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Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3)

Page 12

by N. J. Walters

  Etta was totally confused. Kyler had done everything in his power to protect the girls and her. Why hadn’t he told her what he was doing? Why had he suggested the opposite earlier in the bar?

  “You didn’t trust me.” The painful realization was crippling, but she refused to bend, throwing her shoulders back instead.

  “We’ll talk later.” Impatient, he waved her toward the window.

  “Why not go out the front door?” She hooked her bag over her shoulder and joined him. She might be mad at him, but she wasn’t stupid. And he had the girls.

  “Balthazar or Helldrick will have people watching. We’re likely to have company soon.”

  He was right. They’d hash out their own problems later. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I’ll go first. Follow me out the window when I give you the signal.” Faster than she’d thought a man his size could move, he was gone, sliding down a thin line he’d attached to the window frame.

  He melded with the shadows. If she hadn’t known he was there, she would never have seen him. He waved at her. After a brief hesitation, she said a prayer, threw her foot over the ledge, and clutched the rope.

  It was thin. Too thin. But it had held his weight so it would hold her. Don’t look down. Fine time to discover she had a problem with heights. Or maybe dangling in midair was the issue. I can do this. Because there was no choice. Dragging her other leg out the window was awkward, nothing approaching the grace he’d shown.

  Already her arms and legs were trembling as she tried to ease herself down one inch at a time. At this rate, it would take her forever. Something tugged at the bottom of the rope, making it sway. She closed her eyes and clung for dear life.

  Then Kyler was there, his big body surrounding hers. “I’ve got you. Wrap your arms around my neck.”

  They were swaying lightly, their position precarious. “I want to. My hands won’t let go.” Suddenly, he was facing her. How had he done that? He pried one of her hands away and placed it around her neck. Her fingers dug into his shoulders so hard he’d likely have bruises. Then he did the same with the other. One strong arm banded around her back. Her chest was plastered against his with the rope between them.

  “Now your legs. You can do it, kismara.” His breath was warm against her ear. The heat from his body reassuring. “I’ve got you.”

  She had no idea what kismara meant, only that it sounded like an endearment. Drawing in a deep breath, she lifted her legs and locked them around his waist.

  Then they were sliding down the rope far faster than she could have imagined. She clung to him, face buried against his neck. So much for being brave. She raised her head in time to see him give the rope a quick jerk. It unhooked from the window frame and fell. He caught the hooking mechanism with one hand while keeping his other around her.

  Shit, she needed to stand on her own two feet. “I’ve got this.” Not that he had reason to believe her after that display. Did his lips brush the top of her head or was that her imagination? It was over so fast she couldn’t be sure.

  He had the rope coiled and stored in an interior pocket of the cloak and his blaster in hand. “Come on.” He didn’t wait, but gripped her wrist and pulled her behind him.

  Her legs were like limp noodles, and she stumbled at first before finding her footing. She tugged her hand, but he didn’t release her. “I’m not going to run away.”

  “I never thought you would. I know you want to get to the girls.”

  Was that why he’d taken them? To assure she’d go with him? She had so many questions.

  The streets were quiet, but there were still people out and about. There always was. How many of them worked for either Helldrick or Balthazar was the question. They kept to the shadows. Her footsteps seemed to echo through the night no matter how careful she tried to walk. Kyler never made a sound, one with the darkness.

  The docking station loomed ahead. “Balthazar’s ship is there.” Which meant he was, too. This was dangerous but their only way out.

  “Trust me.” There it was again. Did her trust mean so much? Was that why he hadn’t told her he’d already moved the girls? Had he wanted to see what she’d do without that knowledge? A test of sorts.

  None of it mattered right now. Only getting to the girls and away from this godforsaken place.

  She almost slammed into his back when he came to an abrupt halt. The entrance to the station loomed ahead. There was no sign of the guard that should be there. Not good. “What’s the plan?”

  “Kill anyone who gets in our way.”


