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Watcher’s Fate: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 3)

Page 33

by Sean Oswald

  After a slow and stressful trek down nearly 1,000 feet of hallway, everyone was getting tense. There had been no attacks and the treasure hunter hadn’t found a single trap yet but the deeper in they got, the more they kept hearing a sound echoing down off the stone. “Niiiii … Niiiii …” came the eerie sound every few seconds.

  Then just as Emily felt her nerves getting to the breaking point, she saw the dwarf raise his hand in a fist, signaling a halt. The short man began walking carefully back towards them while keeping his eyes towards the front.

  Once he got back, he spoke in a whisper which seemed to carry further than expected. “There are two rooms up here, one on each side of the hallway. In each room there is a creature larger than the minotaur and a dozen or so human-sized creatures. They all look to be wearing plate armor.”

  “Do you think we can pull the creatures individually, or will they all come at once?” Tode asked.

  “They seem to be pacing like guards on patrol back and forth across the rooms in groups of three. What I am most concerned about is whether we can get creatures from one room without getting the ones in the other room. That would be a lot to handle at one time.”

  Emily listened as they continued to discuss strategy. She remembered nights on earth listening to Dave talk with some of his gamer friends about some raid they were planning. That had been back in the days when they were so lovey dovey that she just wanted to be around him all the time, even if he was talking about the silly games. Now living it out, she had a grudging respect for the interest he had felt all these years for those types of games. It really was quite complex.

  Once they agreed upon a plan, Tode made sure that everyone understood their role and even double checked with the boys. Then, the entire party moved a hundred feet from the entrances to the rooms while Daichi snuck forward to try and pull a single patrol of creatures.

  From where she was, Emily could only see as the monk’s hand flicked out after he had stood staring into the room for a full minute. Then an instant later, he had fallen to the ground in what she recognized as his feign death skill. Not more than three seconds after he had hit the ground, his body was surrounded by some two dozen creatures who poured out of both rooms to swarm over him. The creatures all seemed to take a quick look at him but none poked their swords into him, and they all lost interest another dozen seconds later and started to form back into their groups of three.

  A full five minutes later, the monk began to slowly crawl down the hallway towards the rest of them. After moving painstakingly slowly away from the two rooms, he rose to his feet and, while still checking behind him, walked briskly back.

  “I can try that again, but I have a feeling that we are supposed to fight both rooms at the same time,” Daichi said, sounding a bit despondent.

  “Did you learn anything about the creatures?” Tode asked.

  “I don’t have a spell to assess, but I can sense the general strength of a creature. They were likely mid to upper Tier 2. But there is more, and you aren’t going to like this part.” The monk’s tone turned grim.

  Dave said, “We need to know everything even if it isn’t pleasant.”

  Emily saw Daichi look over at her and saw a dark expression on his face, and then he said, “Each of the creatures looked the same. They all looked like gray versions of Sir Tradon.”

  As she heard the words, Emily felt the life drain out of her body. “How could that be?” Even to her own ears, her voice was quavering.

  Dave put his arm around her while Tode answered, “This Sir Tradon is the knight who was killed here previously, correct?” Daichi gave him a quick nod in agreement, and then Tode continued, “So we can assume this is what was meant by the dungeon’s new name.”

  If it were possible, Emily felt even more horror at that answer and started to shiver. “So if we die here, then we are turned into monsters for the dungeon?”

  Dave took over, answering, “No, just our physical form will be copied by the dungeon. Otherwise, there would be multiple copies of a creature that looks like Sir Tradon.”

  “Can you promise me that no part of him is left in those … things?” Emily practically spat her question out.

  “There is a lot we don’t know yet, but do you really believe that his mind or soul is in each of those things. This dungeon may be called Bastion of Thralls, but I choose to believe that only the body, or more specifically, the image of the body, is the thrall, not the mind or soul.” Dave looked intently at Emily as he spoke. “Beyond that, if some part of him is stuck in those things, then don’t you think we should try to free him by destroying those bodies which imprison him?”

  That last question resonated with Emily. She had no real sense about whether Tradon was actually enthralled here or if only his body had been duplicated. “I guess it doesn’t really matter. We need to do this, and instead of getting anxious about it, I’m going to choose to get angry about it. Call it righteous anger or whatever, but we need to take those abominations down.”

  Dave gave her a full-faced grin as he said, “That’s it. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

  “Okay then let’s do this. See if you can pull just three again, but if you get more, just bring them back. I will work a little bit of my crowd control magic.” Tode wiggled his fingers in the air as he spoke. “Then our esteemed royal mage and anyone else with an AoE spell can hit them. Hopefully neither of the big ones come.”

  Daichi nodded with his instructions and ran back into place on silent footsteps. He patiently waited till a group of three was as far away from the others as possible and then whipped out whatever item he was throwing at them. Emily couldn’t tell from 100 paces away. This time, instead of dropping to the ground after throwing, the monk was running back full speed at them with three fingers held up on his right hand.

  “Okay, perfect. Remember, I’m charming the one on the left, so no one attack it, and let it get to War Monster first.” Tode instructed just as three of the gray warriors burst forth from the room in pursuit of Daichi.

