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Protect Me From My Friends

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by Marcellus Allen

  Steady Mobbin’ 3

  Lock Down Publications and

  Ca$h Presents

  Steady Mobbin’ 3

  A Novel by Marcellus Allen

  Lock Down Publications

  P.O. Box 870494

  Mesquite, Tx 75187

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  Copyright 2019 by Steady Mobbin’ 3 Marcellus Allen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

  First Edition June 2019

  Printed in the United States of America

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  I dedicate this book to my lil’ brothers, Lil Exie and Jaques. And to my main two hittaz, Bleed and Respect. And to my hitta, Finesse2tymes, out there in Memphis holding it down. Make sure y'all tap in with his muzik. And remember that God makes no mistakes...OSO.

  Chapter 1


  February 20th

  After I read the note that Burnside left for us for the second time, I looked back at Gotti. The pain that shot through my body and exploded in my heart was a feeling I'd never felt before. I stored the gruesome image in my brain, then turned away. They'll pay for this, I promised his spirit. I tilted my head up towards the sky, tryna hold in the tears that were threatening to spill out. It didn't work.

  I stood there staring at the sky cryin' like a straight bitch. How did this happen? I started tracing back our last steps sine we killed Joe and I came up blank with a solution. My cell phone ringing brought me back to reality. When I read the name on the screen, my pain was instantly replaced with pure hate. I'm killin' this pussy.

  I answered on speaker. “I ain’t never wanted to kill a man so bad as I wanna kill you,” I growled.

  “I was gonna say the same thing to yo’ bitch ass,” he said and laughed in my ear. “That shit hurt, huh? Y'all probably over there cryin' right now. That's how I felt. You wanna call a truce now?” he asked.

  He can't be serious. “Nigga, fuck you! We killin' you and those weak ass Jersey niggaz. Send 'em back home in a pine box like the last nigga that snaked us!” I shot back, hoping to get under his skin.

  “It's more than three of us, pussy! I got Ralo, Head, and Killah with me right now, pussy. We got a few lil' niggaz too, but we got somethin' more important than that. We got those twenty bricks and the money from the safes too.”

  My heart dropped. “Don't worry about it. I'll get it back after we find y'all. All this over a traitor, huh? You tell them what yo’ bitch ass cousin did? I know you know. You killed your childhood friend over a fuckin' snake! Nigga, you ain't a better!” I yelled. I looked at my niggaz for confirmation. They all nodded their heads in agreement, even Ruger. Burnside's next words sent chills throughout my body.

  “Yeah, Gotti told me all about it before we put them bullets in his body. He actually tried to get me to understand why it was okay y'all killed my bloodline. And to be real, when he broke it down, it actually made sense. But either way, he had to die and so do y'all.”

  “So, even though you knew what happened, you still killed him? A nigga that always had your back?”

  He paused for a full minute like he was really at a loss for words.

  “Y'all should have killed me.”

  “Gotti wouldn't let us. He loved you,” I spat with anger. He loved yo’ bitch ass and look what you did.

  “I know and look where that got him. Either way, the shit was destined. It was written in the stars. That's what Joe always said. I'm supposed to be king of Portland and now it's my turn. I'm killin' everybody you love, starting right now,” he said before he hung up.

  I couldn't believe this was the same nigga I used to share a bed with. Starting right now? His words lingered in my mind.

  “Marshawn, we're going to be late!” Tamia yelled as she wobbled over to us.

  Starting right now? Then it hit me. Burnside and his crew was there watching us. They were about to gun my bitch down! Damn, I'm slippin'! I thought as I pulled my heat out and ran towards her.

  “They’re here!” I yelled as I ran past her. My crew ran right behind me with their thangz out ready for whatever. We stood outside the parking lot looking around but saw no signs of the enemy. Starting right now.

  “They playing games, blood! Them bitch niggaz ain't coming around here,” Bleed said.

  I was getting ready to agree with him when I heard Tamia scream out. We all turned, fearing the worst and saw her backing away from the trunk. Aww, shit! Ruger was tryna grab her, but she wasn't having it. She started crying and swatting his hands away like he was the one that killed Gotti. Then outta nowhere, she threw up! Got damn.

  “Damn, Tamia. I told yo’ ass to stay in the car! You gon' stress the baby out!” I yelled as I made my way over to her.

  “What did y'all do to him? Oh my God, Marshawn!” she screamed at me in an accusing tone.

  “What? Pull yo’self together! Burnside killed him and now yo’ DNA all over the fuckin' crime scene. He talking ‘bout they gon' kill all my loved ones—” I said, stopping mid sentence. Olay, they’re going for her.

  My heart sped up and my stomach dropped to the ground as I had an epiphany hit me in the gut full force.