  Kyler wanted to reassure Etta, but there was no time. Maybe she’d forgive him for not telling her about the girls. Maybe she wouldn’t. But his mission was to get them out of here and remove all threats to the Gravasian crown and people.

  He’d never failed a mission. He wasn’t about to start with the most important one of his life.

  Cocking his head to one side, he listened intently. There should be a guard on the gate. He’d been neutralized or paid to be absent for the evening.

  There was no way of knowing if Balthazar was aware he’d escaped the trap set for him or if he expected his men to bring Kyler’s drugged body to him. He wouldn’t want witnesses either way.

  He pulled Etta into the shadows, wishing she was still wrapped around him like she had been earlier. If he’d known she had such an aversion to heights, he would have risked going out the front of the building. He hadn’t even thought to ask. Going in and out of windows came as natural to him as breathing.

  “My ship has K-1 on the side. It’s in the D-block, fourth to the right when we enter. It’s about halfway down on the right.” He reached into one of the many pockets in his cloak and pulled out a small black box. “Give me your hand.”

  When she held it out, he pressed her index finger against a scanner. It flashed red and then green. “This is keyed to you now. If we’re separated or something happens, run for it.” He flipped open the top of the box and showed her the single button. “Put your finger on the scanner and hit the button. It will open the door. Once you’re inside, it will automatically close and go into full-security lockdown. You and the girls will be safe.”

  “What about you?” The ice around his heart threatened to melt at the worry he detected in her voice.

  “I’ll be fine.” His voice was gruffer than intended. “If I don’t show up after one planetary hour, go to the control room and sit in my chair. It will activate a comm link to the king. Tell him what’s happened.”

  “I can’t talk to the king.” She slammed the lid of the box shut and shoved it against his chest. “I can’t just leave you.”

  So fierce she was. So perfect for him. He hooked a tendril of her hair around her ear before running his fingers down her neck. “Kismara, I have to make sure you’re safe so I can do what it is I do best.”

  She met his gaze without flinching and nodded. “I get that, but I’m not leaving you to fight this battle alone.”

  His heart swelled, along with another part of his anatomy. He was so accustomed to always handling situations by himself. Having a partner was a foreign notion.

  A cynical voice in his head wondered if she wanted to stay with him so she could warn her brother. He ruthlessly silenced it.

  “The girls need you.” It was the only thing he could think of that would get her to leave. Indecision flashed over her face. She nibbled on her bottom lip, as she often did. He wanted to lick the abused lip, soothing it.

  She gave a quick nod. “How do we do this?”

  He’d already run through various scenarios in his mind, calculating risks. “I’m going to scout for the Rebel. Your brother and his men must pay for their crimes.” There was no way to sugarcoat or hide his intentions. And he wouldn’t. He wasn’t ashamed of what he was, what he did. They’d broken Gravasian law and he was the enforcer of the law.

  “And Helldrick?”

  “If he’s there, I’ll handle it. If not, he’ll b
e seen to in due course.” Balthazar was his main target. The one who’d held and tortured the king’s son. “If you hear fighting, run for the ship. If all remains silent, wait here for me. I’ll come back for you.”

  Doubt flashed in her eyes, but she gave a resolute nod. He curled her fingers around the box. “If anyone else tries to use it or if you use the wrong finger, the ship will go into lockdown. Only I’ll be able to access it then. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She was pale, but steady considering what she’d been through both physically and emotionally. Pride filled him. She was perfect for him.

  If she would have him.

  If he could figure out a way to save them both.

  One problem at a time. “Stay in the shadows.” He eased her down between two large metal beams with her back to the wall. “Remember, if things go to shit, run for my ship.”

  “D-block, fourth to the right, about halfway down on the right,” she repeated his instructions back to him.

  Crouching before her, he stared into her blue eyes, wondering if this would be the last time he’d see them. While he had every faith in his skills, he was also realistic. Sometimes things went wrong.

