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We Love Lucy

Page 2

by Lucy Felthouse

  The Inner Circle

  Adele peered out of her front window. Yes, there they were again. Donna and Josie, linking arms and chatting away. Just a few short weeks ago, Adele would have been part of that conversation. But now, inexplicably, it seemed she was no longer in the inner circle. The two women had scaled back their invites for afternoon tea, their book club meetings weren’t so frequent and Adele felt as though she was being deliberately excluded. And she had no idea why. There’d been no falling out, no cross words, nothing.

  Adele decided she wasn’t going to take it any more. If she was going to be ignored and left out, she at least wanted to know why. Watching the pair head into Josie’s house across the street without so much as a glance in the direction of her house, Adele drew away from the window.

  Hurrying, so as to not lose her nerve, Adele slipped on her sandals, left the house and pulled the front door shut behind her. She walked across the quiet street. It was a cul-de-sac, so there was no thru-traffic; and, it being the middle of the day, most people were at work, including the husbands of herself and the other two women. The lack of other company during the day was what had originally brought the three women together, but now it seemed Adele was surplus to requirements. Blinking back angry tears, Adele stomped across to Josie’s house, ready for a confrontation.

  Once she got closer, however, she noticed something amiss. Despite the time of day, the living room blinds were closed. The sun wasn’t even at this side of the house yet, so that wasn’t the reason. Intrigued, Adele crept closer. Lots of wild thoughts began to run through her head. They were obviously up to something they wanted to keep secret. But what? Extra-marital activity? Criminal activity? Or worse?

  Determined to get answers, Adele walked right up to the window. The ladies obviously hadn’t been too careful when they’d drawn the blinds. One of the slats had caught on something on the window sill and it wasn’t quite flush to the others, creating a gap. A gap perfect for peering through. Begging to be peered through.

  Never one to pass up an opportunity, Adele gingerly peeked through the hole, half expecting one of the girls to be looking back, glaring angrily at the intrusion. She needn’t have worried. There was nobody there. Not right by the window, anyway. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, Adele could make out shapes moving in the room, over by the sofa.

  On the sofa, she realised, as her brain caught up with what her eyes were seeing. There were two people on the couch, and they were...

  Adele stumbled back from the window, horrified. She’d only been joking with herself when she’d considered the fact that Donna and Josie might have been sneaking men into their houses for some extra-marital nookie. She didn’t seriously think either of the women would cheat on their husbands. But the eyes don’t lie, and what Adele had seen through that window could definitely be classed as nookie. Or getting that way, at least.

  What she couldn’t work out was who was sleeping with whom. There were no extra cars on their drives, no unusual vehicles on the street. Just who were these mystery men? Or man. Perhaps they were sharing?

  Desperate now for the full story, Adele pressed her face back to the window, seeking out the culprits. Her little thinking sojourn had obviously given the couple on the sofa time to hot things up, as they were now both wearing considerably less than the last time she’d looked. Adele could see that Donna was on the sofa, writhing on top of her conquest. She couldn’t see where Josie was.

  As Adele watched, transfixed by the scene before her, a movement from the sofa exposed a revelation that shocked her to her very core. Donna’s lover had breasts. More shifting and wriggling around revealed the face of Donna’s mystery lover. Adele almost fell over backwards as she recognised Josie’s blissed-out looking face.

  Adele’s brain struggled to catch up. How had this happened? A few short weeks ago they’d simply been three women who lived in the same neighbourhood and enjoyed each other’s company. Now Donna and Josie clearly enjoyed much more than just each other’s company. She wondered how it had come about. How had they gone from being happily married women to having a hot lesbian affair?

