500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars

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500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars Page 80

by Kurt Eichenwald

  9/11 investigation by, 24, 25, 33, 46, 64, 254–55

  Padilla’s arrest by, 291

  Padilla’s interrogation by, 285–91

  pre-9/11 counterterrorism funding of, 530

  pre-9/11 intelligence gathered by, 8, 9–10, 13, 14

  Saddam’s interrogation by, 519–20

  Strategic Information Operations Center of, 24

  war on terror role of, 139

  in Zubaydah capture, 240, 248, 249, 250

  Zubaydah’s interrogation by, 253–55, 277–78, 279–80, 345

  Federal Criminal Code, 300

  Federal District Court:

  in Alexandria, 269

  for the District of Columbia, 311

  in Norfolk, 292

  Federal Emergency Management Agency, 75

  Feith, Douglas, 89, 196, 214, 215, 329, 336, 344, 428, 435

  Ferreri, Andy, 285

  Fincher, Russell, 208, 209, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291

  Fischer, Joschka, 463

  Fisher, Alice, 342

  Flanigan, Tim, 310–11, 507

  in Afghanistan targeting situation, 111, 112

  Bellinger e-mail criticism by, 80

  in congressional resolution drafting, 57–58, 59–62, 65, 66–67, 69–70

  in detainee treatment policy formation, 224, 225, 227

  in Hamdi case, 259, 408

  in military commissions formation, 84, 102–3, 136, 137, 140, 144, 145, 149, 154, 156, 157, 246, 247

  on 9/11, 23–25, 35–37, 47, 48

  in Padilla case, 305

  in shootdown order legal question, 35–36

  in surveillance powers expansion, 95, 96, 106–7

  Flannagan, Lisa, 107–8

  Fleischer, Ari, 49, 472

  Flewelling, Rick, 381, 384

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 14, 96, 98, 99, 105, 529

  Former Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 186

  Fort Belvoir, 295, 327

  Fort Detrick, Army Research Facility at:

  anthrax contamination at, 161–62, 265–66

  in anthrax investigation, 124, 125, 133, 134, 228

  anthrax research at, 77, 108, 115, 489, 537

  Fouda, Yosri, 257–58, 267–69, 308–9

  Fournier, Ron, 472, 495

  Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, 259, 309, 310, 316–17, 322–23, 342, 408–9, 443

  Fourth Geneva Convention, 187, 217n, 232

  Fox, 38

  Frahm, Charles, 253


  Iraq War position of, 391, 454–55, 458, 459, 461, 462, 484–85

  in war on terror, 55, 72

  Franks, Tommy, 137, 146, 159, 173, 177, 180, 184, 195, 252, 452, 498–99

  Frederick Memorial Hospital, 518

  Frederick Police Department, 516

  Fredman, John, 378, 379

  Fried, Dan, 470

  Frost, David, 467–68

  Fuller, Robert, 243, 387–88


  Gaddafi, Muammar al-, 116, 193

  Gajardo, Marc, 396, 397, 399, 401

  Galati, Rocco, 130

  Gallup poll, 504, 505

  Garre, Gregory, 301, 341

  Gaudin, Steve, 253, 254, 277, 278, 284

  Gelles, Michael, 431–32, 433

  Gelvan, Alexander, 85, 86

  General Electric, 127

  Geneva Conventions, 186–87, 335, 379, 403, 512

  Ashcroft’s position on, 230

  civilians’ treatment under, 187, 217n, 232

  Common Article 3 of, 186–87, 215, 217, 217n, 218

  Powell’s position on, 218, 224, 225–27, 229, 232

  scope of, 225

  U.S. military’s protection under, 188, 214, 227, 230, 465, 485

  U.S. military’s training in, 214, 218, 229–30, 465

  Yoo’s analysis of, 48, 187, 188, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 224, 226