  “Bleed! Grab Tamia and follow me to my house! They’re going after Olay! The rest of y'all take care of this shit and go check on the spots!” I yelled, then dashed to the car.

  I made it to the house in record-breaking time. I pushed the Maserati to the limit, like fuck the law! All I kept thinking about was them snake muthafuckaz killing my bitch. I drove like a madman with the heat on my lap and phone pressed to my ear, constantly calling Olay. She had only picked up once crying, talking about I needa hurry up and get home! That shit didn't sit right with me. My mind was racing faster than the 'Rati I was sitting in.

  When I got past my security gate, I looked around for any other cars besides ours and saw none. Good. I started to think that maybe she was just having some t
ype of nervous breakdown behind her sister's death. Still, I bounced out with the blazer in my hand just in case. Olay swung the door open before I could stick my key in.

  Her eyes were puffy and red from crying but showed no sign of fear. I exhaled as I tucked my heat back on my waist. She stepped to the side without uttering a single word. She trippin', I said to myself. I then wrapped my arms around her for a hug, but she just stood there.

  She refused to embrace me back and that's when I felt the negative energy coming from her. I stepped back so I could really read her eyes. What I saw gave me the chillz. She stared at me with nothing but hate and contempt. Fuck is wrong wit her? I wondered.

  “What's wrong, baby? What happened?” I asked. She didn't answer me at first. She stood there staring a hole through me while tears slid down her face. I didn't know what was up, but it was pissing me the fuck off. My favorite cousin was lying dead in a trunk and she wanted to waste my time having a staring match.

  “Olay, Gotti is dead. Them niggaz just killed him and I don't got time for this right now! I rushed home thinkin' that Burnside and 'em was on their way over here to hurt you!” I raised my voice, becoming angrier by the second.

  “Why would Burnside try to hurt me, Marshawn?” she asked, while pointing at herself.

  Now she wanna talk. Selfish bitch.

  “Because he just killed Gotti, that's why!”

  “Why would he kill Gotti?”

  How do I answer that? I needed some time to come up with a lie that would sound reasonable. I shrugged my shoulders, then headed to the couch. I put my gun on the glass table, then flopped down with my face in my hands. I was trying real hard to come up with a story when I heard that unmistakable sound. A gun being cocked. My heart dropped.

  “Burnside killed him because y'all killed Joe and Falcon, right?” Her words had pierced through my soul.

  I pulled my hands from my face so I could see what I really didn't wanna see. Maybe my eyes would confirm that my ears were playing tricks on me. Didn't happen. I had thought for a split second that Burnside was in the house. What I saw hurt me even more to the core. Olay was standing five feet away, aiming her .380 I had taught her how to use, right at my head. What the fuck?

  I couldn't believe the woman of my life was standing there pointing a pistol at me. I was beyond confused. Then it hit me with full force. Burnside.

  “What the fuck is you talkin' about? And why the fuck you pointing that gun at me?” I played dumb, then eyed my gun on the table.

  “Reach for it and die, nigga,” she threatened, sounding nothing like the woman I had fell in love with. “You know exactly what I'm talking about! Why did you kill my sister?” She wiped her tears really quick, then fixed her aim. I'm not admitting shit. Fuck that.

  “So just cause some traitor ass nigga tell you somethin', you gon' point a gun at me? You wanna kill me off his word?” I tried to play mind games with her.

  “It's not just his word, nigga. I saw the proof. Now answer my fuckin' question!”

  I knew the crazy bitch was lying ‘cause there was no proof. I don't know who the hell she thought she was bluffin', but I wasn't going for it.

  “There is no proof, Olay. He lied to you.”

  “Answer my question,” she stated way too calmly for me.

  “What question?” I asked in the same tone. I knew what question.


  The bullet whizzed by my head, barley missing me. I jumped, then turned to look at the hole in the wall. Crazy bitch. I couldn't believe she had really shot.

  “Yo, chill the fuck out, Olay!” I raised my arms in the air.

  “No! Answer my fuckin' question right now!” Her voice rose as her hands started shaking.

  I could tell that her patience was running thin. She was seriously contemplating on killing me. I wasn't worried about it though. I was more concerned with saving her life than keeping mines.

  “You don't understand what you’re getting yourself into, Olay,” I tried to warn her.

  “I understand if you don't answer my question that I'm going to blow your face off!” she continued to yell.

  “And I know that if you don't drop that gun, then I'ma split yo’ wig,” Bleed said as he crept up and placed his gun to the back of her head.

  I watched him sneak into the house after the gun shot went off. He would of knocked her off, but I shook my head at the last second. She was so caught up in her emotions, that she didn't even notice it.

  I watched her eyes transform from hate to confusion. The last thing she was expecting was for somebody else to be with me. I smirked at her. “Put the gun down, baby. I don't want you to die.” She knew the game.

