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Protect Me From My Friends

Page 6

by Marcellus Allen

  He nodded like he understood my frustration, but I could see through the bullshit. He could never feel my pain though, but he was gon' damn sho respect it.

  “Yeah, I tried to have him talk some sense into you, but I see that didn't work. You have to realize what you’re asking is considered extortion and I can't accept that.”

  “No, it's not, 'cause I'm not taking no money from you or yo’ family,” I shot back.

  “But you’re tryna stop us from making it which is the same damn thing to the streets and you know that lil' nigga.”

  I gritted my teeth. I hated being called lil' nigga just like any other killah that was born in the 90's. Take a deep breath. I know what I'm doing. The beast was rattling his cages, just dying to come out. I squeezed my eyes shut in an effort to calm myself. Don't shoot 'em, I told myself. I exhaled.

  “A’ight, so what you got in mind? I know you got some type of alternative to this problem,” I said.

  “You can purchase his brickz. Whatever he was gonna buy, I'll sell you instead. It'll be a win-win for the both of us.” He said the shit with a slight smirk on his face.

  He's tryin' me. “When the fuck have I ever bought a brick from you? Nigga, I slang birds! Not buy 'em!” I flashed.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “That's my deal. Either way, I've gotta feed my wolves,” he responded.

  I heard his silent threat loud and clear. I liked how he stressed the word wolves, like I was supposed to start pissin' down my leg. He was really feeling himself, but I had somethin' for his arrogant ass.

  “I'll get back to you with an answer.”

  I walked right out with steam coming out my ears. I couldn't get to the van fast enough. It took everything in me not to start shooting that shit up. It was all eyes on us as we walked through the bar. I wanted to shoot everybody in the face that dared to make eye contact with me.

  I swear on my soul, I think they all had smirks on their faces. Laugh now, die later. The look that Bleed had on his face was more than enough to let me know how he felt. He was ready to eat.

  “Y'all know what time it is, blood,” I slid the door open, announcing to my goonz. They all had masks and choppaz on their laps. “Purge them niggaz.”

  I closed the door and headed to the white G-wagon I knew belonged to a dead man. They really think they did somethin', but we had planned for some fuck boy shit like this. We wouldn't want it any other way.

  An hour later, we were still laying on the concrete right beneath Leo's G-wagon. It wasn't the ideal situation, but it was kill or be killed and I didn't plan on dying. Plus, I needed to lay down the demonstration for all the so-called sharks that was smelling blood.

  For every minute we had to wait on this pussy, I told myself it was gon' be worse for his bitch ass. I could feel the heat coming off of Bleed's body. He couldn't wait to crush somethin'. I heard the anxiousness in his voice and understood where he was coming from. It was cold as my heart out there and I was ready to eat.

  “This the fourth time, Blood. This better be him 'cause I'm cold ass fuck,” I whispered back.

  A few seconds later, the steps became louder and the voices more clearer. My heart sped up and my stomach dropped as I recognized the voices.

  “Don't worry about them lil' niggaz. They got too much beef going on right now. They'll either be dead or in jail before the year is over,” Leo said.

  “I don't like the looks I saw in their eyes. We needa kill them fast,” Shaq Diesel said.

  “You never like how nobody looks at us. We gon' get them lil' niggaz. Don't worry about it. Now I gotta get home to the wife.”

  We was looking right at those dummies’ shoes and they had no idea how close they were to death. As soon as the driver's door closed, I elbowed Bleed and he slid out on the passenger’s side.

  Take a deep breath. I know what I'm doing. I slid from under the car right in time to watch Bleed open the big niggaz back up.

  Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap!

  His body hit the pavement face down. I yanked open the door, waving the Mac right in his face. “What's up now, nigga? Get yo’ bitch ass out the car before yo’ brains redecorate the interior!” I yelled out.

  He got out with both hands in the air in straight surrender mode like the victim he was. I was more than satisfied to see fear replace that cocky smirk he had on his face a hour ago. I made him turn around so he could watch his homie die.

  Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap!

