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Reed's Reckoning

Page 22

by Ahren Sanders

  “Jesus Christ! The incident with Cara was weeks ago. Alex contacting a PI was months ago, how are we just now hearing this?”

  “I stopped following Ari and Davis after I turned over the file and you paid me. I had no reason to keep digging. I’m glad my buddy called me. It’s taken since I talked to you last to gather this information.”

  “Trey, are we in danger? Any of us? I am pissed as shit at my sister right now, but I want her to be safe.”

  “So far, there are no credible threats. But with this information, I would recommend you file for a restraining order against Alex, here and in Jacksonville. Be aware of your surroundings. But breaking up a college couple because of jealousy isn’t a crime. With her college relationships with these other girls, everything can be seen as a coincidence. I’m not sure without a threat, if you’ll even get a restraining order granted but at least it will be on record.”

  “Fucking A’, I was in that woman’s dirty ass bed. What a bitch.” Luke says referring to Sarah.

  “Me too, years ago.” Jack adds.

  “Eeewwww.” Ari scowls. “I know that’s not appropriate right now, but eeewww.”

  “I have an idea,” Luke ignores her. “We need to talk to Sarah and see what she knows.”

  “I agree, but how? Ari’s not talking to her alone.” I tell them.

  “No, she’s not. I am.”

  “Umm, hello, ‘she’ is right here, and I think I am perfectly capable of talking to her. I’ll just corner her at work.” Ari says confidently.

  Not even a second passes and all men laugh. Her face starts to turn red and I know she’s going to blow. Before she can scream, I tug her into my lap and hold her tight.

  “Angel, you’re a tiny woman that wouldn’t hurt a fly. You would be about as effective as a child.”

  “Reed Matthews, I can be a badass! Somehow, Sarah is involved with Alex, who hurt me deeply. I don’t know the extent yet, but I can be very intimidating when I need to be.”

  I try hard, but can’t hide my smile. “Baby, I know you’re a badass, but you gave our son my namesake even when you thought I left you because you didn’t want to devastate me. Your heart is too big to deal with this. If she started crying, you would probably hug her.”

  “Reed, that’s not a fair comparison, and I would not back down!”

  “Yes, Ari, you would.” Luke tells her.

  “Fine! What do you suggest?”

  “I’m going to send her a text to meet us at the café in the morning. All of us. I’ll meet her and then we’ll confront her. I want Trey to emphasize his relationship with the local police so she’ll be scared.” Luke outlines his plan and I agree it’s a good one.

  “I’m coming too. Somehow, I think I’m involved with this.” Jack states.

  Luke sends Sarah a message. She replies immediately that she’ll be there. Ari goes inside to start dinner and send her boss a message that she will be late tomorrow, and I call my coach to tell him I will report to camp on Tuesday.

  “Reed, it’ll kill Ari, but I need to know. Did you mess around with this Alex girl in any way?” Luke’s face is serious.

  “Fuck no! No way ever. I’ve always disliked her. The only time I willingly partied with her was the night I thought Ari broke up with me. That night I was so drunk nothing even could have happened. She talked to me at a few parties or if I’d see her around, but we never had any type of relationship.”

  “Well, I guess this makes it easier to say then.” Trey cuts in. “One odd thing in all of this is that Alex has a standing appointment twice a month with a fertility doctor. She doesn’t seem to be dating anyone seeing as how she is hung up on you.”

  “You think she wants to have my baby? Isn’t that physically impossible? I’m not sure about the science of how it all works, but I am pretty sure I have to contribute to that. With Ari, I know I contributed.”

  “I hate to tell you, but women use sperm samples all the time. It’s the only choice in some circumstances. Is there any way she could have gotten a sample?” Trey actually looks embarrassed.

  Shit! There’s a fine line I’m walking here because this is really no one’s business. “I won’t go into details, but there is absolutely no way, since the day I saw Ari in April, she could have gotten a sample in the way you’re thinking.”