  And it was certainly hot. Peering back through the window, Adele could see that the pair had swapped positions on the sofa. Josie was now straddling Donna, and peeling down her panties. She flung them across the room. Then, grabbing Donna’s ankles, Josie parted her lover’s legs and put them over her shoulders, giving her access to her pussy. Stroking and caressing Donna’s most intimate place until she was writhing madly on the sofa, Josie then stopped and slid down, replacing her fingers with her face. Despite the double glazed windows, Adele could hear the moans and squeals emanating from Donna’s parted lips. From this angle, she couldn’t see in any great detail, but the way Josie’s head was bobbing up and down and from side to side, she was clearly tonguing the other girl for all she was worth.

  Adele couldn’t believe her eyes. Given the eagerness and passion with which the two women were interacting, this obviously wasn’t some first-time-spur-of-the-moment thing. This discovery explained a great deal. It also made her feel a little peculiar. She felt warm and tingly between her legs and had a strong urge to touch herself there.

  Zeroing back in on the action Adele watched, open-mouthed, as Josie coaxed Donna’s pussy into submission. She couldn’t quite see what she was doing; but judging from Donna’s facial expression, she was doing it right! Bucking and twisting beneath her lover, Donna was heading for orgasm. But Josie wouldn’t let up, holding Donna’s hips in place as she bobbed up and down between her thighs.

  Working faster now, Josie’s actions were tipping Donna over the edge, as was obvious from the way her body thrashed about, then suddenly went stiff. This movement was coupled with the scrunching up of her face, then sudden relaxation as her orgasm hit, resulting in a moan which Adele could hear even through the glass of the window.

  Pulling back, Josie sat up slightly to watch her lover’s face contort in orgasm. Her face in profile, Adele saw a broad grin light up Josie’s face. Crawling up Donna’s body, Josie planted a soft kiss on her lips and slumped down beside her, lazily stroking her stomach.

  As nothing was happening any more, Adele was about to slip away and go home to process what she’d seen. But before she moved, Donna suddenly grabbed the wrist belonging to Josie’s stroking hand, and shoved it down between her legs. It would seem that Donna was ready for round two. Josie immediately plunged two fingers into Donna’s pussy. Her legs lolled open and Adele had a perfect view of her friend’s cunt and the digits delving into its depths.

  Soon, Donna reached out to grab Josie’s wrist once more. This time though, she drew her lover’s hand away from her sex and brought it to her mouth. Slipping an index finger into her mouth, Donna sucked her pussy juices from Josie’s skin. Popping the finger out and replacing it with the next one, she mimicked fellatio as she drank in her own arousal.

  Smiling around Josie’s finger, Donna then removed it and she spoke. Whatever she’d said had clearly had an effect on her lover, as she quickly disentangled herself and allowed Donna to get up off the sofa. She then lay on her back, her feet pointing towards the window. When Donna then turned and flung her leg over Josie’s head, Adele couldn’t quite work out what was going on. It wasn’t until the girls rearranged themselves that the penny dropped.

  Donna had straddled Josie’s face and was lowering herself down. Once in position, she then bent her own head between her lover’s parted thighs. Adele felt another jolt between her own thighs. They were going to lick each other’s pussies at the same time!

  This time, though, Adele could see everything. Josie was slightly angled with her right foot on the floor, giving Donna full access to her plump outer labia and the swollen clitoris peeking from within. Donna wasted no time. Bracing herself on one hand, she used the other to part Josie’s sticky-looking cunt lips and stick her tongue in.

By now, Adele was so aroused that she was embarrassed. She wanted to go home and bring herself off, but she couldn’t tear herself away from the erotic scene before her. Never mind that anyone could see her peering through the house’s front window, and mistake her for someone up to no good.

  Sudden paranoia made her glance around. She needn’t have worried. The street was still deserted. She lined her eyes back up with the gap in the blinds and continued watching the peep show.

  Naturally, she couldn’t see what Josie was doing from here, so she stood, transfixed on what Donna was doing. She currently had Josie’s clit between her lips and was sucking and tugging at it. It had grown to an impressive size and Adele could see even from this distance how wet her friend’s pussy was. She was going to give that sofa a good clean if she wasn’t careful. Sliding a finger into Josie’s core, Donna pumped it in and out as she sucked at the sensitive nub of flesh in her mouth.

