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Shifting Truth

Page 7

by Francheska Fifield

  "No worries Jason, I'm sure you being the jackass you are you can carry tons without four legs”. I grab the ax and start hacking while he gathers up the pre-cut wood going bat crap crazy glaring at me and growling and muttering about how he always gets stuck with the dirty work. Well yeah, that's what guys are for, that's why we brought him. Well I mean you know we actually brought him because he is the one who speaks the language and he knows the area. But you tell him that then he will know he's useful I will never hear the end of it.

  So on and on and on we repeat this, taking turns hacking and carrying until finally we have enough wood. It will probably last us a day and night, maybe a little longer if we don't build it up, but we really want to. More air currents are flowing through so Brisa has probably gotten the wind to cooperate

  We built up a fire, we pull out some food, Jason cooks some hotdogs on a stick, and see sticks are good for everything, just like I always say. Brisa comes back trudging along cussing and absolutely no torch.

  "The torch ran out halfway there way it was dark and cold and I am underground! I hate people!"

  Boy, she's come a long way from the scared little Fae that we met back within the hill. I mean come on, it happens, people tend to lose their innocence when they hang around us.

  Jason laughs and gives her a wink and says, “Welcome to being one of us. You're officially family now congratulations.”

  I laugh sitting down and stuffing my face with a hot dog nodding to Brisa to do the same. She sighs drops to the ground curses the dirt once before grabbing some food out of Jason's hand and munching herself.

  "Why do you girls make me do all the tough stuff? Is that fair?"

  "Yes!" We say simultaneously.

  "That's how it works." I feel the need to explain in case he is as dense as other men. Brisa laughs and I lay out flat letting the food settle it is gonna be a long, long, long exploration. The building from what I'd seen is huge, might as well relax while we still can.

  Chapter Six

  We must've fallen asleep for a bit because when we opened our eyes the fire is almost out. Jason builds it back up, rubbing sticks together.

  "Can someone please, please turn into something that can light a fire?"

  I laugh, "You know I can't just run into a dragon any time. It takes time, concentration, and work." Brisa looks at me shocked and amazed.

  "Oh my God, can you really turn into a dragon? I thought that was a legend!"

  "Well, it depends. I guess if I really tried I could. I've never gone that far, though I have turned into other things that are mystical, you know it doesn't happen often. It's very exhausting; we don't have time for that, especially since I'm here in the capacity of a bodyguard."

  Brisa agrees to stay with the fire, keep the air currents going to feed it and make sure it doesn't go out. Jason and I lite another torch and once it is fully aflame we grab a couple of spares and head toward the temple.

  "Do you really think we're gonna find something? I mean you know, putting a ghost to rest…a ghost. Can't we just call a Catholic priest?"

  I chuckle. "It's not exactly that easy. I mean we can't just be all like 'Old Catholic priest come into the fairyland, you know the things you used to destroy with iron and salt and what not.’"

  Jason's only response is a chuckle.

  "Well, I suppose that's true. Plus iron and salt don't work on most of them anyway."

  I sigh. "Well, I mean iron does, but you have to know how to bless it, it's not just the normal iron thing."


  "Seriously, there's a special incantation."

  "And you know how to do it? Can anyone do it?"

  "Only supernatural's can actually do anything. The only reason that the Fae have been tossed around and had to hide is because supernatural's got sick of them being so powerful they happened to band together in the face of the common enemy, of the all-powerful fairy, and create a way to fight back. They delivered that way to humans and with the humans, on our side, we outnumber them so much that even with their powers they had to create the hills across dimensions so that they could live in safety. Away from everyone, good old hiding, always the way to go."

  Jason looks at me perplexed.

  "This is the oddest conversation we have ever had."

  "Are you serious? You talk to me about my love life with Brian! How could anything be odder than that?"

  He chuckles.

  "I suppose you're right but…you know well… it happens."

