Book Read Free

Country Thunder

Page 7

by Cheyenne McCray

  “Beer is fine.” Justin leaned his hip against the counter as she ducked into the fridge and pulled out two cold cans.

  She handed him one and pulled the tab on her own before taking a long swallow. She had always enjoyed a good beer. “Tortilla chips?”

  He lowered his can after taking a swallow. “Anything sounds good right now. Beating you at pool made me hungry again.”

  Miranda laughed. “I’ll break out some salsa for the chips.” She handed him a large bag of blue corn tortilla chips and poured salsa into a bowl.

  They carried the items to the living room and deposited the chips and salsa on the coffee table. Justin waited for her to sit, and she plopped down on the couch. He sat a few inches from her, and his heat immediately enveloped her.

  She shifted so that she could look at him and raised her can. “To fishing this Saturday.”

  “To fishing.” Justin bumped his can against hers and they drank to their toast.

  She lowered her drink. “So, what do I need to do to get ready?”

  “I’ll take care of the gear and tackle.” Justin rested his can on his knee. “How’d you like to put together lunch?”

  She nodded. “I’ll even bring breakfast and a thermos of coffee since we’re leaving early.”

  “We could make it an overnighter,” Justin said. “Pitch a tent, cook our catch on the grill for dinner and in the morning fry up some sausages for breakfast.”

  Miranda hesitated. “Isn’t that pushing things a little too fast?”

  “Only if you feel like it is.” He gave her a gentle smile. “If you’d rather not, we’ll just save an overnight trip for another time.”

  She considered it for a long moment. God, did she want to. She wanted it like crazy, but it was too soon. “I think we’d better slow down. Fishing this weekend and then we’ll see what happens next.”

  He covered her free hand with his and smiled. “I think that sounds like a plan.”

  The warmth of his hand made her want more of his heat. Her throat worked as she swallowed. “What time are you picking me up?”

  “Five a.m. work for you?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’m glad you didn’t say four.”

  “That’ll be next time.” He took another swig of his beer and set his can on the coffee table. “I’m looking forward to our trip.”

  “So am I.” She set her own can on the table, placed her elbow on the back of the couch, and rested her head in her palm. “I like you, Justin. A little too much.”

  He gave her a sexy grin. “No such thing as too much when it comes to you liking me.”

  “Maybe.” She loved looking into his eyes. All of him was so gorgeous from the top of his head all the way to his boots. His shoulders were so broad she wanted to snuggle up close and let him hold her, drawing her against his hard chest, making her feel safe and wanted. “But just maybe you’re dangerous too.”

  He held her gaze and she couldn’t read his expression. “I’d never hurt you, Miranda.”

  “Not intentionally.” She gave him a soft smile. “But if things didn’t work out, I think I’d walk away with a sore heart.”

  Justin took her free hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. He returned her smile. “That’s the last thing on earth I want to do.”

  Good intentions and all that, Miranda thought, but just let her smile linger.

  Justin lowered her hand and rested it on his knee. “How do you like living in King Creek?”

  “I love it here.” She also loved the feel of Justin’s hand around hers. “I like the people I’ve met, I enjoy living in a small town, and the scenery is beautiful. It’s great having a place where I can keep Socks and Star, where they can help others. And the clients I have are wonderful.”

  Justin linked their fingers. “Do you have a lot of clients?”

  “I don’t have room for many more,” Miranda said. “I’ve been overwhelmed by the early success I’m having.”

  “You must enjoy what you do.”

  Miranda nodded. “What could be more rewarding than helping others achieve their goals, or banish fears, or find something new and exciting in their lives? I get to help kids as well as adults with disabilities. I’ve seen so much growth in my clients in a relatively short time.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing Kaycee back on a horse,” Jason said. “She took to it so quickly when she was young. She was fearless.”