  “Motherfucker! You better put a goddamn ring on her finger before I have another Godson. Don’t you wrap your shit up?” Luke snarls at me

  Jack slams his hand on the table and hollers, “Hell yeah! I’ll be around for this one!”

  “Watch it asshole! I’m not sure you’re in my good graces yet.” I growl at him.

  “Being as I am here and about to help you get to the bottom of this. You better start.” He laughs back.

  “Daddy, what are y’all laughing about?” Davis pokes his head out the door and I motion for him to sit with me. Ari comes out and invites the guys for dinner, and then makes a motion for me to follow her inside. I dump Davis into Luke’s lap and walk in behind her.

  “I heard all that, Reed, and it sets my nerves on edge. I’ve lived with the fact that I got pregnant out of wedlock but I was in love with you. What if she is trying to get pregnant without any type of relationship with you? Isn’t that certifiable?”

  “Baby, there’s no way. You and I both know that.”

  “Not now! But what about before me? You said you used condoms. What if she got one of those?”

  “Ari, how would that even happen? And why are we talking about it? It creeps me out.”

  “Because it happens. You forget I read a lot, and there are some crazies out there that do this stuff all the time.”

  “Babe, I know what you read and it is fictional porn.”

  “No, it’s not! These things really happen.”

  “To who?”

  “Didn’t you watch that drama last year when the crazy scary man got his secretary or someone pregnant by letting go in her mouth and she saved it? Or what about on Scandal when the teenagers slept together and she kept the condom to give as a DNA sample? It happens!”

  Yanking her to me, she lands against my chest as a thud. “You gonna let this eat away at you? You know she’s not currently pregnant and she never will be with my baby. Now you on the other hand, will be.”

  “Are you taking me seriously?”

  “Absolutely. We got some crazy news tonight. We need to confront it in the morning for answers and your mind is swirling. But nothing changes us Ari. You and I are the real thing. Not her, no one else before you, well except you.”

  She tries to argue but I cover her mouth with a kiss until we’re breathless. Then I step back and top off her wine. She goes back to the stove and I set the table. I think I may be out of the clear until she speaks again.

  “And another thing Reed, don’t let people think we are trying for a baby. We have a lot on our plate right now.”

  “We’ll see sweet Angel, we’ll see.” I wink and turn in time to see her roll her eyes.


  The coffee I drank this morning is sitting in my stomach like lead. Each time I move, Reed and Luke rub my arms soothingly. I wonder if I’m going to throw up for the hundredth time. Last night, I was all talk because I know now I could never confront this woman, who used to be my friend, with confidence.

  I ended up calling Katy and Sophie and telling them what happened. Sophie gave me advice on right hooks, while Katie gave me advice on patience. She explained that I needed to hear what Sarah said before I judged her. I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but it is her wisdom that got me to where I am today.

  Luke gets a text and gets up tensely to meet Sarah at the front. Jack moves to the seat he vacated and Trey stands behind me. Reed is so close he is practically on top of me.

  Minutes pass before they return and when she sees me her face falls and she stops. She tries to turn but Luke’s hand closes in on her hip and urges her forward. He gently sits her in a chair where she has no choice but to face me.r />
  “Sarah, do you remember me?” Jack asks tightly.

  “Yes, I do Jack.”

  “Sarah, do you know who I am?”

  “Yes, you’re Reed Matthews.” Her voice shakes.

  “Do you know me?” Trey asks authoritatively.


  “Well, in this situation, I can be your best bet or your worst nightmare.” He doesn’t elaborate further.

  “Luke, how could you do this to me?” she cries.

  “Do what to you? What have I done? Ask you to breakfast to talk a few things over?” The tone of his voice is foreign to me. He has never ever been that cold to anyone.

  I gently slide a few photos forward, her face pales when she looks at them. She starts to shake and quietly gags.

  “You throw up; you’re sitting in it until we get answers.” Luke hisses and I pop my head up. He is completely stoic with no emotion on his face. It’s scary.

