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Drakin: The Story of Raiya

Page 27

by James Harrington

  Finally, Lavoie spoke, “Lieutenant, you’re asking me to dedicate the last of our forces to a massive assault on a fortified location in the hopes that we can get in close enough for you to kill her father.”

  “Not exactly.” Raiya cut in. “The battle will be a diversion. We want you to draw the horde’s attention so we can slip into their home on Mount Whitney and take him out.”

  “And if he decides to join the fight?”

  “Then we’ll have enough time to get back to you and will probably have an easier time taking him out.”

  “And all I have for assurances is the second-hand word of a dragon lord?”

  “You don’t trust us?” Raiya asked with a flare of anger in her eyes.

  “No, no, it’s not that.” Marshal Lavoie replied. “After what I saw you do out front against that dragon lord, I’m pretty much willing to believe what you tell me. That said, it’s a big risk asking me to do this. How do you know you can trust your uncle’s word?”

  Raiya sighed, “Because he helped me kill the red dragon lord.”

  Marshal Lavoie rested his head on the back of the couch, “Now that is something…”

  The older officer sat back in deep contemplation, “I won’t ask our forces to abandon our cities. I’ll arrange an expeditionary force to proceed to Mount Whitney. It shouldn’t take longer than a week.”

  “How big a force are we talking about?” Jagger asked.

  Marshal Lavoie shrugged, “Six, seven thousand men… including armored units.”

  “Air support?”

  “Not available.”

  Jagger sighed, “That won’t be enough…”

  “It’s all we can afford.”

  Jagger looked at his friends, “Thoughts?”

  Eric shrugged, “This whole thing will be for nothing if the Westcon force gets wiped out. We need more men and equipment.”

  “The U.S. Remnant Force.” Andy replied. “If I can talk to the commandant, I should be able to convince him to send aid.”

  “But you’d need to get all the way across the country!” Jagger said in a dismal tone.

  “I can spare a transport chopper.” Lavoie said. “It’ll get you there in no time.”

  “You sure you’re up for that?” Jagger asked. “You’re not exactly on friendly terms with them anymore.”

  Andy nodded, “Yeah I know that. Don’t worry about it. I’ve never seen a bad situation that I haven’t been able to talk my way out of. Besides, it’s my word against Dr. Castillo’s and no one takes him at his word for anything anymore.”

  “I might be able to help too.” Eric added. “There should be a nomad encampment not too far from here. If I can get to it, they should have an old CB radio. All nomad groups are supposed to carry them, assuming they still work. I should be able to request assistance.”

  “You think they’ll come?” Raiya asked.

  Eric nodded, “You’re a nomad, so you must know about the tenants that each clan agrees to in order to stay on good terms with others. If someone calls for help, all the nearby clans are obligated to provide aid. Besides, we’ve been taking a beating from these dragons for too long. I’m sure some of them are itching for a fight.”

  Marshal Lavoie smirked, “So if this works, it’ll be quite a fight…. Possibly the last fight of the war.”

  The group rose to their feet with Marshal Lavoie, “All right, well we all have work to do. I suggest we get started.”

  “Marshal…” Raiya said hesitantly. “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing one thing for me before we go…”

  Chapter 23

  The sun slowly set over the city of Denver as Raiya brought a small case down the steps of the capital building. The case was a small mahogany box with brass latches on either side. She brushed her hand over the smoothly carved wood, “Goodbye.”

  The Capital building was illuminated by a large fire that danced in the moonlight. The Westcon defense force had arranged for a small funeral pyre. Several of their soldiers had apparently decided to stick around. At least twenty stood in two lines facing one another.

  As Raiya walked by, each soldier on either side saluted. Jagger stood next to the fire, waiting for her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she finally stopped a few feet away from the flame.

  Field Marshal Lavoie stepped out of the darkness next to Raiya, “Would you like to say anything?”

