Blaze: A Firefighter Romance

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Blaze: A Firefighter Romance Page 83

by Lisa Lace

  Like he said, everything had changed now.

  Chapter Nineteen


  We had chosen the inn near Jesse's home as a meeting place for one of the technology discussions.

  It wasn't going well.

  "What about the danger, Mr. Melnyk? We like our lives the way they are. No one has any desire to become a modern planet. I think the Queen is..."

  "Mind your words," Porter growled.

  The technophobe did a double-take at Porter's expression and rephrased his statement.

  "The Queen is being imprudent in her attempt to bring technology back. I'm not the only one who thinks so."

  There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd. Most of them knew Jesse as a branded misfit. Porter's reputation was that of a man who could get morelia or banned technology if you had something valuable to trade.

  Now they were back in the community as the Queen's ambassadors. We were here to sell the idea of reintroducing technology into the daily lives of Yordbrook citizens. It was quite an intellectual leap. As an outsider, I could tell that some of the people wanted to support their regent in the new endeavor, but everyone was finding the concept difficult to understand.

  As I watched them patiently and diplomatically respond to provocative questions and answer the serious queries, I felt a feeling of pride swell in my heart for my husband and friend. What they were doing for the Queen wasn't easy, but it would benefit an entire planet.

  "I would love to message the men in the field when it's time for them to eat their dinner. Or remind my husband to come home from the inn without having to walk down here myself," said an older woman with a worn face. A few people chuckled. People were lost in their worlds, thinking about how they might use the devices that had been common in my other life.

  A group of men started muttering to each other. I imagined one was the woman's husband, and he didn't want additional communication from his wife.

  "What about electric lights? Ever since I was a child and heard about them in the Before Tales, I've always wanted to live in a house with lights I could turn on by flipping a switch."

  "That brings up an important point," Jesse said, jumping into the conversation. "We would begin with simple things like electricity, devices for messaging, and wireless networks. But part of the royal edict requires the technology remain practically invisible."

  "That's right," Porter added. "We'll start off slow. There are devices which stick on the inner forearm and are transparent when not in use. We can install concealed light switches. Our world can look the same on the outside, but be different underneath."

  Jesse spoke up again. "The Queen plans to introduce laws that ensure the safe use of science for peaceful purposes." He looked around the room, meeting everyone in the eye. "We made a mistake long ago. It's time to forgive ourselves."

  Many heads nodded, and the men closed the meeting for the night. Over the next few days, there would be other opportunities for people to express their opinions or ask questions. I was excited that this was the final stop on our rounds. We had been on the road for three months. I was tired of traveling.

  Tonight we had the chance to use our bed in the guest house of the farm. I couldn't wait. I wanted to do something other than sleep; we hadn't had many chances to be alone since our near-execution.

  The Queen had pressed Jesse and Porter into service right away. While I healed and rested at the palace, they went into the neighboring communities and tried to sell the Queen's philosophy to the people. Once I recovered, I joined them, and we took our show on the road. In each town, we stopped for three nights to talk to the locals, answer their questions, and calm their fears.

  The other people in the Underground were doing the same thing. We were participating in a coordinated, planet-wide effort. Next month, the first shipment of forearm communicators was due to arrive in the capital. The vendors expected them to sell out on the first day.

  I would get one, I supposed. But all I wanted was my phone with Kyle's picture on it. If I could see his little face again and send him a message his mother could read to him, I would feel less stupid about smuggling in the phone. In a small way, it would make everything worth it.

  But I wasn't hopeful of ever getting my phone back. They had stored all the confiscated electronic devices at the palace. There was a lot of equipment - I guess people had used their technology but tried to keep it hidden. There were so many things there was a huge backlog returning them to their owners.

  I would get my other possessions from Earth soon. I would even get my Internet-enabled glasses again. Soon I would be able to get online in the blink of an eye.

  My mind drifted to other things that were impossible now, but would soon be commonplace on Yordbrook. As Jesse finished talking with the last person, he casually sauntered over to me.

  "Well, woman? Shall I take you home to bed? You must be tired."

  I nodded dutifully. The thought of him taking me to bed sent a pulse of energy through my body, and I didn't feel tired any longer. He lifted one eyebrow at me as if he could feel my body with his mind.

  "We ought to leave right now then." He was suddenly in a rush.

  "Where's Porter?"

  "He's back in his room, writing a letter to the Queen. He can't wait to get back to her. These last three months have been a long time for all of us."

  I knew he had sympathy for Porter and his troubles, but he didn't look sympathetic at all. He looked smug. He possessed a woman of his own, and I wanted him to take me.

  He boosted me into the wagon. His touch made me gasp. As he climbed next to me, I felt electricity spark between us. We didn't speak, but I sensed I was about to be fucked to my core. With a terse command, the hundinlark moved forward away from the inn.

  Jesse broke the silence first when he spoke my name. "Annalee." His voice sounded unnaturally deep in the quiet of the forest. "We will be alone in our house tonight."

  "Will we?" My voice sounded breathless, even to me.

  He drew in a deep breath of his own and shifted in his seat. I imagined he was trying to restrain himself from taking me right here in the carriage.

