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by Francheska Fifield

  "You are a good boy. She will need your support, young one. She has so much responsibility and she is still a child. When she is older she will hold an entire world in her hands. It is likely not as far off as she would like. She will have to accept it. Help her through the pain and hold her up when her responsibilities are too much. But remember, her Kemp should shield her heart. She is spoken for, the gods have deemed it so; do not disappoint them, boy."

  With that, Argyle walked to a hill. He stood before a mound of dirt, which opened into a staircase that he walked down. The earth swallowed him and closed up behind him. I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming. All right, well that was different.

  I looked over at Elainne and determined to let her sleep all night. Come morning she would wake a queen once again. She had much to think on and much to plan. We would start our journey back; most likely magical travel would be involved, so she wasn’t away too long. It was terrible; her time away had made her life more stressful.

  Argyle was right. I had to learn to help, to make things easier and better for her. I had to work to balance head and heart. He was wrong about one thing though. I had no plans to interfere with Viktor and Elainne. I loved Elainne, true, but it was as she had said earlier, more of a brotherly love. She looked out for me and I looked out for her. Much like siblings. We argued but we were always there for each other. It was entirely platonic and I didn’t want that to change.

  I made sure to feed the fire and keep it lit. If she woke, I would make her tea. It's what she usually used to help her sleep; once she told me she was coming I had gone to the kitchens and packed some. Who knew the kind of nightmares we would face, making her uneasy? Only it hadn't turned out to be dangerous as I imagined. Instead, it was just more courtly drama. I think, for Elainne, that was much worse.

  Chapter Six


  I woke to birds chirping. It was light out. That meant it was morning. Which meant I had slept through the night. It had been so long since I had slept through the night without being woken by a councilor, or Avren because the kingdom needed something. I glared at Talon, trying to be grumpy and intimidating. But I knew I failed, as he smiled and held out a steaming mug.

  "Tea? I packed your favorite."

  I instantly dropped my left over annoyance and moved closer to the low burning fire.

  "Thank you. You have no idea how much I love you right now."

  He laughed and stirred something in a pot.

  "Well, what are big brothers for, but to take care of their little sister?"

  He was right. Biologically speaking, we were not even in the same class of human, and that was neglecting my Elvin half entirely; but he was rather like a brother to me. Talon had quickly become the one person I could count on to take my side and my feelings into consideration, always.

  "I figured breakfast would be welcome before we returned home."

  "You should have woken me so you could sleep."

  Talon shrugged and smiled. He looked tired but not angry.

  "You need it more. Once we teleport back, as I assume you have every intention of doing, you will get so little sleep again. The least I could do is let you sleep one night out on the trail. I sleep plenty back home."

  I nodded. Well, he did get to bed before me. I had training with Avren, and I was up at all hours with Aiden going over finances and ways to fix all of my father's mistakes. When Avren was with me - needing sleep only once every few years was a big help to him - Talon and my other guards were allowed to sleep. I mean, who would fight a dragon? Even in his smaller form he was a worthy opponent.

  "We should head home. I have the letter from my father waiting, I need to respond to my aunt's correspondence, the fairies already sent a missive, and the council and I need to decide if we are going to take a stand in the ruling of the human kingdom…"

  "Stop thinking and drink your tea. You have a limited amount of time where you do not have to think on all of that. Take advantage of the peace and quiet, and enjoy it."

  I smiled and sipped my tea. "You are right. I have plenty of time to be queen, but so little to be me."

  He smiled and nodded.

  "That’s right."

  I chuckled and finished my tea, holding out my cup for more. He refilled my mug, and then stirred the pot again. I smelled. It smelled almost sweet but still earthy. I couldn’t figure out what it was.

  "I give up, I have been playing a guessing game with my nose, but I cannot decide what that is."

  He laughed and lifted the spoon. It looked like soup… well, sort of.

  "That doesn’t answer my question.”

  "It’s a breakfast soup. We have always lived in a bad climate. The mountains are harsh. So, we had to learn to make warm food in the winter with what we had. Certain plants and berries grew most of the year round. So, breakfast soup was invented. When you taste it, it’s like mint and jam. But in soup form. Warm and delicious."

  "That is either disgusting or genius."

  He shook his head and spooned some into a bowl, smiling like a cat with a canary.

  "You will see once you taste it."

  I took a bite and the flavors exploded in my mouth. He was right. There was all manner of berries in there and the slightest taste of mint. There were roots in there, but they didn’t influence the taste any. Everything combined to make a filling and delicious breakfast.

  "You mages are complete geniuses."

  He laughed and ate his own breakfast.

  "Lucky for you, your big brother here is the biggest genius of all. I have figured out a way to take the usual bitterness of the roots out of the tasting pool, without omitting them."

  "Well, aren't I special, to have such a smart brother?"

  He laughed and nodded. I couldn’t help but laugh too. For just a bit I was going to eat breakfast with someone I considered family and pretend we were out camping. Having fun and joking around as family should. Soon, I would be queen again, but not right now.