  Raiya looked down at the small box, “I… don’t even know what to say… I’ve never done this…”

  “I understand.” Marshal Lavoie replied. “Would you mind then if I did?”

  “Go ahead.”

  Marshal Lavoie turned and faced the flame, “We are gathered here this evening to bid farewell to a young hero, a special little girl who helped to show us that virtually anything is possible.”

  He reached over and placed his hand on the box, “It is truly sad when we must say goodbye to someone we care about; a friend, a loved one, a family member. However, it is even more so when that person is so young… so full of life. The book of Miranda Foster is a short one. There are many pages that will have to remain blank. There are chapters that can never be written and an ending that yet feels incomplete. That said, it is a story that we must be sure will never be forgotten in the pages of history. For it is because of that story that we now stand here, ready to face down an evil that we thought could not be defeated.”

  “Attention!” A voice shouted from behind.

  Field Marshal Lavoie nodded as a loud stomp signaled that his men were now standing straight, “Therefore, under my authority, should we win the day… The field on which she fell will be forever remembered as the Miranda Foster Memorial Field. Let the world never forget her sacrifice.”

  He turned and looked at Raiya, “We now commit Miranda’s remains to the flame, that they may never be fodder for the dragons.”

  Raiya kissed the box before throwing it onto the flames. Small embers flew into the air as the box impacted against the burning wood. It quickly caught fire and vanished into the flames.

  “At least now she’s at peace.” Jagger replied.

  “Is she? How do we know for certain?” Raiya asked. “Have we ever known anything like peace?”

  “Not for a long time…”

  Raiya let out a deep sigh as she turned to face Jagger. The look on her face was one of pure rage, “I want him, Jagger. I want his skull as a trophy. I want him dead… My father has gone too far. I can’t leave him unchecked any longer.”

  Jagger nodded, “Don’t worry, you’re going to get him.”

  “Keep telling me that, partner. Even if it’s not true… just keep saying it.”

  She then turned to Marshal Lavoie, “So where are we with preparations?”

  “We’re getting there.” He replied. “I’ve got a chopper prepping for launch to deliver Dr. Fausten back to Charleston. We’re also giving your friend Eric an old car. It’s not much, but he should be able to at least find his people.”

  “Thanks…” Raiya replied.

  “No problem. I suggest that you say your goodbyes. The chopper is slated to leave within the next hour.”

  “That’s good advice.” Jagger said as he turned away from the flame.

  Andy was sitting by himself at the makeshift airfield. A pair of aging F-22s and F-18s sat next to the closest airstrip, ready to launch in an emergency. It was a fairly pathetic airfield when compared to the Charleston one. At least Charleston had more fighters on standby and the carrier was always ready to go.

  A Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk sat on a small landing pad, roughly two hundred feet away from the fighters. Crews worked to get it refueled and ready for launch. Flashlight beams darted around the Pave Hawk. Unintelligible shouts and arguments could be heard in the distance as the crews worked.

  “Great job, Andy!” He said to himself. “Now you’re going to be hanging from blades in the sky, completely open to dragon attacks! How do you get yourself into these things?”

  “These t
hings?” A voice asked from behind. “You mean this isn’t the first time you’ve gotten yourself into trouble?”

  Andy smirked as he turned to face Jagger, “Hardly… I always seem to be stuck in the middle of a catastrophe. It’s the story of my life. When I was a kid, I tried to create a fort in my backyard that could survive dragon’s fire… and almost wound up burning my house down in the process of testing it. I swear trouble follows me where ever I go.”

  “Good times.” Jagger replied.

  “Tell me about it.”

  Jagger laughed as Raiya approached from behind, “So… it looks like this is it.”

  “Yup… I’m off to Charleston.” Andy replied.

  Raiya quickly threw her arms around him, “Thanks Andy… we wouldn’t have made it this far without you.”

  Andy looked bewildered, like he’d never been hugged before. He quickly adjusted and gently placed his hands on Raiya’s back, “Yes you would have. With your determination, you would have torn ass all over the world until you got what you wanted.”

