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Daddy Next Door (Yes, Daddy Book 1)

Page 6

by Lena Little

  It was the ultimate Cinderella story, at least in my eyes, and I couldn’t have written a retelling of the classic better myself, even if you’d have given me a lifetime to try.

  And a lifetime is exactly what we were about to have…together.

  We pull up to a small house near the top of the mountain and he parks the motorcycle, helping me off the back.

  “Where are we?”

  “Old safe house that I bought years ago in case the stuff ever hit the fan.”

  “But if it’s in your name then. People will come looking for you here?”

  “Nope. It’s wrapped up in an LLC which is owned by another LLC. Complete anonymity, and the owner, and the registering agents of the LLC’s, all accepted Bitcoin. To be fair, Bitcoin’s not exactly anonymous, but I’ve never put my coins online so they’ve never been attached to my name.”

  “You had that much in Bitcoin?”

  “I got in early, so I saw the big gains. To be fair, I didn’t have that many, but it didn’t take many to get this place. It was pretty run down when I bought it and I put a lot of time into making it what it is today. Plus the owner was really hot on selling it, so it worked out quickly and perfectly. Just like us.”

  “You don’t need time to make decisions when you know, right?”

  “Exactly, Precious,” he says, wrapping his arms around me.

  “We can lay low here until the money hits my account, just to make sure, then we’re outta here.”

  “Where to?”

  “If I told you it would ruin the surprise.”


  “Just wait little girl. Daddy’s got it all taken care of and you’re never going to have to lift another finger again, wait another table, except for the one you fill with the food you make for our family.”

  “Are you going to cook too?”

  He laughs for the first time and his smile takes my breath away. “Well, I’ve learned the basics over my life as a bachelor, but I’m guessing someone who works in a diner might be better versed in culinary techniques than I am.”

  “I can’t wait to cook meals for you, for our family, for us,” I say.

  “Speaking of family, I’m older, old-fashioned and more traditional. And something about last night knows, just knows without a shadow of a doubt, that you’re pregnant with my first born.”

  “You think I got pregnant on the night I gave you my virginity?”

  “I don’t think so. I know so.”

  There’s a sudden pause and our bodies separate slightly, but just enough to give him room to…

  “Little Peaches,” he begins, kneeling on the gravel in front of this picturesque paradise while he opens a small black, velvet box with an absolutely beautiful diamond ring inside. “We’ve only known each other a short time but we’ve come a long way. And I know that time is precious, and the way ahead is with you. It’s time to take a second to form a bond that will last a lifetime. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before, even learning about myself as I learn about you. And I can’t wait to uncover a new little fact, unravel a new mystery about your personality, each and every day forever. I’m already the luckiest man to ever walk on the face of the earth, which is why I’m down on one knee for you, my princess. Make me your king and become my queen.”

  He’s absolutely right, time is precious and the way ahead lies with him. Him and only him. His words hit me like a freight train and I can’t stop the tears from flowing like the rivers that line these mountains.

  I have no idea how we got here, or why all the pain and hardships have suddenly been replaced with happiness nor am I going to ask. All I know is the most incredible man in the world, in such a beautiful place, just asked me to be his. Forever. And like Cinderella, time is of the essence, and no way in the world am I going to let the clock strike midnight before my luck runs out.

  “Yes! A million times and forever yes!”

  He slides the ring onto my finger, a perfect fit, and I jump in his arms, also a perfect fit, as our lips collide.

  We come from two different worlds, but we’re alike in so many ways. This crazy little thing called life is a journey, and ours have intersected, collided, and now we’re taking the road together.

  And that’s exactly how it’s going to be. Forever.

  “Ladies and gentleman, she said yes,” Daniel says, making me laugh as there’s no one around for miles.

  “Was I a good girl, Daddy?”

  “The best, Princess. And now you’re mine all mine.”

  “Princess? I prefer you address me as Queen,” I kid, taking a page out of his book.

  “Your wish is my command…my Queen,” he self-corrects.

  And with that, he’s made every wish I could have ever hoped for come true.

  “I love you, Little Peaches.”

  “I love you, Daddy.”



  A three days later, at three thirty in the morning, we slid our keys in our locks, laughing.

  The money’s hit my account and we’re just back here for a quick pit stop to gather our most important things and then we’re gone…for good.

  I can’t believe I was hanging off her balcony just a few days ago, and before that I’d rushed out to buy an engagement ring, which was in my pocket even then. Imagine if I fell, it would have been the ultimate Romeo and Juliet moment, the ring in my pocket as I came for my women, yet she’d have never known.

  But that’s why I knew that morning in the diner, she was my everything and I had to show her my commitment was real. Even though she told me it was too much, too big, I convinced her to keep it. I never buy myself anything so I had plenty of money saved up, plus the money I need to show up at the bank and confirm this morning, which is kind of strange considering it’s a government payment. I’m almost wondering if some cops are gonna be there to give me grief on the way out.

  Who cares?