  "It has been a long time since we were intimate."

  "It certainly has," I muttered to myself, then said aloud, "Indeed."

  "I feel like I haven't been a proper husband to you." Well, if he was talking about fulfilling my sexual needs, then no, he definitely hadn't.

  "I mean to rectify that tonight."

  My heart started pounding. When we arrived at our house, he got down and helped me out.

  "I'm going to take care of the hundinlark. Prepare yourself for me." Jesse leaned in to kiss me deeply before he headed toward the barns.

  I scurried into the house and tried to get my dress off as quickly as possible.


  It was our four month anniversary today.

  As I put the hundinlark in their stalls and started feeding them, I wondered if Annalee remembered. I unconsciously patted my pocket to make sure her present was still there. I hoped she liked it.

  For a moment, I second-guessed myself. Maybe I should have gotten her a safer gift. I couldn't go wrong with a piece of jewelry. It had seemed perfect when I had seen it at the Bureau.

  It was too late for a necklace, anyway. I would have to give her what I had and hope she liked it.

  The hundinlark sensed my nervousness and snorted, stamping its foot. Even the animals could tell I was anxious. I was worrying too much.

  My problem must be sexual frustration. I couldn't remember the last time I had Annalee. The past few months had been hectic. We barely had a moment alone together, and I felt like I was going insane. Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of cleavage or her ankle, and I would get hard. It was brutal, but the inns were full at this time of year, requiring us to share a room with Porter everywhere we went.

  I had been looking forward to this night for a long time. I wondered if I would even last a few minutes. Maybe I could conv
ince her to let off some steam first before we got to the main event. That would let me be a proper husband for her and make sure she came first. It would be embarrassing if I couldn't last for her, as if I were a teenager again.

  I finished with the animals and hurried back to the house. It was silent and dark when I came through the front door. I carefully locked it behind me.

  My heart sank. She was too tired to do anything tonight and had gone to bed early. I groaned. I felt like hitting the wall, but I didn't want my disappointment and frustration show. I dropped my head.

  As my eyes looked down, the moonlight illuminated a piece of clothing on the floor. I bent down and saw that it was her dress. I picked it up. Why would she leave it here? Then I noticed her hood a couple of feet away and picked that up as well. Apparently her clothing was strewn all over the house. The next things I found was her stockings, followed by her shift.

  My pulse started racing as I realized she had already shed her clothing, which meant when I found her...I continued to follow the trail of clothes, finding a corset at the bedroom door. I looked inside and saw a candle burning. Annalee lay on the bed, propped up by pillows…

  She was completely naked.

  I caught my breath, dropping the clothes I held onto the floor.

  I had never seen anyone looking as beautiful as she did, gently illuminated by the candlelight. She looked nervous. I don't know why the most beautiful woman on the planet would be nervous, but I felt compelled to speak.

  "Annalee." My voice came out strangled, and I cleared my throat, making an attempt to be a gentleman. All I wanted to do at that moment was to fuck her, take her, and make her mine. "You look lovely."

  "Thank you," she said demurely. "Now do you think you could come over here and fuck me?"

  I froze for a moment. It was still surprising to hear her swear. She had read my mind, and we both wanted the same things. I tore off my clothes and was beside her in an instant.

  "I don't think I can be slow."

  "Who says I want anything slow? I asked you to fuck me before I go insane with lust, didn't I?"

  "Yes." I covered her lips with mine. I broke away for a moment. "Porter didn't give you any morelia, did he?"

  "I don't need morelia, Jesse. I've got you."


  Jesse tasted sweet, and his mouth was hot. I wanted to devour him. It had been a long time since we had shared a kiss that was more passionate than a peck on the cheek. I had avoided contact with him because I knew there was no chance to fulfill my desires.

  Now that we had the opportunity to indulge, I felt lust overtake me. I had stripped off my clothing and left it in a sensual trail on the floor, leading to me. I had never done anything like that before; it was like a strip-tease frozen in time.

  I trembled as I waited for him, nude on the bed. The shivering was a combination of nerves and desire. Now that he was here in my arms, I felt my body begin to react. I couldn't believe we had waited for such a long time.

  We were tangled together, legs twisted, arms tightly clutching each other, tongues dancing. The ache between my legs was as bad as it had been with the morelia. When his hand slid around to my breast and began gently massaging it, I started to groan.

  He pulled away suddenly. I missed his lips, but not for long. They closed around one of my tight buds.

  "Oh God," I breathed. "Yes."

  He sucked violently and I arched up toward him, needing him to take more of me. He let go and focused on my other nipple. He licked around it, then blew on the wet skin, making me shiver. He kissed all the way around it, making me restless.

  "Jesse." I pushed my breast toward him. He smiled and gave me what I needed. His scorching lips closed around the hardened nub, and I moaned, feeling wetness pooling between my legs.

  I reached for him. His hard, smooth cock made me gasp.

  "I need you inside me. Now."

  His eyes fluttered closed, and then his leg nudged between mine, spreading them. I felt him at my entrance. I spread wider, my whole body on fire. He pushed in, and I felt my heat surround him.

