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Drakin: The Story of Raiya

Page 4

by James Harrington

  “What business is it of yours?” Jagger demanded. “I don’t appreciate your tone. No one’s done anything wrong, so back off. Don’t start something in front of your kids…”


  The sound of an old-school shotgun appeared behind him. No doubt Jerry had heard the commotion and come to break it up. This was nothing new. People had been on short fuses for years and heated disputes were commonplace. A poke of Jerry’s shotgun to the back was usually all it took. Jagger couldn’t even remember Jerry ever actually using the gun.

  He turned, expecting to see Jerry pointing the gun at either him or Ed. To his shock, Jerry was pointing the gun at Raiya, “Jerry?”

  The angry look on his old face gave Jagger the chills. Jerry had been forced to break up many a violent brawl over the years. Jagger himself had been on the working end of the shotgun before, but Jerry never got angry over it. He’d also never pointed the gun at someone who wasn’t directly involved.

  His eyes glared at the young woman on the other end of the barrel, “Get out of my place, freak!”

  A hurt look appeared in Raiya’s eyes as she stood up from the table with her hands open. Jagger stepped in front of the gun with a glare that would have burned a hole through someone with less nerve, “Jerry, what the hell man! She saved my life out there. She’s not here to hurt anyone. All she wants is something to eat!”

  “You know that for a fact, do you?” Jerry demanded. “When’d you meet her?”

  “Well… today…”

  “Yeah you know all about her then, don’t you? Get out and don’t come back! Nomads are bad news, especially sickly ones.”

  “Jerry, are you out of your mind?” Mariam said as she stepped out of the doorway. The look on her face more anger than surprise. “This poor girl looks like she hasn’t eaten in days. What harm would it do letting her eat?”

  “Plenty!” Jerry snapped. “She’s scaring the customers, and look at that face! She’s sick with something, all right.”

  “Jerry put the gun down before…”

  “I don’t want her here. Stay out of this. –I’m asking you one last time to leave!” Jerry shouted, refusing to lower the gun.


  Raiya looked at the anger in Jerry’s eyes. She then turned and looked at the Fosters. The mother was keeping the young children back, the father’s expression matched Jerry’s, and all three of the children had fearful looks on their faced. She frowned and slowly pulled the hood back up over her face, “I didn’t come here to cause trouble. I’ll be going.”

  She quietly stepped around the group and headed for the door. A hot tear fell from her eye as she walked out past the jeep, and headed for the main gate of the town.

  This was all too familiar. Most of the time it was at the gate of a town. A guard would see her and turn her away. On the rare occasion that she did get in, she was often discovered and forced to leave… sometimes by the point of knife.

  “Raiya wait!”

  She didn’t bother responding. She knew who it was, but didn’t want to deal with him.

  “Raiya, come on. Please?”

  “Go away.”

  “Raiya, not everyone here is like that. I’m sorry that happened.”

  Raiya stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. The yellow in her eyes burned like fire, “Oh really? They’re not, huh?”

  She quickly threw back her hood so he could clearly see the mixed look of anger and sadness, “Do you know how many times I’ve been called ‘monster’, ‘freak’, ‘leper’, or ‘abomination?’ It happens so often and it’s been happening since I was a child!”

  “Raiya, I…”

  “When I was a child, other kids wanted nothing to do with me. They called me the dragon girl. The few that would actually play with me were quickly herded away by their parents… They were very cruel.”

  She clenched her teeth and quickly wiped her eyes to prevent any more tears from falling, “It didn’t get any easier when I grew up. People were afraid of me. They’d either threaten me or form a lynch mob. Do you have any idea how many times I had to run and hide out of fear? ‘Maybe this time will be different. Maybe these people won’t be so bad.’ I say that each time, and each time it blows up in my face.”

  The harshness of her voice combined with her sad words, stopped Jagger in his tracks. Her typical cautious whisper had been replaced with an angered tone. For the first time, he was hearing her voice at full volume. He didn’t know what to say to refute her words, “I’m sorry… it must have been…”

  “No, you know what? I’m tired of it. I’m better off on my own. These people don’t want me here, so I’m not going to stay. Thanks for showing me the city. I appreciate you trying to get me something to eat, but I really need to be going.”

  Jagger sighed, “Raiya, it’s getting late. The sun’s already starting to come down. You’ll be a sitting duck out there.”

  “I’m used to it.”

  “Why don’t you come stay with me?”


  “At least until tomorrow. Then you can disappear if you want.”

  Raiya took a few steps closer to Jagger and looked into his eyes, “Why?”

  “Why, what?”

  “Why are you being so nice to me? Would you be so eager to help me if I wasn’t a girl?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I think you know what it means. Are you attracted to me or something?”

  Jagger took a step back, “Huh?”

  “Are you attracted to me?”

  Jagger sighed, “I’ve barely even seen what you look like. You saved my life and you look like you could use a break. Yes, I would make this offer if you weren’t a girl. Christ, I had made the offer before I’d even seen your face!”