  I’ve got my woman and she’s got my ring on her finger. And we’re going straight to the airport to disappear forever. We don’t owe anyone anything…other than each other of course to whom we owe everything.

  Diana steps into her apartment and I do the same, thoughts of swimming naked in the creek, eating wild berries, sleeping under the stars and just generally being in love flood my mind.

  Even the view from the top of the mountain, where we rode up to each day to get reception to see if the deposits hit, was breathtaking. As soon as the money was confirmed it was time to leave this vacation to start a new life. Together.

  I start packing up some things and realize I’m super hungry for some reason. I move over to her apartment, watching her stuff her duffel bag with what little she has. The lack of a deadbolt on her door, and the fact that I see her stuffing pepper spray and a knife in her duffel bag make my stomach churn. No one should have to live like this, and my woman never will another day in her life.

  “Whatcha doing, baby girl?”

  She turns back to me, her thousand watt smile lighting up an otherwise dark room. “About to pack up my most treasured possessions, my Kindle and my copy of Cinderella. Both are pathways to my crazy imagination.”

  “It’s what makes you, you, and for that I love it,” I say wrapping my arms around her and suddenly her stomach growls. “So I’m not the only one who’s hungry at an odd hour.”

  “I guess skipping dinner to enjoy some physical activity, horizontal style, is catching up with me.”

  I laugh. “You’re right. I was just thinking of making a run for the border myself.”

  “We’re going to Mexico?” she asks, her head jerking back. “That’s the plan?”

  She looks stunned, and I can’t tell if it’s in a good way or a bad way but either way that’s not it. “No, silly little girl…Taco Bell for the ‘fourth meal’ they’re always advertising.”

  “Oh…that does sound good. Can you grab me two chalupas?”

  “Only two? I was thinking you’re going to need a lot of energy.

  “And why’s that,” she purrs, rubbing her hand against my chest.

  “Bank doesn’t open until nine so after we eat we’ve got some time before I have to go down and show my ID and everything to claim that big hunk o’ money.”

  “You’re a big hunk, you know that?”

  “I’m your big hunk, baby doll.”

  She comes up on her tiptoes for a kiss. “Ready to go?”

  “I think I’m gonna catch a few minutes of shut eye if you don’t mind.”

  “It’s better if you stay with me. You know I get anxious when you’re not by my side, especially after everything you’ve already been through in this little section of the concrete jungle we occupy.”

  “True, but both of those incidents were outside my apartment, not in. And nobody knows where I live, except a couple people at the diner, so I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure?” I ask, cupping her face.

  “Positive, and I really need about thirty minutes of sleep right now.”

  “Ok. Well, let me grab a table from my room so you can push it up against the door until I get back.”

  “Ok. Thanks for looking out for me.”

  “Always. You know I’m always going to protect what’s mine.”

  “Which is exactly what I am.”

  I give her a kiss and grab the table from my room, then show her how to prop it against the door. “Be right back, with a six pack of chalupas, Mexican pizza, and horchata if they sell it.”

  “What’s horchata?”

  “Heaven in a glass.”

  “You’re heaven in a glass, my tall drink of milk,” she paws at the air like a cat and I know when I get back and after we eat we’re not going to be getting any additional sleep. No problem, we can catch some on the flight.

  I head outside, getting on my motorcycle and my fists tighten around the handlebars more than they should as my mind flashes back to her packing those self-defense items. I want to find that guy who put fear into her and pummel my fists into his face, and I will. But first I need to keep my cool and get us both to safety. Then I can use my skills from my police days to take care of that guy. Shouldn’t be hard once she tells me the name of the school where he works.

  Still, it needs to be done quickly. With Diana out of his sights he’s almost surely focusing on other girls at this point. The thought of him stalking anyone, especially my woman, makes me question some people’s humanity.

  But I’ll never question my own thoughts, my own rage. I know once we’re face to face I will end him. I’m not putting him in jail to the tune of eight-five to one hundred and twenty-five thousand in taxpayer money each year. Screw that.

  I’ll save the taxpayers money, and save more families grief in the process. There’s a reason pedophiles face swift retribution on the inside, but he’s not even going to make it that far.

  I breath out hard, realizing I’m stewing over this. I need to get to Taco Bell and get back. My woman is up there by herself and I don’t like it. I’m tired, hungry, and I need something in my belly before my mind goes to an angry place. This day is all about happiness. We’re getting enough money to set us up for life and we’re getting out of here, leaving all our worries, and this dump of an apartment complex, behind.

  I hit the gas and take off for the food. I shake my head laughing. It’s crazy how angry being away from her makes me. Thankfully thoughts of her fill my head and everything is ok again. I just need to get to the drive-thru and get back to my baby girl, and then everything will be alright.



  “Who is it?” I tease, after three knocks on the door.

  “Chalupa delivery,” he says, and I slide the table back and look through the peephole where I see a chalupa wrapper.

  I clap my hands together a few times, and quickly open the door, but before I can even get it halfway open it slams into my arms and sends me flying backward, my butt landing squarely on the floor.

  “Hey there, lover girl. You have a nice holiday in the mountains?”