  Breakfast was a fun and laughter filled affair. Something neither Elainne nor I had experienced in a long time. I was an orphan, winter was harsh on the mountains, and many didn’t survive. Now it was different. Elainne ensured we had everything we needed, but neither she nor I ever got to just enjoy life. Neither of us had any real family left to do so with. Her father had disowned her; her aunt was using her as a pawn… or trying to. We were both alone and we could fill the void for one another. Not that we ever really got to have any fun. A girl of sixteen should have more fun in her life.


  She looked at me questioningly, and I dropped my line of thought before she magically picked it out of my head.

  "Elainne, I think we should bring some heather home. It would look pretty in the throne room. Don’t you agree?"

  I could only imagine the fit the court and Avren would have about the common wildflower being in the palace, for all to see. Elainne smiled, her thoughts the same as mine. She finished up, cleaning off her bowl and cup.

  "I do believe you are right, Talon. Heather would look beautiful in the throne room. The purple is a particularly breathtaking shade, isn't it?"

  I nodded and cleaned up; making sure the fire was out for good.

  "Yes. If we are teleporting back, they will be so fresh, they will last a good while. I bet you could find a spell to preserve their freshness to make them last a bit longer too."

  She laughed and spun, holding her arms out. She looked so free. Just as a girl should be.

  "Talon, you are completely devious. I love it! Let's go pick as many as we can carry."

  I nodded and finished packing. Our bags on our backs, we ran to the closest field and started picking as many flowers as our arms could carry. We were not going back empty handed and we would have this reminder of our fun for many days to come. It wasn’t much, but I could give it to her. Besides, it would be fun seeing the disapproving looks on the faces of the court and Elvin l

  Best of all, Avren's disapproving lecture would do nothing more than cause us both to chuckle at him. No one but Elainne and I could find a dragon's anger hilarious. That’s why we worked so well together. We would enjoy it this time… maybe more than all the other pranks we had pulled on him.

  We teleported back to the throne room once we were done. Everyone stopped and stared. We stood there, dirty from a week of travel, bags hastily packed, and wildflowers in our arms. Our smiles were probably ridiculous to those who did not understand why we would be grinning like fools. The thought only made us smile more.

  "Can whoever is in charge of the flowers in the throne room come and relieve Talon and I of these? I want them in every vase in the throne room and my room, please. Get rid of those uppity, ridiculously elegant things. Give them to the maids, or anyone who wants some. I want these prominent."

  The council was in session, meeting with Aiden; it happened every morning to go over what needed doing throughout the day. Aiden stood and walked to Elainne, bowing.

  "Welcome back, my queen. We are pleased by your safe return."

  He stood and looked at the others, glowering.

  "The queen gave you a command."

  He didn’t shout, but there was anger in his words. Everyone snapped out of their shock and jumped to it. Servants came to take our flowers, started cutting them down, and replacing what was in the vases. Elainne smiled, hands on hips, and glanced around.

  "I see things went smoothly. I am pleased. Now, what needs doing? Because I would very much like a bath, but if there is anything urgent…"

  She didn’t get a chance to finish as everyone stood, protesting all at once that she should relax after her journey and bathe. That was a nice way of saying we smelled. She took it in stride, laughing and waving them down when they realized what they were saying, and apologized, obviously very flustered.

  "No need to worry, ladies and gentlemen. I was only joking. I shall not be long. Make sure everything is situated. When I return, I want those flowers situated as well. Where is Avren?"

  "Here, my queen."

  He flew down from the chandelier and landed on her shoulder, draping himself on her once more.

  "They are not very dignified flowers, my queen."

  "I do not wish to hear it, Avren. I like them, so I shall have them. In fact, I may teleport back for more when these die."

  I couldn’t hide my laughter at that. She smiled at me biting her cheek to keep herself from joining me. Everyone looked at me like I had lost my mind. It didn’t help any when Avren tried again to convince her and she broke into laughter as well.

  "Avren off you go. Find Viktor. I need to meet with him after I talk to the councilors and return correspondence. This fight of ours has gone on long enough. He is my Kemp and he will be at my side once more. He can still train with the army if he wishes but he will appoint someone to take over for him. Make sure he is prepared."

  "Yes my queen."

  Avren left to speak with Viktor. Elainne looked at him retreating, and the flowers, smiling. She had won. It was the first battle in a long time where she had been able to overrule the arguments and get her way. The trip had been good for her. She had gotten her confidence back. I was happy for her. She deserved to have something go her way, even if it was something small, like which flowers would grace the throne room.

  "Your majesty, if it is alright with you, I will retire to bathe and get some sleep."

  "Yes, of course, Talon. You have had a hard few days. Rest until tomorrow. Have the kitchen send you up food. I can tell you all that happens today later."

  I nodded and left the throne room to retire. She would be fine without me now. At least for today.

