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Price of Passion (3-in-1 Collection)

Page 11

by Aubrey Ross

  Do you feel a connection to me? Laden with a heartrending combination of hope and frustration, those words had haunted Mason. Even while he’d believed Megan’s actions were justified he’d been unable to banish the guilt.

  “Otokar arrived this afternoon.” It was as much a reminder to his wayward libido as an objection for the empress. “The Palontian delegation is due tomorrow morning. The last thing I need right now is social conflict.”

  “Do you have any idea how hard he’s tried to find you? We’re pretty sure he hasn’t touched anyone since he met you. That’s rather odd for a heartless philanderer, don’t you think? If my sister hadn’t been planting false leads and sabotaging him at every turn, Kenton might well be fucking you right now.”

  “I’m sure you’d enjoy watching that.”

  Amoli laughed. “If you and Kenton were going at it, I’d want to do a whole lot more than watch.”

  Reveling in the fantasy for just a moment, Mason released a deep sigh. “Somehow I think he’d be more interested in strangling me than fucking me.”

  “So, let Mason change his mind.”

  She was incorrigible! So why did Mason find the idea tempting? “I honestly don’t have time to even consider this. Otokar is always challenging and these Palontians have more cultural taboos than any people I’ve ever dealt with before.”

  “That’s what makes this perfect.” Amoli flashed a triumphant smile. “Not only is Kenton Palontian, he also speaks nine languages. He’s fluent in all six of their ridiculous dialects. He can make sure you don’t unintentionally insult the delegates, and he can translate anything they say. They refuse to allow Elite to be entered into any language database. Hiring him as your consultant/bodyguard will allow you to overcome that particular taboo.”

  Mason ran out of objections. Countless times during the past few weeks he’d imagined facing Kenton. Usually Megan initiated the conversation, but he’d pictured Mason smoothing the way for her too.

  Amoli put her hands on her hips and smiled. “Now tell me about the scars. Why did they catch your eye?”

  “Two scars, one on his shoulder and one on his inner thigh. That’s where the Pleasure Guild brands their --”

  “He’s a Vontralirian?” The empress gaped in disbelief. “There’s no denying he’s gorgeous and he sure as hell knows what to do with that incredible body, but aVontralirian?”

  “It has to be a coincidence. A Vontralirian would never travel without his master. It’s a direct violation of the Pleasure Guild’s charter. Few ever leave Palonti, much less… Unless he escaped during the uprising. How long did you say he’s been here?”

  “Just short of three months. Coincidence?” Amoli’s shrewd gaze moved over Mason’s face. “I don’t think so.”

  “Has anyone else seen this vidfile?”

  Amoli shook her head. “Anything involving Sabina is immediately forwarded to me. For all intents and purposes, Kenton is a Sabrotine citizen seeking employment on our humble world.” All amusement bled from her expression. “I know you don’t blame me for what happened three years ago, but I can’t help feeling responsible.”

  Mason smiled, warmed by Amoli’s concern. They had known each other since childhood, long before he had learned to shape shift or Amoli had taken the throne. “Your solution to my sexual challenge is to give me a Vontralirian?”

  “If I’d had any idea what he is, I’d have kept him for myself. I think you’re crazy if you ignore this opportunity.” She dismissed the issue with an elegant shrug. “Have him monitor the sessions. He can let you know if the Palontians start playing games. You’ll have to verify anything he tells you, of course, but what do you have to lose?”

  The image of Kenton’s naked body lingered in Mason’s mind. How in the world was he going to concentrate on business if Kenton was in the room? “Does he know about the surveillance?”

  “I seriously doubt Sabina warned him. She likes to show her lovers the vidfiles after they’ve fucked her for a while.”

  The casual reminder of Sabina’s deception twisted Mason’s gut. Kenton had every reason to despise him now. No, he had every reason to despise Megan. He swallowed hard. He could offer Kenton the job and see if there was any attraction between Kenton and the ambassador. If Kenton felt nothing for Mason, he would keep things strictly professional. But if the connection they’d felt at Starlight Station transcended his physical form… Like Amoli said, what did he have to lose?