  He’d never cared before. Never had anything to lose. And it wasn’t just Etta. Two young girls were waiting for him. When he’d entered their room earlier this evening, after taking care of their guard, Sera had been standing in front of her sister, a small knife clutched in her hand. He’d seen the same fierceness and loyalty that lived in her older sister. It had taken time to convince her to go with him. Sera had been doubtful, but had taken him as the lesser of the evils around her. Maggs had put her small hand in his and hadn’t looked back.

  And now, Etta was extending that same kind of trust to him. She was putting her life and that of the girls in his hands. He never wanted to disappoint her.

  “If I can, I’ll be back.”

  She put her hand on his chest over his heart. “Be safe.”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Her smile was self-deprecating. “I can’t seem to help myself.”

  On a silent groan, he leaned forward, giving her plenty of time to object or turn her head. She met him halfway, the kiss tender, yet filled with promise. He wanted to sink into her and never leave.

  Without another word, he stood and lost himself in the shadows. The taste of her lingered on his lips. A hint of cinnamon teased his nostrils. The taste and smell of Etta, of home.

  Tugging the hood of his cloak up, he ghosted up and down the decks of the docking station. Was it a mere fluke Balthazar’s ship was on the same deck as his?

  He’d never really believed in coincidence. Someone must have tipped the man off, which meant his spy network went deeper than Kyler had imagined. The only way for Etta to get to safety was down this deck.

  A smile curved his lips. Balthazar thought he was the badass of the universe. He’d never faced someone like Kyler before. One dedicated and committed man could do more damage than an entire army.

  Kyler had a king and country to serve, a duty to uphold. But even more than that, he had a family to protect. It might not be his for long, really wasn’t his now, only in his heart.

  For once, someone truly needed him. This was bigger than defending the laws of his world. This time it was personal.

  Sliding two knives from the holster on this chest, he narrowed his eyes and began to hunt.

  Chapter Twelve

  How long had he been gone?

  Etta shifted her weight from one leg to the other. They were starting to ache. If she had to make a run for it, she wanted to be able to move quickly.

  On a silent curse, she gripped the metal girder closest to her and used it to pull her body upright. It was dark enough in her hiding spot that no one should notice her.

  It was too quiet. There weren’t any voices or machinery. Even at this time of night someone should have been around.

  Several more minutes passed. She tapped her toe silently and flexed her arms and legs. “Where is he?” she whispered under her breath.

  Her fingers curled around the black box he’d given her. Should she go to his ship? The girls had to be frightened. Was anyone with them or were they alone?

  Taking a risk, she slowly peered around the edge of the metal post facing the deck. There was no one in sight. Time was moving slower than a Darkatan silkworm. The back of her neck itched and her unease grew. Something was wrong.

  Nerves stretched to the breaking point, she was about to move when she heard a male shout. Her heart jumped, even though she knew it wasn’t Kyler. He was too disciplined to yell.

  “Damn it.” She left the relative safety of her position and hurried as fast as she could across the docking station. As much as she tried to keep her footsteps silent, the slight metallic sound seemed to echo in the cavernous space. How did Kyler do it? The man moved like a ghost.

  Four down. She counted off the rows. The shouting grew louder the closer she got. This wasn’t good. Back against a docked vessel, she peeked around the edge and was caught by the scene unfolding before her.

  A blade honed to a lethal edge, Kyler cut through the group, taking down four big, tough men as though they were standing still instead of trying to kill him.

  There was a deadly beauty to the way he fought. One of his attackers raised a blaster and fired. He took it right on the chest. She almost cried out before she remembered the battlesuit he wore beneath his clothes. Even with the protective body armor, that had to hurt.

  It didn’t even slow him for a split-second.

  Six bodies littered the ground, the first two having already been there when she’d arrived. Blood seeped from the downed men, turning the floor red.