  “Me too, I’ve got the one on the right!” Mira shouted out as she raised her hands and began casting Minor Charm.

  The slight disruption in plans wasn’t enough to interrupt Tode’s casting, and his spell went off a second before Mira’s and well before the creatures reached their frontline. His charm caused the creature’s half-running steps to falter, but it caught itself as did the one Mira charmed a moment later.

  The Tradon thrall reached War Monster. He raised his two-handed sword over his head to block a downward swing of the creature’s own blade. Dave yelled out the stats of the creature based on the divination spell he cast.

  Knight Thrall

  Level: 16

  Health: 520

  Both Daichi and Ro’Billo attacked the creature from either side while War Monster held it at bay. Elven fists and dwarven shorts swords struck and pierced gray armor and damaged gray flesh underneath. Before the creature could turn towards either of them, its two charmed companions attacked it from behind. One sword drove into the small of its back and another chopped into its neck just above the plate armor.

  Tode called everyone to step back while the two knight thralls made short work of the one who was their former compatriot. Within a dozen seconds, it was done, and neither of the pets had taken any serious damage. Just like that, the first battle in the newly formed dungeon was over.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Let the bodies hit the floor.” — Drowning Pool

  Dungeon: Bastion of Thralls - Dave Nelson

  “No XP?” Jackson asked.

  Dave looked from his son to Tode. “I didn’t get any either. Is this some function of a raid?”

  “Ah, it probably just means that this is the type of dungeon where we have to finish the raid before gaining any XP. I did warn you about this sort of thing,” Tode responded defensively.

  Not to be discouraged, Jackson asked, “What about any loot?”

had been examining the corpse of the fallen monster. He looked up, shaking his head, “its arm 'n even th' sword seem tae be fused tae it’s body. Sae ah don’t think that we kin loot those. We shuid probably take one back tae town 'n see if whatever crafters ye hae kin git anythin' useful oot o' it. It does at least hae a coin purse. Looks lik 1 silver n 8 copper.”

  “Not exactly anything to write home about. Oh well, nothing for it but to push on then,” Dave said. His tone was more upbeat after the easy fight. “How long will those things remain charmed?” he asked with a wave of his hand at the two charmed thralls.

  “Almost twenty more minutes,” Mira said while Tode said, “A little less than an hour.”

  “I’m tempted to ask about how you were able to charm a creature called a thrall since that should mean it is already under someone else’s control. But for now, it’s enough that it works,” Dave said before turning to Daichi. “Wanna try for another pull like that one?”

  “Yes, Baron Murkwood, but the raid should still be prepared for extras. I don’t know how many more pulls I will be able to do without drawing the rest. The further the patrol is from the door, the more likely it is that I won’t be successful,” came the monk’s formal answer.

  “Kin ye pull thaim fae th' ither room?” Ro’Billo asked.

  “It is worth a try, Master Treasure Hunter,” Daichi said as he ran to the left side of the hall and started peering into that room.

  Almost two minutes passed, and Dave found himself impatiently shifting his weight from foot to foot. He hadn’t gotten to do anything during the first pull. but he wanted to make sure he got in a blow in this fight. Already, the spell form for Lightning Bolt was taking shape in his mind. A part of him said it was probably overkill since their party would easily be able to hand a pull of three, but he wanted to make a statement. Dave almost felt confused by his overwhelming need for everyone to see how powerful he had become.

  Then, Daichi must have seen the opening he needed because he flicked another disc through the air and then came running for the party. Three of the knight thralls burst forth from the room and staggered after the monk moaning, “Niiii … Niii …”

  Dave called out, “Mine!”

  More than one eye looked at him as he raised up a hand and finished casting Lightning Bolt. The electricity coalesced in his hand then burst forth as his will split it twice into three bolts. Each of the oncoming monsters was taken square in the chest by one of the forked bolts and blasted off their feet. Dave’s increased intelligence really paid off as the spell hit each for (514) damage.

  Limbs were blasted off and torsos were ripped open revealing a gray oozing substance where one would have expected blood. As powerful as the blasts were, none of the creatures were outright killed, and whatever sliver of health they held onto caused them to lay on the ground shaking. War Monster and Daichi both rushed at the helpless creatures and ended their existence.

  Everyone was a bit stunned by how quickly it was over, but as realization sunk in, Tode’s face began to turn almost as red as his hair. “What in all the darkness of a goblin brothel was that? What part of the plan called for you to show off?”

  The group took on that awkward silence as everyone got nervous about the confrontation. Daichi stepped closer to Emily in case he needed to protect her. War Monster and Ro’Billo took a step toward each other. All the others drew close to whoever they felt most connected with.

  Dave, on the other hand, looked like someone had slapped him. “Who do you think you are? I’m the lord here. You are only here because I’m allowing it. So you better remember who you are speaking to.”

  “Well pardon me. What part of the plan called for you to show off, your nobleness?” Tode barked back.

