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Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Page 6

by Kelly, Amanda

  Brandon had me laughing hysterically with his impressions of our friends while Will intermittently fed me the directions from memory. When I caught a breath I asked “How do you know the roads so well, Will?”

  I was kind of curious but in truth, I really just wanted to hear Will speak. At first I thought he was shy but I realized that whenever he did speak, he spoke with purpose and confidence. I reconsidered and found he was more about letting his actions speak for him. I respected that. Still, I wanted to get to know him too.

  He cleared his throat. “Driving calms me and helps me think. The second I turned 16 years old I got my driver’s license and I was out on these roads, going anywhere.

  “Wow” I responded

  “What?” Will said.

  “It’s just… I totally get that. I feel the same way about my home in Boston. I was home schooled, so driving around could sometimes be my only freedom from being cooped up all day.”

  “Yeah” Demi added “That’s just like Will, though he got the added benefit of getting away from his crazy parents.”

  There was an awkward pause.

  “Basically, yeah.” Will said as he slipped an arm around Demi, silently giving her support for her slip.

  Brandon changed the subject “What do you think the odds are that there will be food at the party?”

  Demi groaned loudly “You can’t be serious. Even I’m stuffed and I didn’t eat Kira’s leftovers.”

  Mena laughed “I doubt it’s that type of party Bran but there’ll be plenty to drink. I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”

  “I can deal with that but at 2:00am when you’re all craving fast-food, I get to say I told you so.”

  The car was full of eye rolls at that one. “Turn right up at the next light and you’ll pull into the apartment complex” Will directed.

  I went into the right lane and watched through my review mirror as Trent’s car did the same. Demi’s voice came again from the backseat but it was hesitant and very unlike her. “Kira, was Jay…was he ok? Today?”

  Aha, I knew they had been looking at him funny. “Yeah, he was totally fine. I mean a little toasted when I found him but I think he’d just been having a bad day.” I added the last part quickly “We had fun, though. Why do you ask?”

  Demi’s voice came out strongly again, back to normal. “Oh no reason, I had fun too, didn’t you guys.”

  “Yeah” parroted Brandon and Mena at the same time. Wow, guys good cover up, not.

  “Oh look,” Demi added “we’re here.” I nodded as I found a visitor’s spot and parked.

  The party was like the one from last weekends except for a few key differences. One, the party was in an apartment, not a house. Two, in place of a live band there was music blasting from speakers hooked up to Mac laptop. Three, this one being most significant to me, I had several friends this time and I even recognized many of the other faces there. Had I really only been here a week?

  As my group spread out, mingling with others and doing their own things, I hung around and leaned against the speakers, exhausted. A handsome guy came over to me and though he seemed familiar, I couldn’t remember him exactly. “Hello Kira, you enjoying my party?”

  I tilted my head, trying to place the person who obviously knew me. “Sure, it’s great.” I smiled, trying to buy time.

  “You don’t remember me, do you?”

  So busted. “I’m trying to, I know that I know you but I don’t remember where from.”

  “Hmm, let’s see if we can refresh your memory.” In a flash, he had me pulled close to his chest with his arms on my shoulders. I looked up at his jaw and remembered.

  “You’re the guy I ran into last week. It’s, um, Daniel, right? I heard a Daniel was throwing the party but I hadn’t made the connection.”

  He spoke into my ear “Very good. And I was right when I told you you’d be seeing me again.”

  I backed up out of his hold quickly. “So you did.” I dusted off my skirt for invisible specks of dust as I tried to get a hold of the situation. “How are you?”

  He eyed me closely “Great, now. Things seem to be looking up, don’t they? Care to dance?”

  I hesitated “I don’t know… I’m pretty tired.”

  “Kira, it’s my party, you won’t dance to one song with me?” He flashed his Colgate smile.



  The car ride had done me in. I’d been happier than I’d been in months today and then I get in the car with my pack mates and it all came crashing down on me. Here I thought I was done with the roller coasters for the day. Guess not, lucky me.