  Desire pushed through Mason’s hesitation, making his heartbeat race. It had been three long years since Mason had taken a lover. Did he dare try again?

  “Where can I find Mr. Ward? I’d like to offer him a job.”

  Chapter Three

  Kade sat in the elegant lobby of an office building, trying not to let his anxiety show. Kenton, not Kade. If he didn’t start thinking of himself as Kenton, he might slip out of character. He wasn’t actually playing a role. As soon as he stepped off the Retribution, he’d embarked on the next chapter of his life. He had a new identity and a carefully constructed past that would allow him to shape a future far different from the existence he’d escaped.

  “Ambassador Fintel will see you now.”

  Kenton nodded at the receptionist and headed off in the direction she’d indicated. This felt strange. Employment had never been a concern before. All his life he’d been pampered and cosseted, like a prized possession, or a pet. Now he had to make his own way, provide for himself, and protect others. The responsibilities were oddly liberating. He would embrace each new challenge and savor his accomplishments -- as soon as he got the job!

  The office door slid open as Kenton approached. He squared his shoulders and took two steps into the room. The ambassador stood at the beverage station across from him. Dressed in a gray/green suit with a collarless jacket, he seemed rather ordinary at first glance.

  “Would you care for something to drink?” the ambassador asked.

  Kenton opened his mouth to request water when the man turned his head. Their gazes locked and the words froze in the back of Kenton’s throat. Rich green, with thick sooty lashes, the ambassador had captivating eyes. Penetrating, yet filled with secrets, his gaze seemed suspiciously familiar. “Have we met before?”

  “I don’t believe so.”

  Dark, carnal hunger stirred within Kenton. Heat churned through his bloodstream, settling with unwanted results between his thighs. This was his first job interview, but he was pretty sure an erection was not an appropriate reaction. He forced his gaze away and took a deep breath, grateful for his hip-length jacket.

  He cleared his throat and answered the original question. “A glass of water would be wonderful.”

  The ambassador turned back to the beverage station, his lips curved by a faint smile. He’d felt it too. Kenton had no doubt the electric attraction had been mutual. He looked more closely at the other man and searched his memory. Despite the ambassador’s denial, Kenton was sure they’d seen each other before. Medium height and average build, Mason wasn’t the sort to turn heads in a crowd. His features were regular, except for those jewel bright eyes. An intriguing hint of red added contrast to his dark brown hair and his skin seemed pale to Kenton. But then everyone on this planet seemed pale to a Palontian. Giving himself a firm mental shake, he forced away the distraction.

  “Have a seat.” He handed Kenton a glass of water and nodded toward the desk situated near the massive windows. Kenton sat and the ambassador slipped in behind the workstation. Sunlight spilled in through the windows accenting the red in his hair. He activated the display in the desktop and began, “I’m Mason Fintel and it says here you’re Kenton Ward. How long have you been on Tranocous Nine?”

  “Eleven weeks.” He’d memorized the information in his dossier, but it would be wise to keep his answers simple and lessen the chances for contradiction.

  “When was the last time you were on Palonti?”

  He’d anticipated the question, even rehearsed various answers. Denying his planet of
origin wasn’t possible. His appearance was too distinctive. To his knowledge, everyone who could incriminate him had died in the uprising. Still, he wouldn’t reveal any more than necessary. He’d risked too much to escape that god-forsaken place.

  “It’s been many years,” he told the ambassador.

  “As I understand it, three tribes are vying for control of the planet.” Mason glanced up from the display. “Do you have a preference as to the outcome?”

  “I have no strong feelings in the matter.” There was a mysterious glimmer in the ambassador’s gaze that made Kenton uncomfortable. Anything involving Palonti was dangerous for Kenton. He’d intentionally chosen Tranocous Nine because of its political neutrality. “Am I being considered for this position because of my qualifications or because I’m Palontian?”

  “As it happens, your planet of origin is what brought you to my attention.” Mason allowed himself a full smile for the first time since Kenton walked into the office.

