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Book One: Thirty Days, Book 1

Page 7

by Bibi Paterson

  The day passes quicker than I would have liked. We take a stroll through the village, and I can’t help but exclaim over the quaintness of the cottages. I am so used to the hustle and bustle of London and Brighton that the sounds of the countryside are almost alien to me. We end up in a boutique coffee shop, where Taylor introduces me to blends from all over the world. I thought I was adventurous ordering a gingerbread latte from Starbucks at Christmastime, but that is nothing in comparison to what I have tried today. Slightly jittery from all the caffeine, we take a long stroll back and grab a sandwich, settling back in front of a fire just in time before the heavens open.

  The muted sunlight of the afternoon soon fades as the autumn evening rolls in. Our light conversation ranges from music to books and films, and I am surprised to learn just how much we have in common. Taylor fills me in about his gap year and how the foods from his travels inspired him to set up his company. In turn I tell him about my passion for baking.

  “So how did you end up being an analyst? Don’t get me wrong, you are great at it, but if cooking is your passion, why didn’t you go to culinary school?” Taylor’s gentle probing gets me to admit far more than I readily would.

  “As I have said before, my parents don’t really do food. As models, I guess their view is pretty much that calories equal fat, so heaven forbid you eat a chocolate éclair.” My tone is mocking, but I can’t seem to help the years of pent-up frustration.

  “Nonna taught me to cook and I always dreamed of opening my own little cupcake place somewhere, but when I approached my folks about going off to college, they insisted I stay and do business at sixth form. Because I was only sixteen, it was not like I could go against them, so I went along with it, hoping that if I got good grades, then I could persuade them to let me do a hospitality course at uni. But when the time came, they refused to support me financially unless I did something they considered worthy…” I can’t help the grimace that crosses my face.

  “So in the end, after much drama and Nonna finally intervening, I agreed to a business degree, but only because I didn’t want to miss out on the whole growing-up experience. Nonna persuaded me that having a business background would help me in the long run when I opened my café. Then every birthday and Christmas, she would pay for me to go on one course or another, which meant that I wasn’t missing out. Plus I spent a lot of time baking for my housemates at uni, so it didn’t seem so bad that I wasn’t doing it professionally.”

  “So why haven’t you opened your café yet?” Taylor continues to probe.

  “Simply, money. The start-up capital I would need is huge, and I still have student debts to pay back. My parents wouldn’t help and Nonna wasn’t in any position to help me financially, so I got a job when I finished. And at least working for Hudson, I still get to be around food, even if it is on paper.” I say this last part with a cheeky grin, which Taylor returns.

  “So if money was no object, then you would be out of there like a shot?” I suddenly realise that I am technically speaking to my boss, so I find myself hesitating, unsure about how truthful I should be. As if suddenly realising my discomfort, Taylor carries on, “No, seriously, you should follow your dreams. If that is your long-term goal and an opportunity arises, you have to take it with both hands. That’s what I did.”

  I see the fire in Taylor’s eyes as he talks with such passion, and it makes me want to reach across and kiss him. Suddenly feeling bold, I do just that, leaning across and placing my lips gently on his. His arms snake around me and pull me in close so that my body moulds to his. As his lips crush mine, the now-familiar sparks start to make their way up my body. I slip my hand under his T-shirt and run my fingers across his broad chest, gently brushing his nipples. Taylor moans, and I feel myself turn to liquid arousal.

  Reaching down, Taylor pulls both my shirt and jumper over my head in one stroke, leaving my breasts exposed to his mouth. He tugs down the cups of my bra, which forces my breasts to spill over the top, and immediately starts nipping gently at my nipples in turn. Oh my! I never knew pleasure and pain had such a thin barrier. I squirm in Taylor’s arms, arousal coursing through my veins.

  “Keep still, Abby,” Taylor commands, tapping me lightly on my arse.

  “Um…I can’t.” My voice is harsh from the shallow breaths ravaging my throat. My body has taken on a life of its own, and I can’t seem to still my limbs.

  “If you can’t keep still, Abs, I am going to have to do something about it.” I meet Taylor’s eyes, and there is something there I just can’t fathom.