  Chapter Seven


  Talon left the throne room and I followed shortly after. I needed to bathe before entering meetings all day. I tried to be quick, and succeeded, but my clothing was not easy to put on. I had yet to get a lady’s maid. I missed having a companion. I wondered how Madeline and Mason were doing back home. I had not seen, nor spoken, to either since leaving home to bring Viktor to the mages. It had been almost a year. I was worried for them and curious to how they were doing, but I had been so busy that I couldn’t actually contact them. Not to mention I had no way to get a message to them. They were non-magical, so I couldn’t send them a magical message.

  "I wish Madeline were here. She always made me feel better. I have yet to find someone I trust enough to keep in my attached lady’s maid quarters."

  I sighed and donned the rest of my jewelry. I made sure to secure my crown. I was always so worried it would fall off. That would make an embarrassing clang! Avren had spent a lot of time making me the perfect, composed, elegant queen. Many of our teachable moments were me learning how to compose myself. I had many years of training, but there were differences in the courts, and he wanted me to have the composure of an Empress.

  I walked back into the throne room and took a seat, my court smile on my face. I waited for updates. None of the staff moved. Aiden sighed and walked forward, carrying multiple envelopes. He handed them over and sat beside my throne. I had him sitting in the throne for the heir. As I had no children and no plans to have any, he was my steward, so he sat there. I trusted him more than the others as well. It didn’t hurt he was a financial genius.

  I opened the one from the fairies. I read it to myself. They requested my presence in their court. A party in my honor.

  "The fairies wish me to visit their court to attend a party in my honor. Will this be possible? I do not wish to leave the country so soon after returning, but neither do I wish to spurn one of the ancient races. Thoughts?"

  I allowed the council to argue as I sat listening, but paying far more attention to their body language and what they did not say. I knew I was going. I had to go. They were an ancient race with control over wind and air. A magical race. I couldn’t ignore their call.

  "Aiden, I want your opinion." Everyone shut up and poor Aiden squirmed. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like taking my place. He knew the necessity but he was not charismatic enough to lead without help. Which is why I left Avren with him. Which might not be possible all the time while visiting the ancients.

  "I would be afraid of angering the ancients. You have far more power than the rest of us though, but since they have been gone from the world for so long we know nothing of their strength. I think the country needs you, but you are the only one that can represent us to the ancients. It is a tough decision, but I have no doubt you will make the right one."

  Typical logical Aiden response.

  "You are right, of course. I will think on this and make a decision after I attend to other business."

  I opened the next one. This was from my aunt. I read and debated keeping it to myself but it would affect the entire kingdom so I handed it over to Aiden.

  "Read it aloud. I want everyone's opinion."

  "Dear Niece, I hope my letter finds you well. I regret to inform you that your mother's brother has passed. He has been ill for a few weeks now and finally his body could no longer fight it off. His death, unfortunately, occurred before he and I could settle on an heir. As a result, I feel it best if I keep the throne so the country remains stable. There will be a meet up between the nobility at an assembly to decide if I, or one of the nobles, some distant relative, will ascend the throne. I would greatly appreciate your show of support as former princess of this country and Queen of the Elvin people. A show of unity with you and your court - your Kemp, Champion, and dragon are all welcome to come as well - would greatly please me. Thank you for your support. Love, your aunt."

  I was right. She used our family bond to try to convince me. She also asked for Avren's presence. I wasn’t sure what to do about this.

  "If we support her, she would be indebted to us, and as your relative it would be easier for you to negotiate with her."

  "No it would be better to invade. We can expand our territory. They ar
e in a state of chaos. It would be easy with the army, mages and a dragon."

  "We cannot afford to go to war right now. We are changing daily, with new laws and rules being enacted. We need to wait until the queen's rule is cemented first. She is too new to go to war."

  "Her aunt is our princess. She was raised to rule, we should support this."

  I massaged my temples and sighed. They would argue forever if I let them. I held up my hand and silenced them.

  "This is not actually helping any. Arguing will get us nowhere. Everyone write me down a one page opinion on what we should do. All of them will be delivered to my room later and read. No one will know who wrote what, so please write your honest feelings. I will be choosing a course of action based on everything I read. Now, you are all dismissed, go write. Aiden, stay."

  Aiden hadn't made any motion to move, knowing I would wish to talk to him privately.

  "How did everything go, really?"

  "They all listened. Avren stayed with me, draped over my shoulders most of the time. Sometimes he took on a larger size to intimidate. Viktor and his grandfather were pushing the spy network idea most aggressively. I was unsure if Avren would back me up when I tabled it, until you returned. I am glad you spoke with him. I was worried I would be forced into agreeing without him siding with me."

  I sighed. Viktor and I would be conversing soon.

  "I am sorry they gave you trouble. I will be meeting with all three of them, and we will be having a conversation about ideas they know I will not approve of. As well as bullying my steward. It will not happen again."

  He nodded, not disagreeing. He knew the tone, as did the entire court, and did not dare argue it.


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