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Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3)

Page 16

by N. J. Walters

  The king gave a curt nod.

  “Then why should it surprise you I’d do the same for my sisters? They have no family, other than me. Helldrick, that spawn of a demon, doesn’t count. They have no army to defend them, no fancy weapons or assassins to exact revenge. They have me. That’s it.”

  Exhausted, she leaned back against Kyler. He adjusted his hold on Maggs so there was room for her. Sera took her hand again. They were bound together by love. They were family.


  Pleasure and grief pounded at him in equal measure. She was everything he’d ever wanted in his deepest dreams, even the ones he’d never fully admitted. Loyalty? She was the gold standard to which all others should strive. That she loved him—and she had to if she was giving up her chance to live to save him—was the greatest gift he’d ever received.

  And he was going to lose her. She’d dared to lecture the king. Everyone in the room had been spellbound in shock, even the great man himself.

  And the most astounding thing of all? She wasn’t wrong in her assessment.

  “Sire, I have loyally served the crown. I have sacrificed my entire life in training and service, been exiled from my home. The only family I have is the one I hold in my arms.”

  King Agman frowned. “You are Gravasian.”

  He shrugged. “I was born here. My loyalty is here. But it is not my home. I’ve spent as many years away as I have here. And the years I was here, I was separated from my parents and siblings and trained for the destiny that was given me.” He’d never been asked. It had been decided by others. Honor had assured his compliance. “Now I’m asking for one thing. My life for her.” Because there was no way he’d let anything happen to her while there was breath in his body.

  “If she dies, you will have to put me down.” It was inevitable.

  “Is that a threat?” The others flanked the king—sons and assassins.

  He shook his head. “No, sire. It is a fact. Etta is a fire in my soul, a burning in my blood. My reason for breathing.”

  She turned into him, gripping the front of his cloak.

  The king’s frown deepened. “You truly mean that.”

  He inclined his head. “I do. There is a creature residing deep inside me. Maybe it has always been there, but training, the years, and life experience caged it, gave it a purpose and an outlet. Feral is too tame a word. I will protect her with every fiber of my being, every cell of my body. If you plan to execute her from crimes against the crime, you’ll have to end me first or I won’t be responsible for the vengeance I exact before you put me down. Let her live. Her sisters need her.”

  “I forgive you.” Ivar broke the silence. “I knew something was bothering you that night at the bar. You all but told me to leave. I ignored all the signs because I deemed the mission more important. I was so close to uncovering the secrets about Helldrick and Balthazar that I took risks I shouldn’t have.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Father?” Ivar looked to the king.

  He hesitated, and Kyler knew his mind had not changed. A lesson had to be sent, justice extracted. But was this really justice?

  “I’ll take them and go.” The idea had merit. “I’ll find a safe place for them. No one needs to know they’re alive.”

  “You’d lie?” the king asked.

  “It’s no lie if you know. I am the king’s blade. I am answerable only to you. I’m asking for justice for my wife and her sisters. Justice for my family.”

  Maggs leaned down and whispered to her sister, “I told you.”

  “Shh,” Sera shushed.

  “Told her what?” King Agman asked.

  Maggs wiggled until he put her down. She pulled her data pad out of the pocket of her cloak and went slowly forward. “I drew pictures.” She glanced over her shoulder and gave him a sweet smile. “I know you said it’s dangerous for me to have pictures, but we’re with you now, so I knew it would be okay.”

  Etta made a sound partway between a moan and a laugh. There was no way he could be mad with the girl. Not when she had such faith in him.

  She opened up a program and pulled up an image.

  “What is this?” the king demanded.

  “It’s so lifelike,” Ivar added. “Like she’s met everyone in the family.”

  King Agman took the screen from her and flipped it around so Kyler could see. The entire royal family, along with spouses and children were depicted.

  “There are two more,” Maggs added. “They’re not as detailed.”

  He thought about putting his hand over her mouth before she spilled more secrets, but the damage was already done.

  The king flipped through one of him and the queen. But it was the final one that almost killed Kyler. It was an image of him standing with his arms around Etta. Beside them, a slightly older version of Sera and Maggs stood proudly.

  “How is this possible?” Spear asked, the threat implicit in his tone. Did he think Kyler had given up classified information?

  “The girls are seers. No one knows about their abilities.” The implication being that if anyone discovered it, he knew where to come looking.

  The king stared at Maggs and sighed. “So, you don’t want Gravasian justice, you want Kyler’s justice. Is that it?”

  “Yes, sire.”

  “Very well.”

  “No.” Etta grabbed his arm. “You can’t take my place. I won’t allow it.”

  “Enough.” He didn’t yell, but the king didn’t have to. “No one is dying today. Ivar is satisfied. The main perpetrators have been dealt with. Helldrick is still out there.” He raised a brow as if daring her to disagree or say something.

  Etta kept her mouth closed and raised an eyebrow in return.

  Spear and Ivar both rubbed their hands over their mouths as if hiding a smile. Kyler wasn’t quite ready to relax yet. “Sire? If you wish it, I will leave immediately to search for him.” It would kill him to leave Etta for even a short time. “I will return to face judgment when the mission is done.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Someone else will handle Helldrick.” His word final, he turned his attention back to Maggs. “The girl is obviously a talented seer. I can’t make her drawing wrong now, can I?”

