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Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Page 19

by Kelly, Amanda

  I looked at Logan to see if he was just joking but he seemed serious, studying me like he was trying to gauge if I was telling the truth or not. My eyes flicked around the room and noticed they were all listening, acting as if they weren’t but doing a poor job of it. Except for Jay, he was listening outright and had no intention of pretending otherwise. I only noticed him out of the corner of my eye but that was enough for me. I was not about to look over at him directly.

  Logan made an “uh huh” sound. Brandon laughed and added “oh come on, no reason to be embarrassed, I mean I guess I would be if I was dating this guy” he jerked a thumb towards Jay “but we won’t hold it against you… much.”

  Trent, giving up his charade of ignoring the conversation by piling massive quantities of food into his mouth, took a breath and chimed in. “Dude, we all know you’re dating, you guys can talk about it. It’s whatever, you know.”

  What was going on? Logan and Brandon I expected jokes from, but Trent seemed serious. It started to freak me out. “Thanks for your consideration guys” I murmured sarcastically “but there is no secret relationship going on.” I spoke a little louder “Jay…” is what? not interested in me that way, kissed me then ditched me, may have asked me out in the den but I’m really not sure and now I’m just confused “and I are just friends.” I was not going to look at Jay, and see him laughing as I squirmed? No thank you.

  He probably already guessed I was into him and thought this whole conversation was hilarious. God I hope he didn’t think I told the guys he was my boyfriend, like I was delusional or something. I should probably clarify that. “Where do you guys come up with this stuff, do you gossip and spread rumors in your bunks at night?”

  Logan didn’t hesitate for a moment. “Most rumors are based on facts.” Logan didn’t believe me and now I was getting pissed off.

  “Annabella, you have anything to add?”

  “Well we certainly wouldn’t mind if you guys were together. If you wanted to keep it a secret, I understand but that’s just not very likely with this pack. Sorry Kira, but on the up-side we’re happy for you guys.”

  Finally I had to look up and face…him “Jay” his posture was relaxed, he looked bored even but his eyes said he was amused. He looked gorgeous, the jerk. He nodded in acknowledgment. I tried to make sure my voice was calm and not sounding like I was pleading with him. I didn’t want him getting an even bigger head. “I hate to spoil your fun because it’s clear you know that the longer you stay quiet, the longer this will go on but I’m getting annoyed now.”

  He waited a beat then finally deigned to speak. How nice for me. “Actually, I wanted to see where this would go, how it would play out, it’s all very fascinating.”

  And you’re very frustrating! I wanted to scream but instead just stated “I just don’t like to perpetuate lies if I can help it.”

  He half-smiled. “What lie is that? You lost me.”



  I was lost, staring at her, I couldn’t help it. She lit up when she talked, with passion and fire, as if every word that bounced from her tongue mattered like hell. I liked how she got so worked up over this and I knew it had to be because it was striking a nerve. I also knew that a strong reaction could mean many things, love or hatred. I borrowed Trent’s optimism for a moment, hey what are friends for, and decided to believe that this much passion had to equal something good.

  Well either that or she was going to kill me, I realized after noticing the iciest glare I’d ever seen, aimed my way. I was an Alpha, used to eye contact in every form. I’d faced down larger, older shifters through sheer will to prove my dominance in the past. But one cold look from this tiny girl and I wanted to hunch my shoulders in defense, I actually felt chills run down my body.

  I was losing my mind and I felt ridiculous. Everything I tried with her failed, except from the kiss and I was starting to think that had been a fluke. Other girls flocked to me, thought I was smooth and I was smooth damn it! With this girl however, you would never know it. All my tricks slid right off her and every conversation we’d shared had taken an unexpected turn, proving I had no control over it in the first place.

  When I told the guys we were together last night after we got home, I’d expected that to be true by now. What Logan didn’t know, what none of them knew, was we weren’t even close to dating because I’d messed up big time. Of course they were about to find out. I would try to save face later, just say I was biding his time with her, playing a cat and mouse game, a game where I had the upper hand. They didn’t need to know that I wouldn’t have the upper hand with her even if I climbed to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

  I would change that however, I just had to step up me game and for her I would, I wanted to.



  They didn’t believe me, I could tell. I had to know if this was a joke and who was in on it. I spoke loud and clear, “All of those who think I am Jay’s girlfriend raise your hand, right now!” I looked around slowly to see everyone’s hands raised. Every single one of them! Bastards!

  Brandon, a huge smile on his face used his entire body to push his raised hand higher in the air like he had some urgent question. I gave him the death glare, he smiled wider.

  Last I forced myself to look directly across the table to the head of it where Jay sat, leaning back, smirking. Smirking, damn him! He looked so triumphant but I wasn’t about to let him feel that way for long. I was sick of being messed with. It hurt knowing that my secret hopes of being with Jay were playing out as nothing but a humiliating joke. Why did I have to take a poll? Was I completely unhinged?

  I almost stood up and walked over to him to smack the smirk right off his stupid, handsome face. I contemplated whether or not that would help my predicament and just as I thought “screw it, he needs to be smacked.” and pushed back my chair to do just that when I saw his face whip to the right of me.