  Suddenly, I was too sober for this. Funny how being sober hadn’t bothered me until now but regardless I needed a drink A.S.A.P. From the second I got into the front seat of Trent’s car I felt the darkness pulling me down like an anchor had attached itself to my ankles.

  I hadn’t said a word the whole ride and I barely noticed that we had parked until Trent tapped my shoulder. “Hey, dude, we’re here.” I nodded and felt myself moving but was unsure about how I was doing so. In a blink I was in the kitchen area, downing shots of some shitty flavored vodka but I hardly tasted it.

  When I felt that I could breathe again, I looked around. Same old people, same old thing. Trent, Logan, and Brandon were surrounded by girls in the corner of the room. Max was by the looks of it, killing at the pool table that sat awkwardly in the middle of the room. Mena, Kira and Annabella weren’t in sight so by my best guess they’d hit the bathroom, girls always did that together for God knows why. Demi and Will were playing beer pong a few feet away from me but they might as well have been on another planet. I took another shot.

  I knew everyone thought I was jealous of them. They were wrong but I let people think what they want. I had to let go of defending myself from other people’s bullshit a long time ago. They were perfect for each other and always had been. I told him time and again to ask her out when we were growing up and he always said no. What I wanted was my best friend back, for things to be like they were between us. Will had left me here. Then he came back and put an even greater distance between us.

  In his head, he had to be far away from me in order for him to feel right about loving our female Alpha. It was so effed up. Losing my best friend and my, everything but blooded, sister on top of everything else.

  It wasn’t even Demi’s fault but she wasn’t helping any either. I wanted the past. I wanted to go back so bad, for so many reasons and it was a sickness inside of me. If there was one thing I knew it was that the past was gone and things would never be the same again. This particular day was a constant reminder of that and as of three years ago always had been.

  I felt dizzy and found a bar stool on the other side of the kitchen counter, to stumble onto, bringing the bottle and the shot glass with me. “Jay, do you want me to take you home.”

  I didn’t even turn around. “Go away, Will. You’re good at that.”

  “Look, you don’t have to do this Jay. You don’t have to do this alone.”

  “Really, I’m pretty sure no one else is dealing with this shit.” I lifted my glass and gestured around the room.

  He got in my face “Not anyone here, no.” No one at home either, I was sure of that. I swallowed back another shot, ignoring him in front of me. “God Jay, I’m trying to help. You don’t have to do this here. I’ll take you home. This shit isn’t going to help.”

  I went to pour another shot but the freaking bottle was empty. “You know what, you’re right. I’m out.”

  Will nodded “Let me get Trent’s keys, I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t bother, I don’t need you to drive me anywhere, I can get myself from point A to point freaking B just fine without you. Peace.” I pushed myself off the chair.

  “Jay” he sighed frustratingly.

  “Oh, and don’t follow me or send anyone else to. I need to do this alone, that’s the least you can do for me.” I deliberately walked around him, stan
ding steadily on my two feet out of sheer determination. Luckily I was used to shifting while drunk, it took more energy but I had plenty of practice.

  I headed to the door and noticed I had been wrong when I thought Kira was with Annabella and Mena. I saw her in the crowd of people, dancing with that Daniel guy. They were both smiling and moving in sync with the music and each other. I watched her grab his hands and hold them. I turned and left the apartment and if the door was slammed so hard it loosened the hinges, it’s not like any one noticed or cared.



  One dance had turned into two and so on as Daniel and I moved to the music. I liked Daniel well enough but I loved dancing so that was why I stayed. Dancing always managed to lighten my soul. The truth was, even when I tried to feel something for Daniel, I couldn’t because he didn’t seem right to me. I felt awful thinking that about him but I couldn’t help it.