  Kyler momentarily went blind and deaf, unsure he’d heard correctly. “Sire?” He needed it spelled out.

  “You are a family.”

  He wanted to roar his victory to the universe, wanted to grab his family and run. He inclined his head. “Thank you, sire.”

  “You’ll remain here, at least in the short-term. There are things to discuss. In the meantime, you’ll stay in a guest suite at the palace until final decisions are made.” He hesitated. “Would you like me to contact your parents or siblings?”

  He thought about the people who’d raised him until his early teens before he’d been sent off for more extensive training. The father who’d been distant and exacting. The mother who’d kept her distance while lavishing affection on her younger children. The brothers and sisters he’d never really known. His return would only disrupt their lives. They were strangers. He would only make them uncomfortable.

  “No. My family is here with me.” He finally turned to Etta. Dark circles rimmed her eyes. Her mouth was pinched. She was exhausted. But when their eyes met, she smiled.

  This was his wife, his love. Forgetting all his training and discipline, he dragged her against him and took her mouth, savoring the sweet taste and the eager way she responded. Childish laughter mixed with more adult amusement.

  She’d taken him, even knowing what he was. “I’ll never let you down,” he promised when he finally let her up for air.

  “I know.” A faint blush pinkened her cheeks. “We’re really married?”

  His pleasure faded. Did she regret agreeing to take him? She hadn’t known what he was doing at the time. “Yes.”

  “When does the honeymoon start?”


  Kyler stroked his hands over the smooth skin of he
r torso before cupping her breasts. “Mine.” He’d been making love to her since they’d settled the girls in for the evening and retired to their room. He’d already brought her to peak pleasure twice but wanted a third.

  He’d never get enough of her.

  Her eyes were glazed over and she gasped as he thumbed her nipples. “Again? I can’t.” She arched into his hands, contradicting her objection.

  “You don’t have to do anything. Just lie there and let me do all the work.”

  “You said that the last time.” Her nails scraped over his chest, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make his cock jump.

  Supporting his weight on his forearms, he leaned over her and captured her mouth. She was so sweet and giving. And she was all his.

  He still couldn’t believe the king had given them both their lives. All his years of hard work, of sacrifice and loneliness, had been worth it. He’d go through all again if it would land him here in this bed with Etta.

  She ran her hands over the hard planes of his back. “You’re so strong. I love your muscles.”

  He’d always trained hard. Now he had to up his game. It wasn’t just his life he was protecting.

  The head of his cock nudged her opening. Parting her legs, she let him in. He sank into her wet warmth, inhaling the musky scent of sex and the underlying spice that seemed to cling to her skin. His shaft stretched her sheath, but it expanded, welcoming him.

  The first two times had been frantic. Hell, he’d practically ripped her clothes off before dumping her onto the bed and making love to her. With the worst of his need sated, he gently rocked his hips, his eyes locked on hers. Her golden hair spilled over the pillow. He fisted it and kissed her again, swallowing her moan of delight.

  His thrusts were slow and measured. Every time he sank into her was a revelation. She was his wife, his miracle.

  She ran her hands up his chest and hooked her legs around his waist. “In a hurry, are you?” he teased. It was such a strange thing to be playful, to trust another person enough to let down his guard.

  “I fear you’re creating a monster. I’ll likely be very demanding in the future.”

  His balls pulled up hard. “I can handle it,” he assured her.

  The corners of her mouth twitched. “I have no doubt.”

  He kissed her again, taking them up and over. There was no explosion this time, but the release was even more satisfying. After it was over and he was sprawled on top of her, he kept rocking against her, unable to stop.

  She tapped on his shoulder and he rolled away, taking her with him so they were facing each other. “How long do you think we’ll be here?”

  He shrugged. “As long as the king wishes.”

  “The girls will stay with us, right? You’re okay with them being with us, aren’t you? It’s not something we really talked about, but the girls are mine now.”

  He hated the uncertainty in her eyes. “They belong to us.” It had never been an issue for him. He gently nudged a damp lock of hair off her forehead. “We are a family.” His chest swelled and a sense of purpose filled him. “I will protect you all. We will find our way, either here or on another planet. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “Whatever the king allows.”

  She wasn’t wrong. “Would you mind staying on Gravas?” He’d never considered he’d have the opportunity to live here again.

  “Would you?” she countered.

  “As long as you’re with me and safe, that’s all that matters.” It was almost surprising, but he was perfectly content to be wherever his family was. He wasn’t afraid to work. And he had a small personal fortune. Being the king’s blade paid well, and he’d lived on his ship so he’d had no expenses.

  “What would I do here? I’m not used to being idle.” She traced a path on his chest from one nipple to another. He growled and flattened her hand over her heart.

  “If you wish to keep talking, you need to stop.”

  “Really? How is that even possible?” She glanced down, her eyes widening as his shaft began to swell.

  “You inspire me.”