  He looked at Max and his expression quickly changed from smugness to anger. I realized that I was wrong before. Not all hands were raised because next to me, Max’s were firmly folded on the table as he sat with a look of contemplation on his face. It wasn’t much but I would take what I could get. I pulled my chair back in and smiled. Ha-ha Captain Jay it seems there is some dissension among the troops.

  Jay almost growled “Max” Max avoided eye contact with Jay but looked up thoughtfully and said “Well wouldn’t she know if she were your girlfriend? Logically I don’t think she would be asking us if she knew the answer already so I have to wonder why…”

  I leapt at this cutting him off “Exactly, how can I possibly be his girlfriend when he never even asked me. This is not one of those situations where it’s understood. I think I would know if I had a boyfriend and since I know that I don’t, you all have to stop, it’s ridiculous! Look at him,” I continued, leaning forward, pointing to Jay “He’s laughing. He certainly gets pleasure out of messing with me and right now he’s just messing with you guys and you fell for it. So stop being so dumb and listen to me when I say Jay and I never dated, we are not dating, and we’re never going to date. So everybody just. Just chill out.” I gasped the last part as I ran out of steam and settled back into my chair as far as I could.

  At this everybody burst out laughing and I started to join in because it was all so ridiculous. That is, until I realized Jay was staring directly at me, a very serious look on his face. I froze, unsure about why he wasn’t laughing when suddenly the laughter died off.

  The absence of all noise was too abrupt and it unnerved me, not as much as Jay’s stare but nearly. I felt trapped in his gaze and couldn’t seem to look away, even though part of me wanted to. I felt my magic start to leak through my fingertips from the stress and the rollercoaster of emotions this night had brought. I needed to calm down. I placed my hands in my lap and tried to take deep breaths.

  Even when he spoke, his words cutting through the eerie silence, his eyes stayed vigilantly locked on mine. “
So you’ll never date me, huh?” I wanted to crawl under the table but I knew it would do no good. I also wanted to shout “Hell yes, I’ll date you, I just didn’t know you were going to ask me” but I knew this was just another game, one where I didn’t understand the rules. So I would make my own. Despite our recent conversation in the den, where I thought he might have been alluding to a date, I still felt angry about being left behind today. I was not happy about being ignored this morning or about his cocky attitude right now.

  I knew that if there was ever going to be something between us, I would have to make it clear how I felt and what I expected. I pushed the fear back and pulled my leaking magic back into the vault inside my mind. I channeled feelings of peace and certainty and spoke, “Not with an arrogant attitude like that. No. I deserve to be asked on a date and not by someone’s pack mates.” I said this next part very slowly “And then, I would then have to agree. That’s the least someone would have to do. That’s what it would take” and then I added for good measure “and don’t take my saying we’re never going to date as a challenge because you know it wasn’t so just stop.”

  He wanted to smile, I could tell. His lips were curving at the corners. His eyes sparked and I knew I had succeeded as least as far as the dare went. If he really wanted things to work out with us and I hoped he did, it could happen but it also might backfire if he didn’t see this as something that he wanted beyond the victory.

  He finally took his eyes from mine and got up. He walked out to the hallway, said over his shoulder to Trent “Come on let’s get the Wii set up,” turned the corner and was gone.

  Most of the guys got up to follow him “Sounds good to me” Will exclaimed “I wouldn’t mind kicking Logan’s ass today.”

  “Really,” Logan shot back “I’d like to see you try. I call Brandon for my team.

  Will growled, “Bullshit. You had him last time.”

  Brandon took on a high pitched sing song voice “I don’t recall either of you asking me, you know I’m a lady and I need to be asked and agree to it.” Enormous shouts of laughter followed this statement and this time I had no qualms about smacking. So I did, hard. Brandon pretended that it hurt for my benefit then kept trading insults with the guys as they walked down the hallway toward the den.

  Mena looked at me, “You know you just threw down the metaphorical gauntlet, don’t you?”

  “Well he started it” I said petulantly “and if you were listening you’d have heard me say not a challenge.”

  Demi spoke up “Yeah, good luck with that” as they too, walked off, leaving me and Annabella at the table alone.

  “You’re really not dating?” she asked sadly.

  I shook my head. “No, things were leaning that way last night but we had another fight today. You guys sure make things awkward, talking about personal stuff in front of everyone.”

  “Yeah, sorry, we’re just used to it.”

  “That’s ok. It’s more of my own fault than anyone else’s. I’ve just been confused and I rather cut someone off than get hurt. If it weren’t for you guys I wouldn’t have realized how stupid I’ve been. I..I really like him, Annabella.”

  “You’re not stupid, Kira. Jay is complicated. He always has been, especially lately. You guys will get it together though, don’t worry.”

  “Thanks. So do you want to play games?”

  “Not particularly, let’s get the girls and go shopping. I saw some cute boutiques on the way in to the club last night and they were open late.”

  That actually sounded perfect. “Great idea, let’s do it.”

  Chapter 25


  “Kira. Kira, wake up.”