  Bleed stood over his back and let the Uzi fill his back and head up with the hot lead. The way his head bounced off the ground, there was no a doubt in the world that his soul had departed from this earth. Bleed looked up at the sky with his chest heaving up and down like a lion that had just ate it's first meal in days. I was halfway expecting him to roar at the moon or some wild shit. My nigga really lived for this shit.

  “Talk that high power shit from earlier, nigga. Matter fact, talk that kill 'em up shit you was just talkin'!” He turned around and showed his true colors. I watched his face go from defiance to straight bitch in a split second. I already knew what was next. I was just waiting for it.

  “You ain't gotta do this, young blood. How much you want?” he pleaded.

  I smirked as he stood there shaking like a fuckin' stripper. All the people he done got killed and now he wanted to plead for his. I shook my head at his hoeness.

  “You should of thought of that when you disrespected me.”

  Boca! Boca! Boca! Yoppa! Yoppa! Yoppa! Blaat! Blaat! Blaat!

  All the automatic gunfire interrupted my speech, but the timing couldn't have been more perfect. The look of confusion written on his face was priceless. “That's my hittaz choppin' down yo’ weak ass bar right now. Yo’ reign is over. You fucked up going against us.”

  Blocka! Blocka! Blocka! Blocka!

  All face shots. His body jerked around until the dead weight was too much for the gravity to hold up. His body slumped down in a pile of bitch nigga and it was over. I looked down at the so-called Portland street legend in disgust. Is this how we all die? I asked myself. Naw, I'm going out like a gangsta, on Boobie.

  “C'mon, Blood! We gotta get the van!” Bleed yelled and snapped me outta my zone.

  We sprinted off with the sounds of gunshots in the background rippin' through shit. I was real precise in what I wanted done. I didn't want the building left standing. I wanted holes everywhere. A demonstration needed to be laid down and we were gonna lay it. I was hoping my niggaz hit Tony's bitch ass right in the head. If not, Portland wasn't big enough to hide.

  Chapter 5


  February 28th

  The day of Gotti's funeral came and every single nigga on my squad wanted to shoot it up and the ceremony too. They didn't give a fuck about nothing. Gang task, making the news or if the enemies was expecting it or not. I was used to being the live wire and making shit hot, while not thinking twice about the future or repercussions. But now that I was the head of the body, I had to start thinking about shit like that. I didn't like it at all. I'd surrounded myself with pure shooterz who didn't care if we went to jail or not.

  “Yo, son. You acting like a real bitch right now. I know you not scared all of a sudden 'cause they might be expecting us.” Premo called himself tryna play mind games.

  “Word is bond. You acting like a bitch,” Beast added. I looked around the room at my niggaz to see if they agreed with my dumb ass relatives.

  Head and Killah looked undecided, but Ralo was clearly not feeling me one bit. It was understandable though considering all the shit he'd been going through. The news had just released some new information about the murders of his family. His baby sister had actually spoken to the killerz, while hiding in the closet. Ralo questioned her a thousand times and we knew exactly who had spared her life.

  “Ralo, if we go do this, you know their gonna shoot up your family's shit this weekend. Listen, blood. Let's lay your grandpa and brothers to rest the right way. You know in your heart if we crash G
otti's shit, what's gonna happen,” I said as I tried to reason with him.

  He nodded his head slowly, feeling where I was coming from, but I could still see the war going on within him. His soul was torn, so his eyes were communicating it to me. He needed to kill somebody real bad and real soon. He exhaled real loud before speaking.

  “You’re right, they will.” He paused, then looked at Beast and Premo. “I'm not about to get three of my loved one's caskets shot up. It ain’t worth it, Blood. We gon' get those niggaz though real soon.”

  I was happy he could see the situation for what it was. Most niggaz can't see anything past their emotions. On some real shit, the main reason I didn't wanna go shoot it up had nothing to do with what I was preaching. Truth be told, I loved the niggaz’ family like it was my own. We had already caused them enough pain as it was. The last thing I wanted to do was shoot his mom or kids. I can't do that.

  I couldn't tell my hittaz that though. Them muthafuckaz would really think I went soft and start questioning my gangsta. And if I wasn't anything in this world, I'ma gansta.