  He’d tried to place his hands all over me again but I prevented it by grabbing them and holding onto them. I’d learned that trick a little while ago and it allowed me to be in control but seem nice about it. I didn’t like how grabby he was so I decided even dancing to take my mind off of things wasn’t worth it.

  I went to tell him that I was going to get a drink or something when I saw Jay shooting out the door, leaving it slamming behind him. I was reminded then that no matter how hard we try to distract ourselves, the things we’re avoiding always manage to catch up to us. I shook my head to clear it and turned to Daniel.

  “Hey,” he said “You stopped dancing.”

  I tried to smile but I don’t think I succeeded. “Yeah, I’m gonna catch up with some friends that I came with and see what they’re up to. Thanks for the dance.”

  Surprise of surprises, he grabbed at me again. I had to wonder what I’d been thinking dancing with him in the first place. This whole situation was clearly not going to work. “We’re having such a good time. Do you want a tour of my place?”

  I tried to break free but his hold was too strong. “No thanks, I’m actually ready to head home.”

  He rolled his eyes and pulled me in closer, whispering in my ear. “Let me get you a drink, you just got here.”

  I attempted to keep my voice calm. “Really, I’m leaving now so you need to let me go.” I was trying not to overreact but I felt trapped. He wasn’t hurting me and I didn’t want to look like an idiot or a drama queen yelling for help for no reason but he wouldn’t. Let. Go.

  Then he pushed me against the wall, one arm wrapped itself around my back, barring me from leaving and that hand grabbed my arm. His other hand began to slither down my body. “You’re cute when you’re playing hard to get.”

  I began to struggle in earnest, not caring if it caused a scene. He couldn’t honestly think he could do this in public and get away with it. “I’m not playing at anything. Come on. Let me go, Daniel.”

  The groping continued as his other hand’s grip tightened, becoming painful. “You can’t be serious. You’re having a good time with me.”

  I attempted to push, kick, and pull at him but I was immobile, locked in between him and the wall. I was fuming, furious. I debated using a quick spell. It would hardly take more than a tiny speck of magic to zap him enough to let me go. It would take less than a second to do but I knew I couldn’t risk it. I can’t use magic anytime I feel like it. I had to exhaust every option first.

  “Oh, no. It’s you who can’t be serious.” a harsh voice called over my shoulder. “Let her go. Now.” this last part came out as an angry growl and Daniel pushed me away from him but I didn’t stumble, I held my ground.

  I turned to see Logan, Brandon, and Trent behind me. I’d never seen them look so…deadly. Smooth Logan, goofy Brandon, and laid back surfer boy Trent looked capable of anything in that moment and all three were zeroed in on Daniel with looks of death.

  I tried to distract them. I didn’t want to fight. I just wanted to leave before magic started flowing out of me uncontrollably. “Hey guys, thanks for helping me out. You ready to go?” I asked breathlessly.

  Annabella, Mena, Max, Will, and Demi came over to where we were standing. “What’s going on?” Demi asked and the crowd of dancers around us began to stare. There was no preventing this, we were making a scene. People were starting to talk and my friends were trading looks, summing up the situation.

  I cut everyone off “I’m going to head out now. If you want a ride, you can join me. Otherwise, goodnight.” I stepped towards the door and prayed they would follow and not beat Daniel into oblivion. Not for his sake but for my friends having to deal with it at all.

  Logan turned to Daniel, who stood there arrogantly like he had no problems in the world. “I’d wipe that damn smirk off of your face if I were you. You go anywhere near her again and you’re dead. I don’t care if it’s an accident. I see you in the same store or walking on the same street and you will be dead before you can run.”

  I watched Daniel start to tremble slightly but whether it was in fear or anger I couldn’t tell. He did nothing but turn to head deeper into his apartment. Logan gave a vicious smile.

  I walked out to the parking lot, embarrassed and at the same time grateful. There’d been no fighting, even though my friends had been willing to go to bat for me. I saw them all exiting the apartment behind me. Annabella caught up to me. “Are you ok?” “What happened?” Her eyes filled with concern.