  I felt a warm hand run down my hair, shake my shoulder. “Huh? What? What are… Jay?” I could barely see anything in the pitch black room but I knew it was him. I wondered if I was dreaming but I felt really groggy so probably not. “What’s going on? It’s…” I leaned over and grabbed my phone “5:30 in the morning? What the heck? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothings wrong, we’re going somewhere, wake up.”

  “Are you insane, I just went to bed like 2 hours ago?”

  I saw him smile in the darkness. “Really? Me too. Why were you up so late?”

  “Reading, as usual, I” I yawned “couldn’t put my book down. Look I really need you to go away and I’ll see you in like 5 hours. Ok?”

  “Not this time, we’re going somewhere. You better throw some warmer clothes on”

  “You can’t be serious!” “I am actually and you have ten minutes. So here are your options, you can get up now and get ready or when times up I’ll throw you over my shoulder and you can go as you are, but you’ll be cold.”

  I sat up although my entire body was weighing me down like led. I knew he wouldn’t make me go if I didn’t want to but I also knew he didn’t make empty threats. Basically, he knew I would be too intrigued by the mysterious offer to resist but just needed a little push. “You are an evil, evil person. I’m up, all right. I’ll throw on some jeans and a jacket and meet you in 15 minutes.”

  “No actually you now have nine minutes and the clock’s still ticking.” He said that, smiled and as he was leaving the room, flipped on the light switch and closed the door. Sudden light burned into my retinas

  “AHHH” my poor eyes. I screamed after him “You suck” and chucked a pillow at the door but he was already gone. He was going to pay for this, then again he was responding to the challenge I sent him so it was kind of my fault. But ugh it was early.

  I jumped up quickly, locked the door for good measure and tried to brush my hair, teeth, and throw on clothes all at once. I admit I used a little magic to help. I couldn’t help but also feel excitement deep within myself. I tried to contain it by reminding myself to relax and just go with it. No pressure. I grabbed my cell phone as I was putting on my shoes and saw that I was right on time just as he was knocking on the door. “Ready” I shouted to him.

  Immediately he tried to turn the knob. When it didn’t budge I heard quiet laughter. “Do you really think a lock is going to help you?”

  I opened the door “Chill, I’m here and on time, I might add.”

  He stood in the light of the hallway, the rest of the house beyond covered in darkness. His eyes went from my head to my toes and back again. I shivered. “Yes, yes you are. Pity you had to change though, I liked the P.J’s.”

  I had been wearing a cami tank top and long cartoon character pajama bottoms. I wasn’t embarrassed that easy though. “Who wouldn’t, Felix the Cat is kick-ass. So, we’re going somewhere?”

  His eyes lit up “Yeah” He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the house to the back entrance.

  “Where are we going?” I whispered because we were in darkness and I felt like I should.

  “We’re going for a walk” he whispered back.

  I tried to stop but he kept pulling me along. “Jay, seriously I might just kill you for waking me up this early and now you want me to move around? You must have a death wish.”

  “Nope and don’t worry it’s not that far.”

  “What’s not that far and how can you tell? It’s pitch black out here. There’s hardly any moon and it’s overcast.” I said as I tried not to stumble on the rocks below my sneakers.

  He pointed to himself “Werewolf. So how do you like the beach house so far? Getting sick of us yet?” He was obviously changing the subject but I would let him. I knew what is like having a secret to keep.

  I sighed and resigned myself to the small talk keeping my eyes to the ground so as not to trip. “I love it. I think it’s beautiful. I’m used to it being quiet all of the time so it’s a big change but a good one, I guess. So would you please tell me where we’re going?”

  “No need, we’re here.”

  I finally looked up and saw where he’d taken us. We were standing at the dock off the boardwalk, where a blanket lay with a picnic basket and food spread out. It also held two lit candles that pierced the darknes
s and reflected onto the ocean’s water. I definitely smelled coffee in the two mugs sitting there and sang a silent Alleluia in my mind. I stood there staring.

  It was so sweet for him to set up a picnic, I didn’t know why it had to be now, when I was dead tired and looked like I put myself together in five minutes, because I had! But I didn’t care so much anymore. Naturally my mind jumped to yes, yes, yes, yes. He likes me and he set up a weirdly timed but still romantic date. I mentally did a happy dance. I admit a Spice Girls song was involved.

  He walked us over to the blanket, let go of my hand and nodded for me to sit. When I did he walked around and sat across from me. I picked up a mug “Please tell me this coffee is for me, actually I don’t care really. I’m just going to drink it.” Then I muttered things like “dressed in five seconds” and “five thirty in the freaking morning” and “crazy retina burning sadist” in between sips.

  He laughed and I really liked that sound. It warmed me up more than the coffee. “It’s all yours.”

  “Thanks. So what’s this all about?” “Glad you asked, I want to be clear-”

  I cut him off “Oh that shouldn’t be a problem because you’ve been so good at that…” He gave a self deprecating smile at my sarcasm. I couldn’t help notice how good he looked as the candle light flickered and cast shadows on his face. His deep eyes turned even more purple in the glow.


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