  "No normal siblings don't have sex talks! You talk about us biting each other it during sex! It's disturbing! Even Brian gets weirded out!" This just proves how far he will go to embarrass me.

  "I know he thinks it's funny. That's what he tells me when he does it so we can harass you."

  I glare at him shocked and amazed that Brian and Jason have bonded so much. It also causes me fear…in the little sister slash girlfriend kind of way.

  "Life is far too confusing. I am going to focus on the task at hand and ignore this conversation. Let's pretend it never existed."

  Jason shakes his head with a smirk on his face. I hate having a sibling.

  "No way. Brian and I are going to enjoy this the next time you annoy us."

  I hate having a boyfriend too apparently. "Let's just get on with this. I want out of here."

  Jason laughs but agrees and off we go to explore.

  The Temple is close. We look on it in amazement. It is partially carved from stone, set inside the mountain, but I can imagine it when it was open to the world and stood tall and proud in all its glory. Perhaps the world has been bearing down on it for so long it is diminished, but it is still the most majestic thing I can imagine.

  "Are they all this impressive Jason?"

  "All the ancient temples I have dug up have a certain majesty to them. But not like this. This is different….it's so much more."

  "What kind of booby-traps can we expect?" I’m not an idiot. As soon as people were smart enough to hide their valuables they were smart enough to make traps to protect them. I have a very practical outlook on the world.

  "Not sure. That's a separate specialty and I always had one of those specialists with me."

  How comforting. Either way there will be any booby-traps so I know no matter what Jason thinks I have to go first. I can't let traps kill off my brother. It's true, the exorcism will be more difficult without me, but the information gathering will be nonexistent without him. So I go first making him stay back and carry the pack that has the food, water, and rope.

  I have a gun on my hip and a long blade strapped to my arm. My dagger is too short for me to be effective, but my long sword just won't work down here so I go with something the length of my forearm.

  Jason said it was some kind of European or Asian thing, how the hell should I know, he just gave it to me when I asked if he had a weapon that was appropriate. Apparently, he picked it up on one of his travels…and I thought vases were the only things he kept.

  "Bethany you don't have to worry it's been so long any booby-trap would have been set off by now."

  "Not likely. There has been no pressure on the traps; there's been no falling stone from the temple it looks in perfect condition. I'm going to assume that all booby-traps will still be active."

  "Okay, fine, but let me go first I am bigger."

  "Jason you may physically look bigger than me…but let's face it, I can kick your ass six ways to Sunday and we both know it. I'm a hunter, a bodyguard, and a tracker. This is what I do. I am an all-round mercenary, I live for the thrill of the hunt, to capture, and I train for this every day when I'm not on assignment."

  He sighs. Oh no the big brother gene is so hard to turn off.

  "Okay, but you're my little sister. I can't watch you get hurt."

  "And you're the translator, the client. I can't let you get hurt. Plus you always tried to look out for me as a kid, now I'm in a position to look out for you. It's gonna be okay. Don't worry about it, this is
what I do." I pat him on the shoulder and walk forward. "Stay ten feet behind me at all times please."

  "That's too far how about three feet."

  "Six feet and we have a deal."

  He sighs, but reluctantly argees.

  "Alright fine, but if something drops make sure you instantly turn into something to fly and if something comes at you turn into an ant or something."

  I doubt as an ant I could get away from falling rock fast enough, but I got the jist. "Don't worry I dodge things all the time that are much faster than falling rocks. Ever seen a vampire or werewolf when they are crazed? I can do this, not going to be a big deal."

  He squeezes my hand, steps back, and lets me go.

  "Okay, I'm ready."

  I smile, "I know."

  "Beth and Jason together again off on one of our whirlwind adventurous just like when we were kids."

  I laugh; well it is a chuckle and a smirk, but still as close as I get with him really. Everything makes me want to chuckle at him, at not with. "Yes well those adventurers didn't often get to the point where we could die, but I like where you're going with this. Let's come out of this as well off as we did that those okay?"

