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Lavender Lies (Historical Romance)

Page 15

by Constance O'Banyon

  Julian tried to tell himself to beware of this woman who made an art of using her beautiful body to entrap men, but her sweet breasts were crushed against his hard chest, and he could not reason very well. He realized she had probably been with so many men that she could not put a number to them, and still his body hungered for her.

  He did not know at what moment his tight grip on her shoulder became a gentle caress moving down her back and across her shapely hips. He was like a man dying of thirst, and she was his oasis. Never had his body throbbed with such intensity. He had to have her, and nothing could stop him. Julian was hardly aware that he had pushed her leather jerkin aside. His hand trembled when he felt her soft breasts beneath his fingers. His heart thumped wildly as he pressed his lips to her arched neck, savoring the feel, the very essence of her silken body. A voice inside his brain reminded him that this was the Swallow who had been trained to steal men's minds, but he was too near paradise to heed any earthly warning.

  Desire exploded inside Lavender's body, and she arched toward the wonderful hands that caressed her breasts. She smothered a cry as his lips moved down her neck and his hot tongue circled around and around her nipples, causing them to tingle and swell.

  Although she was an innocent where a man was concerned, she seemed to know what to do to please this man. She heard him gasp when she unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over the mat of hair that covered his chest.

  He was nipping at her lips as she reached up and pulled his head down to her. Boldly she offered him her lips, an offer he readily accepted. His mouth burned hers with a passion so strong that Lavender felt herself falling backward onto the bed. For a moment she could not find him in the dark, then she discovered he was removing her boots, her britches, her shirt. Each deed was performed with sensuality, and she thought she would die before he moved beside her on the bed.

  Her heart was filled with joy, because he loved this man. She felt no guilt or remorse for offering herself to him, because love was never wrong when it was real. She must have known from the first that she would one day belong to this man. For whatever reason, he had sailed an ocean because of her. As surely as she was now his prisoner, her heart was his hostage, to keep or reject as he chose.

  When Julian's lips became hard, probing, demanding, her mind became drugged, her heart pounded. It was as if she were clay in his hands and he could mold her into anything he wanted. At first, when his tongue ran smoothly over her lips, she was startled. With gentle pressure, he pried her lips apart and his tongue darted inside. Lavender melted into the mattress, wishing she had something stationary to hold onto because she felt as if the whole world was spinning around her.

  Warm, wonderful, experienced hands moved down her naked form, touching, teasing, circling. His fingers splayed across her stomach, and now he was taunting her as his hand moved the merest fraction toward her thigh, all the while his lips were draining her of resistance.

  He knew women well enough to realize she was stirred by him. "You want me as much as I want you," he growled against her lips. "Admit it."

  "Yes," she whispered.

  "Yes, what?"

  "Yes, I want you."

  Suddenly he was jealous of all the men she had given her body to, and he felt the overwhelming need to torture her. His fevered mind wondered if she had given herself to his own brother William. If she had, how could he take her to his body? No, he would not take her, he would make her mindless with desire. She would beg him to make love to her…then he would taunt her and laugh at her.

  Rising on his elbow, he slipped out of his boots. His trousers quickly followed, then he stripped off his shirt. Anger and revenge motivated his hands as he pulled her against his naked flesh. But when his body touched her soft Curves, it was not anger that pounded in his brain. When her soft whimper penetrated his consciousness, he felt his revenge melting away. Dragging his mind back to his purpose, he cursed under his breath when his male hardness betrayed his own raging desire.

  Her hand was soft and satiny as she ran it down his back. He gritted his teeth as she moved her hips so his swollen shaft slid down her thigh to brush against her inner core. He could feel his resolve slipping, and he called on all his strength to keep from falling into her web of desire. He tried to remember what his brother's face looked like, but she chose that moment to brush her hand against his thigh. He, the man who was supposed to know all about possessing a woman, was himself being possessed.

  With grim determination he decided to regain domination over her. He roughly turned her over on her back and straddled her. With slow, deliberate movements, he pressed her thighs open and moved between them. His hand slid up and down her inner leg, almost reaching the inviting opening, but withdrawing every time he felt her stomach muscles tighten.

  "Perhaps you could tell me what you prefer," he said in a ragged voice. He was not prepared for her movement, and his breath came out in a hiss when she pulled his head down within inches of her lips.

  "Why don't you tell me what you want instead?" she asked.

  With a growl, his lips ground against hers. He was half out of his mind as he pulled her against him. His movement was rough as he rolled over on his back, carrying her with him and positioning her above him. Now he was on the brink of madness and out of control.

  "Beg me to make love to you," he whispered, knowing if he wasn't careful he would be begging her.

  Lavender felt his hard, muscled body against hers and some unknown ache throbbed through her like a tidal wave. She had no pride and no shame where he was concerned. If he wanted her to beg, she would beg. "Please," she said breathlessly.

  "Please what?" he taunted. "If you want something from me, you have to beg."

  Lavender realized his need to humble her, though she did not know the reason for it. "I don't know what I want," she whispered. "I have never been with a man before."

