Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 44

by Jane West

  He replied, “And?” He appeared open with my probing questions.

  “Who was that creature? I saw him step from the fire?”

  “The creature is a mythical dragon. He comes every year on Samhain to speak to us. We call it the Feast of Beast. On this night, the walls between different worlds are at its thinnest. Creatures such as Cruis can cross over into our dimension.”

  “He killed one of the robes. I saw it with my own eyes.” I shuttered reliving the vision.

  Bane’s lips tightened as he folded his hands and laid them in his lap. “That is a prime example of your lack of understanding. Lives are expendable in my world. Death is often a learning tool.”

  “What’s there to learn after death? It’s permanent!” I crossed my arms.

  “What would you have me do? Strike the mythical creature who is immortal?”

  I took note of the unexpected tension in his jaw.

  “I want to know why the man in black attacked me.” This question I wasn’t wavering on.

  Bane shifted, facing me. “Zak wanted revenge against Van for holding him prisoner. I found out later that he’d planned to attack you that night at the caravel, but I showed up in the nick of time. Crypts are creatures of darkness. They never do well in the company of humans. My uncle held him down from acting upon his true nature and simply, Zak decided to take his revenge out by getting rid of you. He knew Van had banked on your essence.”

  Ice slinked down my spine. “Lucky me!” I frowned. “I have another question about your eyes? Last night when we were in the throes of the spell, your eyes blazed. What was that?”

  “It’s part of Druid magick. The more powerful the spell, the more intense the fire becomes.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, it’s actually not fire. It comes from the energy of the earth. This planet flourishes with electricity.”

  “Oh, will my eyes fire up too?” That was one ability I’d like.

  “Possibly,” He shrugged. “Concerning your talents, we are still in the trail basis of how far advance your abilities will become.”

  “Where does my magick come from?”

  “Yours is a derivative of angel magick.” Bane leaned over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s different from earth magick.”

  “I keep hearing I have powers, but the only time I’ve seen any hint of such was the explosion.” I shrugged. “I’m still trying to understand that.”

  Bane sighed. “We can’t be certain the full measure of your gifts. Right now, we can only speculate. I think as you become older, your abilities will manifest.”

  “I have the DNA of both my father and an angel. How is that even possible?” Just trying to figure that one out made my head spin.

  Bane smiled, clasping my hand and squeezing. “I know how this must be perplexing to you.” He hesitated. “How does mankind procreate?” he pointed out. “Our scientist have advanced technology, alien technology that far surpasses anything humans can fathom.”

  “Is that why you became angry with me for going to the police? Because I’m different?”

  “I thought we covered this but yes,” He smiled, leaning closer to me. “If the hospital had tested your blood the world would’ve gone spastic. Discovering that you’re not human would’ve started a catastrophic mess. The Department of Defense and the CDC would’ve jumped on you and well, you can only imagine the rest.”

  I dropped my gaze to my hands in my lap. “It makes sense but how did my pictures disappear on my phone?”

  “Our world is cloaked. Humans cannot see our magick. We are hidden from their eyes.”

  “Then why couldn’t I see the pictures?” I stared at Bane, not quite sure what to make of this.

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure. Perhaps since you are young and coming into your gifts, your abilities aren’t reliable.”

  I shook my head, feeling the impact of a world, full of strange and the unexplained. “I guess.” I swallowed. “Do I have immortality too?”

  “At this point, we can only speculate, but we believe you are immortal.”

  “Now, I have a question?” There was an eagerness in his eyes.

  “Ask away. I’m an open book.” I squeezed my waist.

  “Where’s the key I gave you?” Bane gently tapped the tip of my nose.

  Oh hell, any question but that one. Bane was going to kill me! “Eh, I wasn’t sure if either one of us would make it through the night alive. So, I made a rash decision and gave the key to Jeffery.” I bit my lip harder than intended. “I wanted Jeffery and Dom safe.” I squelched. “Are you mad at me?”

