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The Dragon's Rose: A Dragon Shifter Romance Novel

Page 10

by Serena Rose

  Rogan shot her a look of disbelief. “Whoever told you such a lie?”

  Bella shrugged. “Cartoons, maybe.”

  “I do not know what these cartoons are, but they are not true. Mermaids, as you call them, are vicious creatures and live not only in the Darklands but in open waters around the realm. They have been responsible for the deaths of many fishermen. The only good sea monster is a dead one.”

  Bella shivered as a mermaid stood up on her tail and seemed to gaze right at her. It seemed to be smiling, and Bella felt a sliver of revulsion. The mermaid looked like a woman, but it sported a long set of fangs, claws and armored-looking scales up its arms, chest and body. It had begun to creep closer to Bella, and she backed away from the window.

  “Um, guys, that mermaid is giving me the willies,” she said to no one in particular, and Hildevar looked out of a side window.

  “I have never seen a sea monster behave that way,” Hildevar mused.

  “Behave like what?” Bella asked, and Hildevar continued to stare out of the window.

  “It’s not attacking. It’s just—I’m not sure…” Hildevar continued.

  The sea monster lunged up to the window, and Hildevar yelped.

  “I cannot ken the ways of these strange creatures,” Alannah muttered as the mermaid placed a clawed hand on the window.

  “She can’t come through this window right?” Bella queried.

  “No,” Hildevar answered. “There are protections drawn upon the window as well as shields—it couldn’t possibly--”

  The mermaid began to draw a circle on the window with its claw. It then made a series of hand movements, and Hildevar gasped. Rogan came to stand by the window and looked out.

  “Impossible!” he yelled, and he ran to grab a crossbow along with the driver, who shooed both Hildevar and Bella out of the way.

  “What is she doing?!” Bella exclaimed, and Alannah pulled Bella back a few feet.

  “I believe that she is drawing a—it can’t be!” Alannah exclaimed as the window glowed red then blue.

  Glass exploded inward as the sea monster broke through. Rogan shot at it, and it batted him away as if he was a bothersome fly. The driver then ran to it, seeking to wrestle it to the ground, but this too proved fruitless.

  The mermaid stalked forward and advanced upon Bella. Bella looked about her and grabbed a long thick stick and brandished it like a weapon.

  “You are nothing like the little mermaid!” Bella yelled as it hissed at her. “I am so disappointed!”

  It sneered and continued moving forward. Hildevar began chanting, and the mermaid ran over and slapped her unconscious. Alannah tried as well and found herself on the floor with everyone else. Bella could hear the shouts of Rogan’s other men as they began surrounding the wagon, but she knew by the time they arrived, it may have been too late.

  “Come at me, bro,” Bella quipped and swung.

  The mermaid smiled evilly and grabbed the stick. It looked at it curiously before snapping it like a twig.

  “Yooou….” it said, and Bella jumped, “have so much power. The Shadow King will reward me handsomely.”

  “There is no way in hell you’re taking me to the Shadow King, bitch!” Bella exclaimed, and the thing laughed.

  Bella yelled as the creature caught ahold of her hair and pulled her close. Bella screamed, kicked and yelled and found some satisfaction in the fact that a few of her wild blows landed on the mermaid, who hissed in pain.

  Then, Bella and the mermaid were outside in the cold. The feel of the wind on Bella’s face took her breath away, and the feel of the frozen waters on her skin made Bella shudder and grow still. Bella felt as if sound were coming from far away. She was being pulled beneath a thick layer of ice and panicked. She couldn’t feel her limbs and couldn’t move. A bubble was cloaking Bella’s face, and she could see blurrily the shape of the mermaid above her. Bella struggled a bit before beginning to fall into a dark tunnel of unconsciousness.

  Just when Bella had ceased her struggles, she felt the pull of something strong, a rush of water and then the merciful taste of air. There was a loud, shrill screaming, and Bella cracked open an eye just in time to see Rogan yanking the mermaid out of the water and hitting her hard with a blow to her head, rendering her unconscious.