  She had not expected his sudden violent outburst. "Deceitful strumpet, you have been with so many men you have forgotten half of them."

  The desire that had held her in its grip was slowly receding into bewilderment. "I never—"

  He grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head up, wishing he could see her lying eyes. He was conscious that the rain still pounded on the window, keeping time with his runaway heartbeat. "Do you deny that you laid with my own brother?" he asked harshly.

  Tears of pain and heartbreak rolled down Lavender's cheek. "I do not even know your brother!" she told him in bewilderment.

  His hand tightened on her hair, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain. "More the pity that you do not remember my brother. It is because of you that he took his own life!" "No!" she cried out in agony. "I have never—" Julian felt her body tremble, and he released his hold on her hair. "Tell me how many men have tasted your lips and begged for more? How many men have you driven out of their minds from wanting you?" "No, you do not understand, I never—" He rolled her over and pressed her into the mattress with his weight. "I believe I will just cure myself of you right now. They say sometimes the cure is in becoming familiar with the disease; we will test that theory." She pushed against his chest. "No, I do not want—" "Oh, yes, now you plead with me not to make love to you when moments ago you begged me to take you." He positioned himself between her legs and lifted her hips so he could have an easy entry. With a forceful thrust, he drove deeply inside her.

  He felt her stiffen and she clamped her hands over her mouth to keep from crying out in pain. His own cry met her ears. "My God, how can this be? You were telling the truth, and were untouched by any man."

  Lavender brushed her tears away, determined that he would not humble her. She could now put the pieces together, and knew what his whole purpose had been. Somehow he thought she was responsible for the death of his brother, whoever he was. Pain ripped through her body, but she did not utter a cry. If Julian thought she was untouched by any man, she would tell him she had enjoyed many men. She instinctively knew that admission on her pa
rt would bring him no joy.

  "You were right the first time. I have been with so many men I cannot count them all."

  His laughter surprised her, as did the tenderness with which he touched her cheek. "You are an innocent, if you think you can deceive me about the fact that you were a virgin before tonight." For some reason his heart felt light and he wanted to hold and comfort her. He was still buried inside her, and when she moved, he became aware of her satin smoothness, and started the slow, rhythmic movement that caused her to gasp in astonishment.

  Lavender felt the pain fade, and in its place a fire began to slowly build, stoked by Julian's fluid movements. Her heart was pounding, pounding, and her hands slid down his back and across his hips.

  "Say my name," he demanded against her ear. "You know who I am."

  Her throat seemed to have closed off, and she could hardly find her voice. "Your Grace," she whispered. His slow movements were robbing her of her speech, and her whole body quivered with delight with each forward movement he made.

  "No, not my title. Call me by my name," he insisted in a breathless voice.

  "You are Julian," she admitted.

  His laughter was soft. "So you do know who I am."

  "Yes, I knew you the moment you first spoke."

  Even though she was like a fever in his brain, and it was hard to control the burning desire that pounded through his body, since this was her first time he would take her slowly and gently.

  Lavender felt her body beginning to move with his. She was amazed at the tenderness with which he made love to her. His lips were soft against hers, and his hands moved ever so gently over her back. He filled her body, filled her life, and took her heart to keep forever.

  She did not know what to expect when his body quaked, and she felt the life-giving fluid flowing from his body to hers. He held her tightly to him until his body stopped trembling.

  Laying his cheek against hers, he whispered, "If 1 had known you had never been with a man, I would have made it better for you."

  "I did not know what to expect." Somehow she felt there was more to it than what she had experienced tonight. She still experienced a craving deep inside, as if she had stopped short of being satisfied.

  Julian knew what she was feeling, and spoke with understanding. "I don't want to leave you unfulfilled, but neither do I want to hurt you since this was your first time."

  She turned her face up to him. What had happened to the anger he had felt toward her moments ago? she wondered. And what did he mean she was unfulfilled? "I do not understand what you are saying?"

  His lips played with her eyelashes, drifted down her cheek to her mouth. "No, you wouldn't, sweetness."


  He was still feeling the lingering effects of perfect fulfillment. "Umm hmm?"

  "Did I please you?"

  He brushed his lips against her ear. "Yes, more completely than I have ever dared dream."

  His hand moved down to her breasts and circled around the soft mounds. The gasp that escaped her throat told him that she was ready for him again. Her hand slid down his rib cage, and he also gasped. "1 don't want to hurt you." There was caution in his voice.

  "Can someone be hurt by being loved?" she questioned.

  A groan met her ears. "Don't tempt me."

  She laughed softly, still wanting to experience this fulfillment he spoke of. "I am a woman, and I am just learning a man's weak points."

  "Oh, you think so, do you?"


  "Show me," he challenged.

  She raised up on her elbow. "All right." She touched her lips to his mouth and felt it soften against hers. Sensuously her hand drifted down his chest and across his stomach. When she felt his breathing quicken, she laughed and moved away from him.

  His breath was warm against her lips when he pulled her back to him. "Now you have started something that I will have to finish. Your first lesson should be: never entice a man, unless you intend to offer him all he wants."

  She became serious. "Can I offer you something you want?"

