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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

Page 17

by Takehaya

  “I promise I’ll find your first love before you wear me out with all this playing around.”

  “That’s a terrible way to turn down a woman.”

  “If you don’t cut it out, even a nice guy like me is gonna smack you.”

  “I know good and well you’re not that kind of man.”

  “Seriously, what is up with you?”

  “I just love you.”


  The two continued to play lovers on the roof for a little while. Kiriha had some time to spare before she was due to help Shizuka.

  With Koutarou’s constant stream of visitors, Kenji and the other boys hadn’t had an opening to spring on him. And now there was no point in coming out and telling him that he’d been pranked. He already had four valentines in hand. In the end, it seemed the joke was on them.

  Am... Am I the butt of this joke?

  Kenji was staring forward blankly as the sign in his hand flapped in the wind. It almost sounded like a dry laugh, and he felt like laughing with it.

  “Curse you, Satomi!”

  “What was all that about being one of us?! You said you’d only get one or two obligatory valentines! Quit messing around, Koutarou!”

  “He’s getting valentines left and right!”

  “You’re the real traitor, Satomiiiii!”

  But unlike with Kenji, this was no laughing matter to the other boys. They waited for Kiriha to leave before jumping out from behind the water tank.

  “To arms! Our target is Satomi Koutarou!”

  “Get him!”

  On that day, due to the betrayal of their charismatic leader, the unpopular boys alliance was disbanded.

  After being knocked out, Koutarou came to as the sun was starting to set.

  Ouch, that smarts...

  He’d only woken up from the pain of his injuries. The unpopular boys alliance had given him quite a beating. If not for that, he would have been out a little while longer. But as he stirred, he could hear a voice—no, two voices—that helped bring him around.

  “Is Koutarou all right?! Will he be okay?! He won’t die, will he?!”

  “He’s all right. It seems they held back when they hit him.”

  “I... I see... You fool. You surely could’ve beaten those boys off with ease. Why didn’t you put up a fight...?”

  “That’s the kind of person he is. That’s our Satomi-sama.”

  “I know that! But I’m still frustrated!”

  “If you don’t like it, then you should stay by his side to keep these things from happening.”

  “Then I will! I will protect him!”

  “I have never heard of a princess protecting her knight though.”

  “I will simply do as I please! Who would dare defy the seventh princess?!”

  “As you wish, my princess.”

  Focusing on those two voices, Koutarou slowly came around.

  Is that Theia... and Ruth-san?

  By the time he could remember who those voices belonged to, he had gotten a sense of his surroundings. He was currently lying on something flat and wooden with something warm and soft under his head as a pillow. Even with his eyes closed, he could tell it was starting to get dark out, but strangely enough, he didn’t feel cold. Perhaps that was thanks to the two warm presences nearby.


  Koutarou opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times. Since the day was nearing its end, it wasn’t like it was bright outside. He did it to help clear his mind.

  “It seems he’s awake now.”

  “I-I see...”

  Upon opening his eyes, Koutarou saw Ruth’s face in front of him. Theia was standing a little bit behind Ruth, but she was turned away from him and wasn’t looking at him. She appeared to be gazing at the setting sun.

  “Good morning, Ruth-san. You too, Theia.”

  Koutarou looked around as he greeted them. He was still on the roof of the school, but he was lying on a bench. The warm pillow under his head was Ruth’s lap. After looking around some, he looked back at Ruth and Theia.

  “I am glad you’re okay, Satomi-sama.”

  “You look like a mess.”

  Ruth was smiling, but Theia was sulking. They seemed to be giving off opposite vibes.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t have a lot to say for myself... Upsy-daisy.”

  Koutarou smiled wryly and sat up.


  His body didn’t let him forget he was wounded. His injuries from yesterday’s fight still hadn’t healed either, and he grimaced at the sudden rude reminder.

  “Y-You fool! Just stay down! You’re in pain, aren’t you?!”

  Theia, who had been sulking, rushed right over to Koutarou. She grabbed hold of his shoulders and pushed him back down. She looked rather worried, and her sour mood from a moment ago was nowhere to be seen now.

  “I’m all right, Theia. You don’t need to worry that much.”

  “I-I’m not worried! I’m just amazed!”

  Theia finally realized what she was doing when Koutarou said something about it. She quickly took her hands off him and turned sulkily away.

  “What are you getting all embarrassed for?”

  “Sh-Shut up! I’m not embarrassed!”

  Shaken, Theia’s voice faltered. Hearing that, Ruth swooped in to give Theia a helping hand.

  “Forgive me for asking again, but how are you feeling, Satomi-sama?”

  “Huh? Oh, I think I’m fine. I’m sorry for making you worry.”


  Koutarou’s attention shifted from Theia to Ruth so he could answer her question. Theia looked relieved.

  What am I so shaken up for? I only need to act like normal...

  Even with Theia talking herself through things, she wasn’t able to calm down.

  “Well, the sun is setting, so let’s go home before it gets cold.”