  see also detainee treatment

  Georgia, 393

  Germany, Iraq War position of, 461, 462, 484–85

  Ghamdi, Ahmed al-, 16–17

  Ghamdi, Hamza al-, 16–17

  Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Coll), 526

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 310

  Girvan, Maureen, 380, 381

  Giuliani, Rudy, 128

  Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, 514

  Gog and Magog, 459, 460–61, 570–71

  Goldsmith, Jack, 368, 506, 507–8

  Goldsmith, Peter, 468, 488–89

  Gonzales, Alberto, 79, 80, 140, 507

  in Afghanistan targeting situation, 111–12

  and CIA interrogation program, 283, 559

  in detainee treatment policy debate, 186, 187–89, 213, 217, 219, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229

  in Hamdi case, 259, 314

  in military commissions formation, 83, 84, 136, 144, 148, 149, 150, 157–58, 221, 247

  and military interrogation policy, 456, 466–67

  on 9/11, 46–48, 49, 50

  in Padilla case, 304, 305

  in surveillance powers expansion, 95, 96, 105, 106

  Goodman, Bill, 160, 236

  Gorelick, Jamie, 529

  Gorton, Slade, 529

  Goss, Porter, 368

  Gould, Natalie, 397, 398

  Graham, William, 418, 419, 420–21, 510

  Great Britain:

  in Afghanistan War, 114, 137, 142, 180, 202, 240

  Afghanistan War prisoners from, see Tipton Three

  al-Qaeda attack plot in, 475, 491–92

  Bosnian embassy closure by, 134, 135

  Bush’s Middle East address reaction in, 315–16

  Indonesia terror plot advisory in, 367, 377

  Iraq War investigation in, 504–5

  Iraq War opposition in, 244, 328, 339, 354, 422, 466, 471, 485, 486, 494, 496–97, 504

  Iraq War role of, 240, 241, 242, 244, 251–52, 321–22, 328–29, 339, 353, 355, 451, 452, 468, 470, 471, 473, 480, 481, 485, 488–89, 493, 494, 497

  Manchester Manual’s importance in, 128n, 193, 194, 544, 551, 552

  Ministry of Defense in, 321

  9/11 assessment by, 40, 53, 54

  9/11 reaction in, 40–41, 53–55

  political news leaks in, 489

  U.S. steel tariffs on, 240–41

  weapons of mass destruction intelligence in, 392, 504

  see also Blair, Tony

  Greenstock, Jeremy, 480

  Grenier, Bob, 240

  Groenhuijsen, Charles, 462

  Ground Zero, 503

  search and rescue operation at, 163, 164

  Group of Eight, 55

  Guantanamo Bay, 48, 196, 197

  administration oversight of, 367–68

  Algerian Six’s arrival at, 216

  al-Qahtani’s detention at, 324, 325

  al-Qahtani’s interrogation at, 332, 339–40, 367, 378, 403, 404–5, 407, 415–16, 417, 419–20, 422–26, 427, 433–34, 436–37, 439–42, 446, 449–50

  Behavioral Science Consultation Team at, 442

  bin Laden intelligence obtained at, 520

  Camp Delta at, 312, 332, 382, 423

  Criminal Investigation Task Force at, 206–7, 293, 295, 297, 312, 407, 416, 419–20

  detainee treatment at, 210–11, 212, 218, 221, 235, 238–39, 245–46, 367–68, 378–79, 382–83, 403–4, 431–32, 435–36, 437–38, 442, 512, 544

  elderly detainees at, 245–46, 336–37

  FBI agents at, 296, 297, 339–40, 382, 383, 404–5, 419

  female interrogators at, 439–40

  fingerprinting at, 324

  first arrivals at, 209–10, 258

  Hamdi’s removal from, 258–60

  Initial Reaction Force at, 238–39

  Interrogation Control Element at, 382

  interrogation policy conflict on, 293, 295, 296, 298–99, 312–13, 340, 378, 383, 404–5, 407–8, 416–17, 419–20, 430–33, 434–36, 437–39, 442–43,
444–45, 446–49, 450–51, 453, 466–67, 473–74, 475–76, 485–86

  law enforcement interrogations at, 206–7, 295–99, 332, 339–40, 367, 404–5, 417, 420

