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Price of Passion (3-in-1 Collection)

Page 9

by Aubrey Ross

  Gazing into his obsidian eyes, she drank in his possessive hunger, reveled in the unrelenting demand. She created these feelings in him. He needed her. His fingers pinched her nipple and her clit simultaneously. Her inner muscles clenched around his cock and pleasure detonated in her core.

  Before the spasms eased, he hooked her knees over his arms and pulled nearly out. She reached down and clasped his arms, frantic to retain the blissful fullness. He thrust his full length into her with a wicked smile. “I’m right where I want to be.”

  His long, slow strokes soon built to fast, hard thrusts. Releasing one leg and then the other, he shifted his hands to the bed, to her hips, then her bottom, searching for the ultimate angle and perfect depth. Heat cascaded through her body and gathered in her core.

  He lowered his head and sealed his mouth over hers. She parted her lips, welcoming him, needing the intimacy of his kiss as much as the possession of his cock. His tongue mirrored the forceful movements of his shaft. She raised her hands to his head and sucked on his tongue, accepting him, yet taking him too.

  So good, so damn good.

  Dragging his mouth from hers with a strangled groan, he thrust to the balls and released his seed. She clutched his sides with her knees and surrendered to her own climax. Intoxicating bursts of pleasure passed through them. They clung to each other, greedily accepting each new wave.

  He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them to their sides, without separating their bodies. “Rare and wonderful, that’s what Kade called this. As much as it pains me to quote that smug Vontralirian, I have to agree.”

  Snuggling into his warmth, she raised her leg to his hip, keeping him deep inside her. “If it weren’t for Kade, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Good point.” He brushed his lips over hers. “We should find a way to thank him.”

  She smiled into his eyes and hugged him with her inner muscles. “I’m pretty sure we already did.”

  Price of Pleasure

  Aubrey Ross

  After escaping servitude and exploitation, Kade changes his name to Kenton Ward and prepares for the predictable monotony of a “normal” life. He is hired as a private security agent for Ambassador Mason Fintel, mysterious advisor to the Sabrotine Federation. Having just begun to explore the full range of his sexuality, Kenton is shocked when the ambassador stirs his darkest desires. This isn’t the first time Kenton has found another man attractive, but he was convinced he was meant to bond with a submissive female.

  Mason has guarded the fact that she is a shape shifter, knowing the Sabrotine Federation will not offer the same respect to a woman they extend to a man. Her new bodyguard arouses her as no other lover ever has, but can he accept her complex nature?

  Chapter One

  “You want me to go in there?” Megan Fintel looked at Starlight Station with loathing before she turned back to her friend. “People come to the Station for one reason, and one reason only, recreational sex.”

  “That’s not true,” Sabina objected. “They have fabulous music and the best multi-media simulators in the entertainment district. Recreational sex is icing on the cake.” With a characteristic toss of her bright purple hair Sabina continued, “Kenton teased and flirted until I wanted to scream down the moon, but he refused to deliver on his promises. He’s just plain cruel.”

  Sabina wasn’t used to being rejected. Anyone she set her sights on usually ended up in her bed. And she’d obviously set her sights on Kenton Ward.

  When Sabina commed her that afternoon Megan had been reluctant to indulge her friend’s rash behavior. Sabina’s impetuousness had gotten them into trouble more times than Megan could count, yet Sabina’s impulses could also lead to wildly entertaining nights. Megan couldn’t decide which direction this adventure was going to take. They stood on a public walkway across from the popular nightclub and Sabina’s convoluted explanation was making her more uncomfortable with each passing word.

  Megan turned toward her friend and shrugged. “Maybe he’s just in it for the chase. If this guy is as attractive as you say, he likely --”

  “That’s the point. He’s a heartless tease! I want him to know what it feels like to want something he can’t have.” The gleam in her gaze told Megan all she needed to know. Sabina had made up her mind about Kenton. “No one deserves to be treated the way he treated me. If he wasn’t interested, why did he come on to me?”