  “I’m fine, I’m infuriated, obviously but I’m ok.”

  She placed her arm on mine. “What a jerk. Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Well, I just feel stupid. I wish I could’ve handled it on my own.”

  “Hey, there’s no reason for you to feel stupid because you didn’t cause any of this. That guy should’ve let you go when you asked. End of story.

  “I know but Trent and Logan and Brandon and well, everyone hates that guy because of me. I don’t want them to have enemies over something this insignificant.”

  “Kira, you don’t get a choice in how we, as your friends, think. We’re going to dislike him on principle for being an idiot. If that was me in there, would you like that guy?”

  No, I thought, I’d probably have impulsively spelled him into a punching bag and placed him in the nearest gym. “No, you’re right. I’m glad you guys were there for me. No one’s ever had my back like that.”

  “It’s what we’re here for.” Logan said, as he and everyone else came over to my car where Annabella and I stood.

  “You’ve done a lot for us and a lot more for…well, you’ve done more for all of us than you can possibly know. This was nothing compared to that.” Demi added.

  “Well, thank you…and I’m good now but I really do just want to go home.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to kick his ass because I’m really itching to.” Brandon said.

  Trent nodded “Same.”

  I shook my head “No, please don’t. He made a mistake, he’s an idiot and not used to girl’s saying no. I wouldn’t waste my breath on him.”

  “She’s right” said Demi decisively, “Let’s go home.”

  Trent looked around “Sounds good but where’s Jay?” Will clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head slowly. No one spoke as we got into the cars. I got into in mine and everyone else got into Trent’s and Maxes. It was a terrible way to end the night but I had this feeling that whatever Jay was going through, it was worse.

  Chapter 9


  I threw a punch with my left hand and met with a particularly bony jaw. Before he could retaliate I moved out of reach and readjusted my stance. I was pissed at myself for having gotten into this. True, I had started the fight when I hit on his chick at Ember, the club where Werewolves and occasionally other supernaturals hung out but I hadn’t expected it would take this freaking long.

  I told him to meet me at this place because it was safe for fighting and what do you know, the bastard showed. When I fought someone new it was clear from the get-go w
hether I was winning or losing. As it turned out we were almost equally matched. Instead of feeling grateful that I would have a challenge, I cursed my luck. Beating the hell out of someone and getting the hell beat out of me could be equally as satisfying when I was in one of these moods.

  Unfortunately this clash wasn’t allowing for either and I wasn’t about to give in. It went against my nature. No matter how much I wouldn’t mind going numb for a while.

  The werewolf was from a pack in Michigan, I was told and he had been summer vacationing in the Sunshine State. He was an up and coming Alpha and a few of his pack mates were watching from the sidelines. I was alone for once and I liked it that way.

  He kept coming at me but his pacing was getting slower. He had chosen to fight me in our human forms so if he was losing stamina, then that was his problem. Wearing an opponent down was stupid, you either beat him at his prime or not at all. I saw the opening and I took it while he was still in it enough for me to feel like it was a true win. Between one breath and the next, he was knocked out cold. Face kissing mat, and the body to match.

  The brief pleasure at having won barely touched me. The emptiness always won out. This fight had gone on too long and I was late to the council meeting. Not that I cared.

  I pushed Michigan’s fans out of my way as they came rushing toward their Alpha. Not even stopping when the guy’s girlfriend, the reason for the brawl, came up to me. She was batting her eyelashes and placed her hand on my arm. I moved it and kept going, ignoring the unladylike huff and sound of stilettos stomping away.

  If I waited any longer to get home they would send someone after me, probably Trent but it’s possible it could be Will or someone equally as annoying. Showering, then, was not an option. I changed forms and sped away from the dilapidated building. It was an abandoned house so disgusting, drug addicts wouldn’t even live in it but it worked just fine for underground fights.


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