  He sucked in his breath. "I don't think you know what effect you are having on me."


  He laced his hand through her hair. "Yes, my sweet?"

  "Fulfill me."

  With a strangled cry„ he crushed her in his arms. He ached and hungered for her, knowing she would take all he had to give, and leave him devoid of feeling. When he entered her body the second time, she yielded to his every need.

  Lavender closed her eyes, allowing the wonderful feelings to guide her thinking. Julian reached for her innermost body, needing to tap her every emotion. She felt a maddening pressure building up deep inside and was unprepared for the shuddering release that left her trembling in Julian's arms.

  Lavender felt like a piece of driftwood that had been tossed in the sea, causing powerful ripple after ripple to wash her toward an unknown shore. "What have you done to me? I never knew ... I feel so ... 1 don't know," she said in a shaky voice.

  His lips moved across her face as he clasped her to him. Both of them were caught in a dream, and neither wanted it to end. At last she raised her face to him. "After tonight, I will never be the same again, will I?"

  He ran his lips across her cheek. "No, but neither will I."

  "Julian, I was not truthful with you a while ago. You are the first man I have ever been with."

  Laughter shook his body. "I know. I had an advantage on you there, because that is something a woman cannot hide from a man, no matter how hard she may want to."

  Her voice sounded puzzled. "I wonder how you would know that."

  "Trust me, I do. You also have an advantage over me, did you realize that?"

  "No, in what way?"

  "You know my name, but I don't know yours."

  She stiffened. How could she have forgotten for one moment that she was his prisoner. What was he going to do with her now? She could not allow him to take her to Cornwallis, it would endanger too many other people. She untangled herself from his arms and moved off the bed. She was grateful he did not try to stop her when she pulled on her clothes.

  "You have not yet told me your name," he reminded her.

  "I cannot tell you my name. You already know I am the Swallow. I would be foolish not to admit that, but 1 will not admit to anything else."

  Julian moved off the bed and quickly dressed. Slipping into his boots he asked, "Would it be safe to assume that you are not Madeline Lowell?"

  "No, I am not she. That was just one of the many disguises I used."

  "You do know I have to turn you over to the authorities, don't you?"

  "I knew when I became the Swallow that there was a great possibility I would one day be captured. I am prepared to die—I have been from the beginning."

  At that moment, Lavender glanced up to see the door open and Nicodemus slip silently into the room. Julian had not seen him because his back was to the door.

  Julian took a step toward her, knowing he had seldom witnessed such courage. He realized in that moment that he could never hand her over to anyone who would punish her. And he could not let her go—he wanted to keep her with him. He was about to tell her that when something came down hard against his skull, and his head exploded in pain. Bright colors danced before him, and he felt himself falling to the floor.

  A flash of lightning briefly illuminated the room and Lavender saw Nicodemus bending over Julian. Going down on her knees, she frantically placed her finger on his throat to feel the pulsebeat there.

  "Will be he all right, Nicodemus?" she asked in anguish.

  "Yes, but he will have the grandfather of all headaches in the morning."

  Gently she touched Julian's midnight-black hair. "You had better go without me. I can't leave him like this, Nicodemus—I just cannot."

  "You don't have any choice but to come away with me, Lavender. You can't stay here, and you know it. I promise you he'll be all right in the morning. You realize he may have rei
nforcements waiting below? Anyway, when he regained consciousness, you would again become his prisoner."

  She stood up, knowing Nicodemus was right. They had to get away immediately. "I don't know if there are any others waiting below. The man I made contact with may be still here."

  "Did you get what you came for?"

  "No, there was no list. I must be losing my competence, Nicodemus, because I walked into this trap with my eyes wide open."

  He moved across the room to the window and peered out. "1 have the horses tied out back, we can just slip out this window and jump to the ground."

  Lavender quickly took a pillow from the bed, and gently slipped it under Julian's head and pulled a quilt over him. Reluctantly she stepped across Julian's body and moved to the window, knowing one of the hardest things she would ever have to do was to leave him while he was unconscious.

  Sorrowfully she realized this was the only way it could have ended between them. They were enemies and star-crossed lovers. It was never meant that they should be together.

  As Lavender and Nicodemus rode away, rain was still falling heavily. Lavender was glad, because she could cry and Nicodemus would never know.


  The morning sunlight was streaming through the window as Colonel Grimsley bent over Julian and found him to be unconscious. The colonel snapped his fingers, and two soldiers, who had been waiting in the hallway, entered the room.

  "Pick him up and put him on the bed, then leave," the colonel ordered, knowing the duke would not want an audience when he regained consciousness.

  After the two men lifted Julian onto the rumpled bed, they withdrew, and closed the door behind them. Grimsley bent over the unconscious duke, placing a wet towel on his forehead. "Your Grace, wake up. What has happened to you?" He shook him vigorously. "Wake up," he urged.

  Julian's eyes fluttered open, and a groan escaped his lips. A stabbing pain throbbed through his head when he attempted to sit up. "What happened?" he asked. He saw the look of concern on Grimsley's face. "Why are you here?"


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