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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

Page 8

by Takehaya

“Yes, Your Highness. That is Elexis Borannam-sama.”

  “He looks frail... but that doesn’t seem to be all there is to him.”

  The man who had taken the wheel of DKI was Elexis Borannam, Ruth’s fiancé. The year after finishing his studies, he replaced his father as CEO of the company. At the time, DKI’s growth had begun to die down, but after Elexis was appointed, it shot right back up. Under his management, and in just a few years’ time, DKI expanded throughout the Forthorthian solar system. As such, Elexis earned quite a reputation for himself as a capable CEO.

  But Elexis wasn’t just known as a businessman. He was also a prolific philanthropist. He personally donated considerable sums of his own money to various charities every year. Elexis lived by the philosophy that business was best when society was at its best, so he also made sure that DKI made contributions to public order and welfare too. It was met with a certain amount of resistance from shareholders, but when faced with Elexis’s ever-growing success and popularity, they had no choice but to reluctantly let him do as he pleased.

  All things considered, Elexis had the qualities expected of a fiancé for the Pardomshiha family’s beloved daughter in spades. And even though he wasn’t a noble in title, he was still a descendant of the Melcemhein family. He was a promising fiancé that many powerful nobles would have loved to welcome into their family.

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Elexis Borannam. It is a pleasure meeting you, Your Highness.”

  Upon arriving, Elexis first greeted Theia. While he might have been Ruth’s fiancé, he thought it was only proper to pay his respects to the princess.

  Up close, Elexis was an elegant man. He was of a tall, graceful stature, and everything from the clothes, shoes, and accessories he was wearing to his golden hair was refined and beautiful. He looked the part of a gentleman. Strengthening that impression even further was his face. His slim face and narrow eyes made him look both smart and sharp. He certainly appeared to be a man of high standing.

  “You have done well to come so far. I won’t mind, so come closer. We won’t even be able to talk properly from this distance.”

  Theia glanced over Elexis and invited him closer. He and Ruth would never get married if he insisted on standing several meters away.

  This man is the very opposite of Koutarou...

  That was Theia’s first impression. The only thing Elexis and Koutarou really had in common was their height.

  “Your graciousness is wasted on me, Your Highness.”

  After bowing to Theia, Elexis turned around to address the five bodyguards in black standing behind him.

  “You can stay there. Guarding me won’t be necessary here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If you’d like, you can return to the ship.”

  “If it’s all right with you, sir, we’d like to stay here. This is our duty after all.”

  “Hahaha, you know what they say about all work and no play.”

  After having a laugh with his bodyguards, Elexis approached Ruth and Theia with confident, unhurried steps. As he reached the two girls, Ruth opened her mouth.

  “Elexis-sama, I am Ruthkania Nye Pardomshiha.”

  “It is a pleasure meeting you, Ruthkania-sama.”

  “Please, call me Ruth.”

  “In that case, please call me El, Ruth-sama.”

  Elexis smiled as he knelt down in front of Ruth. Since his family had given up their nobility, Ruth was by far his social superior.

  “Please stand up, El-sama. You must be tired from your long journey.”

  “Thank you very much, Ruth-sama.”

  Elexis looked up at Ruth and smiled again before slowly rising. Ruth didn’t realize exactly how tall he was until he stood up in front of her. It was almost intimidating. After unconsciously taking half a step back, she looked up at his face.

  So this man... is my fiancé...

  In that moment, Ruth realized that she felt absolutely nothing when she looked at him. Though that was only to be expected since they had just met, there was also no denying that it was because Ruth’s mind was largely occupied with thoughts of someone else.

  “I have seen pictures of you before, but you look even more dignified and lovely in person. It was definitely worth hurrying things along so I could meet you sooner.”

  Elexis, on the other hand, seemed quite satisfied with Ruth. He had taken an interest in her after seeing her picture and had rushed all this way just to meet her. As such, there was a considerable difference in the way they felt about each other.

  O-Of course... He’s gone through the trouble of coming all this way to meet me, so I mustn’t do anything rude...

  This was all so sudden for Ruth, including Elexis’s visit, but he was the man her parents had chosen for her. She couldn’t be impolite. Regardless of whether she was going to proceed with the arranged marriage or turn him down, she had to handle this the right way. And so Ruth braced herself and looked Elexis in the eyes.

  “Thank you very much, El-sama. You are welcome aboard.”

  “I thought that it might be a little bit fast, but my experience at work has taught me that if I leave a good deal be, it will often get away from me. That was why I took time off from work to come here and see you in person.”

  Ruth could tell from the way Elexis was speaking and acting that he thought of the marriage rather favorably. It was true that acting quickly on a good deal was very fitting of a veteran businessman.

  He seems to have taken a liking to me, and he seems like a nice person, but...

  He seemed to have a pushy side to him too, but he clearly made it work for him. He also seemed to have a friendly relationship with his bodyguards. Ruth got the impression that he was a good person just like his reputation indicated, but there was something that bothered Ruth.

  “Ruth, let’s not stand here and talk. Why don’t you show Elexis-dono to his room?”