  We walk into the temple. The halls are long and dark. They smell of earth and dust. Dank and moist. But the inside is dry. Perfectly preserved by nature.

  I keep my eyes wide open not wanting to miss a thing. I want to summon the bear, the strength would be…well it would be calming, reassuring, but what I need more are my vampire reflexes. So I csn't summon an animal…I have to rely on what I am naturally.

  I step forward one shuffling step at a time never picking my feet up off the floor. This is better I can feel for traps and will get a toe up for holes. I keep my blade close; it is set up to be used as a shield now, resting against my forearm, blade pointed out.

  "Bethany, can I follow now?"

  “Yes. Just take your time, go slow, step exactly where you see me step. I'm sliding so even if your pace is different than mine its okay. Everywhere the dust is gone its safe."

  He looks at the floor.

  "Bethany there is no dust."

  I freeze and look down. He’s right, there is no dust. There should have been dust, it is old, ancient. On the outside there is dust. No one has been in the cavern…or so it seemed. Crap, we aren't alone. My God, we left Brisa alone for so long!

  "Jason get back to Brisa right now and you stay with her! Get out the guns I gave you, shoot anything that moves! I'll alert you before I come back or I'll come back as an animal… so if it's not an animal shoot it! You understand? No, even if it is an animal shoot! If it's me I will dodge, but do not let anything near you! Go now!"

  Jason takes off like a bullet. I hear the scuffle of feet on the flooras he goes down the stairs that lead to the entrance, and hear him pull the gun out of the bag. Hopefully, he won't have to use it. If I hear a gunshot I am out of here after him faster than the speed of light. I will not let Brisa, nor my brother, die! No, I am bringing them back safe and sound just like I promised!

  I’m not sure if I should start out with my gun, but I always feel more comfortable with a blade. I am a good shot, but my strength always works for me so I walk in deeper clutching the knife tightly.

  "I know you're here and you're watching us, watching to see if we just leave the temple alone. Would you leave us alone or are you planning to follow us back and kill us before we can leave?"

  I hear no response. There is a little bit of a drip, water is coming in somewhere, but that’s not t what I am looking for. I am looking for breathing, scuffling, someone, someone who has been watching us

  I go deeper and deeper into the temple. I look up toward the ceiling cloaked in darkness, every corner in shadow. I am going to find them; I am going to find who is stalking us. There is no way it would be this clean underground, not unless someone is keeping it that way.

  I feel like the place is closing in on me. I am sure the walls will collapse on me at any second and yet they are solid. They are not moving, it is a trick, or magic, making me feel like this. It is to incite panic. No need to kill the intruder if they go mad and kill themselves.

  I’m not sure how…how they are keeping it oxygenated…how they are keeping it so clean…how they are moving around without my noticing. I have heightened senses, I can hear everything, and I can see everything, even in the dark. I can't see them and I can't hear them… something odd is going on here…something horrible.

  I slide my foot forward and hear a creaking, a rock starts to move. I back flip looking around and suddenly from the sky, another rock (a gigantic boulder) falls right where I had been standing. I leap out of the way sideways; sliding to safety just like one would slide to home plate. I barely miss being crushed. Well, booby-trap one out of the way let's see what comes next.

  Likely they are hoping the booby-traps will destroy me then they will never have to reveal themselves. If I do die what will happen to Jason and Brisa? Will they leave them alone? Will Jason get Brisa out of here in time? Or will the stalkers kill them just for being here with me? Just because Jason stepped foot inside the temple.

  So I do what I have to do. I scurry like my life depends on it…because it does. I shoot though like a bullet setting off all of the booby-traps at once, one right after another. Arrows shoot at me, things burst into flame, and fire comes from the ceiling. I’m not sure how ancient people managed to set all this up, but I know that they had and that it will never be the same.