  She swallowed heavily. Now was not the time to lose it. Those men would have killed him. They’d kill her if Balthazar demanded it. Not to mention what they’d do to the girls. She hardened her heart, smothering any pity she felt for them. They were adults, and they’d made their choices.

  So had she.

  Was she any different? She’d drugged a man knowing Balthazar would harm him. Her only goal had been to protect her sisters. Maybe these men had families they were trying to protect.

  “Damn you, Balthazar.”

  A strong arm wrapped around her neck, and she was dragged back and up until she was balancing on her toes. “You shouldn’t curse me, sister.”

  Oh, fuck, he’d found her.

  “You also shouldn’t lie to me.”

  A knife tip dug into her cheek, the cut burning. She clamped her back teeth together to keep from crying out.

  His laugh was low and evil. “So brave. I wonder how long that will last. Will you trade your life for his, I wonder?”

  “You should just leave.” Anything to get him away from here. She prayed the girls truly were safe aboard Kyler’s ship and out of Balthazar’s reach.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’re taking a stranger’s side over family. That’s not very nice.”

  He didn’t sound angry, which scared her all the more. He was unpredictable at the best of times. Cornered, he’d do anything to stay alive. “It’s your fault I’m involved in this mess.”

  “No, it’s yours. No one made you drug the stranger all those months ago. You did that on your own.”

  “To protect the girls,” she protested, even though her stomach cramped at the truth in his words. The guilt she harbored from that single act had haunted her since, compounding as time went on.

  “Will you protect them now?” He removed the knife from her face and wrapped his arm around her waist so the blade was against her side. Using his strength, he maneuvered them to the center of the aisle. The way her shirt fell, it appeared harmless, nothing more than a hug from a brother to a sister.

  There was no taking Kyler off guard. He was already facing them, that blasted hood covering his face. “I knew you couldn’t hide forever.” There was a mocking edge to his voice. Balthazar’s arm contracted around her, squeezi
ng the air from her lungs.

  “The Gravasians sent you, didn’t they?”

  Kyler inclined his head.

  “There was a misunderstanding. I didn’t know the tech I took from him was Gravasian, only that it was sophisticated and would find a buyer.”

  He tilted his head to one side. “Lie.”

  Balthazar was breathing heavily. He was scared. She’d never seen him truly afraid of anything before.

  “All right, I suspected the tech was Gravasian, but he stole it to begin with, not me.”

  Was her brother really trying to bargain with Kyler? Then it hit her. He didn’t know Kyler was a Gravasian assassin.

  “He didn’t steal it. It belonged to him.”

  “Fuck me,” her brother whispered. “I didn’t know.”

  “You didn’t want to.” Kyler suddenly fell to the side and rolled. A knife flew through the air, embedding in the neck of a man who’d been sneaking up behind him. He was back on his feet and facing them as though nothing had happened.

  “I’m not who you want.” Her brother gripped her arm hard enough to leave bruises and swung her in front of him. “She’s the one who drugged him. Hell, it was her idea from the beginning. She’s the one who told me about him.” His blade pricked the back of her neck, daring her to contradict him. “Take her and we’ll call it even. I heard the tech was destroyed anyway, so no harm, no foul. We both go our separate ways.”

  She almost felt sorry for Balthazar. There was no escaping justice for their crimes. A sense of calm settled over her. Whatever happened, she could live with it. It would finally bring her peace for her part in these events. The girls were safe. That was all that mattered.

  Etta wished she could see Kyler’s face, but the memory of it was imprinted on her forever. He might not fully trust her, and she couldn’t blame him for that. He angered her, challenged her, and made her crazy with the way he held himself back. But she’d come to understand that was as much his personality as it was his training.

  He owned her heart. They’d only had sex once, but it didn’t matter. What she felt for him went beyond the physical. She reached out with her heart, willing him to understand. “Do what you need to do.” Forgoing his duty, his honor, would irreparably damage him. She wouldn’t be a party to that.


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