  “If I die, than you die too,” she shot back, thinking she knew the game.

  “This ain't no fuckin' movie, Olay! If he pull that trigger, then you die, period. Yo’ body gon' slump to the ground and that's gon' be it. Mar-Mar ain't gon' have no mother. Just lower yo’ gun so we can talk about this.”

  She stared at me for what felt like forever. Those eyes that used to gaze at me with pure love were now filled with hate. It's over between us, I thought to myself.

  Tears ran down her face nonstop. I could tell that her soul was on fire, but she knew she couldn't win. At that moment, I truly regretted killing her sister. I closed my eyes hoping that it was all just a dream. But when I opened them, I was still faced with the same nightmare.

  She finally came to her senses and lowered the gun. I slowly took it from her, then tucked it on my waist. Bleed put his away, then backed up a few feet.

  I massaged my forehead, tryna get a grip on my temper that had reached its boiling point. Never in my life had I been disrespected like that in my own house. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to slap that bitch.

  I should shoot her in the leg, I told myself.

  “You was really gon' shoot me?” I just had to know the answer.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know. It depended on what you said and how I would feel about it.”

  That pushed me over the edge, the way she was so nonchalant with it. Like my life didn't mean shit to her. I jumped off the couch like a lion attacking its prey. My banger appeared in my hand outta nowhere like a magic trick.

  “Fuck you mean it depend on what I said?” I roared in her face. I saw the fear creep into her eyes finally and it fed my inner beast. “You wanna know what happened? That bitch ass nigga Joe killed Boobie over your hoe ass sister and she knew about it! I told y'all what would happen if that happened. We killed both of them, now what you wanna do?” I pressed the barrel right against her forehead.

  Take a deep breath. I know what I'm doing.

  I visualized myself opening her head up and knockin' her thoughts all over the walls. Kill her. She was going to kill you, the devil in me spoke.

  “Oh, you can't smoke your baby mama. Think about what you’re doing, brodie!” Bleed yelled, snapping me outta the danger zone. I lowered my heat. “All the shit we've been through and you actually pulled a pistol on me? I don't see myself getting past this one,” I spoke lowly, while staring her in the eyes.

  “I don't expect you to and I'm not asking you to either. You killed my sister, then came home to me and laid in my bed like it was nothing.” She shook her head like the mere thought gave her the chills. “No, I could never forgive you for that.”

  I saw in her eyes that she meant every word that fell outta her mouth. Even though I knew in my heart from the moment she pulled the gun that it was over, those words still broke me down. I felt a sharp pain attack my heart as the realization kicked in. Never in a million years did I ever expect this to happen.

  Kill her. She knows too much to just walk away, the beast warned me. I stared through her eyes for any sign of deception. I didn't like what I saw. I slowly raised my gun to end the life of the woman I loved most. “So, this is the part where you kill me? The mother of your son?” Her words went straight to my soul.

  “You’re leaving me
no choice, Olay. Somethin' ain't feelin' right. I don't like what I'm seeing in those eyes. Somethin' tells me that if I don't kill you, I'ma end up regretting it.”

  “Don't do it, O! Think about Mar-Mar!” Bleed jumped in.

  Think about Mar-Mar. So I did, and that was the deciding factor of her keeping her life. I lowered the heat.

  “You and my son can keep this house. I'll have my shit out this week,” I told her.

  “Naw, I don't wanna live here either. I don't need you poppin' up on me whenever you feel like it just ‘cause you paid for it. I'ma move in with my mom until I find my own place to live!” she shot back.

  This bitch is really tryin' me. I gritted my teeth while trying to maintain my composure. Here I was going against my inner gangsta and allowing her to walk away with her soul, and she had the nerve to rebel.

  Kill, kill. Those words kept replaying in my head like I was in a Jason movie or somethin'. I glanced over at Bleed. He nodded his head like he was in agreement with her. I exhaled in frustration.

  “A’ight, Olay. If that's what you want, that's coo'. Just know that if you try to disappear with my son that I'ma come knockin' on all of yo’ family's doors. And you know I won't be coming to talk, feel me?”

  “Whatever, Marshawn. Are we done now?” she said, sounding like she didn't have a care in the world.

  We'll see.

  Before I could check her ass, the front door flew open, making the situation go from bad to ugly. All I could do was shake my head as Tamia wobbled into the house.

  She was holding the baby nina I’d given her down by her leg like she was ready to kill somethin'. Olay followed my eyes all the way to Tamia and damn near had a heart attack.

  The shock, anger, pain, and disappointment was written all over her face. Her eyes went from wide to lil’ beads in a heartbeat. The next thing I knew, she went flying across the room in attack mode, trying to really get to Tamia.


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