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Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Page 17

by Kelly, Amanda

  “Yes, she told me…”

  I waited. Then realized what she meant. “Oh no, what else did she tell you.”

  “Just an adorable story about this little boy who loved to wear purple so much that he got away with practically murder for it.”

  I felt my eyes pop out of my head in disbelief. “Oh my God. I’m going to kill her.”

  She smirked at me, her eyes shining. “I doubt it”

  “Well you’re right but still. I’m going to get her back somehow.”

  She kept looking at me and laughing.

  “In my defense” I said even more quietly. “I just wanted to make my grandfather laugh, I didn’t know it would take him so long to find me but before he did I got to scare a lot of people walking by. It was hilarious.”

  “I bet.” She said “You must have scared many children with your purple loving ways.”

  “You are so gonna get it, Kira. I might just call your parents tomorrow, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of hilarious stories on the young witch, Kira Franklin.”

  “You wouldn’t” she said appalled.

  “Oh, I would. That is unless we don’t tell anyone else this little story.”

  “Deal but there’s something you should know.”

  “What?” I asked worriedly.

  “Max and Mena were there too. Max didn’t seem too happy that we were trying to find out something funny on you but I wouldn’t put it past Mena to have told everyone already.”

  “No” I said in horror.

  “I’d tell her not to say anything as you soon as you can and I’d sweeten the deal with a favor instead of trying to black mail her out of telling if I were you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I’ve just gotten to know her a little better and that’s pretty much how her genius mind works. She likes things she can use to her advantage.”

  “I’ve noticed that about her too but I’ve known her for years. You’re pretty smart you know that?”

  She got shy again as her long lashes swept down “Thanks.”

  The two of us rode the rest of the way in silence as everyone else chattered around us and the music blared, but it was a nice silence, an altogether enjoyable silence. It was a silence that heated between the two of us, her sitting on my lap in the crowded car.

  The line at the club was out the door but we went in through the VIP entrance after we flashed some I.D. Everyone around here knew who owned Dellarson Mansion. The music pounded through me like a drug and I watched Kira’s eyes light up as she spied the crowded dance floor. She grabbed Annabella and Mena’s arms and dragged them toward the center of the club. I, on the other hand sat with my boys as we filled up our glasses.

  “Dude, what are you waiting for?” Trent asked and everyone was looking at me so I figured he meant me.

  “Huh?” I answered eloquently.

  “What are you waiting for with Kira?”

  I leaned back in my chair “Who says I’m waiting for anything?”

  Logan exhaled “Good because we were worried you would never figure it out.”

  “Figure what out?” I asked lazily but I meant it more seriously than I was willing to admit.

  “That Kira is perfect for you.” Demi said walking in and sitting down with Will in tow. Everyone froze, staring at the pair.

  I took a deep breath. I had a feeling this was a bigger deal than I could fully comprehend. I snuck a glance in on Will’s face. He looked…relieved.

  I returned my attention to Demi. “What makes you think that?” I was really not down with the being the last to know something in my pack so I was trying not to give that fact away. The fact that my love life was now a pack discussion wasn’t something I had any control over. This sucked.

  “Jay, she’s the only one you listen to, the only one who brought you out of your misery on your mom’s…on that day. You’ve changed since you met her. You’re more bearable to be around.”

  “Gee thanks, guys and let’s not forget how I got trashed and started a fight with the Michigan Alpha on that same day that I was ‘saved’ from.” I said slowly.

  Demi leaned forward. “You would’ve done way worse without Kira that day and you know it. Before she found you at the pub, we’d all been calling you for hours. Even your father was upset that you hadn’t picked up his calls and he didn’t even know what day it was.” She looked down, probably worrying her last comment had gone too far but soon looked back up and continued. “These past few years haven’t been easy for any of us. You’re the leader, you hurt and it hurts us too. None of us think it’s your fault but you can’t deny the fact that it’s been better lately. You’ve been better lately. We think it’s because of Kira but what do you think, Jay?”