  “Did he come on to you or was it a mutual flirtation?” Megan had known Sabina too long not to consider the possibility.

  “How can you ask me that?” The hurt in Sabina’s expression appeared genuine. She even managed to make her eyes tear. “I’m not the only one he’s upset. He flirts with everyone, then tosses them aside when he’s finished amusing himself.”

  “What’s to keep me from falling under his spell?” She arched her brow as she waited for Sabina’s reply.

  “Mason,” Sabina said simply.

  A twinge of resentment made Megan look away. “I might spend a good deal of time shaped like a man, but that doesn’t make me any less a woman.”

  “I only meant that you’re able to think like a man. You’re determination and logic wrapped in a desirable package. If anyone can beat this asshole at his own game it’s you.”

  “Am I supposed to thank you for that assessment?” Being able to move freely between the genders offered Megan a unique perspective. Though there was truth in most stereotypes, life seldom fell into neat categories.

  “Just catch his eye,” Sabina coaxed, “then slip away. Cat and mouse. Never let him get too close, but keep him interested.”

  “I understand what you want me to do.”

  “And when he’s desperate to fuck you, disappear. Shift into Mason and retreat to your country estate. I’ll make damn sure he can’t find you.”

  “You know for a fact he’s in there?”

  “He’s in there.”

  Megan hesitated a moment longer. Sabina had been her friend since childhood and Megan had encountered Kenton’s type before. She’d ask around first. Make sure Sabina’s pride hadn’t completely distorted the events. If Kenton was playing games with people’s affection, she’d teach him a lesson he’d not soon forget. It had been a long time since Megan had exercised her feminine wiles. She fluffed her hair and smoothed down her curve-hugging dress.

  “I don’t know why I let you talk me into these things.”

  Sabina squealed in excitement and gave Megan a firm hug. “He’s got shiny black hair, powder blue eyes, and a body to back up his arrogance. He’ll be the center of attention. Trust me, you can’t miss him.”

  Megan crossed the street, her mind whirling on ahead. She hoped Sabina’s confidence in her wasn’t overrated. It had been three years since she’d intentionally attracted the interest of a lover, much less competed for the most popular person in the room. This club was so far out of her comfort zone it might as well be on another planet.

  After the security scanner passed over her face, the doorman let her into Starlight Station. She paused on the wide, railed landing overlooking the interior of the club. The dance floor was directly ahead with a small stage situated against the far wall. To her left was a large seating area with tables and semi-private booths. The simulators and credit-operated hologames had been arranged on a slightly raised section to her right. Tucked away in the corner, she spotted the stairs leading to the balcony. Above it all arched a simulated sky with hundreds of twinkling stars.

  Skirting the dance floor, she made her way to the bar. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but no one loitered in a nightclub without some sort of beverage. The stage was empty except for a holographic DJ mixing audio files and corresponding flashes of light. Couples and small groups of people swayed and gyrated to the music’s driving beat. They touched and ground against one another, numerous hands boldly caressing bare flesh. Megan licked her lips as her body responded to the sexually charged atmosphere.

  “What can I get you?”

  Megan ha
dn’t realized the bartender was an android until he spoke. His tone had the synthesized resonance required for AI identification. “Sabrotine Starburst.”

  “Good choice, foxy lady.”

  The antiquated term made her smile. He moved off to prepare her drink and she looked out over the dance floor. The ever-changing colors made it hard to tell exactly what the dancers looked like. Instead, she shifted her gaze to the seating area. Several tables were devoid of chairs, while a crowd had formed around a table near the back. The center of attention, indeed.

  A man with silky black hair and breath-stealing features lounged against the wall. The others formed a half circle around him, like a king holding court. He smiled at one of his fans and Megan shook her head. No wonder Sabina had been powerless to resist his charms. He had either spent a fortune in the beautification clinics or he’d been genetically altered. No one was this perfect without assistance.