  “Think so?”

  “I know so… Your father should be saying his prayers right now.”

  “If the dragons even have gods.”

  Raiya pulled back and nodded, “Thanks Andy… We’ll see you again.”

  “Hope so.” Andy replied.

  “No, we’ll see each other again.” Raiya said adamantly. “That wasn’t a question. I expect you to survive.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Hey, we’re ready! Come on!” A voice called out as the scream of the chopper engine became audible.

  Andy quickly turned to Jagger and shook his hand, “Jagger, it’s been a pleasure. Good luck.”

  “Thanks buddy, you too.” Jagger replied.

  Andy smiled and turned away, heading for the chopper. Be safe you two.


  Jagger watched Andy throw on a helmet as he boarded the chopper. The gray pave hawk came to life with a mighty whirl and began takeoff procedures. Andy disappeared behind the sliding door as it was closed. Crew members scattered to get out of the way when the chopper slowly lifted off the pad.

  Jagger waved as it disappeared into the night sky, “Be safe.”

  “I suppose I should be off too.” A voice chimed in from behind.

  “Probably.” Jagger replied as he turned to see Eric standing behind him. “You got everything you need?”

  “Just about.” Eric replied. “They gave me a bolt gun and an old land rover. It’s in terrible shape, but I get the feeling that they don’t plan on seeing it again.”

  “Do you know where the nearest nomad outpost is?” Raiya asked.

  “No, but I know what to look for. Don’t worry, I bet you anything I’ll find it before Andy gets back to Charleston.”

  “Good luck.” Jagger replied.

  “You too. Once this is all over, we’ll have a beer to celebrate.”

  “A beer?” Raiya asked.

  Eric smiled and shrugged, “Don’t look at me, it’s just something my father used to say. I’ve never actually had one either.”


  “Do I get a hug?” Eric asked.

  Before Raiya could move, Jagger reached out his arms and grabbed Eric. The moment he had a tight grasp on him, he gave the young nomad a quick peck on the cheek, “There you go!”

  “That wasn’t exactly what I meant!” Eric said, rubbing his cheek.

  “You wanted a hug, you got a hug!” Jagger replied. “What’s your problem?”

  Raiya forced a smile and wrapped her arms around Eric, “There you go, you’ve been a pain in the ass, but you’re all right.”

  “Thanks, we’ll see each other soon.”

  “We better.”

  Eric turned and walked off into the darkness, “Take care, you two.”

  Jagger turned back to Raiya, now that their friends were off carrying out their assignments, “Maybe it’s time we get started.”

  “Do you think there’s any chance we’ll see any of them again?”

  “I think we will.” Jagger replied. “They’re survivors. What’s more, they’re good people. A combination like that isn’t easy to kill.”

  Raiya frowned as she watched Eric disappear. Jagger turned away and beckoned her to follow, “Come on, it’s time we got started too.”

  “I agree.” Said another voice.

  Field Marshal Lavoie stepped out of the darkness behind them, “You’ve got a long journey ahead of you. We’ve refit your jeep with better tires, a new power cell, and installed a fold-out cannon in the back that should knock anything up to an elder dragon out of the sky. We’ve also given you food and provisions in your back seat for about two days. Do you need anything else?”

  “Power cells and ammo, sir?”

  “Already taken care of as well.”

  “Then I think we’re good.”

  “You sure now? You’re not exactly going up against a wyvern here.”

  Raiya nodded, “We should be good, as long as you can draw out the horde.”

  Marshal Lavoie nodded, “Give us a few more days, we’ll throw everything we can at them. I just hope we won’t be alone.”

  “What about the EastCon forces?” Raiya asked. “Why haven’t you asked them for help?”

  Marshal Lavoie frowned, “We have a… tenuous relationship with the Eastern Coalition. We share resources whenever we can, but they don’t typically come running when they receive requests for help.”

