Blaze: A Firefighter Romance

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Blaze: A Firefighter Romance Page 82

by Lisa Lace

  I would give up on the money. I would lose it because I hadn't stayed married to him for a year. I would have to give up my dream of becoming a teacher, which was my reason for starting this ridiculous adventure.

  Surprisingly, realizing that I would never be a teacher didn't bother me that much. Doing the right thing was more important to me than clinging to a dream. I had made some stupid and selfish decisions, but there was a way to fix everything.

  What truly hurt was the realization that I would be leaving Jesse and never see him again.

  "Please sit here while I let the Queen know her visitors have arrived."

  Jesse looked at Porter, who shrugged, appearing as mystified as we were. I found it difficult to believe myself. A few minutes ago we were prisoners, but our status had quickly upgraded to visitors.

  I hoped the Queen would be lenient on Jesse. Of course, it was foolish. He was an Underground leader; she was compelled to be harsh and set an example.

  But there was a small hope in my heart, just the same.

  We waited in silence. I wasn't sure what to expect in an audience with the Queen, but I was so happy to be alive I didn't care.

  Jesse and Porter both looked awful. Even if they had been wearing their best clothes, they had dark circles under their eyes. And they weren't wearing their best clothes. Their attire was torn and dirty.

  When Porter and Jesse first met me, I had looked horrible. I hadn't had the opportunity to fix myself. Now I was going to meet the Queen. I didn't think of myself as a vain person, but I wanted to look my best for royalty.

  There was a floor to ceiling window down the hall. If I stood at the correct angle in front of it, I would be able to see my reflection. I dragged my tired body up to make myself presentable.

  There wasn't much I could do about the bruises and bumps on my face, but I drew my hood up. It would cover my matted hair. Was that the only thing I could do? I had torn my clothing in many places. My bare feet were crusty with dried blood.

  I returned to the men. "I can't see your Queen looking like this," I murmured.

  "Annalee," Jesse said. "I wish we could attend to your wounds immediately, but the Queen is requesting our presence. She stopped our execution. I'm sure she understands that we don't look our best. It will be only a few more minutes."

  "I get it. I don't mind going to see her. In fact, it's an honor." To be honest, I wouldn't have minded lying down and taking a little nap first. "The problem is that I think my appearance will be offensive to her."

  "I find that unlikely."

  "Perhaps I misspoke. Pitiful is more like it. What I meant was, she won't want to look at a wreck like me."

  "I have heard good things about the new Queen," Jesse said. "I'm sure she will overlook your appearance, Annalee."

  I nodded. I supposed I could try to hold it together and not remember that I looked like a hovercraft had hit me several times and landed on me. I would not think about the fact that every inch of my body ached. I would conveniently forget I could barely keep my eyes open.

  I could be dignified and channel my inner strength. I would have to be myself, I supposed. I didn't have the strength to put on any masks right now.

  The Queen's Advisor opened the door. "Would you all please follow me? The Queen would like to speak with you."


  We were lead into a small chamber decorated as a sitting room. We approached the Queen with our heads down. Annalee attempted a Yordbrook curtsy to the best of her ability. Porter and I bowed.

  Annalee didn't fall over, so I considered the curtsy a success. When I looked up, I froze. I recognized the Queen immediately. From the shocked expression on her face, I assumed she remembered me as well. Her expression changed quickly, and I wondered if I had imagined the moment of recognition.

  "Your majesty." Porter took her hand and kissed it. She looked like she was trying very hard not to react but her cheeks betrayed her. They turned pink. They were as bright red as they had been when I had inadvertently spotted her making love with Porter. The last time I had seen this woman was on the day I had gone to find Porter and ask him to help me rescue Annalee.

  Porter's face looked like he was a man in love. How was Porter in love with and having intimate relations with our new Queen without me knowing anything about it? I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, but he had no answers on his face.

  I would have to get the whole story out of him after we left this room. If we had managed to escape death, we would be in a cell together for a long time, and he would have the rest of our lifetimes to tell me his tale.

  "I wish to speak with the three of you," the Queen said.

  We sat silent and listened. She was a beautiful young woman, with pale skin and elaborately braided brown hair. Her eyes were brilliant green, and her movements were graceful.

  "I am young and new to the throne, but I have some ideas that I would like to discuss with others who may share my views."

  Her eyes flicked briefly to Porter. He tried to hide his smile, but couldn't quite manage it. The Queen was doing a better job of remaining composed.

  "Could you be more explicit about your views, your Majesty?" I asked.

  "I understand my Bureau has arrested these men because you are leaders of the Underground."

  "That's correct." There was no reason to lie.

  "Mrs. Melnyk has been arrested for the crime of possessing technology she brought from another planet."

  "That's right," Annalee said. She sensed the undercurrent flowing between the Queen and Porter, but couldn't understand it.

  "What exactly do you want from us, your Majesty?" Porter asked. He gazed at her intensely. I doubted he was only talking about the present circumstances. Porter was thinking about his future as well.

  The Queen lifted her chin and met the gaze of each of us before she spoke.

  "I wish to open a discussion between the throne and the Underground."

  "To what end?"

