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Shifting Truth

Page 3

by Francheska Fifield

  We gaze intently at one another. She takes in my measure and nods. She rises and I follow. We walk into her bedroom and I wonder if she is crazy. What the hell are we doing here?


  “Hush and follow child. This is a secret only my heir will know. My heir and you. I wish to knight you. Well sort of. I want you to look over the family and should any of my descendants, or myself, ever travel out of line it is up to you to stop it. I have left you a generous living when I die. A large sum of money so you will never want for anything. You cannot forever kill for a living, one day it will weigh on your soul, heart, and body. When that day comes you will be taken care of.”

  “Gram you don’t need to do that….”

  “No, I do not. But I wish to.”

  “Gram your time won’t come for quite awhile.”

  “Dear Bethany you mustn’t say things we both know to be lies.”

  I sigh and close my mouth. She puts her hand on my cheek as we stand facing the wall next to her bed.

  “My dearest Bethany I knew you would one day grow up to be a granddaughter I would be proud of. If only my daughter could see that you are the future of this family. Strong, independent, with a strong sense of caring and justice.”

  “Thank you gram, but none of those are traits the vampire community holds in high regard.”

  “Well, they should. I have lived a long time. And lived a long time since my first death. My next one will be permanent. I wish you to know how proud I am of you before that happens.”

  My eyes fill with tears as she talks and I nod. I wipe them away as she smiles and uses her thumb to brush one I miss away.

  “Come then and let me show you the secrets I have been working on.”

  She pulls on a lamp and a panel opens. She punchs in a sequence; she makes no attempt to hide the combination from me.

  “I want you to know it in case something happens to me.”

  She acts like she can read my mind. Either that or so much has happened lately that I can no longer hide my thoughts from appearing on my face.

  “I told you I hope to name you my heir before I die.”

  “Gram you know that will never happen.”

  She smiles. “Maybe, maybe not.”

  I just nod and follow her down the dark tunnel. This is weird and so Hollywood vampire movie.

  “This all must seem very odd to you.”

  “I was actually thinking cliché.”

  She chuckles and leads on.

  “Well, every vampire house has a hidden dungeon. However, I have turned ours into a lab. We are doing tests and such here.”

  “What kind of tests.”

  “Some are much like the councils. Tests to reverse the insanity that comes with an undead vampire’s long life. Or to prevent it.”

  “How do you do that? Without a subject wouldn’t it all be just theory?”

  “Indeed. My mother and grandmother before me were working on a formula as well. Sort of a vampire anti-depressant to stabilize those losing their minds until something worth living for comes along. We could pass the house down either permanently or temporarily to a son or daughter while we get things together. See the world, change our lives to get back on track.”

  “The formula would act as an anchor until you could get back in control of your emotions.”

  She inclines her head in acknowledgment of my words and I take that as an affirmative.

  We stop at another door and she punches in yet another code.

  “Before my mother, and her mother before her, went insane they each passed on that they wished to be the future test subjects for such formulas created in this very lab. I want you to know our security is sublime. Perfect. There is no chance of anyone escaping so they are no threat to anyone.”

  “Gram what are you talking about?”

  She opens the door and I walk into a well-lit and well-equipped lab. There also are rooms with very thick doors. Made of silver. With crosses on the door. Crosses themselves don't actually bother vampires, but I know what they stood for.

  “You actually have them still alive in there don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “But you can’t that’s beyond illegal!”

  “Actually there are no laws prohibiting me from keeping the insane ones alive for testing. The council does it to the ones you hunters bring in. They are secure down here and they have no hope of escape. Better to do some good with them.”

  That is true. It isn't technically illegal. She is treading some thin rope there though.

  “So what has this to do with your so-called insanity?”

  She leads me to a break room of sorts and sits down on a couch. I sit next to her sure by now that she isn't crazy, at least not in the sense that everyone else means.

  “Lately they have been spying on me. Searching my room for the secret to my power, they know it exists in there, nowhere else is forbidden to be entered. Not even the cleaning lady comes in without my supervision. While I am out or in this chamber below they search my room, go through my belongings, and look into my finances trying to discover my secret. I have had to heighten security because of it and add a layer of threats over the house.”

  “You mean an extra layer.”

  She smiles and nods. “I hate to do it, but someone in the house is trying most diligently to find my secrets, and I am not ready to share them yet.”

  I nod and we fall silent. How the hell do I describe this to the council? I could probably fudge it a bit. But should I?

  She laughs and I look at her.

  “Normally I would be impressed with their diligence and perseverance.”

  Her lips thin as she finishes speaking.

  “But not when they are trying to pry your secrets out into the open before your work is complete?”

  She nods and the anger leaves her face.

  “So why show me?”

  “I told you…”

  “Yeah, but we both know I am never going to be your heir gram. You have an ulterior motive don’t try to tell me you don’t.”