  legal challenges to, 311–12, 335

  military commissions at, 247, 512–13

  military interrogation program at, 237–38, 245, 293, 295–96, 298, 313, 327, 332, 340, 376, 377–79, 382–83, 403–5, 415–16, 417, 419–20, 422–26, 427–29, 430–43, 444–45, 446–51, 453, 455–57, 463–67, 473–76, 485–86

  military’s management of, 207, 245

  political conflict over, 504

  Red Cross at, 293, 378, 379, 407, 442

  Rumsfeld’s nickname for, 220

  security at, 245

  temporary detention facility at, 197–98, 220–21; see also Camp X-Ray

  translators at, 245

  video cameras at, 239


  habeas corpus rights, 48, 235, 236, 237, 259, 292, 299, 302, 303, 309–10, 318, 319, 323, 336, 511, 512

  Habib (alleged terrorist), 13

  Hadley, Stephen, 23, 25, 45, 156, 261, 328, 343, 500

  Hamas, 3

  Hambali (Riduan Isamuddin), 347–48, 394, 492–93

  Hamdan, Salim, 51–52

  capture of, 166–67, 168

  intelligence given by, 168, 242–43

  legal case of, 174, 217, 511, 512–13

  Hamdi, Esam, 292

  Hamdi, Yaser Esam:

  capture of, 176, 330

  deportation of, 512

  detention of, 317–18, 321, 330, 368

  Guantanamo removal of, 258–60

  legal case of, 217, 262, 263, 266, 292, 299, 300–304, 309–10, 313–14, 316–17, 322–23, 329–30, 341–42, 408–9, 443–44, 511–13

  Harethi, Qaed Salim Sinan al-, 439

  Harper, Stephen, 510

  Hart Senate Office building, 173

  Hawsawi, Mustafa al-, 483

  Hayden, Michael, 97, 100

  Haynes, Jim, 140, 157, 195, 507

  and elderly detainee release, 336

  and Guantanamo interrogation program, 327, 428, 429, 434, 435, 437–39, 444–45, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 453, 455–56, 463, 466–67, 474, 475, 476, 485–86

  Guantanamo visit of, 367, 368

  in Hamdi case, 258, 259, 292–93

  in military commissions formation, 181–82, 246, 247

  on 9/11, 22, 35–36

  in Padilla case, 304, 305

  in shootdown order legal question, 35–36

  in surveillance discussion, 95, 96

  workload of, 435

  Hazmi, Nawaf al-, 33

  health care laws, 319–20, 379, 562

  Heathrow Airport, 475, 491–92

  Henderson, Donald, 75, 76

  Hendrawan, Joni (Idris), 396, 400

  Herat, Afghanistan, 113

  Heritage Foundation, 507

  Hezbollah, 3, 32, 33

  Highland Transport, 42

  Hill, Tom, 415, 415n, 427, 428, 429, 449, 450

  Hoh, Christopher, 135, 204, 205

  Holley, R. J., 285

  Hollywood, as terrorist target, 91

  Homeland Security Department, U.S., 373

  Hoon, Geoff, 72, 329

  Howard, John, 401

  Huden, Johanna, 91–92

  Hughes, Karen, 48, 49

  Human Concern International, 85

  Hussain, Tsadiqui, 248, 249

  Hussein, Saddam:

  assassination scenario for, 471

  bin Laden’s suggested link to, 72, 89, 343–44, 497

  biological weapons stockpile of, 76, 128, 129, 469

  Blair’s views on, 244

  Bush’s preoccupation with, 505

  Bush’s U.N. statement about, 364–65

  capture of, 518–19

  Chirac’s assessment of, 455

  interrogation of, 519–20

  Iraqi opposition to, 251, 452

  overthrow of, 242, 244, 251–52, 253, 261, 263, 328, 329, 339, 353, 355, 452, 453, 471, 504