  Sergeant Epstein.

  Goosebumps cover my body as I try and make sense of what’s happening. He’s pointing a gun at me with his right hand and holding a Google image of a Chalupa wrapper on his phone in the other…the one he held up to the peephole.

  “You know, for an ex-cop you’d think your little boyfriend would be a little less predictable. Only thing that would have been more obvious would have been if he went to the diner to get coffee and donuts, but I already beat him to it.”

  “I can scream and you won’t make it out of the building.”

  “You can scream and you can die, and you know the cops aren’t going to show up in this neighborhood. Hell, I doubt a gunshot would even wake anyone, especially considering the silencer I’ve got attached to this little peacemaker. And not only that, I’m a cop.” He tips his head back and literally laughs like a villain in every movie ever. And I thought that was just an effect Hollywood used. “You think anyone’s going to believe your story over mine. An orphan versus a well-loved cop?”

  “Daniel will be back soon.”

  “Oh, I’m counting on that. See, once I get what I want from you then I get what a bunch of other cops want from him…to finish off that little snitch. Two birds with one stone.”

  He quietly shuts the door behind him, locking it, before slowly moving over to my duffel bag…his grimy hands rifling through my things.

  “Oooooh. I like this,” he says, holding up one of my Disney T-shirts, before sticking his hand back inside my bag, having me wishing he was the one in a bag…a body bag once and for all. “Now we’re talking,” he continues, holding up a pink skirt. “It should pair perfectly with this…little girl.” He pauses, and his smile turns into a frown as he throws the garments at me. “Put these on.”

  “I’m not putting on anything for you, you sick freak!” I spit.

  “Oh, but I already know you like to play and you will play. See, your daddy is here. You’re real daddy this time, not some imposter who’s just figuring things out.”

  “You’re sick! That’s consensual role-playing between two adults, not pedophilia or whatever else is in your mind.”

  “Oh, a feisty one. I like a little brat that doesn’t want to submit. It will make the rape fantasy that much more fun.”

  I crawl backwards on my hands and feet and he waves the gun at me. “Now put it on, bitch,” his voice turning ice cold. “And if you’re lucky I’ll put a bullet in your brain while you’re not looking, and while my dick is buried to the hilt inside you. I’m gonna come in you so hard the coroner will have to put it on the report front and center so everyone can see what kind of a whore you are.”

  “You idiot. You can’t have sex with me and leave your DNA at the scene.”

  “Even feistier than I expected, little girl. Or is it…Little Peaches? I forget.”

  “How did you find me?” I ask, trying to buy time.

  “Just a little social engineering. See, when you went up into the mountains without phone reception you made it so easy for me. All I had to do was show up at the diner pretending to be your worried brother. I couldn’t get a hold of you, and neither could the diner. They bought my story hook, line, and sinker and it took less than a few minutes, and only a few tears, and one of the waitresses you spoke to coughed your location right up.”

  “But how did you find me here?”

  “You’ve never heard of GPS? People still don’t understand how easy it truly is to be tracked via their leashes, a.k.a. their cell phones.” He pauses, and then goes ice cold again. “Now quit stalling, whore and get dressed up. I got a fat dick and nowhere to put it and it’s pissing me the fuck off.”

  I slowly take the top in my hands, opening it up and holding it in front of me.

  “Don’t inspect it! Put the damn thing the fuck on!” he yells. “Before I blast a whole in your head.”

  I sit the top down across my knees and reach for the shirt I have on.
  “That’s right. Slowly, take it off slowly,” he says, the gun lowering slightly as he jams his hand down his pants and starts stroking.

  I was so close to freedom, so close to my fairytale ending and now it’s going to end like this?

  He fumbles with his hand down his pants and pulls it out, trying to unhook his belt but he can’t get it with one hand. He reaches his gun hand down to his buckle keeping his eyes glued to me so I don’t try something.

  “Ready to see what you’ve been missing?” he says, as he unclaps the belt buckle.

  Suddenly there’s a noise off to my shoulder followed by a loud ‘bang.’

  I fall to the floor, the sound ricocheting through the room disorienting me, but not enough to not recognize the voice coming in from out of the window.

  “Nobody’s going to be missing you, asshole,” Daniel says, pulling himself over the window ledge and into my apartment. “Because now you’re in the depths of hell never to be found again.”

  I turn back to get a better look at Daniel, a gun of his own in hand.

  “Oh my God. What just happened?”

  “What just happened was justice was served.”

  “But, Daniel,” I plead. “We can’t leave now. He’s dead. The police are going to have questions and you’re going to be detained and…”

  He brings a finger to my lips, silencing me.

  “There are two things I know. One, a fed who will come down and clean this up. Our names won’t appear anywhere. And two, a guy like this, when he goes after a girl, it’s almost never the first time. He usually gets away with it multiple times before he’s caught. Once we put his name out there, especially after the Me Too movement, and all the other social justice movements, other people will come forward. If anything we’ll be heroes, but in reality, we just want to be ghosts.”


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