  Bella gasped and moaned. Rogan ran over to her and pulled her close. The feel of his warmth cutting through the cold was a welcome feeling, and Bella gave in to her instincts and lay within his embrace.


  They had been traveling with a renewed sense of urgency, rushing past the Darklands and trying desperately to avoid the dangerous creatures that inhabited the land. They had made camp some time ago, and with her newly given freedom, Bella had decided to roam a bit and walked to a tent far down and isolated from the other tents, a place she knew held the mermaid.

  She could hear voices coming from the tent, and she crept in silently. She observed Rogan and his men surrounding the even more human-looking creature, whose tail had turned into legs. Her nakedness had been covered with a downy fur throw, and she was throwing evil looks at everyone around her.

  “Tell me,” Rogan was commanding. “What is the Shadow King’s plan?”

  The mermaid continued to stare and said nothing. Rogan’s men then surrounded her, various weapons raised high, and the mermaid flinched a bit and turned away.

  Rogan raised his hand. “Stay your weapons.”

  Bella walked quickly into the center of the room. “What are you doing, Rogan?”

  Rogan glanced about. “You’re not supposed to be in here.”

  “I think I deserve to know why she wants to kill me more than even you.”

  Rogan considered that a moment and then nodded to a few men, who exited the tent. Only one man remained behind, and Bella approached the mermaid fearfully, eyes wide and heart beating fast.

  “Why were you trying to kill me?” Bella queried, and Rogan snorted. “If only I had thought to ask the creature why, then perhaps I would have answers as well. Bella, I’ve tried already and talking to it isn’t going to work. The only alternative is to get what information we want through force.”

  As scary as the mermaid had been when Bella had been pulled under the waters, right now, in human form, it looked—scared.

  A twinge of guilt lanced through Bella, and she cautiously crept forward.

  “Why were you trying to kill me?” Bella asked softly as she knelt in front of the mermaid.

  “I promise you, I won’t hurt you,” Bella said, and the mermaid turned slowly to her with all too human-looking eyes.

  “I—I wasn’t trying to kill you,” she answered, and Bella pressed on, “Then what were you trying to do?”

  The mermaid hesitated and then sighed. “The Shadow King promised many in the Darklands rewards for securing you.”

  “But why me?” Bella asked, and the mermaid smirked.

  “You will be the most powerful queen to ever have ruled alongside a king. The Shadow King wants to make your marriage promise forfeit.”

  “That is not possible,” Rogan cut in. “The promise cannot be undone.”

  The mermaid sneered. “Stupid men. Stupid men with their beliefs in nothing but their own idiotic power. I hate them. Men try to rule us, try to keep us from our freedoms. That is why my kind hunt and kill them.”

  Bella shivered. “I—can’t condone what you all do, but I understand. You all don’t exactly have feminism and the women’s right movement here.”

  The mermaid leveled her gaze upon Bella, eyes flashing with something akin to wonder.

  “I am surprised you have not ordered your men to kill me.”

  “I—I want answers, and I—don’t exactly feel the need to go offing sentient beings.”

  “You are not like the others.”

  Bella threw the mermaid a look of confusion. “The others?”

  “The women we have tried to save from the clutches of men. They have little loyalty to other women, or
even to themselves, and refuse our gift of being turned. But you—you do not seem to fear men or worship their stupidity.”

  Bella looked at the mermaid with growing confusion. “Um—thanks, I think? So if you weren’t trying to kill me, you were trying to take me to the Shadow King?”


  “But I thought you all hated men so much. Why would you take me to him?”

  “The Shadow King has promised us many things, including our release from the curse.”


  “Yes, and besides, he would provide well for you; you would be powerful in your own right, and the birth of your daughter would cement your place as queen of this realm.”

  “Oookay. What about this curse?”

  “My people were cursed by an angry warlock to be what we are: vicious and warrior-like. We were not so long ago.”

  “So you don’t want to be vicious and warrior-like?”

