, 378–79

  Rumsfeld’s leadership at, 34, 137, 246

  in shootdown order legal question, 35–36, 61

  weapons of mass destruction analysis by, 357–58, 383, 384

  see also Haynes, Jim; military, U.S.; Pentagon; Rumsfeld, Donald

  Defense Intelligence Agency, 146, 203, 305, 313, 378, 383, 473

  Delahunty, Robert, 140, 213, 217, 226

  Dell’Orto, Daniel, 453, 476

  Delta flight 1989, 34

  Democratic Party, U.S., war on terror opposition in, 70

  de Sousa, Sabrina, 407

  detainee treatment, 38

  administration debate over, 186–89, 213–15, 218, 219–20, 224–27, 229–30, 232

  in Afghanistan War, 175, 213–15, 217–18, 219–20, 224–27, 229–30, 232

  at Guantanamo Bay, 210–11, 212, 218, 221, 235, 238–39, 245–46, 336–37, 367–68, 378–79, 382–83, 403–4, 431–32, 435–36, 437–38, 442, 512, 544

  legal battle over, 212–13, 217, 235–37, 311–12, 316–17, 318–19, 335–36, 341–42, 511–13

  media reporting on, 227, 236, 237

  political conflict over, 504, 506–8

  questioning of, 368

  see also enemy combatants; interrogation policy; military commissions

  Diego Garcia, and Iraq War, 328

  DIGOS, 405, 406, 407

  Di Rita, Larry, 446

  Donnachie, Craig, 285

  Dora Farms, 497, 498, 499, 500

  Dorn, Nancy, 65

  Dostum, Rashid, 138, 139, 149, 168, 174

  Doumar, Robert, 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 317, 322, 323, 329, 330, 341, 342, 408

  due process rights, 312, 318, 319

  Duley, Jean, 515–16

  Dunham, Frank, Jr., 262–63, 266, 269, 270, 271, 292, 293, 299, 301–2, 408, 409, 443–44

  Dunlavey, Michael, 237, 238, 245, 246, 293, 295, 298, 299, 327, 336, 367, 404, 415, 417, 427, 428, 429


  ear identification, 250

  Edelson, Michael, 224, 375

  Edson, Gary, 93


  al-Libi’s torture in, 219, 233

  counterterrorist intelligence from, 98

  El-Maati’s torture in, 228, 510

  and Iraq War, 338

  Manchester Manual’s connection to, 194, 546, 549, 550, 551

  Omar’s rendition to, 406, 480, 511

  torture’s use in, 44, 218, 219, 416, 551, 552

  Egyptian Islamic Jihad, 243, 550

  ElBaradei, Mohamed, 409, 410, 445, 454, 469, 479, 487, 488

  Ellis, T. S., III, 326

  El-Maati, Ahmad, 42–45, 129–31

  Afghanistan trip of, 102, 533–34

  Almalki’s interrogation about, 275

  Almalki’s relationship to, 162–63, 165, 227, 272

  Arar’s relationship to, 163, 165, 227, 272, 370, 371, 389, 510

  Canadian intelligence’s suspicion of, 43–45, 101, 130, 146, 147, 533

  Egyptians’ torture of, 228, 510

  map linked to, 42, 43, 45, 101, 102, 129, 130, 161, 227–28

  Mounties’ suspicion of, 101–2, 130, 146, 147

  news stories about, 129, 130, 146

  release of, 510

  Syrian detention of, 153, 158

  Syrians’ torture of, 161, 162–63, 165, 227–28, 272, 370, 389, 510

  Syrian travel plans of, 145–46, 147, 152–53

  U.S. suspicion of, 147, 163, 165, 533

  El-Maati, Amer, 147, 163, 533

  El-Mahgoub, Rifaat, 546, 550, 552

  e-mail, 96, 99, 100, 546

  enemy combatants, 38

  American, 196, 292; see also Hamdi, Yaser Esam; Lindh, John Walker

  designation of, 301, 305, 309, 316–17, 318, 323, 329–30, 341, 342, 408–9, 443–44, 491, 512

  detention of, 48, 195–98; see also detainee treatment; Guantanamo Bay

  legal battle over, 302–4, 309–10, 313–14, 316–17, 322–23, 329–30, 335–36, 341–42, 408–9, 443–44, 511–13

  lethal force against, 79

  prosecution of, 83–84, 102–3, 122; see also military commissions

  rights of, 48, 235, 236, 237, 258, 259, 262, 266, 292, 299, 300–304, 309–10, 311–12, 314, 317, 318–19, 323, 335, 336, 342, 435–36, 438, 465, 474, 511–12

  see also rendition

  Ennis, Joseph, 294

  Entous, Adam, 263


  anti-Americanism in, 356

  Bush administration statements about, 461–63

  Iraq War opposition in, 243, 244, 245, 356, 391, 402, 454–55, 458, 459, 461, 462–63, 484–85

  Ex Parte Quirin, 84, 103, 144, 309

  Ezzell, John, 133


  F-117 Stealth Fighter, 499, 500

  Fahim, Mohammed, 159

  Faisalabad, Pakistan, 240, 247–50

  Fallon, Mark, 407–8

  Far’ Falastin, 158, 274, 390

  Faris, Iyman, 491

  Febey, Steven, 400

  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 9/11 aircraft monitoring by, 22, 25–27, 30, 32, 33, 36, 45

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 203, 242, 243

  al-Libi’s interrogation by, 208–9, 219

  al-Qaeda double agent for, 491

  al-Qahtani’s identification by, 324–25

  al-Qahtani’s interrogation by, 332, 339–40, 378, 405

  in anthrax investigation, 128, 131, 133, 222, 228, 231–32, 266, 412, 513, 514, 515, 517, 518

  in Arar detention, 370, 371, 373, 384, 387–88

  CIA intelligence sharing with, 350, 529

  CIA interrogation policy opposition at, 284, 342–43

  Criminal Justice Information Services Division of, 324

  domestic surveillance by, 98

  at Guantanamo Bay, 296, 297, 339–40, 382, 383, 404–5, 419

  in Hamdi case, 259, 260

  Hazardous Materials Response Unit of, 133

  Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System of, 324

  Ja’far the Pilot investigation by, 345

  military interrogation policy opposition at, 383, 404–5
, 419

  Moussaoui’s arrest by, 12–14, 178, 181

  Moussaoui’s investigation by, 529

  in 9/11 hearings, 368


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