  “What do you mean?” I stutter nervously. Taylor’s mood seems darker, more intense.

  “Have you ever been tied up, Abby?” I shake my head, trying to wrap my thoughts around what Taylor is asking me. “Do you want to be tied up, Abby?” asks Taylor, his eyes molten. I am nervous but ultimately turned on by the idea, and weirdly enough, I feel like I could trust Taylor with my life. All it takes is a small nod and I find myself in Taylor’s arms being carried up the stairs to his bedroom, all the while his lips continuing to nuzzle at my neck.

  I am gently laid out on the bed, and Taylor disappears into his cupboard for a couple of minutes. When he joins me on the bed, I can see he has numerous lengths of a silky material, which he starts attaching to the corner posts of the bed. My legs are trembling, but I am not sure if it is nerves or arousal or both as I watch him work. Once he is finished, Taylor turns his gaze to me and gently starts running his fingers over the exposed flesh of my stomach. “I am not going to do anything you don’t want me to,” Taylor murmurs into my ear. “But if there is anything you are not comfortable with, or if you just want to stop, you need to tell me. Okay?” I nod my assent. “This only works if there is total trust and honesty between us, do you understand?”

  “I trust you, Taylor,” I whisper. Within moments he has divested me of all my clothes, and he gently takes first one hand and then the other, kissing my palms gently and wrapping the material around both my wrists so that they are bound together. He then works his way down each leg, kissing the inside of my thigh and calf before stretching it out and binding my ankle to the post. I am completely spread open, and I can feel the cool air sensuously between the apex of my thighs. Taylor moves up my body, taking my bound wrists and pulling my arms above my head, linking them to the material at the corners of the headboard.

  “Fuck. You are so hot, Abby.” Taylor is actually growling at me, and for this first time of my life, I actually feel vaguely sexy, based on his reaction. “Hold on, baby, we are going on the ride of your life.” I lift my head and see Taylor moving down and settling his head between my thighs. I squirm with embarrassment, but the bindings hold me tightly, making it impossible to close my legs. I feel Taylor’s tongue flick out across my clit, sending sparks of pleasure through me and causing me to moan out loud. Taylor continues to tease me with his tongue, first slipping one finger into me and then another. The muscles in my pelvis tighten, and I can feel that I am on the edge of the most intense orgasm I have ever had. And because I can’t move my legs, the feeling just keeps getting more and more intense until, at last, I fall apart, crying out Taylor’s name.

  I come back to earth as Taylor gently releases my legs, rubbing out the cramp that has been forming. My arms are still bound, but the freedom to pull my legs together is a sweet relief, yet I am still yearning to feel Taylor inside of me. As if sensing this, I find myself flipped onto my stomach with Taylor hovering above me. “This isn’t over yet, baby,” Taylor murmurs into my ear as he pulls my bum into the air so that I am resting on my knees and elbows. He moves off me for a second, and I can hear him pulling on a condom. Then he is at my entrance, gently pushing into me. “I can’t get over how tight you are, Abby. You feel so amazing!”

  Taylor pushes deeply into me until I am completely full, then stills for a second before drawing out and pushing back in. His deft fingers find my clitoris, stroking me as I find myself coming again hard on his fingers and his cock. I moan ou
t loud as Taylor starts pounding into me with force, causing me to fall apart once again as another orgasm tears through me. I hear Taylor call out my name as he explodes inside of me, and we both collapse. Gently Taylor eases out of me, discarding the condom and then releasing my wrists. My body is putty as he turns me back onto my back, running his hands tenderly all over me.

  I am completely spent as I smile up shyly at Taylor, who is propped up on one elbow. Tenderly Taylor kisses my neck and my lips, and I feel myself drifting away as he pulls me in to his body.

  The Tenth

  I am too hot. The sound of birds chirping filters through my subconscious, and I surmise that it must be early, but given that we have been asleep since early evening, I have had more than my normal eight hours. I am trapped under Taylor’s arm, but as I squirm to get more room, he suddenly rolls onto his back, freeing me. I study him sleeping, taking note of the way his normally spiky hair falls forward, his chin covered in stubble, his broad shoulders and his sensuous mouth.