  Her laugh made his heart swell with joy. In this room, with the door closed and the world locked outside, he was free to let down his guard and be himself. It was a gift beyond price. It was such a foreign sensation. He’d lost himself to his work, but with Etta, he was finding his way.

  Outside their room, he’d be even deadlier than he’d been before. No one would hurt those in his care. “Helldrick is still out there.”

  She stiffened but nodded. “He can’t get to the girls, though, right?”

  “Not if we stay here. And the king is sending someone after him. It won’t be long until he’s no longer a problem.”

  “Good. I want my sisters to be free, to have choices.” Something she’d never had.

  “I love you.” It was the ultimate act of vulnerability. It was the first time he’d ever uttered the words.

  Etta’s smile was soft, her eyes filling with tears. “I love you, too. Now and forever.”

  “Now and forever.”


  Etta removed the dish from the cooking unit and set it on the counter. Kyler was due home any time. He’d been gone most of the day, conferring with the king. She had no idea about what and wasn’t sure if he’d be able to tell her. She was surprisingly okay with that. State secrets weren’t something she needed to know.

  “What do you think?” Sera set the final napkin on the table and stepped back, a huge smile on her face. Both she and Maggs had thrown themselves into helping her with this dinner. Their first one in their temporary home.

  “It’s perfect.” And it was. The table was big enough for the four of them. The suite they’d been given was more like a family dwelling, complete with a kitchen and eating area, living space, and bedrooms. Calling down to the palace kitchen for meals was an option, but she wanted to cook for Kyler. The kitchen staff had been wonderful about getting her the ingredients she’d requested.

  She’d seen what he ate on his ship. It was fine in a pinch, but tasteless.

  “I made place cards,” Maggs announced. She set brightly decorated pieces of paper by each space. All kinds of supplies for the children had been delivered along with clothing and food. She had no idea if it came from the king or Kyler. Maggs had been awestruck to have real paper and paints and brushes and had spent the afternoon on her project.

  Etta wiped her hands on a towel before joining the girls. The cards were white with bold flowers in every color of the rainbow surrounding their names. But it was what was on them that made her heart skip a beat.

  The door to the suite slid open and Kyler walked in, larger than life and more handsome than ever. Just looking at him made her knees weak and her body ache. One corner of his mouth twitched, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. And he probably did.

  “Surprise,” Sera and Maggs cried out.

  “Surprise.” She held her arms out to him, loving it when he moved into them without hesitation.

  “What’s all this?”

  “I made supper and the girls decorated the table.” Should she have done that? Would he balk at eating what she cooked?

  A muscle in his jaw twitched. “You cooked? For me?”

  Shit, maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea. “If you don’t want it, it’s fine. If you have dietary restrictions, I can get you something else.” It was a way out if he wanted to take it.

  “I want it.” His voice was low, his eyes darker than ever. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She went up on her toes. Their lips millimeters away.

  “Come see what we did.” Maggs tugged on Kyler’s hand. He dropped a quick kiss on Etta’s lips before allowing himself to be dragged away.

  He complimented Sera on the table arrangement. Then he studied the place cards Maggs had made. His entire body stilled. He glanced toward her, but all she could do was shrug. It had caught her by surprise, too.

  “Maggs el
Darkos.” He ran his finger over each stylized letter. “Is that what you want?”

  Hands on her hips, Maggs nodded, her red curls dancing. “We’re a family.” Then she bit her bottom lip, the gesture so familiar since Etta did it herself. “Right? Don’t you want us?”

  Kyler el Darkos, the king’s blade, went to one knee in front of the child. “I’d be honored if you took my name. Have you discussed it with Etta?”

  The girl shook her head. “I don’t want to be a Maggs Mortis anymore.”

  “And you, Sera?” he asked, holding out his hand to her.

  Etta’s heart melted when her sister took it. They trusted Kyler not to hurt them. And so did she. He turned his head toward her. “And you, Etta. Would you take my name?”

  She went to him and cupped his face in her hands. “I would. I do.” Then she kissed him to seal the deal.

  Maggs laughed and Sera groaned. “They’re always kissing,” Sera complained.

  Etta laughed and straightened. “You’ll understand someday.”

  Kyler bound to his feet and frowned. “She doesn’t need to understand.”

  “Oh, gods, you’re going to be so overprotective, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” He allowed Maggs to lead him to his chair.

  Shaking her head, Etta hurried to the kitchen. With Sera’s help, she put the meal on the table. It was a thick stew, homemade bread, and a berry cobbler for dessert.

  “This is wonderful,” he told her after he’d taken several spoonfuls.

  “Yes, it is.” Contentment filled her. Across the table, Kyler’s lips curved upward for a split second. In his eyes, there was heat and the promise of a love to last a lifetime.


  King Agman read the last report and shut down his data pad. If he didn’t get home soon, his queen would come looking for him. As if he’d conjured her, Steffa strode into the room, a big smile on her face that never failed to push back the troubles of the day.

  “You’re late. The family has all arrived,” she chided. Before he could stand, she leaned down and kissed the top of his head. They’d been married forty years and she still made his heart skip a beat whenever he saw her. There were fine lines radiating from the corners of her eyes and her dark hair was streaked with threads of silver, but he’d never seen a more beautiful woman.


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