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Shifting Truth

Page 15

by Francheska Fifield

  Those outside the spell shiver in fear, it is so thick I can taste it. I join Samigina and devouring the soul of the Fae whose power we have stolen and given to the little girl. We do not hold back. His screams join little Fae girls'. Those that have hearts, or those that knew him, must be disturbed because it sounds like his soul is being ripped apart. Likely because it is. We devour it practically licking our body's lips and fingers to get every last morsel. Revitalized, it takes so little even the human soul would've done this, but we have gotten a more filling and satisfying Fae soul, we sit impatiently waiting for it to be time to summon our brothers and sister and go home.

  Soon the little Fae girl stops screaming, blood still squirts everywhere and her body still spasms. Her willpower will determine her survival. If she can hold on to the power that has been bestowed upon her she will live. If not we will fight the power while the next tribute is offered up. I care very little for this part so I close my eyes and wait. All we have to do is keep the barrier up until she either conquers herself or dies. I do not care which I only want it over sooner rather than later.

  When the young one finally opens her eyes. The spasming has stopped and only excellent hearing enables me to tell she is still alive. As slow as the heart beat is I hadn't expected her to open her eyes to this world ever again. She proves our host correct though. She opens her eyes. She is luminous. Blue eyes with swirls of silver that drip out onto her body in tattoos she had not been graced with before today.

  "She has made the power her own. There is nothing to send to the Fae hill. You would have to kill her and we think you will find that harder than it would have been before."

  We drop the barrier and those that bled and held the circle collapse. A healer Fae tends to them the second we motion our approval.

  "I thought it would be released back into the hill through her."

  We shrug. We care not what happens to the Fae after we return home.

  "We said if she died it would go that way yes. We did say she might be able to tame it. She told you she would. She did not lie. A true Fae. They were honest creatures in our day, the keepers of balance and the ones all went to for disputes. Solomon was taught by some, they tutored him into the wise honest king he was. Whatever you are now is a shadow of a race. We care not what happens as long as someone powerful is alive to help us home."

  "I will help if I can. You saved us I wish to return the favor."

  We look to the little Fae girl, no longer a young one. She is powerful now, maybe as powerful as the prince…or at least his favored courtiers. She will need to tread this new political ground carefully. I doubt she has the training to survive it. For now we will help her…so she can help us.

  "Very well. We will return the host to you. She will need to summon the other races we need here. She is to be obeyed at all costs; your blood oath to us is to her as well. Break it and we will finish what the other started."

  With that we take a calculated risk and pull back. It is a risk because if we have destroyed the personality using so much magic she will never awaken and we will be stuck in the background of a useless body. The longer we hold it the less likely she will come back though and Samigina feels bad for her. He feels an odd kinship with her.

  He is young, only a few thousand years. Still a mere babe in our years. New to his power and growing to be who he will when he rules his part of our world. Assuming things still work the same.

  'If we die for this I will haunt you Samigina.'

  "If my sister never wakes up I will find a way to kill you bastards!"

  I have been here almost a week and she is no closer to getting better. I arrived the day after the ceremony to find a bad ass Brisa watching over Beth's bed like a guard dog. Brian was there also, slitting his wrists and putting blood in her unconscious mouth every time he comes back from the human world. He would go, feed, and repeat this whole process.

  "If she does not waken it will be because the demons used her up. It is no fault of our own."

  If that bastard of a prince says that one more time with that sickly smile on his face I will find a way to kill him if it is the last thing I do.

  "Jason you should donate some blood too. You are family. It might call to the shifter in her."

  "We should move her to a shifter hospital in the human world. They are neutral. No one attacks them. She will be safer there."

  Brian looks to Brisa who nods. I am glad she agrees. I am still learning how to adapt to this new powerful Brisa. She is outspoken and confident. I liked her plenty before but, now there is something about her that is just plain irresistible. Perhaps I am just more accustomed to strong women. Beth never let a man set her path, she made her own instead. I want that strength to get her through this. I believe it will, but not here. It is toxic here.

  "I agree with Jason. I will accompany you until she is better. I can make sure no one notices anything different about me from before. Only those that are supernatural will see the difference."

  "Should you leave the Fae world so soon?"

  I am about to agree with Brian but Brisa waves his words away and lifts Beth with her power so we won’t have to put any pressure on her broken body.

  "Jason cannot take guard duty. You will need to feed for you and her. I can protect her while you are away."

  That settles that. Brisa is coming with.

  When I awake my brother is inches from my face.

  "Beth for fucks sake next time you slip into a coma for two weeks I will kill you myself!"

  My head pounds, my body feels like it has been forcibly shrunk and I am starving. I have no idea what the hell is going on but honestly at the moment I couldn’t care less.

  I try very hard to get the word water out but my throat is so dry I can’t even croak. What the hell happened?

  "Don’t try to talk you stupid girl! Let me get some ice chips! And Brian! Wait til he sees you…you are in for it….you had the demons kick him out of the Fae hill before doing the ceremony? Seriously? I was in the damn Middle East and you kick out the one person who wanted you safe…"

  I paw at my throat and make to get up. He pushes me back and runs from the room muttering. Once in the hall I hear shouts followed by running and shrink back. Why do I feel like an escaped zoo creature?