  She might have been right, damn it. Words jumbled around in my brain and before I could clearly understand what I was thinking, some of the words tumbled out. “She’s not” I whispered low “a shifter.”

  She rolled her eyes but whispered back “Annabella’s father isn’t a shifter either.”

  I looked around quickly to make sure Annabella was still far away on the dance floor. I barked a harsh laugh. “You couldn’t have thought of a worse couple as an example.”

  “Right but they’re awful people because they’re awful people not because they’re a shifter and a human couple.”

  “Still not seeing the point you’re trying to make here,” I said, frustrated.

  “My point” she looked around at the pack.

  “Our point is that if you and Kira ever it got together it would be nothing but positive and beneficial for everyone. We love her like a sister already and you know I can’t stand most people.”

  I nodded because it was true, Demi disliked most everyone.

  “As usual, the one thing standing in your way of getting what you want is you.”

  “Got it and nice thinly veiled dig, I almost didn’t catch it.” She shrugged and crossed her legs but I could see she was pleased with herself.

  Something unlocked inside me. I hadn’t even known it but I was waiting to hear these words, this confirmation. Still, I kept my game face. “As usual” I said trying to sound haughty “you guys worry too much about my love life like nosy grandmothers and you try to make your own agendas, pack business.” I took a breath “I appreciate your support but I’ve got this so lets it drop it like it’s hazardous and never pick it up again.”

  “Deal” Brandon said and everyone turned to him. “What? I’m not down with being anyone’s grandma.”

  Before anyone else could say anything more, I got up out of my chair and headed for the dance floor. I had some catching up to do.



  I was completely zoned out and moving to the music with Annabella and Mena. Or at least I had been until some guys jumped on us like a pack of wolves. Pun intended. My friends got sucked into the crowd and although I knew they were in the middle somewhere, I didn’t see them anymore.

  I looked around the club again and smiled. We were all going wild and letting our proverbial hair down. There was nothing quite like dancing all of your worries away or at least trying to with a crowd full of people all intent on the same thing. The Deejay played all of my favorite songs and finally some of the stress of the day dissipated.

  I was big enough to admit that some of the stress had been caused by the tension between Jay and me. He was…confusing. That look he’d given me when I’d walked into the living room was just…well I’d had butterflies ever since. Then again, this morning he was clearly unhappy with my magical heritage. I thought of Riley’s adorable face and smiled. I knew then that the day had been worth every ounce of fear and anxiety I’d felt because I got to hang out with Riley and help him in some small way. I’d hoped Riley’s mom was happy. I knew life didn’t always work out the way we planned but if only one thing in this day worked out, I hoped it was Riley’s mom with that cart.

  The music changed to something slower and I was ready
for some water to cool down. I went to move away from the guy I was dancing with when he was suddenly gone. I turned around to see Jay shaking his hand and then turning to me. The butterflies intensified but I tried to keep it together. “Hey” I heard him shout over the music.

  I returned a surprised,“Hey. What’s going on?”

  “I asked your friend if I could cut in.”

  I smiled. He wanted to dance with me. “Oh, ok. You dance?”

  “Who knows? Ready to find out?”

  Don’t answer too fast. Breathe. Ok, one, two, and “Yeah”

  The song was slow and I put my arms on Jay’s shoulders as he put his on my hips. As it turned out he could dance. As the seconds ticked by, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The air was too hot and I was suddenly nervous. “You know what I was thinking about?” he asked.

  “No. What?” I replied and tilted my head at him.

  “Riley” he said smiling.

  “I was just thinking about him too.”

  He pulled me slightly closer so we could talk more easily with the music blaring. “Man that feels like a lifetime ago. I can’t believe that was only a few hours back” he said.

  “I know what you mean. It’s been a long day hasn’t it?”