  Dave felt a rage rising within him. It was a seething beast. Who was this man to stand against him? He was nothing but an insect. Dave was the ruler here. Before he even realized it, Dave’s sword was drawn, and his magic was forming up around him. In his head, he heard an audible voice cry out. Squish him like the bug he is and free yourself. Take your rightful place.

  The blue robed mage quick cast a protective spell in preparation for the imminent attack, and Dave raised his sword as he began to thrust. It all was happening so quickly that everyone else was only staring on in shock and uncertainty. Dave’s eyes took in every face around him. but the horror in his son’s eyes shocked him. What am I doing?

  At the last second, Dave was able to avert his thrust and jammed his sword into the polished stone floor. Later, Dave would end up being very glad that Max had been right about how nearly indestructible enchanted weapons were, but now he didn’t have any time to think about that. As whatever bloodlust or rage had come over him disappeared, his perception of time sped up again, and he found himself being tackled by the wall of armor and muscle that was War Monster.

  The air left his lungs as he was driven into the ground by the large man. His combat instincts fled in him the shock of what he had been doing, and his sword flew free from his hand. He opened his eyes as he was pinned and saw Ro’Billo standing over the two of them on the ground with his twin axes at the ready. Worse though, everyone was drawing weapons or aiming spells at the three guild members.

  Dave had never heard Emily sound quite as deadly as when she said, “Release him and stand up very slowly and very carefully.”

  A second later, he heard his children in stereo with that same dangerous tone. “Right now!”

  Dave only had one thought. Can’t let this get out of hand.

  When no one moved, he said, “Everyone calm down. This was as much my fault as it was theirs.” He continued to wonder what had come over him.

  Then, War Monster rose up off of him and stepped back with his hand held out. A dangerous looking purple energy danced from finger to finger.

  “Aye, ain’t nothin bit a ball o’ bluster. Foremaist dram be on me,” the dwarf said as he put away his axes and then opened one of the many pouches on his belt and bandoliers. Reaching in, he pulled out a full cask of ale which was nearly as big as he was and set it down. “I’ll be breaking intae th' guid stuff if’n we survive this dungeon. Let’s nae be making it easier oan th' monsters.”

  Everyone was still looking at each other nervously till Dave said, “He’s right. Weapons away and release those spell forms. We have monsters to kill, XP to earn, and loot to find.” Then looking at Ro’Billo, he said, “I’ll take you up on that drink, but you have to let me pay you for the cask, Master Treasure Hunter.”

  “N’er let it be said that me mother’s son turned doon coin fae a noble,” the dwarf replied with a wink.

  “Now that we are all decided not to skewer or scorch one another, let’s deal with the elephant in the room,” Dave began, “I agree that it wasn’t the plan for me to drop three of them at once, but don’t worry, I have plenty of mana for fighting. I appreciate your insight into this raid, Tode. That said, I’m going to assume command with you as my advisor.”

  The Mind Chainer stared at Dave for a moment before finally visibly relaxing. “So be it, Baron.”

  “Daichi, can you bring the next round? Everyone remember Tode’s instructions and be ready for extras.”

  The monk must have thought that the best thing was to get everyone focused on the enemy again, so he didn’t say a word and was running down the hallway. Either through his rush or because the easy pulls had been done already, this time when Daichi threw the little metal disc he used for pulling, he got a lot more than three. The two rooms almost completely emptied out as three of the six thrall patrols came pouring into the hallway.

  Tode stepped forward, casting with both of his arms flung out wide. Waves of sparkling motes of energy filled the air and landed on more than half of the oncoming creatures. Each mote sank into the flesh of one of the thralls, and just as quickly, they stopped moving. Eleven of the creatures were immobilized while assorted magical attacks were launched at the other side of the hallway. Ice daggers flew from Mira’s fingers and s
ank into the legs of several of the thralls. Translucent purple shackles leapt from War Monster’s fingers and attached to the ankles of the leading thrall causing it to fall forward.

  The thralls fell over each other trying to get past their snared compatriot and were then caught in a fine acidic mist which was conjured by Gunidar. It caused them to thrash about while they were dissolved.

  “The acid will finish them, but it will take time,” the royal mage said as if he was describing the weather.

  In response, Dave, Rak’kar, Steffen, Daichi, War Monster, and Ro’Billo each leapt forward, hacking and slashing alongside the two charmed thralls. In short order with only a few scratches, the enemies lay dead.

  “The rest will only be mesmerized for another twenty to thirty seconds,” Tode said when the warriors stopped hacking.

  “I have an ice based AoE which will hit them pretty hard and slow them down. As long as the tanks are ready to get agro,” Gunidar said.

  “I can add Inferior Cone of Cold to the damage,” Mira chimed in, and both casters began chanting their spells. She felt the flow of magic and slowed her casting so that both spells went off at the same time. The heat was sucked out of the air between her hands and extended out in covering all of the mesmerized knight thralls. Each one of the enemies was freed from Tode’s magic the instant that they took damage, but it was too late for them. The combined effects of both spells sucked not only the heat from the air but also the heat from the creatures’ bodies till they became brittle and began cracking under their own weight.


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