  "Beth thank the Gods! Are you okay? Don't worry you are safe in the human world. I am told the ceremony was a success."

  Good old Brian. At least that answers a few questions. The door opens and in walks Jason carrying a water pitcher, ice chips and behind him Brisa…or what looks something like Brisa. She is different. Her skin practically glows, like the purebreds. The silver tattoos and eyes are not like the purebreds. I can’t ever remember such a thing before.

  I decide I don’t care when I see her carrying a big ass food tray. Then I notice it wobble a bit. I can’t scream a warning but it doesn’t matter. Warm air currents cause the tray to right itself. The tattoos swirl and light up a little. Well that is interesting.

  I can’t speak though so I suck on ice chips for at least half an hour before I down the entire pitcher of water and try to eat. Apparently lifting a cup of water is the limit of my abilities right now. Damn I am weak.

  Brian comes over and gives me one of my water bottles I take to the gym. I’m not sure why he is so insistent until he pops the cap. Blood. I don’t know how but he snuck me in blood. Thank the heavens. I down it and can feel a little strength return to my muscles and my throat hurts a little less. I am still going to sound like a toad. I can just feel it.

  "What happened?" Yup toad. Might as well hop around.

  "You had the demons send me back to the human world after you let them take over your body entirely."

  "I was on a flight back to the states."

  "I guess I am up then."

  Brisa sits by my bedside. Confidence flows from her, it is a nice change. I am glad I lived to see this side of her if nothing else.

  "The demons got the blood oath from the great lord fo
r help getting home. We performed the ceremony and the power Kyle left behind, plus those he devoured before the ceremony, was thrust into me. From what I gather I screamed and spasmed for hours before the power melded with me. The prince was very upset because he was hoping it would all go to the hill. I am its keeper until my death."

  "Cool. You shiny." Really they are lucky I get three words out before losing my voice.

  "More blood?"

  I look at Brian nodding. He turns to leave when Brisa stops him. She holds out a wrist and meets me head on.

  "Drink. A sip will heal you I promise."

  "We don’t know what it will do to her."

  "I know it will heal her. It will rouse her bloodlust but the demons are still in there they can control it for now. That was the plan anyway wasn’t it?"

  I nod and take a bite. Brisa is right. It strikes me like lightning and I literally jump while sitting. I am on the ceiling claws holding me in, eyes red, teeth completely vampire after only two seconds of being attached to her wrist.

  "Wow that was some freaking recovery. We could bottle you and put you in cars and planes. Save a fortune on fuel."

  Brisa laughs and shrugs. I don’t think it will work exactly like that, but hell what do I know. I am all vampiric right now and I can’t turn it off. I look for the demons and they come forward with sighs of relief.

  "Beth come down from the ceiling before the shifter nurses think you are after the village children."

  Ahh Jason and his wonderful humor. I clunk my way down. The bloodlust is indeed rising so I do the only thing I can. I pull at the essences of the demons and pull them right up next to my consciousness. Three personalities in the forefront of the brain will basically cause me to burst blood vessels every few hours, but it will also be what keeps me sane.

  'We are glad you are well host.'

  I sigh and let them drain the power from me. The demon, my very own, pulls back and I am able to return to normal.

  My stomach reminds me Brisa brought a tray of food, not a hospital tray, a big ass tray with steak. So I devour it not bothering to use silverware. I just grab and gnaw. Not a pretty sight, but I am already nasty from weeks without a shower and basically a few seconds from starvation.

  "Chew sister dear."

  "Leave her Jason. Let her get something in her stomach before you scold her. She hasn’t had real food in two weeks and you said yourself demonic possession makes you eat more. Besides, she deserves food and a shower before we discuss the ceremony to send the demons home."

  I don’t really care for the way Brian says discuss. Even the demons find the tone suspicious. "Nothing to discuss. After I eat I will shower then I need a phone. Jason you will be the shifter, Brisa the Fae…"

  "Will be myself."

  That works. "I need my grandma vampy. And someone get me the werewolf council number and a human mage."

  "The Fae have a few human mages we work with. As the new leader of the air clan I can call in a favor."

  "Get on that. I that will leave me with summoning grams and bitching at the Weres to be useful for once. Brian call my Gram. You and Brisa get your assignments to meet us in an hour at our place. I'll go see the werewolves after a shower. They will send a rep or I will drag one there."

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Beth shouldn’t you heal more…"

  "Brisa's blood did the trick. I will be fine for the ceremony."

  "I don’t mean that….after….the bloodlust."

  I shush Brian with a kiss and wait until he relaxes before answering.

  "I made a promise. I cannot keep them forever for the sake of my sanity. We have known this was coming for awhile. Tell gram to bring a cage for me after. And some strong and trusted soldiers. Expendable ones."

  He sighs but does as ask. Brisa pulls out a cell phone and leaves the room. Jason and I are alone. He sits next to me on the bed and pulls out a bag, ahh fresh clothing.