  Completely unaware of Theia’s feelings, Koutarou slowly got up. He was still hurting, but it wasn’t badly enough that it would keep him down. He’d rather suffer a little than freeze on the rooftop.

  “Ah, w-wait!”

  Theia grabbed the hem of Koutarou’s shirt as he started to walk off.


  Koutarou stopped and turned to her. As he looked down at her, Theia’s face instantly turned red.

  “What is it?”

  “Ah, u-um... Er...”

  Theia’s mouth was moving, but she couldn’t say anything. Eventually she looked away and turned to Ruth for help.

  “Ruth, please... I... I can’t do this...”

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  Ruth nodded at Theia, stood up, turned towards Koutarou, and smiled. Unlike Theia, Ruth was her usual self.

  “Actually, Satomi-sama, we came to deliver a valentine.”

  “A valentine?! For me?! Really?!”

  Upon hearing that he was going get chocolate from Ruth, Koutarou forgot all about his pain. He leaned in towards her in anticipation.


  Seeing Koutarou like that, Theia’s expression brightened up a little. She quickly tried to cover it up, however, and looked at Koutarou sulkily.

  “Koutarou, are you happy to receive a valentine from Ruth?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  Koutarou answered Theia and nodded like the answer was only obvious. To him, getting chocolate from Ruth was a very happy thing indeed.

  “Ruth is an alien, you know. Are you really okay with that?”

  Theia continued to question Koutarou. It was like she was confirming his feelings one at a time.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Koutarou understood the question that was being asked of him, but not the significance behind it.

  “Ruth is an alien, and a noble at that. Even if her valentine is a true valentine... Even if this blossoms into a relationship and you become lovers, it might be hard to make a family... That’s what it means.”

  “Ah, so that’
s what you’re asking.”

  Now that he was clear on that much, Koutarou thought about it carefully.

  She’s asking me if I’m okay receiving a valentine from someone when our relationship might never get any further than this. In that case...

  But he knew his answer right away.

  “Of course. To be honest, I would be happy to receive a real valentine like this from anyone, alien, monster, robot, or otherwise.”

  Really, Koutarou had known his answer long before Theia even asked. He was happy when he got his insignia of rank from Charl. The same was true when Alaia entrusted him with Signaltin. Alien or not, it didn’t matter. He saw them as people he cared about, and he was happy to receive their gifts. This was no different.

  “...What? R-Really...?”

  Theia was puzzled by Koutarou’s answer. Contemplating it, her mind began to wander.

  You won’t mind, even if it’s an alien...? Then... could you be happy with me and Ruth...?

  Theia wanted to know how Koutarou really felt. He might have answered without much thought. Without knowing how much his answer meant to her.

  “Why are you so surprised, Theia? You said it yourself, after all.”

  Koutarou put his hands on his hips and smiled wryly.

  “Huh? Wh-What did I say?”

  “What’s important isn’t the sword itself.”


  When she heard those words, Theia suddenly became very self-conscious. She knew what he meant by them. She realized that she’d been so obsessed over being an alien that she’d overlooked what really mattered.

  “This is no different. I don’t care about your body or where you’re from. It would be a waste of chocolate not to take it, so fork it over!”


  Koutarou’s words filled Theia’s chest. They were light and warm, and pierced the dark clouds around Theia’s heart like sunbeams.

  That’s right... What was I so worried about? I was the one who said that Koutarou was a true knight...

  Theia had been so fixated on such a tiny detail that she’d lost sight of herself. She should have trusted her feelings. She should have trusted herself more. She should have trusted that she would be able to make Koutarou happy after revealing her feelings for him.

  “The only thing I’m concerned about is...”

  “Is what?”

  “Whether or not it’s bitter chocolate.”

  When she heard those words, large tears began flowing freely from Theia’s eyes. Without even trying to wipe them away, she smiled at Koutarou.

  “Then you don’t need to worry. All of it’s milk chocolate. There won’t be anything bitter...”

  Theia decided to believe. In herself, in Ruth, and in Koutarou. In all of their feelings.

  Koutarou, please live with us... I promise if you choose me and Ruth, we’ll make the sweetest chocolate for you...

  And most of all, she believed in their future. She believed that there was a way they could all be happy together. And if there was no clear path to get there, she would make one. Theia would no longer hesitate. She would work towards that future with all her might.

  “Your Highness...”

  In that moment, Ruth was able to sense a change in Theia’s feelings. It was the first step towards the ideal future that Ruth strived for. It was the moment that everything was finally set in motion.

  I see you’ve finally made up your mind, Your Highness... I’m glad. And I’m sure everything will go well from here. After all, Satomi-sama said that these past ten months have been fun...

  Ruth trembled with joy. She looked like she would start crying at any moment, but she held those feelings in. She knew now was a time to be smiling.

  “Theia, why are you crying?”

  “It’s nothing. I was just ashamed of my own heart’s weakness. I’m fine now.”

  At last, Theia wiped her tears away. As she did, her eyes began to shine. They no longer betrayed any worrying or suffering. It was like she had wiped away her hesitation and unease. What remained were her usual, powerful, clear blue eyes.