  “We do not want to be ruled by a curse.”

  “Hmm…” Bella looked back at Rogan. She thought for a moment and then sighed.

  “Set her free.”

  “What?! No! I will not!”

  “It doesn’t do us any good to keep her.”

  “She attacked you!”

  “Look, it’s apparent that this Shadow King wants to find me and take me. I’ve been attacked a few times since we started out to your father’s kingdom, and I don’t think it will stop even after I am there.”

  “What do you suggest then? What is your great plan?!” Rogan spat angrily.

  Bella smiled, her expression calculating. She stood up and walked over to Rogan and spoke softly in his ear.

  “We send her back with a message.”


  A day later, Bella was sighing with relief as they exited the final stretch of the Darkland forest and entered into the warmth of the late spring. She had tried in vain to get her necklace back from Rogan, but to no avail. She hadn’t abandoned her plans to go back home, but she’d known they’d be delayed. She wondered at times if her aunt and uncle were somewhere worried and frantic. She would feel overwhelming guilt, especially when she looked at Rogan and felt her heart pick up the pace and her body fill with desire. She shouldn’t want him.

  She looked over at Hildevar and Alannah who were laughing and talking, their expressions unguarded for the first time. She shouldn’t want to be friends with them, and yet she did. She looked about the area as the wagon rolled along, shifting her weight on the comfortable chair on the wagon’s small balcony.

  Bella let the pleasant conversation between Alannah and Hildevar wash over her as she closed her eyes. She could still see the dead branches of the Darklands far off in the distance, and she shuddered when she thought of all that had happened there. She looked back on the flowers and trees as they passed. She couldn’t believe she was going to be meeting Rogan’s father. After the incident with the mermaid, they had spent an entire evening talking. He told her about his childhood as an only child, whereas other children had siblings and large families. He had grown up feeling lonely and felt alienated from the other dragonkind by his father’s position.

  Bella had listened to him speak and realized that he was kind and thoughtful, and while he seemed prickly at times, he had a great heart. She felt a strange kinship with him, as she often grew up feeling the same way. Why couldn’t he have just been a normal boy living on Earth? Bella wondered.

  The wagons picked up speed, and Bella craned her neck about the balcony and gasped. She was looking at the most magnificent castle she’d ever seen, and they were hurrying into the gates. Bella gulped and tried to calm her nerves.

  The wagon slowly rounded a bend and then headed into a road lined with all manner of flowers and bushes. Neatly manicured grasses lay on each side, and the smell of some exotic but pleasant bloom was in the air. The road continued for miles before they passed a hedge that ran for a distance in both directions. They then passed a grove of trees, each of them blooming with sweet, delicate flowers. Bella took in the scent and let out a breath.

  The wagon made its way onto the castle grounds and, after a few moments, the drivers were hitching the beasts against a stand and tethering them. Hildevar and Alannah busied themselves with helping Bella out of the wagon and onto the ground. Bella spied the courtyard and gasped. It seemed no expense was spared in its making. Lush trees bearing fruits and blossoms stood proudly in every space, and beautiful plants Bella had never seen before were dotted along the expanse.

  Hildevar led Bella into an ornate entrance lined by palace guards. The guards’ sartorial style was just as ornate as the entrance, with their crisp uniforms and dignified stances offset by their grim but blank expressions. Bella fidgeted with her gown and patted her hair. Hildevar nudged her, and she stopped her ministrations to concentrate on the walk before her. Servants dressed all in white worked diligently in the fields and gardens beyond, and the guards stood at attention before lifting their heavy weapons and letting Rogan’s party inside.

  Bella licked her suddenly dry lips. She couldn’t explain why she was suddenly nervous. After all, she didn’t want to marry Rogan, right? She’d be doing herself a favor if she embarrassed herself. Yet, she couldn’t stop herself from feeling the butterflies in her stomach. Trumpets sounded, and the air and banners waved. She took in a deep breath and walked across the threshold. The castle was much more opulent than Rogan’s, and she could only stare in awe at the small touches of grandeur here and there along the walls and floors.