  “On Joe’s grave, we gon' body all those niggaz. But as far as today goes, let's go take care of this business with Tony,” I said.

  Just mentioning Tony made me think about the shit O-dawg pulled on me. I felt myself burning up inside the more I thought about it. Bitch ass nigga. He really tried to block niggaz from supplying me, then bodied Leo when he wasn't going for it. I gotta kill this nigga real soon, I promised myself.

  “So we bout to really rock with this nigga?” Head asked.

  “Long as he come correct, then everything gon' be Gucci. I guess he taking over Leo’s operation and one of the few niggaz that ain't scared of Marshawn,” I replied, feeling myself get mad all over again. “That nigga got these suckaz really spooked out here, Blood. That weak ass stunt he pulled really put the fear in alotta niggaz hearts. Like Leo was untouchable or somthin'. They killed him and shot the bar up. Big fuckin' deal,” Killah vented.

  He was young and really didn't understand what the move was about. All he knew was how to bust his gun and fear no man. But it took more than that to get to the top and way more to stay there. “It's a big deal to the ole' school niggaz that don't wanna bust their gunz or jeopardize their freedom.”

  “Then it's time for them to retire then,” he shot back.

  “Maybe you’re right,” I replied, then started scheming on those pussies and anybody else I felt like were in my way to the top.

  Thirty minutes later, we were two cars deep driving down MLK Boulevard on our way to meet up with Tony. He wanted to link up at one of his food trucks right off of Vancouver and Haight Street. I sat in the backseat by myself, staring out the window deep in thought.

  All I needed was a fuckin' plug and the rest was a cakewalk. I already knew that lil' piece of shit crew Marshawn was riding around with wouldn't stand the test of time or the bullets we were sending. Their time was up and it wasn't shit he could do about it. Nigga better go rap somewhere.

  “Yo, son. This all we need. This old nigga bet not be playin' with us or I'ma push his shit back, on Joe,” Beast spoke on what I was thinking from the driver’s seat.

  “Word is bond,” Premo had to add.

  “He know not to play with us, Blood. He wouldn't waste our time or his life. He tryna fuck with the winning team before the wagon get too full.”

  I tucked the .40 cal on my waist as we parked next to Tony's Escalade. I checked behind me to make sure my goonz were pulling in behind us. This old nigga better not make me look stupid. Everybody hopped outta their whips at the same time into the chilly Portland air. A few drops of rain hit me but nothing too serious enough to make a muthafucka wanna stay in the house.

  “Burnside, what's going on, young blood?” Tony stuck his hand out acting all excited and shit to see me.

  “Shit, you tell me. Hopefully, getting money,” I said, cutting straight to the point. I didn't have time to be hanging out outside in the rain while I had niggaz tryna kill me.

  “We definitely about to do that,” he said, then looked at his young goon who was holding a duffle bag. “Let me get that. And I want y'all to wait out here while we step in the truck.”

  He grabbed the bag, then opened the door for me to walk through first. I grabbed the bag of money from Killah while gave him the look. I stared him right in the eyes and that was enough. No words needed to be said in the streetz between two killaz that's been battle tested together.

  I looked around, taking everything and every body in. The five niggaz Tony brought with him were alert and on point like a muthafucka. Their eyes were constantly scanning our surroundings on the lookout for the enemy or anything moving. They didn't smile or even shake our hands. Hell, I don't think them fake terminator muthafuckaz even blinked since getting outta the truck. Marshawn got niggaz walking on eggshells.

  “A’ight, let's get it.” I walked into the truck which turned into the kitchen soon as you got past the door. I dropped the bag on the floor and leaned back against the oven with my arms folded. He wanted to be in charge and show he was the boss, so I decided to fall back. To be on his time and let him take the lead.

  “A’ight, young blood. It's just me and you. Let’s discuss the future.” He handed the bag over to me. I took a brick out to inspect what I was paying for. After busting it open and letting the powder numb my gums, I was more than satisfied. I nodded my head in approval.