  U.S. strike against, 497–98, 499, 500

  and weapons inspections, 366, 454, 458–59, 467–68, 471, 472, 477

  see also Iraq


  Iacobucci Commission, 533

  Ibn Taymiyyah, 550

  Idris (Joni Hendrawan), 396, 400

  Immelt, Jeffrey, 127

  Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. (INS), 10, 45

  in Arar detention, 371, 372–73, 374, 385, 387, 389

  Moussaoui’s interview by, 12–14, 181

  post-9/11 criticism of, 372

  Imron, Ali, 394, 395, 396, 400, 414

  Indian Point, 325


  Islamic extremists in, 346

  see also Bali attacks

  In re Territo, 309

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 410, 479, 488

  International Committee of the Red Cross, 293, 378, 379, 407, 442

  interrogation policy, 38

  CIA, 192, 193, 194, 195, 209, 218–19, 253, 255–57, 277, 278–85, 299–300, 322, 325, 332, 333–34, 337–38, 342–43, 344–45, 348–49, 370, 456, 457, 484, 559, 562

  criticism of, 284, 293, 342–43, 376, 383, 404–5, 407–8, 416–17, 419–20, 430–33, 434–36, 437–39, 442–43, 444–45, 450–51, 453, 464, 465–67, 473–74, 475–76, 485–86

  flaws in, 195

  formation of, 191–95

  at Guantanamo Bay, 206–7, 237–38, 245, 293, 295–99, 312–13, 327, 332, 339–40, 367, 376, 377–79, 382–83, 403–5, 415–16, 417, 419–20, 422–26, 427–29, 430–43, 444–45, 446–51, 453, 455–57, 463–67, 473–76, 485–86

  legal analysis of, 280–83, 299–300, 328, 333–34, 337, 342, 403–4, 428, 434–36, 438, 444, 455–57, 463–67, 474–76, 485–86; see also torture, legal analysis of

  Manchester Manual’s importance to, 193–95, 282, 293, 544–45

  military, 192–93, 237–38, 245, 293, 295–96, 298, 313, 325, 327–28, 330–32, 340, 367, 375–76, 377–79, 382–83, 403–5, 415–16, 417, 419–20, 422–26, 427–29, 430–43, 444–45, 446–51, 453, 455–57, 463–67, 473–76, 485–86

  and military commissions process, 438, 439, 485

  prohibitions in, 280

  psychological basis for, 191, 193, 195

  research contradicting, 256–57, 330–32

  secrecy of, 282, 283

  stepping up of, 325, 327–28, 473


  CIA research study on, 256–57

  force drift in, 432, 446

  psychological aspects of, 254, 255, 331, 432

  relationship building in, 208, 255, 256, 278, 279–80, 331, 339–40, 342, 345, 420, 422, 448–49, 519

  Iqbal, Asif, 174, 512

  Iqbal (Bali terrorist), 394, 395, 396


  and Afghanistan War, 73

  Bush’s position on, 51, 78

  and Iraq War, 322

  U.S. suspicion of, 50

  in war on terror strategy, 123

  weapons of mass destruction in, 328

  Iran-Contra scandal, 58


  al-Qaeda’s suggested ties to, 208, 219, 233, 234, 343–44, 345, 383, 401–2, 494, 504

  Arab diplomatic efforts in, 493

  Blair’s position on, 72

  Bush’s position on, 51, 56, 72

  missile capability of, 469

  new U.N. resolution against, 252, 322, 328, 329, 339, 353, 354, 355, 357, 363, 364, 365–66, 391–92, 393, 409, 411, 418, 421, 422, 458

  nuclear capability of, 469, 479, 488

  oil fields in, 451–52, 453

  prewar situation in, 251–52

  prior U.N. resolutions against, 252, 263, 352, 489

  Rumsfeld’s position on, 72, 89, 123, 354, 363

  torture’s use in, 44

  U-2 surveillance of, 469, 471, 477

  U.N. weapons inspections in, 244, 245, 261, 263, 352, 353, 355, 364, 366, 409–11, 421, 422, 445, 452, 454–55, 458, 459, 467–
69, 471, 472, 476–77, 479, 480–81, 487–88, 519

  U.S. suspicion of, 50

  in war on terror strategy, 72, 79, 89, 123

  weapons of mass destruction in, 233, 234, 253, 261, 263, 321, 328, 329, 352, 357–58, 366, 383–84, 392, 393, 402, 445, 452, 453, 454, 458, 459, 471, 479, 494, 495, 504, 505, 519–20

  see also Hussein, Saddam; Persian Gulf War


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