  “I have a feeling that one of the reasons why she has such a fear now is the loss of her mom.” Miranda shifted on the couch. “That loss has likely made her feel more vulnerable.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that.” Justin looked thoughtful. “It makes sense.”

  “It’s obvious she loves horses and wants to ride again.” Miranda thought about the girl who clearly had a tremendous spirit. “I don’t think it will be long, but we’ll take it as slow as she needs to go.”

  “Thank you for helping Kaycee.” Justin squeezed her hand. “This means a lot to her.”

  “That’s why I love my job.” Miranda liked the way Justin was looking at her, like he wanted to draw her into his strong arms. She could picture more than that. It was so easy to imagine herself in bed with him, his hard, naked muscled form over her smaller, softer body.

  “How long have you been ranching?” She needed to force away from the images and hoped that her desire wasn’t written all over her face.

  “All my life.” He adjusted himself on the couch, getting closer to her. “I was born and raised on a ranch, and after college worked on the family ranch. I scrimped and saved and made some good financial decisions and eventually was able to afford to buy my own place and a few head of cattle.”

  “Sounds like you worked your butt off,” Miranda said.

  “A lot of blood, sweat, and tears involved, along with some good luck,” he said. “I’m sure you know how that feels since you have your own successful business.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, it does take a lot to build a business and make it successful.”

  “I feel fortunate.” Justin’s expression was sincere. “My operation has grown considerably, and I have a few ranch hands who work for me. I have to say I’m blessed.”

  Miranda smiled. “Ditto.”

  “You mentioned your parents,” Justin said. “Is your family very big?”

  “Not at all.” Miranda shook her head. “Just Mom, Dad, and me.”

  “You must miss them.”

  “I do.” Miranda could hear the wistfulness in her tone. “I need to be here, though. I’ll go back to visit, and maybe I can get them to consider moving here. Right now, they say they’re not going anywhere. They want me to go back.”

  “Do you think you ever will?” Justin captured her gaze. “Go back to Texas?”

  “Never.” She frowned. “Nothing is there for me and I can visit my mom and dad. They did mention coming out to spend some time here soon.” She turned her frown into a smile. “I’d like you to meet them when they do make it.”

  “I’d like that,” he said.

  “What about your family?” Miranda thought about it. “Seems to me I heard the McLeod family is fairly big.”

  “I have four brothers and two sisters.” The corner of Justin’s mouth curved into a grin. “Carter, Bear, Colt, and Brady. My sisters are Haylee and Jill. Then there’s Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa. Carter is my only married sibling and I have a great sister-in-law. So yeah, you could say we have a decent-sized family.”

  “Must be fun to have a big family like that.”

  “More often than not it is.” He rested his free hand on her knee. “I’d like you to meet them sometime soon.”

  “A little overwhelming, maybe?” Miranda imagined herself surrounded by four other big men as well as his two sisters, parents, and grandparents. “But it also sounds fun.”

  “We’ll make a date of it soon.” He shifted and caught her off guard as he slid his arm around her back and managed to ease her on his lap in a
smooth movement. “But right now, it’s just you and me.”

  A thrill went through her belly, as well as a dose of fear. She couldn’t move, could barely think as she met his gaze. It was impossible to look away. His expression grew intense as he stared at her. He lowered his head slowly.

  Her lips parted, her breath catching in her throat.

  He pressed his mouth to hers and she moaned softly as he took possession. He kissed her softly, his lips roaming over hers and claiming her sighs for his own.

  Passion grew within her and she nipped his lower lip. He groaned and his kiss grew more intense as he lightly bit her lip in return. An animal passion took over as they answered each other with a power that only increased.

  Miranda’s nipples tightened and pushed against her silky bra. Her shirt slid over the taut nubs, her breasts heavy and full.

  The hard ridge of his erection rubbed against her ass, stirring feelings in her that made her want to feel him inside her so badly she could barely stand it.

  She shifted in his lap and straddled him. This time he growled as she kissed him harder while rubbing herself over his steel-like length. He grasped her hips, his big hands gripping her butt cheeks.