  She smiles and looks down at her hands clasped in her lap. Okay, now I am doubly suspicious. A vampire princess never looks down except in the presence of the council. It is a sign of deference and none of them is giving up what power they have. She looks back up at me with a serious face.

  “You were always so clever. So quick of wit. I wish you to know because I wish you to be my heir. There is a chance because I'm developing a serum that would purge the unclean blood from you so you could be a full living vampire.”

  I'm pretty sure I have never been at a loss for words before. I am definitely certain no one has ever dropped such a bombshell on me before.

  “Gram there is things about my blood you don’t understand. There are circumstances…”

  “Like you being part shifter instead of human. Darling just because my daughter is a fool does not mean I am as well.”

  Okay, I am wrong to think I couldn’t be shocked more. “How in the hell…..”

  “If your question is how the hell do I know that I can somewhat tell you. I deal in information Bethany. Although this wasn't easy to get I did get it. The council does not know, nor do I wish them to. I do not wish anyone to know. If you accept I will find a way to separate your shifter blood from your vampire blood.”

  “Then you could make me a full shifter as well.” If I am full shifter I will not have the bloodlust I am having now, the cravings, the violence, it all will all be gone. I can be myself again. I won’t be able to heal and my life expectancy will take a dive, but it might be worth it if I don’t go insane.

  She frowns. “I suppose, but then you would not have a chance of being my heir.”

  I shake my head. “No, but I might be happier not being so.”

  She sighs and continues her study of me. I feel like a fish out of water. What the hell do I do? What will I do if she finds a way to do that?

  “I suppose the choice would be your
s. I would of course support whichever way you decided to go.”

  That almost makes me have a heart attack. I swear if the world bows down and calls me God I’d be less surprised than I am now with my gram.

  “You would?”

  She nods. “It is your life and the choice should be yours. Either way, you go it gives us a chance to learn more about your special condition and possibly end our sensitivity to certain elements.”

  Here is the catch. “Like silver and holy water.”

  She nods and smiles.

  “I am willing to do this for you, and give you the choice, but not without a price Bethany. The shifters had their chance to learn from you, and from what I heard they blew it. All I want is the same opportunity you offered them. In return I, and my heir if it should not be you, will do everything in our power to give you the life you want. Whichever one you should choose.”


  She holds up her hand and I stop talking.

  “All I ask is that you think about it. You can return with your answer later.”

  I nod and she lowers her hand.

  “Come, let me show you the progress we have made.”

  Chapter Three

  I nod and she takes me into the facility. She introduces me to the techs and doctors she has hired. Some of them are undead and some are human. Incredible. There is housing down here; they don't get out much I guess. They are all zealots, loving this stuff to the point of making it a religion. They live for the discovery, the science, and the knowledge. (Only my gram can dig up crackpots like this that are both talented and nuts.) For some reason, that thought hangs in the forefront of my mind as I get the full tour.

  "Gram aren't you worried about the non-humans eating the humans at some point?"

  "Of course not. I am loaded so they have all the blood they need. They are given the best care no matter their species."

  "I didn’t know you cared so much about the ‘inferior’ species."

  I rub the silver cross on the door and finger my necklace.

  "I am not stupid Beth. Humans out number all the supernatural put together by more than we can count. The Fae used to rule the world but, with sheer numbers despite having none of the power that their Fae overlords did, the humans managed to banish the Fae from this world. Now they live in their hills that are a part of this world but also not. I have lived a long time. I have seen regimes rise and fall. And never has one lasted forever. No matter the species, no matter the power, everything rises and falls. The humans will someday as well. They have a long time to go. Vampires, Fae, even the Shifters had their times. We are in the time of the humans. When they end something else will replace them and no matter what it is, it will be equally worthy of respect."

  "A very smart way to look at it. How do you stay off the councils radar?"

  "I am wiser than most. Most certainly wise enough to know when to speak up and when to keep my mouth shut."

  I can’t help but laugh. She sits us down in what seems like a lounge room. It has a fridge and microwave. Even an oven and cupboards filled with the healthiest, and some tasty, food. A separate fridge holds blood, the best and freshest, for the vampires.

  "This is a nice set up."

  "Yes. I spared no expense. No one in my family really knows how much wealth I have accumulated over the years."

  "Is that why the furniture is more like a living room built for comfort than an employee lounge?"

  "It is important the employees are comfortable and healthy. I even have a therapist on payroll for them. As well as a part time cook for the humans. Most of them are rather absent minded about anything but their the science. The chef makes sure they eat healthy and stay safe. He makes sure the vampires do not lose track of time and eat as well."

  "Working for you seems like a good deal Gram. If I had any aptitude for science I would retire from hunting and hop on this."

  She laughs and grabs my hand, squeezing it.

  "I would welcome you. I miss seeing you Beth. I am glad they sent you."

  "So you say."

  She pats my hand and gets up, pouring blood into a glass.

  "Do you want something?"

  "I will take some blood."

  She raises an eyebrow but says nothing. Just pours and watches me drink. When the glass is half empty I set it down and sigh.