  Thirst and my rumbling stomach give me the motivation to get out of bed, grab a robe and head downstairs, careful not to wake a sleeping Taylor. I make myself a coffee and pop in some bread to toast and then settle myself on the small couch overlooking the garden.

  My mind drifts back to the night’s activities, and I remember why my body is protesting this morning. Even just thinking about it brings a flush to my face, and I start to feel horny enough to contemplate heading back upstairs to wake Taylor.

  I don’t understand what Taylor sees in me. It is not like I have model looks or sparkling wit. The thoughts start to whirl around my head. I am not good enough…It will be just like the other two…Taylor doesn’t really want me…He will be bored of me…Who wants a chubby, ginger girl? The negativity darkens my mood, and I find myself glowering into my mug, unaware that Taylor has come down the stairs until I feel a soft kiss on the top of my head. I start out of my reverie and stumble to stop my mug from dropping to the floor.

  “Sh—shit, sorry,” I exclaim loudly as I look down at the spilt coffee on the sofa. “Fucking hell, I can’t even hold a cup of coffee without spilling it,” I grumble to myself as I get a cloth to clean up my mess.

  “Don’t stress, Abs. It’ll come out,” Taylor says evenly, seemingly unaware of my inner turmoil. But I am wrong. Taylor comes to stand in front me, tipping my head back to look into my eyes. His darken in response to me. “What’s the matter, Abby? What’s going on?”

  “Why am I here?” I blurt out, not thinking. Taylor cocks his head at me questioningly. “I mean, you could have anyone. Why me? I mean…” I am aware I am babbling, but I just can’t help myself. “I just don’t know why anyone like you would want me. I am nothing—” I break off as I take in the anger written across Taylor’s face.

  “What the hell do you mean, you are nothing?” Taylor has moved so that we are standing apart, yet his hands are gripping the tops of my arms in an almost-painful embrace.

  My voice drops to a whisper as I try to force out the words. “Well, look at you. You are gorgeous, you have built your own company from scratch, you do awesome things like sail boats and travel the world, you live in these amazing homes, and you are caring and kind…” I drift off, unsure of what to say next, aware that I am teetering on the edge of more damn tears.

  Taylor is still staring into my eyes, and I can’t take the intensity in his gaze, so I try to take a step backwards, but I am pinned by his arms. “You. Are. Not. Nothing,” Taylor says through gritted teeth before he swings down, picks me up and pops me over his shoulder as though I weigh nothing at all.

  “Taylor, put me down,” I plead as he takes me back upstairs. I am confused when he heads into the bathroom and then stands me back on my feet in front of the large mirror. I take in my dishevelled appearance and the fact that I am only wearing Taylor’s robe, and my eyes immediately drop to the floor in embarrassment.

  “Abby…look in the mirror.” The tone in Taylor’s voice brooks no argument, and I draw my eyes back to his in the mirror’s reflection. “You are not nothing.” Taylor repeats his statement, and I draw a deep breath in, ready to argue with him. “Don’t say anything, Abby. It is my time to talk.” I pout slightly but keep quiet whilst trying to figure out what is going on.

  “Here’s what I see, Abs…I see a beautiful, intelligent woman.” I open my mouth to argue but immediately shut it again when I see the look that crosses Taylor’s face. “I see a woman who I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since she walked into my office building. I see flame-red hair and a passionate, fiery temperament to match. I see captivating green eyes that show up every emotion you feel. I see a killer body with curves that I could spend all day adoring and alabaster skin that responds to my touch.”

  Taylor holds on to my shoulders as he stands behind me. I stare at my reflection, trying to rationalise Taylor’s view of me versus how I see myself. The person he is talking about seems like a stranger, not the person standing in front of me. I can’t look at myself any longer and drop my gaze to the floor.

  “Don’t do that,” Taylor murmurs into my ear while he cups my chin and gently forces my head upwards so that once again I am staring at my reflection.