  "I want to reintroduce technology to Yordbrook, Mr. Melnyk."

  Chapter Eighteen


  I felt like the Queen had just told me I could have my phone back. Maybe she had. "Excuse me, your Majesty. Did I hear you correctly? Do you want to reintroduce science to the planet?

  The Queen looked at me. "Just because a person grows up on Yordbrook does not mean they are unaware of technology and its benefits. One of my uncles was part of the Underground."

  "I was unaware of the Queen's position," Porter said, flabbergasted. He walked over to the Queen and took one of her hands. "You never told me," he whispered, staring into her eyes.

  "It was never the right moment, and it would have compromised both of our positions."

  Jesse and I looked at each other. We suddenly felt out of place, and I would have done anything to be allowed to slink quietly out of the room. Unfortunately, it looked like the Queen had many things she wanted to discuss with us.

  "Did you know I was working for the Underground?" Porter asked.

  "My family has been preparing me to become Queen for many years. We know everything that happens on Yordbrook, Porter."

  Porter released her hand and ran it through his hair as he paced back and forth across the room. "When I asked for help, I thought you would arrange a diversion, not stop the execution."

  "You needed my help, and I provided it. There is a new regime now, and change is coming."

  Jesse seized the opportunity to take a step forward. "Your Majesty, could you explain your plan to us and how we can assist you?"

  "Certainly, Mr. Melnyk. I'm sorry. I'm becoming distracted." She looked away from Porter and her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. "For many years, the rulers of Yordbrook have sought a solution to the dilemma our ancestors created on our planet."

  "Dilemma?" I asked.

  "Yes," she said, nodding. "That is the correct word. We face a dilemma. First, we destroyed ourselves using science and technology. Our response was to move in the opp
osite direction and declare technology evil. The truth was that we had destroyed ourselves. We were afraid we were going to do it again, and we overreacted."

  "All this time, there were people in the government that wanted to bring technology back?"

  "The stories were true," Porter mumbled.

  "Yes," said the Queen. "But we could never figure out how to do it safely. Once the Underground increased its activity, we saw the opportunity. There was a grass-roots movement to bring science back. If we had issued a royal command, we would have had a revolution against the crown. This way, the idea comes from the people."

  "I'm still shocked you knew about my role in the Underground and you never told me," said Porter.

  "Porter," she said sharply. "We can discuss this later."

  "Yes, of course, your Majesty."

  Her eyes looked at him fondly before she turned back to Jesse and continued their conversation.

  "The Underground has serendipitously brought technology back to Yordbrook already. The challenge facing us is how to integrate it into our society, and convince our people that it is benign, not malevolent."

  Jesse shook his head. "That will not be easy, your Majesty," he said sadly. "From birth, we are taught to abhor technology without questioning why. It will be a monumental task to overcome generations of education."

  "I know," she admitted. "That's why the throne cannot do it alone. We need your help." She looked at each of us in turn. "Even yours, Mrs. Melnyk."

  "Why would you need my help?" I asked. I wondered how I could be of use to the Queen.

  "You come from a land where there is minimal fighting, but you manage to use science without destroying yourselves."

  "I guess I do."

  "We want technology without destruction. We hope you can give us guidance."

  Without thinking about the audience in front of me, I plainly spoke my mind. "If you want peace, you should get rid of the Bureau." I said, gesturing angrily at my battered body. "And the torture chamber."

  The Queen winced. "That will be one of the first orders of business," she said. "We apologize for our overenthusiastic agents." She came next to me and took one of my hands. She was careful to avoid touching my raw wrist where a rope had dug into the skin.

  "I am sorry," she whispered, looking into my eyes so I could see her sincerity. "If I knew what was happening, I would have never permitted it."

  I nodded, unable to speak, my eyes full of tears.

  "We will need the leaders of the Underground to spread the word to their people and be evangelists for technology and the throne," she said, turning to the men. "You have to go among the people and show them it is not dangerous. The crown will ensure there are strict laws regulating science so we will feel safe having technology on our planet again."

  "This is an ambitious initial project, your Majesty," Jesse said.

  "I am aware of that, Mr. Melnyk."

  Jesse's face broke into a grin – the one I loved.

  "Can I count on your support?"

  "Of course you can," said Jesse. "This is the chance we've been waiting for — a royal edict. You offer more than we could have ever dreamed. The most we had hoped for before was to ask for an audience."

  "The Underground will help you," said Porter earnestly.

  "Thank you," said the Queen. She gave Porter a graceful curtsy. The Queen was beautiful, and the attention she paid to Porter made me slightly jealous.

  She waved her hands at us, and it appeared our audience was over.

  As we walked down the long, empty corridor, Jesse practically exploded. Apparently he had been waiting to ask Porter about his relationship with the Queen.

  "Porter, was that the woman that I saw at your safe house?"

  Jesse glared at him, and Porter had the decency to look sheepish.

  "Yes, it was," Porter said. "I don't regret it. She wasn't a mistake."

  "Porter," said Jesse with a groan. "You can't jerk this woman around like all the other ones. She's the Queen. If you mess this up, she'll put you in the dungeon, and not merely give you the evil eye every time you come to the inn like all the others."