  "You seem to be asking something without actually saying anything. So here it is.. I had some issues last year and so I am now in need of a constant supply of blood. Mostly I get it from animals I hunt when I change. Also from Brian. He's a good boyfriend, but we are not always getting on the best. He worries about my job. Apparently the reality is more terrifying than he thought."

  "Your injuries are getting worse each time."

  "I cannot help that the jobs they are giving me are more dangerous than usual. The last one….well the injuries were my own fault. I hesitated. Rick…well he is a good friend and I just couldn’t bring myself to kill him. I want his pack to have the chance to bring him back. I know it's not a guarantee, but I want to know he has a chance. Maybe that’s selfish."

  "It is never selfish to want the people you love to live Beth."

  "I know and that’s why I cannot dump Brian despite him being a pain in the ass."

  Gram's genuine laugh sounds like chimes in the wind. It has always made me smile, even as a child. I sound more like a hyena. Of course I mostly laugh before killing my prey so I can understand the reference.

  "Gram how come you never talk about Grandpa?"

  She looks sad and haunted.


  "I was sold. To your grandfather. To bring peace between two fighting clans so they wouldn’t be overrun by a different stronger clan. We survived, but barely. We lost many lives, including the man I was actually in love with. Your grandfather was so much older than me; it was a time of war. He was not a kind man. You do not know what a treasure you have in a man that fights with you because he worries for your safety."

  Those words haunt me….all the way through my meeting with the council and back home to Brian. The man who loves me enough to fight for me…even if I don’t.

  When I leave I can’t help but sigh in relief. My Gram has introduced me to the chef, therapist, and lead scientists. They all seemd stable, a bit excitable, but that is to be expected. They are working toward a breakthrough that will change the future of our world. The future of an entire species. My grandmother is their leader and they basically worships her. She takes their adoration with a grain of salt. She is not insane or a tyrant in the making. She is an old woman running from a haunted past and trying to save future generations the pain of losing a loved one. That makes her hopeful, maybe a bit naïve for one so old and wise, but not crazy.

  I grab my phone and dial. I have to meet with the council and give my report. "When can we meet? I am done with my investigation and would like my formal report on record as soon as possible."

  I only half listen to the secretary drone on until I hear a time. "I'll be there."

  I have twenty minutes, a bit sooner than expected, but I can make it if I run really fast…vampire fast.

  "You are late Miss Smith."

  "By less than a whole minute. How will the council ever survive?"

  Her lips purse and she holds back a snarl. Well she tries. If she bites her inner cheek any harder she will take a chunk out of it.

  "Francis you are looking more puckered than usual. You might want a spa day. You need to learn to relax."

  "Go right in Ma'am."

  I smile and toss my gun like others would a basketball. I have the safety on and it is fun to incur [CB3]her wrath.

  "Welcome Miss Smith. Please give us your report."

  I look around the barbaric chambers. Given what my Gram said before I wonder if the chambers remind her too much of her past and that’s why she refuses a spot on the council. That or the spotlight is too much for her project.

  I haven't promised to keep her project a secret, but
seeing the hunger and greed on the faces of the council I know I should. Gram poses no threat and I am not about to put her in danger with these horrible excuse of leaders.

  "You guys ever heard of modern lighting? It's so dark in here. The room is too big for nothing but torches. Besides, fire seems like a hazard to your health. Seems safer to go with electric lighting."

  "Your report."

  I chortle and shrug. The old ones must have missed the part of life where they develop a sense of humor[CB4]. I had found it necessary for modern life. Too bad they have not figured it out as well.

  "The leader of the house seems normal. Perhaps a bit more sentimental than last I saw her, but she seems normal. She is increasing security in the house, but I have a feeling its more for her safety from the others than the reverse. They seem in a hurry to get her out and one of them in. If she is a bit more paranoid…well it's not paranoia if it's deserved."

  "That is excellent news. We shall reach out and see if she needs help subduing a rebellion, but we are glad to hear she has not lost herself."

  The voice echoes, as they all do whenever any of them speak. Of course they are in an underground stone room with nothing but battle tapestries hanging near the door to intimidate visitors. Other than that, the place is empty. Just them and their thrones.

  "Very well. Unless you need me for anything else I will return home."

  I am dismissed with less than a thought. Vampires are assholes.

  I get home and Brian is in the living room watching TV. He hardly ever watches TV unless it is with me at night with popcorn. It is an activity we do together mostly. It makes me nervous that he is doing it now. My visit hadn’t been dangerous, but it certainly gave me something to think about. Leave it up to Gram to shock me out of my violent funk.

  “I heard you got a call from the vampire council.”

  He knows very well that I called them, he’ not an idiot. I nod anyway, not surprised he knows. Vampires have vast information networks; every coven has their specialty and information gathering techniques. Brian is probably monitoring their computers, hacking into them and keeping tabs on the stuff to do with his family and, now because of his connection with me, he would monitor mine as well.


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