  Blue Knight was large enough that it had guest quarters, which were certainly more hospitable than the landing deck and would provide some peace and quiet for them to talk properly.

  “Your Highness... Of course.”

  Upon realizing Theia’s intentions, Ruth quickly agreed and indicated the exit of the landing deck to Elexis.

  “El-sama, come this way please. I will guide you to your room.”

  “No, allow me to guide you today.”

  “Your Highness?!”

  “It’s all right. Don’t worry.”

  As Ruth began to show the group the way, Theia overtook her and took the lead. Ruth felt uncomfortable having a princess escort her like this.

  “I’m sure you have plenty to think about.”

  “Your Highness...”

  However, Ruth relented when Theia whispered those words to her. She realized that Theia was doing her this favor not as a princess, but as her childhood friend.

  “Princess Theiamillis, I am most grateful for your consideration.”

  “Think nothing of it. Ruth’s guest is my guest. And besides, I will be hosting both of you today.”

  Theia proceeded to lead the way with the other two behind her. Ruth was absorbed in thought as she watched Theia in front of her, and Elexis beside her.

  I can tell that El-sama is a good person... but... something still just seems wrong...

  Theia was walking with Ruth and Elexis following behind her. If Ruth and Elexis got married, this would probably become normal. But something about it didn’t click with Ruth, and that was what was bothering her.

  With Satomi-sama... it would be more...

  She started imagining what it would be like to walk with Theia and Koutarou like this instead. Theia and Koutarou would lead the way with Ruth following after them. They would argue and sometimes even brawl, but they would always look like they were having fun. Ruth would simply watch over the two of them from behind. That alone would be enough to make her happy. And no matter how much the two of them would fuss, they wouldn’t forget about Ruth who wa
s always with them. Every now and then, they would even turn to her to settle a dispute.

  That was essentially Ruth’s everyday life with them, but it was also how she hoped their future would be. Right now, there was nothing more comforting she could imagine.

  Is it because of the time we’ve spent together? Or perhaps it’s simply Satomi-sama’s very nature...

  Ruth couldn’t imagine any sort of future with Elexis that clearly. Try as she might, it just didn’t feel the same way. Wrapped up in her thoughts, Ruth’s heel got caught in a seam on the floor as they walked along.


  Too distracted to react quickly, Ruth completely lost her balance and started to tumble towards the floor.

  “I got you.”

  But Ruth never hit the ground. Elexis caught her before she did.

  Though Ruth had been working on her physique with her daily training, she still wasn’t an especially coordinated girl. Tripping and falling wasn’t that unusual for her, but whenever she did, there was always someone there to catch her. So Ruth instinctively smiled and started to thank him.

  “Thank you very much, Sa—”

  She had to stop herself mid-sentence. This wasn’t the usual man that came to her rescue.

  “Are you okay, Ruth-sama?”


  The feeling of a man’s arms wrapped around her body, his face in front of hers... It was all so very different from normal. And as that set in on Ruth, she was overcome by an uncomfortable, guilty feeling.


  Ruth practically pushed Elexis away as she stood up. She knew that he meant well, but part of her deeply scorned the gesture.

  Something didn’t feel right about the arms around her. They were normally more coarse and powerful. Something didn’t feel right about the face before her. It was normally more innocent. And something didn’t feel right about the very presence next to her. It normally made her feel safe. But worst of all was the guilty feeling rising in her chest. Like she was betraying someone precious to her.

  For each and all of those reasons, she couldn’t help pushing Elexis away.

  “Oh my, how rude of me. It seems I was a little too forward.”

  However, Elexis showed no sign of being bothered by that, and smiled as he respectfully distanced himself from Ruth.

  “N-No, thank you very much for saving me.”

  Ruth began to feel sorry for Elexis.

  El-sama saved me out of the kindness of his heart, and I...

  She’d pushed him away after he saved her. Thinking on it now, she realized that she’d done it reflexively, without even really considering the man in front of her. She felt it was a rather rude thing to do to someone who had crossed the universe just to meet her.

  This is no good... This is the man I might marry...

  Ruth decided to change gears. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking of someone else. She should be focusing on Elexis. She needed to engage with him and determine whether or not she should marry him.

  What was important to Ruth was what her marriage with Elexis would do for her and the people close to her. If Ruth and Elexis were to marry, Ruth would gain Elexis’s financial powers and his political influence, and in turn Elexis would gain the Pardomshiha name and social standing. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. But that wasn’t everything there was to it. There were three things in particular that bothered Ruth.

  The first was whether or not Elexis could be trusted. Upon speaking directly with him, Ruth felt like he was trustworthy. On top of that, the Pardomshiha family’s intelligence division had done a very thorough background check on Elexis and his personal life. No issues had arisen from it. So, at least in short term, there seemed to be no problem whatsoever with trusting Elexis. But what about the future? He wasn’t a knight, but a merchant. Wasn’t the reason for DKI’s growth that he always took the side of profit? Right now he was certainly on Theia’s side, but would it stay that way in the future? Could he still be trusted if Theia’s political influence was to wane for some reason? Really, the truth of it was that Ruth was a little anxious because Elexis wasn’t a knight. There was no way to be sure of his morals, which naturally led to her next quandary.