  Raiya lowered her eyes as her attitude became more apologetic, “You’re stupid, you know that? You don’t even know me. I could slash your throat in your sleep.”

  “I’m a good guy. If you cut my throat, I’ll die a good guy, but I’m also a good judge of character. I don’t think you’re on the level where you’d kill someone who opened their home to you. I have a feeling you’re better than that.”

  Raiya looked toward the city gates. In the distance, she could hear the howls of ravenous coyotes and other creatures she couldn’t identify. It was true, being outside the city at night was dangerous. It was even more so when on foot.

  She let out a defeated sigh and turned back, “Well I suppose I’d get a similar reception from the local shelter… I guess you’re right. It’s too late for me to find shelter and make up a camp.”

  “Where do you usually sleep?”

  “Mostly in abandoned buildings where I can hide and keep myself covered. Any place where no one would find me.”

  “So, what do you want to do then?” Jagger asked.

  Raiya glanced at the exit one more time before speaking, “All right, but tomorrow I’m gone. No whining, no fuss, got it?”

  “Got it.”

  Chapter 3

  Raiya kept quiet during most of the trip. Her encounter at the bar had left her bitter and unwilling to say much. She watched as small houses surrounded by trees lined the road on either side. Her eyes focused on a group of kids playing an odd game with a ball and sticks.

  She quickly forgot her sour mood as she watched them. They stood in the shape of a diamond in the middle of the road as one stood with the stick and swung when the ball was thrown.

  “What are they doing?” Raiya asked.

  “Playing baseball.”


  “You’ve never heard of baseball?”


  Jagger smiled, “It’s an old game that the U.S. loved from before the war. Each player tries to hit the ball as far as he can. Then they run to each point of that diamond. When they make it back to the first one, they score a run. The team with the most runs wins the…”

  “I get it.”
r />   “Oh… okay.”

  Raiya’s lips curved into a frown, “Your people live like there is no war going on. It’s unnerving.”

  “I know… but you have to understand… we’ve got bad things happening all around us. The reality is that we’re all more than likely going to die a fiery death. It’s just a question of when.”


  “Well we already know that, but no one outside of the military need to be reminded of that fact. The only way any of our people can live any form of a happy life is if they aren’t constantly reminded of it.”

  “Willful ignorance then…”

  “Pretty much.”

  The jeep pulled past the residential neighborhood. The lush green trees became less and less as they approached a large building. Judging from the arched windows and architecture, it was likely used as a factory at some point. The bricks were crumbling and the windows looked decrepit. Even so, there were several lights shinning from them.

  The jeep turned into a small parking lot off to the side. It slowed to a halt next to an old sedan that looked like it hadn’t moved in years.

  Raiya looked up at the old building, “You live here?”

  Jagger nodded, “Yeah. It’s not much, but these places have been known to withstand dragon attacks better than most others. The old brick buildings don’t burn down.”

  “No, the bricks just get really hot and become an oven.”

  “True,” Jagger admitted, “but at least you’ve got a chance to get out.”

  “If you say so.”

  They got out of the jeep and headed for the door. Jagger pulled a small black fob out of his pocket. He waved it over a small pad on the side of the door. The indicator beeped and the door unlocked.

  Jagger’s home was the first door to the right on the second floor. The stairway was black rot iron and spiraled around a thick pole.

  Jagger pulled out his key and unlocked the door at the top of the stairs. The light snapped on inside as he dropped his bag on the counter.

  Raiya’s eyes blinked as she looked around. There were guns and various bits of technology everywhere. Otherwise, the apartment looked like something most young men would live in. A couch that had seen better days was the main piece of furniture in the living room. The coffee table was covered in gun parts. The kitchen had a small diner-style bar with two stools leaned against it. A few pictures hanging up on the exposed brick walls were the only decor.

  Raiya focused on one photo in particular. It was a beach scene with a younger Jagger standing with a girl of similar hair and eye color. She was clad in a red and blue bikini with ties on the hips.

  Raiya’s eyes narrowed as she examined the photo, “Old girlfriend?”

  “Sister.” He replied.

  She turned and looked at him oddly, “Really?”

  “Yeah, we got along better than most siblings. She was my partner in crime… my best friend.”

  “I see. What happened to her?”

  “She was in Hartford.”


  “Yeah. Didn’t even stand a chance. I went looking for her, but there was nothing to find.”


  Jagger shrugged, “It was a long time ago. I won’t say I got over it, but… well you know, I’ve moved on.”



  They were interrupted by a gentle knock at the door, “Jagger are you home?”

  Jagger instinctively pulled out the laser he kept in his belt and pointed it at the door. Raiya’s eyes narrowed, “I think it’s your friend Mariam.”

  Jagger lowered the gun and went to the door. Mariam stood on the other side with a sympathetic smile and a bag at her side, “Sorry to just drop by…”

  “You’re always welcome, you know that.” Jagger replied.

  She raised her right hand to offer Jagger the bag, “Well I brought you some food. Jerry was way out of line at the restaurant today…”

  Then she caught sight of Raiya, “Oh good, you’re still here. Sweetie, I’m sorry for what happened. Please don’t judge us too harshly. It’s been a hard life and some of us are not as welcoming to outsiders as we should be.”