  From the awkward angle of her arm, it looked as though Donna was trying to manipulate her lover’s g-spot. When she saw Josie’s hand slip up and around Donna’s hip, dig her fingers into the flesh of her bottom and pull her closer, it was clear that whatever Donna’s fingers were doing was driving her to distraction. In response, the other woman began finger-fucking her in earnest. The thrashing around on the sofa and the moaning audible through the glass of the window gave the impression that the two women were in some kind of race to make the other come first.

  Whether because her arm was tired, or whether she was so close to orgasm, Adele would never know, but Donna stopped what she was doing and sat up. Adele could just about make out that Josie was still busily lapping and sucking away at Donna’s cunt. Her lover’s eyes were closed and she’d moved her hands to her own luscious breasts, lifting and caressing them. Then she slid her fingers to her elongated nipples and began pulling and pinching at them roughly.

  Her eyes flickered open and Adele flinched, convinced that Donna would look over at the window and see her standing there, spying like some dirty little pervert. She had no such worry. The other woman simply flung her head back in abandon and cried out as her orgasm hit. Her fingers closed tightly around her breasts, and Adele could imagine the marks her fingernails would be making in that soft flesh. Looking down and seeing Josie’s chin bobbing, she guessed that was the least of her worries. Josie’s face was wet, pussy juices dribbling down onto her chest and neck. Still she worked at Donna’s sex.

  Soon, it appeared Donna had ridden her orgasm through to its finale and she slowly, shakily, pushed herself off the other girl’s face and stood up. Shifting over, Josie made room for Donna to sit beside her as they recovered from their session.

  Adele decided now was the time to retreat, before the girls’ senses returned and they noticed the peeping Tom watching them through the chink in the blinds.

  As she slunk back across the street, however, little did she know that Donna and Josie were hurriedly pulling on their clothes in order to follow her back to her house. They’d known all along that their friend was watching. Their affair had been going on for some time and they’d decided it was time to find out if Adele was also into Sapphic delights. The fact she’d stood and watched them until the very end before slinking off told them all they needed to know. She was definitely ready to be initiated into their inner circle.

  Susie White & The Right Hand Man

  I should have known my stepmother was up to something when she offered to help me move all my stuff to my University digs. It wasn’t like her to be civil, much less helpful, but I figured that she was happy I was moving hundreds of miles away, and therefore would do anything to make sure it happened as quickly as possible.

  As my father’s only child, I’m the sole heir to White’s Bites, a massively profitable confectionary company based in Wiltshire, England. My stepmother had made no secret of the fact she resented that she wouldn’t get a stake in the business, should anything happen to my father. Of course, the reason for this was that my father knew the first thing the witch would do was put the business on the market to get her greedy little hands on the cash. I, on the other hand, loved White’s Bites and would continue to run it to the best of my ability.

  We’d never seen eye to eye, my stepmother and I. However, it wasn’t the usual ‘child resents someone trying to replace their parent’ syndrome, it was her that resented me.

  My mom had died of cancer when I was fifteen. My father and I were devastated, as you’d expect, but I’d always urged him to get on with his life. After all, it’s what mom would have wanted, and I certainly didn’t want my dad to be lonely when I got married and left home.

  So, a couple of years later, when dad met Louise and they started dating, I was thrilled. He was happy, therefore so was I. Soon it became more serious and dad wanted me to meet her. I was excited, but nervous.

  When the time came and Louise had walked into our house, I’d been in awe. Don’t get me wrong, my mom had been beautiful, but in a natural way, as if she didn’t realise, or care. But Louise clearly did. Her gorgeous hair was perfectly quaffed, and her attractive features were enhanced by expertly applied makeup. Her outfit looked like something from a fashion magazine. I managed to pull myself together before she saw me standing there, all slack-jawed and stupid-looking. Walking towards her, I’d held out a hand.

  “Louise!” I’d said, beaming, “I’m so pleased to finally meet you. Dad’s told me so much about you.”