  A shocking rush of desire muddled Kenton’s thinking. He hadn’t noticed how sensual the ambassador’s lips were until he smiled. Pursuing this attraction would be foolish, yet he couldn’t look away from that kissable mouth.

  Shadows from Kenton’s past loomed ever larger. He was a Vontralirian, bred for pleasure and trained for seduction. Changing his name couldn’t rewrite his genetic code. He didn’t want to guard Mason, he wanted to tangle his fingers in that wavy hair and claim his mouth in a passionate kiss. He wanted to overwhelm his senses and possess his body until they were both too weak to move.

  Kenton’s cock throbbed and a graphic image formed within his mind. He pictured himself walking around the desk as he unfastened his pants. He’d stroke his shaft, drawing the ambassador’s attention to his erection. Each Vontralirian had been engineered with lust-inducing attributes. From their physical appearance, to the way they moved, they were irresistible to others. Or so he’d been taught. He’d actually believed it until he arrived on Tranocous Nine.

  Another image eroded the first. Delicate features surrounded by dark red curls. Bright green eyes, stared up at him with longing as she guided his hand to her breast. Megan. The ambassador had eyes just like Megan!

  “Are you all right?” Mason asked, amusement tingeing his tone. “You seem distracted.”

  Savage lust threatened Kenton’s calm façade. He wanted to bend Mason over the desk and show him exactly what had him distracted. Kenton had failed to seduce the elusive redhead, an event that had never happened before. Not only had she amused herself at his expense, she’d disappeared. All of his efforts to find her had been in vain, which only fueled his determination to unravel the mystery.

  Sexual awareness tightened Mason’s expression despite his attempts to conceal his response. Kenton wasn’t the only one struggling to keep this professional.

  “I’ve spent the last few years trying to put distance between myself and Palonti.” A wise man would thank Mason for his time and get the hell out of here. TheVontralirian were known for their passion and intensity, not their wisdom. “What exactly will this entail?”

  “There’s no threat to my life. I don’t really need private security. However, hiring you as a bodyguard will put you in the position to assist me in other ways.”

  He could think of countless ways he’d like to assist the ambassador. “I’m listening.”

  “The League of Tranocous Worlds is politically neutral. As such we often facilitate negotiations between other parties. I’m about to begin negotiations between the Sabrotine Federation and one of the Palontian Tribes. I’m familiar with the Sabrotine ambassador. I’ve worked with him before. The Palontians, on the other hand, are unknown to me.”

  “I’m no diplomat and I’m not interested in returning to Palonti.” Not wanting to incur suspicion, he did his best to sound indifferent.

  “The negotiations will take place here. All you’d need to do is observe the sessions, translate exchanges spoken in Elite and report any inconsistencies to me.”

  Kenton hesitated. He had no intention of leaving Tranocous Nine until he confronted Megan, so he needed some sort of job. “Which tribe is involved in the negotiation?”

  “The Obikee. Is that a problem?”

  Everyone on Palonti knew him as Kade and few had seen his likeness. Was he being cautious or paranoid? “I was just curious.”

  “I was told you speak all six Palontian dialects. Is this true?”

  Kenton narrowed his gaze. He had a knack for languages, but he’d thought the skill irrelevant to the security profession. “I didn’t list that information on my application, nor is it included in my résumé. May I ask who told you I’m multi-lingual?”

  Mason turned off the display and leaned back slightly in his chair. “I’ll need to be able to trust what you tell me, so I’ll be perfectly honest with you. Sabina is Empress Amoli’s younger sister. Her inappropriate behavior in the past has made it standard procedure for all of her activities to be recorded.”

  A rush of fury momentarily robbed him of speech. He’d told the purple-haired hellcat he spoke nine languages and proceeded to demonstrate his ability by demanding she suck his cock in each of the nine. These bastards watched it all, recorded every move he’d made and analyzed every word he’d said.