  “Why not?”

  “A large number of dragons took a liking to Siberia. The EastCon has had its hands full just holding them back. We radioed them for help… but I don’t even know if they received the message.”

  “Andy and Eric will get help.” Jagger replied. “They’re good people. I have faith in them.”

  “Hope so… Well good luck, you two… Hopefully we’ll see each other again.”


  Jagger saluted and proceeded past the Marshal, heading for his jeep. The Westcon engineers had left her right in front of the capital building. The engine was running as she sat idle.

  Commander Bhatia leaned against the driver’s side panel, “So what do you think?”

  Jagger smiled as he looked at the jeep he’d spent years refurbishing, “Whoa… You replaced the seatbelts and gave it a wash down? It looks almost new!”

  “Except for the rust, burns, and bullet holes.” Raiya replied.

  “You’re such a glass-half-empty kinda girl.”

  “Just how it goes.”

  Command Bhatia smiled, “Nothing but the best for the people who are going to end the war for us.”

  Jagger frowned, “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

  “Had I not seen you guys take out that dragon lord, I wouldn’t… and I’m still skeptical, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life fighting a war I can’t win.”

  “I see…”

  Jagger stepped by the commander and was about to enter the jeep. He was about to turn the ignition when Commander Bhatia placed his hand on the wheel, “You should know… I volunteered to take command of the diversionary force. I will be the forward commander of our ground forces during this fight.”


  “If we lose, there won’t be enough of us left to do anything but stave off the dragon attacks until we’re completely spent. No, we’ll either win the day or I’ll die on the field, as a soldier.”

  Raiya frowned, “Well don’t go getting yourself killed prematurely.”

  “I don’t intend to. I have every hope you’ll win. I’m betting on it.”

  Jagger extended his hand, “Then I hope we’ll see each other after the fight.”

  “Me too.” Bhatia said, offering his hand.

  The two stared at each other for a few moments as they shook hands. Neither one seemed particularly confident that they’d see each other again, even if they did somehow win the day.

  “Be safe.” Jagger
said as he pulled away and got behind the wheel.

  “I won’t, but thanks.” Commander Bhatia replied.

  Raiya slid into the passenger’s seat next to Jagger, “We all set?”

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Jagger put the truck in drive and slowly pulled away from the capital. The road was completely smooth, a rarity where it usually traveled. He looked into the rear-view mirror and watched as the capital slowly vanish.

  Raiya kept her eyes on the road as they passed by several buildings and the expected shanty towns set up on either side of the road. Guards with lamps could be seen skulking about, making sure that everyone was safe.

  Jagger looked over at Raiya as the jeep past by the residential areas and began entering the military encampments near the exit, “I wonder if all of this will go away once it’s over.”

  Raiya had a stoic expression on her face, but her eyes were far more revealing. She looked worried. The weight of the world had literally just been tossed onto her shoulders. The fact that she had willingly accepted the job of patricidal assassin didn’t change the fact that being humanity’s savior was an unfair burden on her.

  Jagger slowly and cautiously lowered his right hand to the console where she was resting her arm. Taking a chance, he ran his hand over her claw-like fingers and then threaded his between them.

  Her body immediately came to life, causing her to look down and see what had happened. Jagger kept his eyes on the road, pretending that nothing was going on. He quietly waiting for a reaction be it indifference or something more extreme. All he got was a gentle squeeze in response as she gripped his hand.

  She kept her eyes focused forward as her mind raced a mile a minute, “Jagger?”

  “Yeah?” Jagger replied.

  “Thanks… for coming with me.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. Coming along with you meant saving the world. I never thought we’d get this far… but I’m glad we did. Honestly it’s been quite the ride.”

  “It really has…”

  Jagger sat back in his jeep as they slowed near the main entrance. The gates opened, allowing them to exit.

  “Good luck, sir!” One of the guards called out.

  “To us all!” Jagger replied as he hit the gas.


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