  She’d smiled thinly and without any real emotion. “Charmed, I’m sure, Susan.” She’d shaken my hand gingerly, as though she was afraid she’d catch something. I’d half expected her to wipe her hand on her clothes afterwards.

  “Oh please, call me Susie.” I’d said, ignoring her odd behaviour. I’d been eager to get on with the woman, knowing it would please my father. “Everyone does.”

  Another tight-lipped smile. I’d tried hard to make conversation with her and make her feel comfortable in our home. But I never felt like I was succeeding. At first, I put it down to her being nervous or shy, but as weeks and months passed, I still never felt as though Louise warmed to me. I never bothered my father with my concerns. After all, as long as she liked him, what did it matter?

  While Louise and my father were just dating, things weren’t too bad. They went to restaurants, the theatre, the cinema, and so on. I didn’t see her very often, and therefore didn’t have to put up with her frosty behaviour towards me.

  Naturally, everything changed when dad told me he was going to ask Louise to marry him. He’d sat me down to break the news - fortunately - and I’d done my best to act delighted. Luckily, dad hadn’t noticed anything was amiss, and as he’d chatted about ceremonies, honeymoons and Louise moving in, a cold shiver had run up my back. This could not end well.

  The woman clearly didn’t like me as it was, so how was she going to feel about living in the same house as me? Granted, because of the success of dad’s business it was a damn big house, but we were bound to cross paths at some point!

  I kept my thoughts to myself, of course. There was no way I was going to put a dampener on my father’s happiness. After what we’d been through with mom’s illness and subsequent death, he deserved it.

  After Louise agreed to marry dad, things moved fast. I’d hoped I’d have a while to wrap my head around everything, and maybe figure out what I’d done to make my stepmother-to-be hate me, but sadly, I didn’t. I had just four short weeks. Because when you have my father’s money and influence, you can make things happen. A fact Louise was well aware of.

  The wedding was to be held in the grounds of the house under marquees - we were in England, after all - and according to my father, it was going to be “the bash of the decade! Posh and Becks eat your hearts out.”

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t possibly get out of being a bridesmaid without upsetting someone. So I’d had visits from Louise’s chosen dressmakers to be measur
ed, prodded and poked. Then they went away to create their no doubt very expensive masterpiece. I knew very little about Louise, but I did know that she was very well off in her own right so there was certainly to be no expense spared for the upcoming nuptials.

  I didn’t see Louise once in the run up to the wedding. Not to talk to, anyway. If she was ever making any arrangements when I was at home, she’d whisk people into my father’s study. They’d conduct their business behind closed doors and when they’d gone, she’d be away again, without so much as a knock on my door to say hello. I didn’t even know what colour my bridesmaids’ dress was going to be.

  Soon, the day was upon us. Louise had stayed at the house the night before, but in a completely separate wing to my father. It seemed they wanted to honour some traditions.

  I finally saw her again on the morning of the wedding. She’d knocked on my door, then walked straight in. With her was what could only be described as an entourage.

  “These people will get you ready,” Louise had said, waving an arm at the group. “Be in the parlour at eleven a.m.” With that, she swept out without so much as a backward glance. I’d expected one of the “people” as she’d called them, to make a comment about the way she’d spoken to them, or at least roll their eyes at her haughty behaviour. But they didn’t. In fact, they hardly seemed to notice. It was like they were on autopilot or something.

  They turned out to be a lovely bunch of girls, if a little lacking in personality. They were also pretty damn efficient and I’d arrived in the parlour with plenty of time to spare before eleven a.m. As a result I’d been alone in the room for a while. I’d ended up flicking through some glossy magazine while I waited, unwilling to linger on my thoughts and feelings of foreboding. A little before eleven the door had opened, and in walked Louise. She’d looked amazing, as usual. My first thought was that my dad was going to be completely blown away.

  Before I could open my mouth and pay her a compliment, she’d looked me up and down with an expression of distaste and said, “You’ll do.”


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