  The bartender set down her drink and scanned the chip implanted in the back of her hand. She muttered her thanks and he went to serve the next customer.

  How in hell was she going to get Kenton’s attention? He was surrounded by people trampling each other to… A sly smile curved her lips. She’d ignore him. She’d make eye contact then walk away. He was a hunter. If he didn’t pursue her, he’d lose interest before the night was through.

  She took her drink in one hand and finger combed her hair away from her face. Barely reaching mid-thigh and dipping low over her breasts, her dress had never failed to turn heads. As she strolled through the seating area the DJ chose an especially riotous song. A bright light silhouetted her figure against the colorful backdrop. Had Kenton noticed? She dared a sidelong glance and collided with his penetrating stare. She flashed her best come hither smile, but kept right on walking.

  Keeping her steps leisurely, she crossed to the stairs. She could feel his gaze following her, yet she pretended not to notice. He’d have a spectacular view of her legs as she climbed to the balcony. Would this temptation be enough to lure him away from his adoring fans?

  Caves lined the balcony, tiny rooms where people came to fuck. Each time the lights from below passed over the curtains they became translucent, offering anyone who cared to look a teasing glimpse of what was going on inside.

  Megan found a quiet corner without a cave directly behind her. The position gave her an unobstructed view of both sides of the balcony. The lights hit the curtains and she instinctively glanced away. Every imaginable sex act was being performed in those caves. Each figure was little more than an animated outline. Still, the flash of motion left nothing to the imagination.

  Keeping a view of the stairway in the corner of her eye, she watched the dancers. Only a few minutes went by before Kenton appeared at the top of the stairs. She fought back a smile and kept her gaze fixed on the dance floor.

  An especially loud cry drew her attention toward the caves on her right. One of the spotlights hit the curtain revealing the occupants. A woman straddled one man, while another fucked her from behind. The graphic image lingered in Megan’s mind long after the spotlight moved on. What would it feel like to be utterly overwhelmed, stretched to capacity and beyond?

  Kenton stood beside her for a moment, his body angled toward her, elbow resting on the railing. She sipped her drink and did her best to act as if he wasn’t there.

  “Please tell me you’re here alone.” He waited for a lull in the music so he didn’t have to shout.

  “Why would it matter? It looked like you had companions enough for both of us.” She turned her head and looked into his eyes. From a distance they appeared light, almost colorless. Now she could see the pastel blue shimmer of his mesmerizing gaze. Damn! She had her work cut out for her with this one.

  “Who are you?” He reached for her hand, but she moved it just out of reach.

  “Names aren’t important in a place like this.”

  “All right.” He took a step toward her and she took a step back. “Would you like to dance?” She shook her head, backing up even more. “Are you waiting for one of the caves?”

  With a seductive smile she darted toward the stairs. He let her reach the bottom before he caught her wrist. Her heart leapt in her chest as he pulled her into a shadowy hallway and pushed her up against the wall. He caged her with his arms, yet kept a small distance between their bodies.

  “If I can’t know your name, I’ll know your taste.” He growled the words as he lowered his face toward hers. Megan turned her face to the side and he nipped her earlobe. “Give me your mouth.”

  The command ignited a cluster of hot tingles deep in her body. Her nipples hardened, then the sensation curled through her abdomen and lodged between her thighs. “I didn’t come here to fuck.”

  “And I’m not asking to fuck you. I just want a kiss.” She shivered, unable to conceal the reaction. He cupped her chin and raised her face until their gazes locked. “I won’t go where I’m not wanted, but you’re the most intriguing woman I’ve seen since I arrived. One taste, then I’ll let you go.” His gaze searched hers for a moment and then he added, “For now.”

  She closed her eyes and parted her lips. He’s a ruthless bastard. Don’t fall for this bullshit. The words became a mantra as his mouth covered hers. Warm and soft, his lips caressed hers, slid against hers without rushing the kiss. She grew restless, angling her head and lifting her hands to his shoulders.