  “Why are you being so cruel? Why I am here?”

  Reed’s knee nudges me and I gather my inner strength. “Sarah, do you know Alex Moore?”

  “Yeah, but you know that already because you have pictures of me with her right here.”

  “Did you have anything to do with breaking me and Reed up?”

  Her face changes to full rage. “What the fuck does it matter? You’re back together. The love story continues and you have your guy. Who cares what happened four years ago?”

  Reed snaps, “Listen here, bitch—it matters to me. I want to know everything. It may seem like bullshit to some, but I am not some. This shit has eaten at me for long enough. Tell me what the fuck you know and what part you played. I have the best people on my payroll and will work day and night to figure this shit out. I’m giving you a way to help yourself.”

  Her eyes grow wide and fill with tears. “It doesn’t matter. It’s all over anyways. Try your best to ruin me. I already lost my boyfriend and dignity in the process.”

  “What fucking boyfriend? I know you aren’t talking about me.” Luke hisses.

  She looks at him and then shakes her head. “No, I guess not since Ari holds the fucking golden pussy, huh? She can do no wrong. Even when she re-connects with the father of her child you stick to her like glue and I mean nothing.”

  I gasp at her statement and the atmosphere turns icy. Sarah looks at all of us and smiles. “Oh come on, you don’t think I know he was sleeping with me but thinking of you? I always knew I was second.”

  Rumbling sounds from all around and I don’t know if it’s Reed, Luke, or Jack.

  “Not that it is any of your business, but Luke and I have been friends for years. We have never been in a relationship outside of that. I wanted a nice girl for him and I thought you were it.”

  “You weren’t screwing him before me?” she questions.


  “What about all those nights he was at—”

  “Enough! We’ve clarified all we need to clarify. You tell us about your relationship with Alex!” Reed interrupts.

  Her bottom lip trembles and she starts to cry. “I didn’t know it was you until that night at your house, when you told us Reed had come over and exchanged sob stories, I knew right then. I had heard stories around about the sorority house about Alex’s intentions to follow Reed into the NFL and his girlfriend was a no-name with a leech syndrome.”

  Reed’s body grows rigid against mine and he squeezes my knee to the point of hurting. I look at Luke for help but he shakes his head.

  “How the fuck are you involved in this then?” Trey asks calmly.

  “That night after dinner, when Luke took me home, he wouldn’t even kiss me fully. His mind was on Ari and Davis and I needed him. My mind was filled with guilt and I wanted to tell him everything but he dismissed me. The next day I found Alex’s number and called her. The first thing I said was ‘what have you done’? I explained about Ari and Davis and she laughed at me. Her exact words were ‘she had the bastard?’ Then she threatened me if I didn’t tell her everything I knew. I only told her he found you and wanted to be a part of Davis’s life.

  “Ari, I had no idea you were pregnant all those years ago. If I did, I wouldn’t have been a part of it. And I had no idea you were the same woman when we met at the bank. But when I listened to the story you told us that night, it dawned on me you were Reed’s in college and it all came back to me. You are so confident and secure. Nothing like the leech she described. You never complained about being a single mom, and I knew you had Luke, Sophie, and Katy.”

  “That’s all fucking great, Sarah, but what ‘wouldn’t you have been a part of’?” Reed questions her with venom.

  “I can’t talk about it. It’s too personal—”

  “You don’t think this shit is personal to us? I let you into my home, around my son. I introduced you to the best man I know hoping to give you both happiness. This is my family, you bitch! I don’t know what you did, but you better explain right now.” I surprise myself with my outburst.

  Her eyes grow wide again and she starts to cry. “I can’t tell you! Don’t you understand? It will hurt a lot of people if it gets out! I was young and naïve. I could lose everything I have worked for.”

  Trey takes over and starts gathering the papers on the table.” We are done here. I have my leads. I will be in Tallahassee the next few days if you need to reach me.”

