Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 45

by Jane West

  “Well, I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m quite a reliable source when I need to be.” Her brow arched. “Are you going to allow me in or are we going to have to do this on this tiny ledge you call a porch?” Smugness gleamed across her sugarcane face.

  I stood there eyeballing Sally. The girl appeared different. She carried her shoulders straight, confidence radiated from her whole demeanor. Reluctant, I stepped aside and let her pass. Although I didn’t trust her shifty eyes. I kept the door open, standing in the threshold of the door. It didn’t feel quite right being cooped up in the same tight quarters with this peculiar chick. I had a strange feeling about this visit. Just the same, I planned to keep my distance until I figured out what this bitch had up her shady sleeve.

  I leaned against the doorframe, not taking my eyes off the unwelcomed guest. Sally didn’t hesitate to make herself comfortable on the sofa. A little too cozy in my opinion. But I kept my mouth shut and watched as I steadied myself for any of her shenanigans.

  I eyeballed her as she smoothed her bright pink dress as she sat back straight with perfect poise, white gloves, and purse out of the fifties.

  It was official, she’d gone off her rocker or judging by her weight, maybe she broke the damn rocker.

  Sally began her spiel, and it was a doozy too. “Well, your boy asked me to speak with you first. He has some rather impertinent information for you.” There she went with her Pee-wee Herman voice. Yuck! I sneered.

  “You spoke to Aidan?” my brow shot up.

  “Of course, how else would I be here?” she giggled which sounded fake.

  “Where is Aidan?” Could Van have captured Bane and under duress, forced him to tell my whereabouts? I prayed that wasn’t the case.

  Ignoring my question, Sally’s eyes drifted to the newspaper. “Oh, I see you’ve been reading the latest news.” She tsked twice. “Such a misfortunate mishap. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.”

  Sally was full of shit. There was nothing genuine about her. It would be a cold day in hell before I discussed the demise of my mother with her. I remained silence, listening with a healthy dose of caution slapped on a sandwich of mistrust.

  “I’m sure it’s going to be difficult after your horrible loss. Especially after police find evidence of the drug.” It was as though Sally was in my head. But when our eyes collided, I saw apparent loathing in her brown eyes. “For the life of me,” She carried on in her sweet sick voice. “I’ll never understand how such a young child can pull off so many murders?”

  Talk about left field, hell, I think this bitch flew off the field with a broom tucked between her legs.

  “What child, who are you talking about?” I gawked at her in disbelief.

  “Well, I mean there are certainly enough motives to reach the heavens if you don’t mind my candidness. Why, after all those years carrying that dirty little secret of your mother’s naughty deed. It’s no wonder you snapped. Knowing your mommy committed such a heinous crimes sent you, you poor thang, over the ledge.” She smiled, darkly.

  “Sally, your rantings are a mad person’s.” I hissed. “I think you should leave.” I didn’t know what Sally was up to, but I wasn’t standing for it.

  As if my words fell on a deaf mute, Sally continued with her poison. “And then all those men, you certainly didn’t want your father replaced by another man. A new daddy!

  “You’re really reaching now!” I snarled.

  “No wonder you snapped! You poor thing. When you discovered your mummy was abandoning you for her newest lover, that’s when you lost complete control. Why it was more than you could handle.”

  Sally’s Southern drawl seemed more profound than ever. “Last but not least, in a last desperate attempt you knocked off your mummy by poisoning her. You just became enraged and turned psychopath, sweetie. I suppose when you kill one person, it must get easier with the next.”

  I gaped at this crazy person in front of me. My fist white knuckled to my side. “If you really believed I was a killer, I doubt you’d come up in here like you own the place.”

  “Oh, I have no reason to fear the likes of you. Aidan wouldn’t let you hurt me.” her eyes narrowed full if indignation.

  I stepped forward. “I don’t know what rock you crawled out from under, but I suggest you go back to it before I make you!” I snarled.

  “That’s not the way to treat your host when you are a guest.”

  “What?” I shook my head baffled by her rambling words. I clenched my teeth. “I don’t have time for this, Sal. Get out now before I throw you out!” I threw my arm out pointing to the ledge that she stood on moments ago.

  “I can’t leave!" her eyes widened. "I have to give you a message from Aidan.” She sneered. “You know now that Aidan knows about your murders, he wants nothing to do with you. That’s why I’m here.” She laughed with this disgusting throaty snorkel. “I know it’s lame, but I’m your worst nightmare!”

  “Van sent you here, didn’t he? Bane’s uncle put you up to this?” My heart pounded in my throat as I looked down my nose at Sally.

  “You silly girl, Uncle Van would never get between a husband and his wife’s squabble.”

  “What did you say?” my mind was reeling.

  “You heard me.” She smiled. “I’m Aidan’s wife.”

  I strangled on my spit.

  “All this,” she rose her arms, pointing to the décor of the cottage. “Does any of this look like a man’s cave?” Sarcasm was like perfume to Sally. Only it didn’t smell near as good.

  I didn't answer her but glared at her absurdity.

  “I decorated the cottage myself. My husband, well you know, he prefers other things.” Her gaze fell upon the bed.

  I clenched my jaw to kill the sob in my throat as I retorted. “Oh, I know. Aidan and I enjoyed the comforts of the bed several times.” I threw the match on the gasoline as she ignited.

  “Shut up!” she growled. “My husband wanders from time to time, but he always comes back like an obedient dog.”

  “Really?” To be honest, I picturing Bane controlled by Sally was a strange look.

  “We’ve been together for a long time. I’m immortal as my husband. My real name is Sabella.” She boasted.

  Then it hit me. “What is your middle name?” I remembered the obituary that Jen and I stumbled across on the Internet.