  “It has and it’s not over yet.” “I know and I’m glad. Today was one of those days that I don’t mind if it lasts forever. Do you know what I mean?” I felt his shoulders shifting beneath my hands. The strength in them distracted me with every tiny motion as we danced.

  “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean but I also wish I could relive it and change a few things.”

  I backed away a little. Afraid of what he might say but I asked anyway. “What would you change?”

  His eyes turned serious. “Fighting with you, yelling at you the way I did. Not giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

  I exhaled slowly. “Me too, I mean, I wish I could take back some of my yelling too.”

  “Not all of it?” he asked jokingly.

  I looked up into his eyes “We’re ok now, aren’t we? You and me?”

  He blew out a breath pushing his hair from his eyes. “Is that what you want?”

  “Of course, you guys are the best friends I’ve ever had.” He pulled me closer once more.

  “Except for Elvis of course” he said smiling.

  I was surprised he remembered. “Right, except for Elvis. What about you, what do you want?”

  He leaned in. “I want to tell you that you look amazing tonight.”

  So did he. “Thank-” I started to say but I was stopped when his mouth met mine. His lips were soft and they felt like perfection. I melted into him as if my body were saying “finally” to my brain. All the tension from the day exploded and the kiss turned harder and even more amazing. I thought of nothing else as the world disappeared around me.

  Chapter 23


  I woke up this morning feeling almost giddy. I took time to straighten my hair and put together a great outfit for the day. The solid colored, red tank top was cute but casual and the flowing skirt that hit just above my knees had floral prints that made it feminine and whimsical, or so I hoped.

  It was raining out so I skipped on the bathing suit for now. The gentle taps on my window seemed happy. I hummed a tune to match the window tapping as I put myself together, feeling only a little silly doing it. I couldn’t wait to see him. I fell asleep last night in a blissful haze, replaying the kiss over and over in my head. Creating some sort of fantasy world where that had meant as much to him as it did to me.

  I recalled the way I felt after he pulled back and our eyes met. I’d been certain that it was more than just a kiss. Jay probably kissed girls all the time. He’d had a player reputation but I knew deep down that he hadn’t looked at those girls like that. He couldn’t have. He looked so sincere and I felt like we connected on multiple levels.

  We’d danced the rest of the night and then we’d walked to the car hand in hand as we were leaving and most of our friends made drunken comments about it but we didn’t care. When we got in the house, he’d kissed me again at my door and left. I felt like I was on some weird wavelength or dimension like with my third eye except the pain had transformed into pleasure. I even floated above my bed a couple of times in the night, my magic flowing freely through me.

  It was through sheer mental force that I could contain my magic even now as I replayed the kiss, gliding down the hallway to breakfast. Then reality scissor kicked me in the head as I walked into the kitchen, saw Jay notice me, stiffen, and then look away. That was the only acknowledgement I got.

  Rosie was running around with plates, bustling food to and from the table, I couldn’t help but note she sure moved fast for someone in her late 60’s, heck she moved fast for someone at any age. Her urgency only added to the strange tension in the air. Will was attached to his cell phone and pacing back and forth through the room, making terse grunts every so often.

  Trent, Logan, Demi, and Jay had their heads together, whispering with staccato hand gestures and tense looks on their faces. I imagined a tree house around them and a big “Keep out!” sign hanging above their heads. Brandon was stuffing his face like he’d never have food again but at least he looked somewhat happy, excited even. Annabella and Mena stared directly at their plates and didn’t look up at me.

  Finally, Jay sighed and addressed me “Kira”, he said, his tone exceedingly stern. “The guys and I are going on a fishing trip for the day but Max gets sea sick and asked if you would stay here with him to help him with some of his research on magic.” This was clearly a lie. Not the Max gets seasick part, that I believed but wanting me to stay for Max was just an excuse.

  Something was going on. Not only was he lying but he was lying right after he kissed me. Red flag, anyone? “Can we talk in another room?” I turned to see faces around us give the “oh crap” looks.