  At his words she lurches for him, “No!”

  “Listen here, little lady, we gave you a chance. You have one more. If not, I find out on my own, and I don’t have to be quiet on my reporting.”

  “No, no, no… You can’t go back there. It will ruin everything!” She is pleading with him and I lean into Reed for support.

  “Don’t see how considering you won’t give us anything. I’m being paid to uncover a deception and I’m damn good at my job.”

  “Please just let it alone!” she wails and customers turn our way.

  I grow a backbone and sit up straight. Reed tries to hold me but I break free and lean into the table. “I can stop him, Sarah. I can put this all to an end. Reed listens to me but not if he thinks I’m in danger—or if he wants answers. Well, give me answers now, no more bullshitting. You have one more chance.”

  Her face crumbles and she throws it in her hands. We all sit back and wait until she hiccups a few times, then looks at me with sadness.

  “I was involved with the Dean at the Business College. He was married and I was stupid. I was very careful, but Alex found my journal. She blackmailed me with threats to expose us. She convinced me you were a gold-digging whore one night over tequila shots, but I didn’t know you. I’d never even seen a picture of you. I told Dean Harris I would walk away and he would be safe with his tenure and family if he threatened you. Alex provided the picture of you standing by the gym waiting.”

  “I’ve heard you insult Ari twice now. She’s not trash and she’s not a gold-digging whore. If you say it again, or anything like it, I will unleash Sophie on your ass.” Luke growls.

  “What about me? I was minding my own business when you approached me.” Jack finally speaks up.

  She looks ashamed but answers. “I was supposed to get close to you to find out about Reed.”

  “So basically you’re a slut!” Reed shouts.

  Her face flinches and she nods, “You have every right to call me that. I thought I found true love in Dean Harris. He promised me so much but let me leave him when he knew his reputation was on the line. I was numb and until I met Luke, I had no idea what a good relationship was.”

  “Lady, how do I even respond to that? You asked me to stay away from my best friend and Godson. That’s a good relationship?” Luke questions her.

  “Don’t you understand? Once you told me Ari would go back to Reed, I knew we could be happy.”

  “You’re sick, just sick. Arianna Williams could be in bum-fuck Egypt and I would be there with her. She’s my family. Hell, she’s closer to me than family. She’s gone through more with
me than anyone knows. I may seem like a rock to her, but she is my lifeline when it comes to keeping me sane. So fuck you.”

  I look in Luke’s eyes and know exactly what he means. I helped him through some tough times and we will always be together. We are used to people not understanding the connection we built as kids.

  “Anything else?” Trey directs the question to Sarah.

  “Yeah, I am fucked. Not sure if you know, but Alex Moore is outside watching.”

  “Who cares?” I ask.

  “Oh, Ari, didn’t you know? Her dad’s company is the multi-million dollar account you and Phillip just signed. We’re both screwed.”

  “Go, Trey! Get her! I’m filing a restraining order today!” Reed yells and Trey takes off.

  I start shaking and Reed gathers me in his arms. I hold on tight until Luke reaches me.

  “Damn, Ari, you can never catch a break. I’ve got you.” Luke says softly into my ear. Reed lets me go but kisses the top of my head and runs after Trey. Jack moves to his side.

  “This is what I couldn’t understand Luke, I needed to know you cared about me like you do her.” Sarah cries again.

  “You don’t need to understand, you just needed to accept she is my family.”

  I hold on tighter and sob silently not caring about the scene we just caused.

  Chapter 27


  All week has been work as usual which makes me uneasy. I’ve been completely attentive to my clients, but I have a bad feeling. Phillip has signed off on the work remotely program but I still need to talk to him.

  My gut tells me to let this play out, however, I have one idea, and plan to use it.

  “Phillip? You in here?” I knock on his cracked door and hear shuffling.

  “Give me a minute!” he yells and I stand back. I hear him cut off a call and I enter.

  “Arianna! What are you doing here so late?” he asks uncomfortably.


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