  "Brian packed it and brought it when we moved you here from the Fae world."

  "Thanks for staying. I assume you have something profound and big brotherly to say before I essentially die."

  "You won't die. I've gone over the ritual and there's nothing that dangerous…"


  He stops and nods. Poor big brother. What to do when your sister stops you from denying the inevitable?

  "Will your demon go as well?"

  He nods.

  "Apparently I have made his time here more bearable, but not enough. He wants to go home."

  "The things you learned from him?"

  "He has been imprinting them on my own brain for a week now. I will remember. I will be slower to recall it and might have to study up once in awhile, but overall it's my immune system I have to worry about. Once he leaves I won't be able to travel. Our adventure was my last."

  "I'm sorry. I wish it were different but I promised…"

  "Beth no one, especially me, will fault you for saving the world. It's not worth my career. I took a job at a university nearby. I will be teaching archeology. Steady pay and I still get to talk about what I love. It could be worse."

  No matter what Jason says I know he will mourn the hell out of his job. I lean against him and grab his hand. We both squeeze. This could be the last time we attempt to be each other's wall. Soon I won’t be capable of supporting anyone.

  "Brian will kill you…or me for letting this happen."

  "No. Grams will deal with me. He will be too busy trying to get her to let him see me."

  "Can I?"

  "Ask her."

  "Where will she take you?"

  I don’t want to lie but I can’t tell the truth. So I shrug. Jason knows what that mean though. Damn having a brother that is basically psychically attached to me.

  "Beth just don’t do it. Exorcise the strong one and keep the other."

  "No. I won't go back on my word."

  He hugs me tight and gets up.

  "I will see if the shifter council can call in a werewolf favor."

  I nod as he leaves. Brian comes in.

  "Your gram agreed to everything. When I told her what you were doing she agreed to hold you until the Fae or someone could find you a cure. If she doesn’t start working on one this second in her secret lab I will be shocked."

  "How did you…"

  He smiles.

  "Beth I make a living off the cyber world. I know everything about your seethe. I want to so I know what to expect in regards to you and your place there. I know you technically defected but legally you haven't. I keep tabs. There's very little anyone can hide from me. And that includes the way to fix your bloodlust."

  I stand and go over hugging him. He almost cracks a rib the way he holds on for dear life.

  "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

  "No and I am very insecure about it."

  My only response is a great big kiss. When I pull back he protests but I hold firm.

  "I need a shower."

  "I'll join you."

  "So someone I have known since I was in diapers can stop by to see if I am healed so they can toss me out and catch us having shower sex? Yeah….no."

  I grab the bag, blow a kiss, and walk into the bathroom. I rip off my soiled gown. The holes from the IV's are gone. They just popped right out when I drank Brisa' blood. Seriously, like sticking your finger in a light socket.

  'We like the little one. She is fierce now. She will make a good leader.'

  "You think she will lead the Fae?"

  'She will before long. The leader is corrupt, he forgets why the Fae exist; they all do. A purge is needed and the powers given to those that remember and accept the old ways. The humans purged the evil ones once, but it only made them bitterer. They need to summon their gods and let them purge the evil ones.'

  I’m not sure what to do with that bit of history except file it away for Jason later. And so if I ever get a crack at the Fae library again I can ask for a book about the purge and add my own scrawling no
te about how the humans purged the Fae for evil doings. Well how often does something like that happen? Humans trying o purge the world of actual evil instead of perceived evil? Who knew!

  "I would say we shall see but you guys will be home and I will be locked in a cage insane somewhere."

  'We are sorry host. We truly are, but we have been far from home for so long…'

  "Don't apologize. You deserve to go home. You have nothing to feel guilty about. I am doing this of my own violation. I know what will happen to me. I have known for over a year where this was heading and I doubt the Fae actually worked on a way to help. I don’t trust their leader either and I didn’t get a blood oath."

  I close the conversation with that and step out of the shower. I dry off and dress. After the clothes comes the enchanted pocket knife, my cross necklace, and my gun with my holy trinity blend bullets. Now I am finally feeling like myself. I close my eyes savoring the moment before pulling on my boots, opening the door, and adding my arrogant swagger to my walk.

  "Let's hit the road boys and girl."

  It takes some time to convince the werewolves to help, fucking mutts. Normally they are on fairly good terms with me, they haven't pissed me off the same as the shifters and vampires have, but today they flat out refuse to help. They actually blow off the shifter council. Something fishy is going on there. I mean they blow off another council, and after we get the arrogant vamps to help. I am pissed to say the least. And I am feeling more like myself which means I have to be reckless and mouthy.

  "Jason your demon knows what's needed for the ritual so you are on supply detail. Gram you go with him to help find a location after…and any supplies he needs that are not easily accessible."

  It is weird seeing the two sides of my family work together, but neither argue and they leave in a hurry to complete their mission.

  "Brian you know my capabilities better than anyone so you inspect the cage gram brought. Make sure it can hold me when I lose it. And secure the site my family finds. Find a way to clear the area and stem the tide of info online. We need it to be a clean send off."


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