  Much of the party were escorted away, leaving a core group of Rogan and his men, Bella, Hildevar and Alannah. They were ushered down a long corridor and into a grand throne room. A handsome man with a neat beard and piercing brown eyes sat imperiously upon a throne.

  A beautiful red-haired woman with delicate features and soft blue eyes sat beside him in a throne of her own, a shining crown intertwined with braids in her thick mane of hair. She was staring at their party with a mixture of curiosity and expectation. Her eyes widened only a fraction when she spied Bella, and her nose flared a bit before her expression flattened out. The change in her expression was so quick and smooth that Bella wondered if she had really seen it at all.

  They all stopped before the throne, with Rogan’s men beating their chests with their right hands and kneeling before pulling away to stand against the walls. Rogan and Bella were left before them, with Hildevar and Alannah melting silently away as well.

  “You finally made it. Took you long enough,” the king spoke in tones so deep that it came out in a near growl, startling Bella a bit and nearly making her jump. She straightened her back and stood her ground, being sure to look the imposing king in the eye. He looked back at her with a small amount of amusement before turning back to Rogan.

  “We were delayed by attacks,” Rogan responded, and his father nodded.

  “You were not properly prepared? The Darklands are no dragon child’s plaything, but surely with your resources, you could have easily bested any creature there.”

  A flash of irritation flickered about Rogan’s face before he slipped back into smooth neutrality.

  “I was very prepared, father. What I did not account for was that many of the creatures—were in league with the Shadow King.”

  His father raised a well-manicured brow. “Hmph. Interesting,” the king said and stroked his beard. Bella caught the glint of jewels across his beefy fingers and hands.

  “The Shadow King, you say,” the king continued, and Rogan nodded.

  “Yes, father. They were given increased strength, protections against some of our most powerful spells and some were versed in overcoming our shields.”

  Bella could see a bit of alarm creep into the king’s face before his smug expression returned. The king said nothing as he thought and, instead, sat for a few moments. He then motioned to a guard and whispered something in the man’s ear before sitting back.

  “What were the creatures seeking? We do not bother them, and whoever i
s fool enough to wander onto their lands, well, we do not interfere with what justice they meet.”

  Rogan sighed, “I am—sure they were after Bella, father.”

  “Bella? Is that this creature’s name?” the king said, and Bella detected something unpleasant in his tone. She felt herself bristle with anger.

  “She is quite beautiful,” the queen spoke. Her voice jangled the air like wind chimes, its musical quality pouring over Bella’s ears like honey.

  “And she has green eyes,” the queen noted. “That is beyond rare.”

  The king smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “She is a treasure. Perhaps your bairn will inherit this creature’s beauty and your proud dragon form. Though it would be such a shame if they came out—human,” he spat, and Bella felt heat spreading up into her face as her anger was stoked.

  “My name is Bella,” Bella said with no small amount of antipathy.

  “I like her,” the queen declared with a chuckle.

  “Where did you procure this—Bella?” the king asked, and Bella narrowed her eyes.

  “She is from another realm. A place she calls Earth,” he told them, and the queen nodded.

  “I have heard of such a place. It is where our master spellcaster’s grandfather hails, though magic there is rare,” the queen commented.

  Bella turned her attention to the queen and nodded. “Yes, my—queen. I am from Earth.”

  “My mother is—was—La’Draiochta,” Bella informed them, and the queen smiled.

  “As the promise has foretold. Very good,” the queen said and turned to the king.

  “Dear husband, I approve of her. She has a certain—fire.”

  The king growled and rolled his eyes. “Magda, my love, you are so easily swayed.”

  The queen managed to snort elegantly as she looked over at Bella. “She reminds me of myself when I first came here. I was no fan of you, if you remember.”

  The king laughed. “Ah yes, you were not. You refused to see me for many days leading up to our wedding.”

  The queen grinned. “You were conceited and arrogant. I wanted nothing to do with you. And here we are many years later, my love.”


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