  Miranda broke the kiss and arched her back, her breasts now pressing against his mouth. He groaned and caught her nipple between his teeth, lightly biting down enough to make her gasp and rock her body.

  Justin moved his hands to her breasts, cupping them. “Damn, but I love your breasts.” Her mounds were large and filled his big hands. “I’ve got to see them. I want to taste them.”

  She moved her hands to her blouse buttons. She needed his mouth on her, too. He reached around her at the same time and unfastened her bra.

  Butterflies bounced around in her belly, feeding her passion. She slid the blouse from her arms and onto the floor. He pulled off her bra and tossed it aside so that she was bared to him. The cool air tightened her nipples even more, the feel of her nakedness enhancing her need.

  He captured one nipple and she moaned as he sucked and nipped it. She tipped her head back and her long hair brushed her naked flesh, the feeling erotic as it combined with what he was doing to her.

  He moved his mouth to her other nipple and bit down on it gently, but enough to make her cry out. He sucked it, flicked his tongue over it, then nipped at it again.

  “Justin.” His name came from her in another moan. Then it was a cry as he pulled her nipple tightly into his mouth. “Justin.”

  Her nipple slid from his mouth as he raised his head. She whimpered and he slid his fingers into her hair. He drew her down so that he could kiss her again.

  She answered his passion with her own and she fisted his shirt, trying to control herself. Her silky hair flowed down like a soft curtain over their faces.

  He cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumb over her nipples as they kissed. She couldn’t get enough. She wanted him so badly she didn’t know why she’d wanted to wait to be with him.

  She raised her head and looked at him. Her rough breathing matched his as they looked at each other.

  “Miranda.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he spoke. “I’m so close to taking you to bed that I can barely hold back.”

  She wanted to tell him not to hold back on anything. She wanted to tell him to take her to bed and make love to her all night long, until the sun came up. She wanted to sit with him at her little kitchen table and have breakfast with him.

  Too soon.

  And definitely not before she told him.

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Not such a good idea right now.” She stared into his eyes. “We’ve gone far enough.”

  He cupped the back of her head and brought her down for a kiss, but it was gentle this time. Achingly slow, but it made her want to tell him she was wrong and where her bedroom was.

  He broke the kiss and smiled at her. “We’ll finish this soon, and it won’t be the last time.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  He shifted and slid her off his lap. She was overly conscious of her bare breasts, but he leaned forward and picked her blouse up off the floor and helped her slide it on. He buttoned the blouse all the way to her throat.

  She laughed. “Isn’t that a little far?”

  “Not tonight, it isn’t.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and hugged her to him.

  She curled up next to him and rested her head against his chest, his heart beating loudly beneath her ear. His breathing slowed, as did his heart, and her own did as well.

  They snuggled together for a long moment, a sexually charged silence between them.

  “You are so beautiful, Miranda.” He moved and helped her so that they were facing each other. “Inside and out. Everything I see about you makes me want you more.”

  Her heart beat a little faster again. “I want you, too. You already know I do.”

  He gave a slow nod. “I’d better get home.”

  “Yes.” She blew out a slow breath. “I’ve had a great time tonight.”

  “Me, too.” He smiled and disentangled himself from her and stood, then helped her to her feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow for Kaycee’s appointment.”

  She nodded as she tipped her head back to meet his gaze. “It’ll be hard not letting her know we’re dating.”

  He laughed. “Kaycee guessed before I had a chance to tell her. She’s a smart girl, and I think she’s okay with it.”

  Miranda shook her head. “I should have known.”

  Justin started toward the door, Miranda at his side. He took his hat and jacket off the coat rack and put them on.

  “Goodbye, Miranda.” He gave her a soft, sweet kiss before opening the door and leaving.

  She wanted to watch him, but it was too cold, the temperature having dropped after the sun went down. She closed the door and locked it, then pressed her head against the door.