  He stood so abruptly his chair topped over backward. “I have no interest in working for a people who care so little about --”

  “Sabina brought this on herself. You just happened to be her companion,” Mason cut in before Kenton’s argument could get fully underway. “The files were purged once the empress finished with them.”

  Kenton scowled. “How comforting.”

  If Mason hadn’t told him about the invasion, Kenton never would have known. The ambassador could have asked how many of the Palontian dialects he spoke. Trust. Mason wanted them to trust each other. Kenton wasn’t opposed to the concept. He just doubted the ambassador realized how many obstacles they had to overcome.

  “You never answered my question,” Mason reminded him. “Do you speak Elite or were you just trying to impress Sabina?”

  Hadn’t Mason seen the files? The hunger in his gaze led Kenton to believe he had. The empress must have reviewed the files or this wouldn’t be an issue. “I speak Elite.”

  “Are you still interested in the position?”

  “What you’ve described would work best if the Palontian delegation didn’t realize you had an interpreter.”

  After a moment of thoughtful silence Mason nodded. “You could watch each session from my office and communicate with me through an audiocom.”

  “When does the negotiation begin?”

  “Tomorrow morning.” Mason moved around his desk. “With someone of my political stature, personal security is a live-in position. Are you willing to move into my residence?”

  The desire Kenton had been battling since their gazes locked surged with new intensity. Mason’s expression was inscrutable. Was this a subtle come-on or just another routine procedure? “I don’t see a problem with the arrangement.”

  Undeniable lust flashed for just an instant before Mason turned away. “Good. Gather your belongings and I’ll send a shuttle for you around nine. There’s a reception for the delegates tonight. I can’t get away before then.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Mason returned to his chair and reactivated the screen. “Oh, I almost forgot. My sister, Megan, has a suite of rooms at my estate. Her hours are rather erratic. I never know when she’ll turn up. If you see a red-haired woman milling about, don’t be alarmed.”

  Chapter Four

  “Take me home.” Mason collapsed onto the seat of his private shuttle as the automated conveyance took off. The reception had lasted far longer than he’d intended. The ambassadors spent the evening trying to outdo each other. When Otokar insisted his quarters were not acceptable, Peylla quickly followed suit. One order led to another until Mason had been forced to refuse their ridiculous demands and send them to their respective rooms l
ike disobedient children. Not a good start for a complex negotiation.

  He turned to the communication controls and paged his housekeeper. She stepped in front of the nearest vidscreen, her smile an ever-present balm for Mason’s raw nerves. “Has my guest arrived?”

  “Yes, sir. About an hour ago.” Tillany’s family had worked for Mason’s longer than Mason had been alive. They were among a select few who knew of Mason’s abilities. “He told me he’d already eaten, but after some polite insistence on my part, he agreed to a massage. He’s in the spa with Salus. Would you like to speak with him?”

  “There’s no reason to disrupt his massage. I’ll be home in a few minutes.”

  Her dark eyes twinkled in her round, rosy face. “Are you sure he’s here to protect you? Stars above, that man is gorgeous.”

  “I noticed.” Mason returned her smile. “Thanks for entertaining him. I’d hoped to be there sooner.”

  “If I were thirty years younger and weren’t happily married, I’d have found all sorts of ways to entertain him for you.”

  Mason chuckled. “I’ll see you shortly.” He ended the transmission and rubbed his weary eyes. His mind drifted back to his nights at Starlight Station. Kenton’s sense of humor and extensive education had surprised Mason. One glance at the handsome Palontian explained why half of the planet was panting after him, but Mason hadn’t expected to find him so captivating.

  Perhaps he should let Megan wander into the spa. Their attraction had been tangible and… With an abrupt laugh, he dismissed the misguided thought. He wasn’t nearly ready for that confrontation. Kenton needed to adjust to Mason before Megan complicated the situation.

  Whenever he was working Mason used the ambassador’s appearance. The Sabrotine Federation wasn’t the only organization antiquated enough to think females were inferior; they were just the most obnoxious. Empress Amoli originally suggested the brother/sister routine. It allowed Mason to utilize whichever form was most appropriate, while protecting the secret of her ability.


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