  “Why it's Mae, Sabella Mae Du ”

  I interjected abruptly. “I know. Du Pont.” I couldn’t help the acid in my voice, no more than the vile threatening to rise.

  “Did you come here to flaunt your marriage and that fat diamond on your finger?”

  The rock was so large I imagined she had to use a bulldozer to left her hand. It was over the top just like her bright color attire and syrupy voice.

  “Well, I have to admit it has been fun. Like all good things, it must end.”

  “Sal, say what you have to say and then get the fuck out!”

  “I love your directness. It’s one of your better qualities. Setting aside the fact that you slept with my husband.” Sally shot darts at me.

  “I’m not a home wrecker!” I screamed. “I didn’t know he was married. I stayed with him at his castle for fuck’s sake!” I wanted to band my fingers around her fat throat and squeeze.

  Her eyes took on a gleam like glassy volcanic rock. “Of course, you’re not a home wrecker.” A sudden thin chill hung on the edge of her words. “You walked right into our trap, silly, girl.”

  Panic like I’d never known before welled in my throat. “Sal, spit it out!” I clenched to hold my fragile control.

  “Aidan only wanted your powers. He didn’t want to share them with his uncle. He knew if he took your virginity under a sex spell, he’d gain your powers.” Sally flashed an icy smile.

  “Wait! How did you " I stopped myself and said, "I don’t believe you!” I almost lunged at Sally. “Aidan cares about me. He proposed marriage. Is that somewhere in your plan too?” I scoffed, challenging her. />
  Her lips tightened. “Are you that naive? Don't you think if he had intended to marry you, he'd have a ring? " Her brow arched. "Where's your ring?"

  “Maybe, he hasn't gotten it yet." Even I knew that was a weak excuse.

  “Aidan had to do what he had to do to get your powers. The marriage talk was more or less pillow talk.”

  “Well, he really did a good job. He did it twice.” I could see my words stabbed at her when she flinched.

  “I think your service is over here. I’m done with this conversation.” Sally sneered.

  “Are you forgetting something?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Pray-tale what could that possibly be?” she gathered her purse in her lap.

  “You forget that Aidan and I fused our powers together. I am just as powerful as he is. Maybe you should watch your mouth?” my greens eyes shot bullets straight to her black heart.

  Sally swallowed nervously. Aw, there I have it! Right, where I wanted her. A scared little pussycat. Meow!

  “I’m done with this boring conversation.” She dragged her overweight body to her feet. “I’ll be sure to tell my husband how you squealed like a pig when I thrust the dagger in your heart.” She fought to gain control again. As much as she tried to prove her point, the real fact was I’d frightened her, just like the little coward she’d always been.

  “Sally, I’m going to speak candidly,” I warned. “You’re lying. You can’t kill me, bitch, without killing Aidan.” Oh, dear god! I hoped I was right.

  Her eyes widened with surprise as her mouth popped open and closed.

  With renewed strength, I basked in the knowledge of my power. “I’m a genetically altered angel.” I straightened my shoulders back as I edged closer to Sally. I spoke with a cool calm. “You can’t kill me! I won’t kill you, but I will throw you out of here and on the way, enjoy pounding your face with my fist.”

  This was my chance, and I seized it. I dove for Sally’s throat. I was only inches from strangling her.

  Unfortunately, my efforts were abruptly halted by an iron-clad clutch. It was as if I’d been wrangled like a wild mustang and roped back to the corral. My gaze dropped to a man’s stalwart arm snaked around my neck, holding me flushed against his broad chest.

  “Sally, what is this?” Fear reigned and took possession of every cell in my body.

  “We’re taking you to where you belong.”

  “Where I belong?”

  “Yes, with all the harden criminals in a cell locked behind bars.” She scoffed. “You’re a murderer, and you’re going to get exactly what you deserve!” Venom oozed from Sally’s voice as her laughter echoed in my ears.

  “I’m innocent! I didn’t murder anyone, you lying bitch!” I spat, teeth gnashing to get at her.

  “Aidan, my love, be a sweetheart and get rid of the trash?”

  “Aidan!” my mind went wild, needing to know if he really was part of this atrocity. My eyes trailed down my captor’s arm. He was male. I could feel his erection pushed against me. His hands, beautiful, long-fingered, and strong, wearing a ring. Oh, my god! The same ring in my dreams. Some sort of eye in the center with diamonds encircling it.

  I tried to twist to see his face, but my silent captor kept me pinned, prisoner to his grip. “Let me see your face!” I screamed, kicking and trying to bite at him. He was stronger than me, and my attempts were futile.

  I didn’t have to see his compelling blue eyes, the firm features, the confident set of his shoulders to know he was my captor, the faceless boy that I’d dreamt so many times growing up. Bane’s woodsy scent, even the way he breathed, I knew far too well to doubt who held me captive. Swindled into believing someone like him could ever love someone like me. Whata fool, I’d become.

  In the next breath, something sharp like a needle stabbed me in the neck, and I felt my mind slipping away. In the background, I heard Sally laughing, a sick, depraved laughter. But it didn't bother me, my mind was shutting down. It was so peaceful. Then darkness devoured the light.

  To My Readers

  Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please keep your eyes out for the next saga, Dark Angel and the final saga, Death Angel. I promise it will be coming soon!

  I have worked very hard creating this story. It has taken me six years to get this book finished. I’ve worked on this story consistently, hours upon hours every day to give it justice. I hope I have achieved my goal.

  I’d be very grateful if you would take only a moment of your time and leave a review on your thoughts about the story. As a writer, receiving feedback from the readers is an invaluable gift. It helps me to see through a fresh pair of eyes and improves my skills. I am always open for suggestions. After all, I write for the reader’s enjoyment.

  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my book! I look forward reading your review.


  Jane West




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