  "Ann." My name came out of his lips sounding like a plea or a prayer. I wasn't sure which one. He gave a quick thrust and filled me completely.

  We both lay together for a moment without moving, relishing in the sensation of joining again. When Jesse began to move inside of me, a small sound escaped my lips. He kissed me again, long and sweet, while he thrust in and out of my body. My orgasm built until I was right on the edge, my nipples brushing his hard chest as he moved. He was fucking me too slowly for what I needed right now.

  "I need you to fuck me hard. Please," I begged. I was close. I needed him to push me over the edge.

  He didn't say words but gave a hard, quick thrust that made me gasp.

  "Yes. Like that." I pushed my hips toward him at the same time as he drove into me again.

  Harder and faster, he pounded into me, and I felt him hitting the spot inside me that I had never noticed until we first made love. I was sure they heard my cries at the main house. I didn't care.

  He bent his head and sucked my breast. That was enough to send me over the peak. I cried out and came, the climax shattering me and rocking my body with violent shudders. I held on tightly to Jesse. When I finally lay still, he plunged into me again, faster and faster until he froze and I felt him filling me with his seed.

  I lay back, my bones feeling like water. I was so relaxed that I couldn't have moved if I tried.

  "I love you, Annalee Beauchene," he whispered in my ear.

  I remembered how I had thought my life was going to be. I guess life has a way of turning out differently than we expect.

  Jesse pulled out, and I made a small sound of regret. He got out of bed. "I'll be back."

  "I've heard that before."

  "Really! Just a moment!" He returned almost immediately and jumped into bed. I snuggled up to him, melting into his body even though his skin was cold.

  "I have a gift for you," he said. "It's our four month anniversary today."

  "It is?" I didn't realize it myself. I was surprised he had remembered and gotten me something.

  "It's not much of a present, but I thought you might like it."

  He brought out a small thing. It was hidden in his hand until he put it in my palm.

  "My phone! Where did you get it?" I had never been more thankful for solar-powered batteries. I turned it on and scanned my retina to unlock it. I flipped through screen after screen. Everything was still there; no one had tampered with anything.

  "The Bureau had it. I was there one day when they were going through the confiscated items. For most devices, they can't identify the proper owners, and they're either scrapped or sold. I was lucky to find yours."

  I turned it off and tapped it again to wake it up. The lock screen showed the picture of Kyle and me.

  "You should thank him." I pointed to my little friend's picture.

  "What? Why? I've never seen that child before."

  "He's the reason everything's as good as it is right now. Even though we came through some bad shit to get here."

  He ran a finger down my nose. "It's over, Ann."

  "Yeah," I said. "It felt great to go back to the dungeon and get Jemima out. She never thought I would come back for her."

  I smiled warmly at the thought. We had gone to visit her a few times. I would always be thankful for how she had helped me. But Jesse wasn't thinking about Jemima. He stared at the little boy on the screen.

  "That's the kid whose picture you promised to keep with you, isn't it."

  I nodded.

  "Well, then, thanks, little man, for bringing this beautiful woman into my bed and my life," he whispered, kissing my neck.

  "Beautiful?" I pushed him away for a minute, ignoring what his kisses did to me. "I remember you thought I was distinctly plain when we first met."

  "I don't know why." His kisses moved lower onto my collarbone. "I was a fool."

  I pushed hi
m away. "Do you honestly think I'm beautiful now?" I felt skeptical. I took his head in my hands and made him look at me. "I know you think I'm sexy, but that's not the same thing."

  He looked at me in consternation. I wondered if he could understand why this was important to me.

  "Annalee, your spirit is infectious. It shines through your skin and makes everything around you radiant. Your eyes sparkle, your smile lights up a room, and your curves are perfect. Whoever thought you plain didn't know anything about you."

  "Really?" I asked. I wasn't fishing for compliments, but I still couldn't believe his change of heart, no matter how much I knew he loved me.

  "You have something that makes people sit up and take notice. You don't even know it, do you? That's part of the charm."

  He returned to kissing and made his way down between my breasts.

  "Thank you," I said, setting my phone down on the bedside table. I would have time to reacquaint myself with it later.

  Right now, my husband was kissing me. He loved me and thought I was beautiful. I realized how far I had come since my days on Earth. I had followed my heart instead of my head. I knew I never wanted to go back to the old me because I wanted to be here forever.

  Chapter Twenty


  I walked into the house and saw Mrs. Boyko sweeping up. As I watched, she kicked open a small vent near the floor and pushed against a knot in the wooden paneling on the wall. A soft humming noise sounded through the house as all the dirt she had swept got sucked away into the vent.

  "If I had known technology would make my life this easy, I would have joined the Underground a long time ago." she said.

  I grinned, shifting the little girl resting against my hip to my other side so I wouldn't have to put her down. She was getting heavy.

  "And how is my little angel?" said Mrs. Boyko, jiggling Charlotte's foot until she smiled and pressed her face shyly into my shoulder.

  "She's much better now, thanks to you." "She doesn't have a fever anymore. It's a relief."

  "I didn't do much," she said. "Just applied some herbs, the same as my Granny used to give me. We don't need science for everything."


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