  His fingertips teased the upper swell of her breasts, never delving beneath the fabric of her dress. Her pussy melted, throbbing with anticipation. Could he make her come with just a kiss? The thought made her groan as his tongue brushed over her bottom lip.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair and curled her tongue around his, encouraging his penetration, needing his aggression. Faultlessly reading her reaction, he pressed her against the wall and dragged her hands from his hair. He raised her arms above her head and captured both wrists with one hand. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue bold and possessive.

  He rocked his pelvis against her belly, his hardened cock well above where she needed the pressure most. With a strangled cry, she parted her legs and rubbed her mound against his thigh.

  Damn it! She couldn’t give in the first time he touched her. He’d have no reason to continue the chase. Ignoring the aching demand of her body, she abruptly ended the kiss. “Enough,” she gasped. “You said one kiss.”

  Panting every bit as hard as she was, he stared into her eyes. “You really want me to stop?”

  “What I want is not the issue.” She tugged her hands out of his grasp. “I can’t do this.” She ducked under his arm and disappeared into the crowd.

  * * *

  Kenton supported Megan’s back as he lowered her to the padded bench. Her long legs arched over his lap and her curly hair created a crimson cloud surrounding her lovely face. “You’re driving me crazy. You know that, don’t you?”

  She just smiled up at him, her bright green eyes wide and guileless.

  For two weeks he’d pursued this curvaceous beauty, using every weapon in his sensual arsenal to wear down her defenses. Subtlety allowed her to remain distant, yet candor drove her away. Each time he convinced himself she wasn’t really interested, she drifted back into view.

  His stay aboard the Retribution had left Kenton ready to test his sexual boundaries. Despite extensive training, he’d never had a partner of his own choosing until he’d escaped his home world. A few nights at Starlight Station were all he needed to realize he wasn’t cut out for recreational sex. Without some sort of emotional connection he might as well be fucking a simulator. He’d been about to leave the club for good when Megan wandered into his life.

  “Why do you come here?” He tried a new approach.

  She raised her arm and brushed the side of his face with her fingertips. “I’d heard about the club for years and wanted to see if it was as wild as they say.” It was either the truth or she was the best liar he’d ever encountered. “If I hadn’t met you that first night,
I never would have returned.”

  He licked his lips, hungry for her kisses and aching to touch her sleek, soft body. She’d allowed him to kiss her, but little else. And she refused to meet him anywhere but at this wretched club. They were never alone. This was the first time he’d been able to lure her into one of the caves. Most couples used the caves to fuck, but Kenton had no intention of taking her while others looked on. He wanted a wide bed and endless hours to explore their mutual pleasure.

  “I want to spend time with you, but you won’t let me.” He kept his voice soft and caressed her face with the back of his knuckles. “I don’t even know your last name.”

  “Names are irrelevant. People either connect or they don’t. It’s elemental.”

  His cock grew even harder and he closed his eyes against the pain. His balls had been blue for days. If he wasn’t with Megan, he was thinking about her, imagining all the things he wanted to do with and to her.

  “Do you feel a connection to me?” He opened his eyes as he forced the words out. “Or do you just enjoy this infernal game?”

  “Why don’t you find out?”

  Holy fuck! Did she mean what he thought she meant? His heart leapt into his throat and he fought for breath. Her wide scooped neckline left the upper curve of her breasts bare. He traced the delectable dip and swell with his index finger. Her skin was incredibly soft and warm. Her nipples formed distinct peaks against the clingy fabric.

  He slipped his forearm beneath her neck and lowered his face. “No more games. Either you want me or you don’t.”

  With a siren’s smile, she guided his hand to her breast. “My heart’s pounding.” She parted her lips and curved her other hand around the back of his neck.

  Kenton needed no other encouragement. Teasing her lips with his tongue, he waited until she made a needful sound before delving deeper. Could she possibly be a virgin? Was that what held her back? On Palonti females lost their virginity shortly after they reached physical maturity, but this was not Palonti.


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