  The second thing Ruth was unsure of was what Elexis was really like. Underneath everything, what was his personality like? What was it like to be around him on a daily basis? If Ruth were to marry him, he would, as a matter of course, also end up being by Theia’s side often. If that inflicted any sort of burden on Theia, Ruth would be devastated. Was Elexis even a man that Theia would want close to her? Ruth had to take his character, opinions, and even hobbies into account. But like her first problem, this was all truly only a small matter of concern.

  That wasn’t the case, however, with her last problem. It was by far the most important one, and it involved Ruth’s feelings about the arranged marriage. She was well aware of how valuable an opportunity the union would be. If Ruth’s political influence grew, Theia’s position would be indirectly strengthened. Moreover, Elexis gave off a good vibe. Although he had a pushy side to him, he seemed positive and kind. If they were to get married, he would surely make her happy. She had two minor doubts about the future, but she didn’t doubt that he was a good man. All things considered, Ruth would probably never have a fiancé more blessed than this.

  But even then, something deep inside her questioned whether or not this was really okay. She still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was betraying someone precious. That’s why Ruth couldn’t readily bring herself to agree to the marriage, even on such favorable terms.

  It would be best if I marry El-sama... That much is obvious... I’m probably only anxious because it’s all so sudden... As time passes, that should solve itself...

  There was no real reason to refuse his proposal. Everything would surely go well. Ruth repeatedly told herself that while praying that she would come to believe it was the truth.

  Ruth and Theia arrived at Kisshouharukaze High School just as lunch break was about to end. They sat down at their desks and stayed quiet. It looked like the two of them were deep in thought, and Koutarou worriedly watched over them both.

  Of course they’re serious about this... Marriage is a big deal after all...

  To Ruth, it was a major event that would determine her future. And to Theia, her childhood friend’s life was about to change forever. It wasn’t a simple affair, no matter how you looked at it. Even Koutarou understood that this was serious business and that it weighed heavily on them. After Koutarou lost his mother, there was a time his father had considered remarrying. Thinking back to that, Koutarou could vaguely understand what Theia and Ruth might be going through.

  All right, I’ll take care of it after class.

  There was something Koutarou wanted to talk to Ruth about, but with the lunch period about to end, it would have to wait. He decided to hold it in until after school.

  As the last school bell rang for the day, Ruth was looking at the clock installed above the blackboard. It read three o’clock, indicating the end of class. However, Ruth didn’t seem to register that or the ringing bell. But it wasn’t that her mind was blank. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was so occupied with her worries that she didn’t even remember anything from the afternoon’s classes.

  Oh, right, I better hurry home...

  It took a solid ten seconds after the bell rang for Ruth to finally realize that school was over. Recalling that she had a guest waiting, she hurriedly got up from her seat. As she did, Theia stepped up to her.

  “Ruth, I’ll go on ahead. Elexis-dono might be getting up. You go and prepare dinner.”

  Ruth and Theia had come to school because Elexis was in need of rest due to the time lag from traveling all the way from Forthorthe. Preparations for dinner had to be made before he woke up, so the two girls would split up and to get to work on it.

  “Thank you very much, Your Highness. I am relying on you.”

  “Yes, but keep
it together. He’s your guest after all.”

  Theia waved her hand lightly and left the classroom. She hadn’t been as distracted as Ruth, so she was already ready to go home.

  “She’s right. This won’t do. I need to keep it together...”

  Ruth admonished herself for being so preoccupied. She should have left the classroom with Theia, but she was so shaken up that she wasn’t in her usual routine. It wasn’t a very good sign. She took a moment to collect herself, then put her bag on her desk and began gathering her notes and textbooks.


  That was when Koutarou called out to her.

  Even as they stepped through the gates to the school, Koutarou and Ruth remained silent. Koutarou wanted to talk to Ruth, but since it was a private matter, he couldn’t bring it up with other people around. Knowing that, he walked along in silence.

  Even now, Ruth’s feelings for Koutarou were a bit of a tangle. When Ruth had consulted him regarding her arranged marriage two days ago, he had responded rather indifferently. After talking it over with Theia, she’d come to understand he’d really meant well by taking a backseat in the decision. Yet even knowing that, his words saddened her. As a girl, she still wanted Koutarou to say something more.

  But that wasn’t all that was on Ruth’s mind right now. If she were to act normally around Koutarou, she was scared that she wouldn’t be able to commit to her future marriage. She had wanted to avoid Koutarou to keep herself from making any rash decisions.

  And so, for their own reasons, both Koutarou and Ruth stayed quiet. They walked down the road towards Corona House without exchanging a word. This was the first time there had ever been so much tension between the two.

  That silence continued for a while, but about five minutes after leaving the school, Ruth finally spoke up. They had gotten away from most of the crowd now, and Ruth just couldn’t take the silence and the tension anymore.

  “...Satomi-sama, just what did you want to talk about?”

  Ruth spoke in a harsh tone, devoid of emotion. It was almost as if she was talking to an enemy. That was the best bluff she could muster.


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