  “I just don’t see what you do…” My voice is barely above a whisper. Holding my chin up, Taylor starts trailing kisses along my jawbone and down my neck, never breaking eye contact. His hands go to the tie of my robe, releasing it and then slipping it off my shoulders, and all the while I stand there mutely. I watch as his hands move across my breasts, and my nipples stand to attention. My breath quickens as I see his hand trail further down and reach between my legs to cup my sex. The kisses never stop, but Taylor’s eyes never leave mine in the mirror, taking in every minute reaction. His finger slips into my wet folds, and I close my eyes and moan at the sensations starting to coil in my belly.

  “Open your eyes, Abby.” Taylor’s command startles me, and my eyes flick open. The woman staring back at me is all at once a familiar sight but a stranger too. Her neck and face are flushed with arousal. Her breasts are swollen and sensitive to the lightest touch. Her hips are grinding onto Taylor’s hand, trying to satisfy the need growing deep inside. Her eyes are hooded and knowing. I suddenly get a glimpse of what Taylor sees, and when he sees the realisation dawn, Taylor stills and whispers, “You are beautiful, Abigail.”

  His words and the flick of his finger are all it takes for me to come, and I can’t keep my eyes open any longer as the intense sensations overwhelm me. I come back to see myself still standing with Taylor’s arms holding me up. “You are so fucking hot, Abby. Seeing you like this…Just look at what you do to me.” I look down and for the first time really take in the enormity of his cock. I gulp, and seeing this, Taylor offers up a smirk. “This is all for you, baby.” I am instantly wet again. Taylor reaches into a drawer and quickly sheathes himself before pushing me forward slightly so that he can enter me. Never breaking eye contact, Taylor slides into me and once again I feel like I am whole.

  Slowly Taylor starts rotating his hips, and I grip the countertop, pushing back onto him. I can feel my orgasm building, and from the look on Taylor’s face, I don’t think he is far behind me. He grips my hips and grinds into me, the pace increasing until he is well and truly fucking me. The image I am seeing in the mirror is beyond anything I could ever imagine and is intensely erotic. “Come for me, baby.” This time it takes every effort to keep my eyes open whilst I explode so that I can watch Taylor come apart inside of me.

  It could be seconds or minutes or hours that pass, but Taylor and I continue to stand there, joined, staring at each other whilst we catch our breath. Very slowly and gently Taylor withdraws, all the while keeping one arm round my waist to support me. “Um…wow.” These are the only words I can find to describe how I am feeling at this point.

  Taking my hand, Taylor guides me back to bed and pulls the covers over us as he spoons me, both arms cradling me gently. At this moment I feel like Taylor’s mos
t precious possession, and it scares me. This feeling of being cherished is something so alien to me that I can’t believe it is going to last.

  “Abby!” Taylor’s warning tone brings me back, and I roll over to look at Taylor face-to-face. “I know when you are thinking all that crap in your head, you know.”

  I gulp. “Sorry, Taylor. It’s just that this all seems too good to be true. I don’t know how to handle a guy being nice to me.” Something about the way he is looking at me makes me feel like I need to explain further. “I mean, I don’t have much experience, but the whole two times I had sex before this, the aftermath was, let’s just say…um…horrible. And it’s not like I have even been in a relationship with a guy.” I can’t read the expression in Taylor’s eyes, so I carry on babbling.

  “The guy I lost my virginity to, well, it turned out to be a dare at school. I thought he liked me. I was a loser, and all of a sudden the captain of the football team is being nice to me, complimenting me and then asking me out to the party of the year. So he plied me with beer, and before I know it we are in one of the bedrooms, having sex. He was very sweet about it at the time and it was nice, but when I went to school on the Monday, everyone was talking about how the team had dared him to ‘deflower’ a virgin. I was so embarrassed, and when I next saw him, he completely snubbed me. Let’s just say going to uni was a relief.”

  I see Taylor’s fists gripping the sheets, but he doesn’t say anything, so I continue. “Then in my second year at uni, I met this guy at a party. We struck up a conversation and seemed to click. The next thing I remember is him climbing off me and looking down at me with disgust before he walked away.” I can feel the anger radiating off Taylor, and I turn my head away to hide the tears and avoid the repugnance he must be feeling for me.


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