  “I didn’t give you the key to give it away. I actually wanted you to leave town.” He drew in a long breath. “I didn’t expect you to be willing to agree to the spell. That’s why I didn’t mention it. I’d hoped to have appeased the councilmen to buy us more time to disarm Van.” He blew out a harsh breath. “Even if it meant killing the bastard.”

  “So, you think this is my fault?” I gawked in disbelief.

  “Not entirely. If you had just left ” Bane didn’t finish his sentence.

  “I thought this was what you wanted?” I blew out, feeling the sting of shock.

  A shadow of disappointment crossed Bane’s face. “You’ll soon find out that there isn’t a solution without consequences. We just need to make the best of an unpleasant situation.”

  I leaped from my seat. I was irked by his admission of regret. “If you didn’t want me last night, you should’ve said something. I promise you, it wasn’t a bed of roses for me either. It hurt like hell!” I stormed. The cynicism of his confession ripped my insides out.

  Bane made his way to me. I could feel his breath brisk my shoulder as my back remained turned to him. It was hard to stand my ground when I wanted him to love me back. “Will you look at me, please?” his fingers took my arm with gentle authority.

  Swallowing the sob that rose in my throat, I turned to face him.

  “I’m sorry.” His blues were tender as his whisper. “I didn’t mean that I regretted being with you. I meant that I wished it had been more natural. There was no tenderness last night. It was harsh and savage. I’m sorry you had to experience your first time like that. I wanted your first time to be a cherished memory. More special.”

  I faced him, tears boarding my eyes. “Where do we go from here?” I wasn’t sure I was ready to face a lightless future without Bane.

  He touched my trembling lips with one finger. “I thought I’d round up Jeffery and Dom, get my key and we all go somewhere far from here. Out of the clenches of my uncle and the Family.”

  “Then what?” I swatted his hand away. I wasn’t giving in that easily.

  Amusement flickered in his eyes. “We get married.” His fingers brushed my collarbone, lingering.

  My eyes narrowed. “Stop that!” I pulled away.

  “Stop desiring you?” his voice was deep and sensual.

  There was a stir of longing, a yearning in my heart.

  “Is there something wrong wanting to make love to you?” Bane fingered the tip of my towel, tugging at it gently. The smile in his eyes contained a sensuous flame.

  “Will it be making love or just sex?” I held my gaze, denying my body’s response to his tender touch.

  A smile ruffled his mouth. “Perhaps, I should demonstrate.” A mischievous glint in his blues apparently had a double meaning, and I was powerless to resist.

  Suddenly I was lifted into the cradle of his arms. And in the next blink, he eased me down on the soft bed. Bane stripped his clothes off and dropped them to the floor where my towel somehow ended up. He climbed into bed next to me. Gently he gathered me into his arms as he whispered in my hair. “You are even more beautiful in the light.” Moving downward, his lips kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of my throat.

  A delightful shiver ran through me. This seemed so different from last night. More gentle, more arousing, more loving. Bane moved back to my face as he feather-touche
d my lips with a tantalizing persuasion that sent waves through my whole body. I wanted him, and I needed him even more.

  Then things got heated. Bane took my mouth with intensity, and I returned his kisses with fervor, succumbing to the forceful domination of his lips. “You belong to me.” He whispered, between kisses.

  His hand moved under the cover to skim my hips and thighs as his fingers searched for pleasure points. Soon he slipped his hand between my thighs and my body arched from his skillful touch. “Holy, Toledo! What are you doing to me? I murmured, my breath panting.

  “I’m making love to you.” He softly spoke against his singeing kisses trailing down the lower region of my body.

  “I love you, Aidan Bane Du Pont. I have from the very beginning, and I will love you, forever.” I weaved my fingers through his thick black curls, and brought his lips back to mine, kissing him hungrily as if it was my last dying breath.

  Soon our bodies were in exquisite harmony with one another, exploding into a downpour of fiery sensations. The real world spun and careened on its axis as our lovemaking reached astronomical heights.

  When it was over, we laid in each other’s arms gasping in sweet agony. Love flowed between us as our hearts pounded against each other. Wrapped in the nook of his arms in a silken cocoon of euphoria, I found myself happy, blissfully happy.