  Her breasts still ached, and she could almost feel his hands on them, his thumbs rubbing her nipples.

  What a man, and he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Thank goodness for his strength, or she might have let him take her to her bedroom.

  It was good they’d have a chaperone tomorrow night. The next time she was alone with Justin, she wondered if they’d be strong enough to walk away.

  Chapter 7

  Justin couldn’t stop thinking about how soft and sweet Miranda had been in his arms. How she’d responded when he’d kissed her…the way she’d arched her back and whimpered when he’d sucked her nipples…how she’d squirmed in his arms, like she couldn’t get enough. Someday—

  “Dad.” Kaycee’s voice broke into his thoughts. “Are you ready to go?”

  He had to rearrange everything in his head to focus on his daughter, who had just come from the barn. He tweaked her braid. “You bet.”

  They climbed into his truck and Kaycee flipped on the radio. A Carrie Underwood tune came on.

  “Are you thinking about Miranda?” Kaycee said as he pulled onto the highway.

  He cut his gaze to her. “What makes you say that?”

  She shrugged. “The way you look. Kinda goofy.”

  He laughed. “Goofy?”

  She rolled her eyes as she nodded. “Very.”

  “Are you ready for your appointment?” He figured it was best to just move past her question.

  “I don’t know.” Kaycee sounded thoughtful. “I want to ride again, but I feel like it’ll never happen.”

  He glanced from the road to her. “I want whatever it is that you want, Kaycee.” He turned his attention back to the road.” You’ve always loved to ride.”

  “I’ve never been scared before.” She sighed. “But when I get close to a horse and start thinking about it, my chest gets tight-feeling and my stomach hurts.”

  Justin tried not to frown. He didn’t like that his little girl felt scared. “You don’t have to do this. If you need more time, it’s up to you.”

  “I’ll be okay.” She looked at him as he glanced at her. “I like
Socks and Star, and it was nice spending time with them.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “I’m glad you’re not scared to be around horses.”

  “Only Thunder.” Her voice sounded small. “I like him and I don’t like being scared. I know he’s a good horse. I just can’t stop thinking about what happened.”

  Justin reached over and put his hand on her arm. “It’s understandable. He’s a big horse and I probably shouldn’t have let you ride him.”

  She was quiet a moment as they drove down the highway to Miranda’s. “I—I want to ride him again someday.”

  Justin cut his gaze to Kaycee.

  “I’ve read about conquering fears.” She raised her chin. “Someday I’ll conquer mine.”

  He gripped the steering wheel. “I’m proud of you for facing your fears. As for Thunder, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes.”

  “How was your date with Miranda last night?” Kaycee asked.

  Justin grew warm thinking about her. “It was nice.”

  “Is it going to be weird with you liking her?” Kaycee asked. “I mean weird at my session.”

  “Nope.” Jayson gave her a firm reply. “Today is about you.”

  “When are you seeing her again?”

  “I’m not sure about during the week,” he said. “But this weekend I’m taking her fishing.”

  “Are you going to Black Canyon Lack, where we went a couple of weeks ago?” Kaycee asked. “That was fun.”

  “Yes, we are.” He smiled at his daughter. “Would you like to go with us?”

  Kaycee shook her head, her braid flopping over her shoulder. “Brit asked me to spend the night. Can I?”

  Justin gave a slow nod. “I think that’ll be fine. I’ll talk to her mom.” He’d planned on asking his mom if she’d like to take Kaycee for the day. His mom loved Kaycee like crazy.

  “Thanks.” Kaycee looked out the window as they pulled into Miranda’s driveway. “There’s Socks and Star. Miranda is out there, too.”

  His gut stirred at the sight of Miranda’s backside. Damn but she had a sexy figure, and the way her jeans hugged her ass—

  He gritted his teeth. He had to get his mind off of Miranda and focus on why they were here.


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