  “I’m used to it.” Raiya replied.

  “I’ll bet. So, I was hoping to give you both these. I didn’t know what you were in the mood for, so I brought over some of Jerry’s sheep burgers.”

  Jagger smiled, “Thanks, I really appreciate that.”

  “No problem, sweetie.” Mariam replied. “Now since I’ve given you these, I’d better get home. My man isn’t too happy if I get home too late.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, I’ll need it.”

  Jagger took the bag and closed the door as Mariam turned away. Raiya looked at him oddly, “Do you always answer the door with a gun in hand?”

  “No not always, just usually after dark… and honestly your story about people coming after you in mobs got me a little jumpy.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Jagger cleared off his table before emptying the bag’s contents. There were two plastic boxes that were warm to the touch, utensils, and small containers of sauce.

  Raiya’s eyes dilated as she looked at the food, “Amazing that people can still produce sauce like this.”

  “A lot of it is homemade, but we do still have some bits of civilization intact. They’re just not as easy to come by.”

  Raiya sat down and ripped open the box that Jagger placed in front of her. Her throat made a faint growling sound as she bit into the burger. The juices from the meat ran over her tongue, causing it to tingle, it was as though time had frozen in place. She looked down at the burger and began fiercely devouring it.

  Jagger’s eyes widened as he watched her eat. Her four front teeth on both jaws looked human, but the rest looked incredible sharp, “I guess it really has been a while, hasn’t it?”


  “Yup, definitely a while.” He quipped.

  Some of the juice from the burger ran down the side of her lip, she quickly licked it up with an unusually long and pointed tongue, “That was sheep?”

  “Yeah. Jerry uses different seasoning to fool you into thinking it’s beef.”

  “The man has some skill. Too bad he’s a jerk.”

  Jagger shrugged as he picked up his own burger, “He’s just an old school hard ass. Once you get to know him, he’s not that bad.”

  “If you say so.”

  Jagger ate down his burger and then looked at Raiya. She returned his gaze with an annoyed expression, “Do I have something on my face?”


  “Something wrong?”

  “No… I’ve just never seen anyone like you before.”

  “Not the first time I’ve heard that.”

  Jagger sucked down a deep breath as the scene fell into an awkward silence. Raiya’s gaze did not make it any easier. Her glowing yellow eyes stared at him as though saying that they weren’t going to move until he did.

  “All right, this way. Your bedroom’s over here.”

  Raiya got up and followed him down the only hallway at the back of the apartment. On one side stood a bathroom, built out of the brick wall. Two bedroom doors lined the hallway on the opposite side.

  Jagger pointed to the first door, “Here you go. This one is yours.”

  Raiya stepped through the doorway and looked around. The entire room had been white-walled. The brick had been covered up, giving the room a homely feeling. A queen size bed sat in the middle of the room with a nightstand on either side. It was little more than a mattress propped up on some wooden beams, but it looked comfortable enough. There was also a small wooden chest sat at the end of the bed for storage.

  Raiya looked at him oddly, “This… is a pretty big room to be a guest room.”

  “Yeah, both bedrooms are the same size.” Jagger replied through a yawn.

  “And this is what a single person gets?”

  Jagger’s eyes narr
owed, “No, this is what a member of the Westcon security force gets.”


  “The average life expectancy for someone who does my job is five to ten years, max. Those who take on this job are given a little extra. Call it appreciation.”

  “I see…”



  “Go ahead.” Jagger insisted. “You can say it.”

  Raiya let out a deep sigh as she spoke, “Just seems like this extra space could be used… you know?”

  “You mean for refugees or dissidents?”


  “Well they often are. When we get a group of refugees coming in, we’re often asked for volunteers. Usually I’ll take in a few people until they can find better arrangements.”

  “All right…”

  Jagger yawned as he turned away, “I’m going to call it a night. Do you need anything?”

  “No… but…”

  Raiya bit her lip and lowered her eyes as she turned to Jagger. Her demeanor was one of someone who was struggling or perhaps in pain. Her conscience was wrestling with something she wanted to say, that was obvious.

  Jagger watched her carefully as she squirmed, “What?”

  “I… never really thanked you for taking me in.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Well… thank you anyway.”

  Jagger nodded, “No problem. You know, you never really answered me before.”

  “About what?”

  Raiya turned her back to him, pushed her hood back, and undid the bun on the back of her head. To Jagger’s shock, her hair was quite a bit longer than he originally thought. It reached all the way down to the small of her back as it fell.

  An even bigger surprise was waiting for him on her head as she turned back around. His eyes widened at the two large protrusions coming out of her hair. “You have horns?”

  Two-inch-thick horns protruded from the hairline on either side of her forehead. They looked almost exactly like dragon horns. They spread out from her forehead and wrapped around the side of her skull, barely above her hair. The tips curved and slightly stuck out in the back, “Yeah. I’ve tried grinding them down and sawing them off, but it hurts too much. So now I just cover them with my hair.”


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