  I tilted my shoulder over slightly as I whispered. “Can I ask you one more question?”

  Bane blew out a restless breath. “Only one more?” He teased.

  I smiled to myself. “Will I be spouting wings?”

  Suddenly a burst of laughter filled the air. “My love, you’re not that kind of angel.” Then he leaned in and kissed me. “Sleep my love. You’ve worn this old man out.”

  I giggled, biting my bottom lip. “This time was much better. It was sweet.”

  Bane popped one eye open. “Just sweet?” he huffed. “I demand a do over!” he teased, squeezing his arms around my waist drawing me closer.

  A soft laugh escaped my lips. “Okay, okay. It was hot too.” I laughed.

  “That’s much better. Never tell a man his lovemaking is sweet. It offends his manhood and a few other parts I shall not mention.” He kissed my shoulder and then the top of my head. “Now, sleep woman.” He smiled against my ear.

  I giggled to myself and before long, my eyes grew heavy, and I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


  I heard the sheets ruffle, and my eyes fluttered opened. My gaze landed on Bane getting dressed. “Do we need to get up?” I took in a sharp breath, trying to push through the cobwebs of sleepiness.

  He leaned over and kissed me gently, smiling as he drew back. “Stay in bed. I have to go find Jeffery and Dom to get the key. I shouldn’t be too long.” He zipped up his pants and shrugged on his sweatshirt.

  “Can’t I go with you?” I sat up with the sheet drawn over my breast.

  “I’m quicker if I go alone.” He sat on the edge of the bed and shoved his shoes on.

  “Why the hurry?” I didn’t know why but I felt uneasy about him leaving.

  “When I return, we can go anywhere you wish. I promise.” His blues shined like cobalt.

  I sighed. “Okay, I guess.”

  Bane reached over and gave me one quick kiss before he sprang off the bed.

  “Aidan, I don’t have a good feeling about you leaving alone.”

  His brow arched, surprised colored his face. “I assure you, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.” He sauntered over to me and drew my chin in his hand as he eased down on the edge of the bed next to me. “I’ll be fine. I promise.” A strange glint behind his eyes struck me wrong. He sighed. “I should warn you, though.”

  My brows burrowed, alarmed. “Warn me about what?”

  “Princess, in my world one can’t take anything for what it seems.” He lowered his chin and captured my gaze. “Believe only half of what you see and none of which you don’t. Keep that close to your heart and you will survive our world.” He smiled, quickly kissing my forehead.

  “Huh?” I shook my head. “You’re giving me a child’s riddle.”

  “I have to go. No time to explain.” He leaned in, kissed me on the lips one more time, and then faded away.

  “Damn! I hated his vanishing trick.” I huffed. Not a lot to do around here. My eyes washed over the quiet cottage. I decided to get dressed. So, I shoved off the bed and traced off to the bathroom and showered.

  Momentarily, when I returned with only the towel covering my body, I made my way to the chair where Bane had moved my clothing. I held up a white slip dress with clusters of beads and paillettes on its bodice. Soft ruffles swirled elegantly around the skirt. I ran my fingers over the velvety material. It was exquisite and very expensive. My eyes dropped to the shoes. Gentle heels in a muted tone, matching the cluster of beads on the dress.

  Bane thought of everything, I noted a hairbrush, hair product, and makeup. I laughed to myself, mindlessly raking my fingers through my tangled hair. He even thought of the lingerie matching the dress. I sighed. I couldn’t put my finger on it but for some reason, I felt out of place.

  I loved Bane, but I still felt unsure whether I fit in his world. Granted his life could be ugly. That was no problem for me. My world hadn’t been the easiest either. Even still, after our infusion and lovemaking, it didn’t ease my misgivings.

  Oh, well. Too late to change my mind now. Regardless of my insecurities, I wanted to be with Bane more than life itself. So, if I wanted to stay with him, I needed to stop feeling inadequate. After all, we have our whole life to plan together.

  I wondered where he planned for us to go? I reckoned the sky was the limit with Bane.