  “We’ve really got to get going. We can talk when I get back if you want.”

  I shook my head at him “How’s the porch? Good? Great, follow me.” He clearly didn’t want to follow me but that was too bad. We got outside and closed the glass door. Rain came pouring down, dripping off the roof and splashing us slightly. For some reason it no longer sounded happy to me. “Is this soundproof, like will they be able to hear us?”

  “Yes it’s soundproof. No one will hear us.”

  I sighed. “Who goes on a fishing trip when it’s raining? What’s going on, tell me the truth.” It was the least he owed me after breaking my heart. I didn’t harp on that though. I just listened.

  He put his hands through his hair. “My father called and he wants us to investigate a break in at one of the local werewolf packs about an hour north of here. Apparently they had an attack last night just like the one at Doc’s. It had been a human attacker like ours but it managed to kill one werewolf before fleeing the scene. One neighbor heard the crash and went to investigate. A few neighbors recall a person in black clothes running away.”

  “Let me come with you.”

  “No, this is why I tried to avoid telling you in the first place. I’m not letting you put yourself out there any more than you already have. You don’t have to be tangled up in this, no way.”

  “You didn’t ‘avoid’ telling me, you flat out lied and trust me I don’t want to be exposed anymore than you do but I can help. I saw the attacker, you didn’t. I’m the only one who can see if the stories match up.”

  “Sorry but no, this is pack business.”

  “Oh, don’t give me that, Jay. I’m involved.”

  “Yes, so long as you’re alive you can help. You can’t help if you’re dead or kidnapped by your long lost witch cousins.”

  “You’re not my Alpha, Jay. You don’t get to decide what I do.”

  “I’m not but you literally cannot be on pack business. My father is finally counting on me to do something, all because I happen to be near the location. It might be nothing at all but I’m not risking you either way.�

  “Fine but just so you know I make all of my own decisions. If you think you know better than I do about my own safety think again. I’ve kept myself hidden for 23 years. I know what risks I can and cannot take. Lying to me is pointless, I can see right through it. It only makes me angry.” I couldn’t look at him anymore. I was too depressed. We stood there for what felt like eternity, me staring at my shoes and him staring out to the ocean.

  “Fair enough…I have to get going.”

  I opened the glass door and walked inside. “Bye.”

  Everyone had turned to me when I walked into the kitchen. Not about to show my disappointment and embarrass myself further, I swallowed the pain and did my best to sound bright and cheery. “I’d love to hang out with Max. Where is he?”

  Trent looked perplexed at my reaction, like he thought I would have challenged Jay on his lie. “Oh. Good” he exhaled, relieved. “He’s in the shower, he’ll be out later. We’re leaving now, so we’ll catch up with you guys tonight.”

  Jay walked in past me and stared at me, looking like he wanted to say something but Trent murmured something to him about “running out of time.”

  Brandon threw his arm over my shoulder and directed me to the food, where of course there were muffins, bagels, waffles, steak and eggs, pancakes, cereal, and toast spread out on the counter like an all you can eat buffet. I snagged an everything-bagel with cream cheese and some hazelnut flavored coffee and turned to leave. I decided that a good movie, good food, and some alone time was just what I needed. I yelled “thanks Rosie” when she flew by me, hands full of everyone’s’ now empty plates.

  When she nodded I announced to anyone in the room willing to listen that I would be in the den, if Max came looking for me. I popped in a DVD from the impossibly massive collection, settled into the plushest chair in the room and wrapped a blanket around myself, for comfort more than warmth.

  Max wandered in a few minutes later and I convinced him that a lazy, movie day was much more appropriate than research, after our wild night out last night. To my happy surprise, he agreed, as long as he got to pick the next movie. We stayed like that for most of the day, trading off movie genres. My picks were mostly funny or action/ adventure films, obviously not in the mood for romance and his were mostly intelligent suspense thrillers.


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