  "Jesse, you're my best friend," Porter said. "But right now you don't know what you're talking about. I've got the situation under control."

  Jesse stared at him, dumbfounded. "You think you love her, don't you."

  "I don't think I love her," Porter said, his face as serious as I had ever seen it. "I know I do."

  Jesse laughed. "I don't believe it!" he shouted.

  "You should take a look at yourself before you decide what other people can and can't do. You're just as head-over-heels for Annalee. I never thought that could happen."

  Jesse looked at me intently. "I suppose you're right," he said, putting his arm around me. The air went out of my lungs. I felt like I could hardly breathe.

  Did he love me?

  "I guess we're both different men now," said Jesse, leaning in and giving me a kiss. His touch made me forget the previous evening, the pain in my body, and everything else in the entire world.

  We hadn't gone far when Porter excused himself. He seemed preoccupied with something. The next thing I knew, the Queen's Advisor had overtaken Jesse and me.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Melnyk," he said. "Please wait a moment. The Queen wanted to make sure Mrs. Melnyk is feeling well. She has instructed me to take you to the royal physician for evaluation."

  It was hard to believe. A few hours ago, I was being tortured in a dungeon, and now I was about to be treated by a royal physician.

  "Yes, of course," said Jesse.

  I looked at him blankly and finally lost control. I collapsed. He stepped forward and caught me, breaking my fall as I plummeted to the ground. I could hear voices as I fell unconscious. They were talking about carrying me somewhere, but at that point, I didn't care.

  When I woke up, I felt like I was a princess. I was in a clean bed with beautiful soft, white linen sheets and thick quilts with lots of pillows under my head. I was wearing a white nightgown. I felt human again!

  Doctors had bandaged my wounds and wrapped strips of cloth around my wrists. I could feel an ointment on my face. I lay on my stomach with more salve on my back. It smelled clean and fresh, with a hint of spicy herbs. Everything still hurt, but not as much. Just being clean made me feel better too.

  I heard Jesse's voice from the other side of the bed. "Are you awake?" I turned my head to look at him and smiled even though I could hardly keep my eyes open.

  "I'm awake. Now that we're alone, there are things I want to tell you," I said. "But so much has happened I feel like I don't know where to begin."

  "It's okay. You don't need to say anything if you're not ready. You need to rest."

  I gazed at him. He was handsome. I wondered if he truly cared about me, an Earth girl everyone else on this planet kept referring to as plain. When I first arrived, he had almost been cruel to me. I thought he would be unkind or even hurt me. I now knew he would never harm a woman.

  But I knew more about him now than I did in the beginning. He was looking out for me, and I had discovered there was much more to him than being a simple farmer.

  Jesse was a good man doing his best. Our marriage had worked out, but I had been the source of many of his problems. I needed to address them. I had rehearsed an apology in my mind many times. I needed to go back to Earth and get out of his life.

  I couldn't look him in the eyes. The beautiful sheets covering my body were almost a work of art. "Jesse." I looked away from him. "I'm sorry. I never wanted these things to happen. I never meant for you to lose your farm and start running from the Bureau. You risked your life many times to save my sorry ass." I slapped my hand over my mouth, terribly aware I had sworn in front of him once again.

  "Annalee," he said urgently. "It's okay if you swear. It doesn't offend me any longer."

  I turned my head away, unable to keep the tears back.

  "I made many mistakes. You and Porter could have been killed
a dozen times over, and it's all my fault! I should go home. I don't belong here. I've never belonged and I never will."

  "Ann," he crooned. "Don't say those words. They're not true. You don't have to be afraid. Let me tell you something."

  He came around to the other side of the bed and gazed deeply into my eyes.

  "I would do it all over again if I had to. Do you hear me? I would do everything as long as it meant you were going to be here with me at the end."

  "But Jesse..." He cut me off gently, putting his fingers to my lips.

  "No buts, Annalee," he said. "When I knew you were in a dungeon, and I couldn't do anything about it, I felt like my life was meaningless. I started thinking about the future. What would I do? Could I go on if I lost you?"

  He stopped speaking for a minute. I was thinking about what he said, but I didn't want to say anything and interrupt his thoughts.

  "I don't know what happened to me. I guess everything's changed." He put his hand to his head and stared at the floor. Eventually, he lifted his beautiful blue eyes to meet mine again.

  "I love you, Annalee," he said taking my hand. "I love you. I don't think I can live without you anymore, so please don't talk about leaving again. I don't want you ever to leave me."

  I couldn't lie there in bed any longer, and I had to get myself up. Even though it hurt, I managed to drag my poor battered body out of bed and sat on the edge, next to Jesse. He weaved his fingers into my hand.

  "Do you think you might be able to stay on Yordbrook?" he said. "You still won't be able to have a phone, and you might not be a teacher here."

  He was looking out the window, and it didn't seem like he wanted to stare at my face any longer.

  "Jesse, look at me." I waited until he met my eyes. "I love you, too, Jesse. If you want me, I will never leave you, no matter what your planet does or doesn't have. It has you, and that's all that matters to me."


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