  I finished getting dressed and by using the hair product, brushing out the tangles or at least most, I made myself a cup of coffee and settled down on the couch. I sipped my coffee. It was perfect, bold and hot. I set the cup on the coffee table and picked up the newspaper.

  First, I read the horoscope. I checked mine first, Gemini. I sipped my coffee while reading. I laughed out loud, according to my horoscope, I was going to take a journey to a far distant land. Even the stars aligned with Bane and me. I flipped through to the cartoons and scanned over it.

  Then it caught my eye. The headlines of the paper in bold letters stared back at me. My heart stopped,

  Woman Found Dead

  During search and rescue, Sara Ray found dead at her residence.

  Mrs. Ray died of an unknown drug overdose. Police suspect murder.

  Unprecedented shock slammed into me full force like a head on collision with a meteorite. I lurched to my feet, dropping my cup of coffee as it splattered creamy liquid over the white rug and my dress.

  “Oh, dear God! This can’t be true. Not Sara!” How could that have happened? Then as if an ocean of Nordic water poured over me, I realized that all this time, while Bane was in bed with me, he knew about my mother’s death. Why didn’t he tell me? He left without a word.

  I began pacing while grief stabbed my gut over and over. Why did I ask for his help? What was I thinking to dust Mom with some sort of alien drug? I didn’t want her dead. I only wanted her to forget her pain. I watched Bane; he only gave her a small bit. I had been given it too and came out okay. Then again, Sara was older and human. Apparently, the drug was fatal to humans. If that were the case, surely Bane would’ve known.

  Suddenly, I was jarred back to the conversation Bane had with his uncle that night at the castle. Van wanted Bane to get rid of Sara. I heard with my own ears, Aidan agreeing. He’d been working under his uncle’s iron fist for some time, for reasons beyond my understanding.

  Aw, hell! Where was he? I sped up my pacing. It had been longer than an hour. I needed to get to my house and find out about my mother. “Oh god! What’s next?”

  Unaware, a soft knock appeared at the door. I froze. At first, I thought it might be Bane returning. But no, he wouldn't have used the front door. Then I recalled Bane saying no
one knew this place.

  The knock came at the door again. Louder this time. My neck bristled. Who could it be?

  The knocks became aggressive. Bang, Bang, Bang! I jumped back. Sear black fright swept through me. Shit! What should I do? I bit down hard on my bottom lip. The pounding was becoming more explosive as the door rattled from its hinges with every forceful knock.

  What if Bane had been caught and he sent someone to warn me. If I were left here in this god-knows-where cottage, I’d die from starvation. What other choice did I have than opening the door? It was obvious whoever was on the other side knew someone was here. Maybe it was a neighbor checking on me, the milkman for all I knew.

  I inhaled a deep breath and edged my way to the door. My hand hovered over the doorknob, fretting if it was possible that his uncle might be on the other side. If so, if I didn’t open the door, whoever it was, he or she was going to break the door down if I didn’t answer it.

  I touched the knob, shut my eyes and counted to three. “One, two, three!” I swung the door wide open and froze in shock. For a brief time, I stumbled over my words, my eyes wide with surprise as my pulse shot to the heavens. “W-w-what a-a-are you doing here?”

  “May I come in, please?” Sally smiled sweetly.

  That childlike voice of hers was worse than a hundred and one sticks of chalk simultaneously shrieking across the blackboard. I flinched every time that girl spoke.

  “Why should I?” I folded my arms, narrowing my suspicious eyes. I smelt a rat.

  “I thought while you’re waiting, it'd be nice for us to chat.” I detected a little vinegar in her tone.

  “How did you find this place?” I cut my eyes beyond Sally and saw nothing but a dense forest of towering evergreen. There wasn’t even a pathway leading up to the door. I looked back at Sally. “Something tells me you didn’t walk.” Skepticism rolled off my tongue.

  Sally smiled that stupid grin of hers. “Aidan asked me to speak with you.” Her voice oozed with syrup.

  “Aidan?” Disbelief poured over me like thick molasses. “Why would he send you?”


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