  The temple will probably collapse. All of the solidity it had before when everything had been locked up tight is moving and shifting. Things that were protecting temple trying to kill me and at the same time taking away from its ability to resist the earth encroaching upon it. I’m not wasn't sure which part of it is the most depressing. I know what Jason would say, but he’s not here and now I have to make sure that he and Brisa are safe. I have to make sure they will be okay.

  The moment I stop running I try to use my senses again. I look around; the dark is all-encompassing. The air stale, but somehow still not lacking oxygen. I hear a whirring noise, I duck and roll. A star or something like a throwing star, but circular and bladed lands on the wall. What kind of steel is so sharp that it can cut through rock? It can embed itself it the stone walls. I’m not even sure how this is possible.

  I go up to touch it and feel it…the thrum of magic. The prickle, that happens to the hairs on the back of your neck, standing up straight. It is human instinct to fear the unknown…it is also human instinct to fear things more powerful than yourself. When Fae were around the human instinct took over your body, tried to warn you to run, to get far, far away. That is happening now.

  Magic pours off this blade. Why is there Fae out here? They are in the hills across dimensions safe and sound. Coming to the human world for parties, for fun, for mingling. What is happening here that we don't know about?

  Do the Fae know not everyone is in hills and accounted for? Are they using us as sacrifices or using us to confirm something? I don't know, I don't like it, but I know I don't have the option to go back. Even if they are using us they were right. A ghost is creating havoc in the world. That can't be allowed to happen. It can't be allowed to be left unsolved. If anyone had a chance of defeating a Fae not confined by the laws of the Lords…well it is me. I have the best track record of staying alive so I do what I have to do, keep walking, keep pushing forward, and keep looking for the owner of the blade.

  I find stairs and creep down them feeling the walls carefully, afraid of setting off a booby-trap. There’s not as much room down here, I can't avoid everything. I won't come out of this un-bloodied, especially if they attack.

  "This just great. Come here to save the world once again. Come here to stop something devastating from happening. Once again I'm caught up in it. Isn't being a hunter enough? To protect the world from the crazies. Why is it never enough? Why can't the councils just let me run my own life?"

  The more upset I get the m
ore I can feel it…the hunger. Hunger for blood, the hunger the addiction left me with. Violence. I want to be attacked, even if it is on stairs, I want to fight something. To rip it to shreds with my claws. Forget the knife. I don't need the knife. I need blood, chaos, pain.

  It’s not long before I get my wish. From the ceiling, the too tall to see shit ceilings, of the staircase drops a person. They are dressed all in black head to toe like a modern-day ninja. All I can see are their eyes, they glow, and they glow red like florescent blood. I put myself in my fighting stance. "Come and get it I've been waiting for this."

  They don't wait to be told twice. They rush at me claws long and painful as they scratch across my front, then across my side. My knife manages to stop them from going to deep, but I am still bloodied up already.

  I slash back but I’m not like them all ten of my fingers are not weapons I only have one now and I am using it to block the worst of the attacks. They just keep slicing and catching me, my arms, my legs, I even get a thin slice across the head. The more they slice the angrier I get. The more I give in to the bloodlust and desire. The desire to destroy until finally, the beast comes out.

  I'd been holding it at bay by turning into an animal and killing other animals, by hunting, by sending myself on mission after mission hoping it would be enough.

  I toss the blade to the ground not caring if I ever see it again. Not even caring that Jason won't get it back if I lose it. Not caring that someone else could pick it up and use it against me. No, reason is gone, reason doesn't matter. What matters is the fight.

  My teeth elongate as do my nails. Lengthened and hardened and I finally join the fight on equal ground. I have the high ground on stairs I am goning to use that.

  Not caring where I get stabbed I launch myself at them, their nails rip through my sides, close enough to the edge that they don't pierce anything vital, but inward enough that they are stuck in my flesh. I land on them, bite into their throat as they stab me through the back over and over again with their other hand.


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