  “Yeah, this official. Go ahead and check yo’ money. It's all in the bag blood.” I counted out ten bricks, then zipped bag back up.

  “I know you good for it. Plus that bag looks heavy enough for two hundred and thirty thousand. I trust yo’ word.”

  I nodded my head. This nigga’s arrogant. I knew he didn't trust my fuckin' word. He figured that we needed him, so therefore, we wouldn't short change him. Plus he figured those terminator niggaz could crush my crew whenever they felt like it.

  Yeah right. I wasn't feeling this niggaz vibe at all. He was standing around like he big Meech or somebody high power like that instead of being Leo's fall guy for the past twenty years. Niggaz be killin' me.

  “That's what's up then. So check this out, I'ma need some more of these ASAP. These ten are basically already paid for. So how fast can we link up again?” I asked. He got this real confused look on his face that instantly set my real nigga alarms off.

  “Uh, I gotta link up with Leo's plug first and get somethin' solid put in place. But don't trip, I'm working on it right now. By the time you kill O-dawg, I should be ready to fuck wit' you.”

  This nigga thinks I'm dumb. He didn't have no fuckin' connect and probably didn't even know who was Leo's. He wanted to put his bid in with me and make some quick money while doing it.

  “So where these come from? They stolen? And what me killin' Marshawn got to do with our money arrangement?” It all started making sense to me.

  “They came out his safe in the office. The one those lil’ punks shot up after our meeting. And it has everything to do with our money when he's tryna kill me for refusing to deny you work. I don't plan on looking over my shoulder while I'm dropping off bricks to you. So while I'm outta town tryna get right with the plug, you needa hurry up and kill that nigga,” he demanded.

  I chewed on my cheeks instead of cussing his scary ass out. His man's wasn't even in the ground yet and he was already acting like a real bitch. Talkin' about leaving town. I ain't hear one word of retaliation leave his mouth. I started heating up as I realized how much he was tryna play me as a pawn.

  And the nigga had the audacity to put some base in is voice as he did it. Get my weight up with my hate and pay 'em back when I'm bigger. Tupac's lyrics played in my head as I tried to calm myself down. I knew I needed him and so did he. I had to swallow my pride.

  “A’ight, you got that. I'ma handle that. You just make sure you got that work when it's time,” I growled.

  “Nuff said.” He stuck his hand out and that concluded the conversation.
  The smile on his face let me know he felt his plan had worked on me. He was happy as hell and I ain't like that shit at all. I picked the bag of dope up and followed him out the door. All eyes were on us when we stepped out. Tony smiled real bright for his terminators, putting them at ease. I shook my head at Beast, letting him know I was pissed the fuck off. Fuck this shit!

  My gun appeared in my hand outta nowhere like some type of Chris Angel magic trick. I lifted it up and pointed it at the back of his head.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The whole back of his head exploded, then he flipped down the stairs landing straight on his face.

  Boom! Boom! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boca! Boca! Boca!

  My goonz instantly started filling those clowns up, proving that they weren't made of titanium. It wasn't even a competition, more like a slaughter fest. Not one of those tough lookin' muthafuckaz even got the change to pull their pistols out.

  They froze up when they saw their boss flip down the stairs and that cost them their souls. When I picked the bag of money up, I noticed one of them niggaz still clinging to life.

  Boom! Boom!

  One through the throat, one in the chest and he was on to the next life with the rest of his weak homies. We broke back to the whips and got the fuck up outta there before gang task blurped us.

  “Yo, son! Why the fuck we just murk the plug?” Beast asked, way too excited. The nigga looked confused and happy at the same time.

  I looked out the back window one more time, making sure the boyz weren't on us. “Fuck that nigga, blood. He ain't no fuckin' plug. He wanted us to be his pawns and kill those fake mob niggaz while he skipped town. I should go back and kill his dumb ass again for disrespecting the gang like that.” Bitch ass nigga.

  I looked out the window again as we bent the corner. I started relaxing when we were still in the clear, but popped the clip out to count my bullets just in case. It was no way in hell I was going back to jail. The police was gone have to call the coroner to scrape me up off the ground if they wanted those handcuffs on me, period!


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