  But one thing seemed different. There was a new feeling in those clear eyes, and Koutarou found himself unable to look away from them.

  “Ruth, give me the chocolate.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Ruth pulled out a small, wrapped package from her bag and handed it to Theia. Theia then removed the wrapping, revealing a transparent case.

  “Is this... Saguratin?”

  “That’s right. Ruth and I made this together.”

  Inside the transparent case was a small model Saguratin made from chocolate. Some of the detailed parts had been simplified, but they had reproduced the unique design of the sword, including its ornamentation, very well.

  “You helped?”


  Hearing that Theia had made the chocolate with Ruth, Koutarou was overcome with a mysterious feeling.

  What is this...? It’s like during the ski trip, but this is more... It’s different...

  A warmth spread through his chest. He felt comfortable, but he also felt strongly like he needed to protect this feeling. It was similar to the sense of security he felt with his parents and the desire to protect he felt when looking at a small child. Those two feelings intertwined and created a very complex emotion.

  “Satomi-sama. We have only made this chocolate sword. There is nothing else.”

  “Ruth and I poured our feelings into this one chocolate... Will you accept it?”

  “Yeah... Thank you.”

  Koutarou reached out with his hands like he was being drawn in. It was incredibly difficult for him to go against Theia right now. He presented his hands to her almost like she was controlling him.

  “Thank you for everything, Satomi-sama.”

  “And if possible, we want you to keep helping us in the future too.”

  “That’s a given.”

  Koutarou nodded firmly after receiving the case from Theia.

  “A given, is it?”

  Theia narrowed her eyes and slightly cocked her head. Her expression was more gentle than usual.

  “Yeah. Is that so strange?”

  “Of course it’s strange... If that’s your answer, I don’t know why we were fighting all this time. Heh...”

  Theia’s gently laughing voice was a wonderful sound to Koutarou’s ears. But just ten months ago, this would have been a prelude to a fight.

  “But I won’t let you win right away.”

  “I understand. I don’t want Kiriha to fall into any danger either.”

  “...Thinking about it calmly, you’re right about it being strange, Theia.”


  Koutarou and Theia laughed together, and they both appeared to be enjoying themselves. It was quite bizarre to see an invader and her target together like that. But to them, that was now part of their everyday life. And they wanted it to stay that way from now on.

  They continued to laugh for a while longer. Ruth simply watched over her beloved master and the legendary knight. It was a beautiful moment, and she treasured watching this miracle come together right in front of her. Words were unnecessary for her right now.

  Once the laughter finally died down, however, Ruth spoke up.

  “Your Highness, Satomi-sama, I think it is time to go home. It is starting to get cold.”

  The only worry Ruth really had now was for their well-being.

  “That’s true. Let’s go before we catch colds.”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Once we get home, Shizuka-sama’s cake might be ready.”

  “That’s right. I almost forgot about that.”

  They both readily agreed to Ruth’s suggestion, and the three of them headed towards the entrance to the rooftop. Ruth, who was in the lead, opened the metal door and entered the school building. Theia followed behind her, but before she passed through the door, she stopped and turned to Ko

  “By the way, Koutarou, that’s not all that’s strange.”

  As she turned around, Theia’s golden hair caught the light of the fading sun and shone a brilliant, burning red. It was almost as bright as the smile on her face.

  “Hmm? There’s something else?”

  Koutarou followed her lead and stopped as well. They were now standing so close that they could feel each other breathing.

  “Actually... it’s about the chocolate.”

  Theia reached her hand out and touched the transparent case Koutarou was holding.

  “What about it?”

  “You see, this chocolate is without a doubt...” Theia looked up at Koutarou and flashed a mischievous smile. “...A real valentine.”

  Theia said those words as if it was nothing, but Koutarou was quite stricken when he heard them.


  His brain was frozen. It was like someone had suddenly cut the power to it.

  “That’s all I wanted to say. Brrr... Let’s hurry home before it gets any colder, Koutarou.”

  A satisfied smile crept across Theia’s lips as she left Koutarou behind and quickly entered the school building.


  But Koutarou just stood there frozen on the roof for a little while longer.

  The baking in Shizuka’s room, room 206, was currently on hold as the batter was in the oven. Since the plan was to eat the cake with some tea after dinner, it was more convenient to hold off on any more work until everyone was done eating.

  Sanae and Yurika, however, were still pressed up against the glass of the oven door when Kiriha left Shizuka’s room to head back to room 106. Kiriha was planning on using her spare time before dinner to check on Koutarou’s wardrobe. She would patch holes and mend frayed hems for him. He was so active and rough that it was a job that needed to be seen to regularly.

  “Now that I think about it, I haven’t touched this drawer yet...”

  Standing in front of the wardrobe, Kiriha pulled open the bottom drawer. The wardrobe had several drawers, and Koutarou’s clothes were organized top to bottom by season. The clothes got thicker the lower you went, so Kiriha hadn’t needed to go into the bottom drawer with the heaviest winter clothes before today.


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