Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal)
Page 140
Hallie was sure she must be crazy. If she agreed to marry Faolin and live in Underhill, she would give up everything and everyone else she ever loved. He was perfect though, and he loved her. Faolin loved everything about her. Where else would she find that? Hallie kissed Faolin “I love you, I always will. It doesn’t matter what you are or where we live.”
Faolin took Halie in his arms. He held her tight and Hallie felt the heat radiating off Faolin. His lips brushed hers, and she was instantly on fire. He laid her back in bed and before she realized it they were making love again.
Hallie woke the next morning in Faolin’s arms. The sun streamed through her window making her whole room bright and cheery. There was a knock on the door. Hallie pulled the covers up hoping they would go away. It didn’t work. The door creaked open a few seconds later.
Endali came in, “Your Uncle is going to be pissed if he finds out about this,” he laughed.
Faolin sat up a little, “Who’s going to tell him?” he raised a brow.
“Alright Liam,” Endali waved him off.
“We are telling Oberon to make it official today.” Faolin kissed Hallie as Endali left.
Chapter Seven
A week passed in the mortal world while they were in Underhill. Hallie was glad she arranged the time off at work. As soon as she got back, she called her mom. She was happy to hear from Hallie. He mom was the main reason Hallie returned. She wanted to spend some time with her before Hallie left the mortal realm forever.
During the week Hallie’s work kept her extremely busy, weekends were spent in New Jersey with her mom. After two months Hallie was utterly exhausted. She couldn’t believe it had been nearly three weeks since they’d spent an evening together. All she wanted was a quiet dinner and a night of lovemaking.
Hallie opened the door to their apartment and was horrified. Alainya was in Faolin’s arms with her legs wrapped around him. His slacks were on the floor, and her skirt was hitched up. Faolin was already pushing her away, but Hallie had seen enough. She stormed out the door. Faolin rushed after her grabbing at his pants, but they fell down around his ankles tripping him. Hallie heard him run down the hall after her as the elevator doors closed. The man in the elevator beside her said nothing as she wiped tears away, but he certainly jumped when Faolin appeared in the elevator.
“Damn it, Liam,” Hallie swore. He waved a hand, making the man ignore them completely.
“That wasn’t what it looked like,” Faolin said in his defense.
“Oh really, it was pretty obvious to me.”
“Hallie please,”
“With all the people it had to be her.” Hallie spat “And to think I thought you disliked her. You really had me convinced.”
“I do Hallie, please you must believe me.”
“Yet you sleep with her.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Then what was that?”
“She wanted you to think…”
“Oh, of course, it was Alainya’s elaborate scheme…Ughh how could I be so stupid? You were probably diddling her on the cruise too, that’s why I always saw her leaving when I was coming.”
“No, Hallie I swear.” The elevator stopped, and the man got off. “I caught you in the act Faolin.”
He looked away “She only wants you to think…”
“Why would she care?” Hallie pulled off her ring and handed it to him. “Here I don’t want this. Go home Faolin.” Hallie jumped when he disappeared. Then she remembered Faolin told her a Fae’s true name held power over them. Hallie sighed hopefully that meant he’d stay in Underhill.
Hallie went to her old apartment. Liam cut her a break on the rent because Hallie moved in with him. Luckily it made Jenny lazy about finding a new roommate. Hallie laid on the couch and cried until she was numb. Jenny came home a short while later and was ready to kick in Liam’s teeth for what he’d done. She went to the store for some chunky monkey and found Hallie exactly where she’d left her when she returned. Jenny urged Hallie up and placed a spoon in her hand.
Hallie didn’t go to work the next day, too depressed to move. Breakfast was the leftover ice cream from the night before. Halfway through the pint, her phone rang. Hallie hadn’t even realized she’d turned it back on. Faolin called six times in an hour the night before, and she’d turned it off. The number on caller ID surprised her now. It was Sharon there was an emergency at work. Hallie could avoid her personal life if she threw herself into work.
Faolin did everything he could think of to win Hallie back. At first, he tried calling and texting her. Eventually, she blocked his number. Faolin went to Jenny and tried to explain. Her roommate could have been mistaken for Fae with her temperament. The woman threatened to do unspeakable things to his manhood. Faolin went to her job. He faked a modeling job trying to get in, but Sharon had him banned from the building.
Then Faolin started sending cards, flowers, and gifts. Most of them were returned. He couldn’t understand why Hallie wouldn’t even give him the chance to explain. He watched her many nights without her ever knowing. Faolin couldn’t help it, he was worried about her.
Hallie avoided him in the building as well, even though Faolin went out of his way to see her every day. She regularly altered her routine by either leaving at a different time or taking a different route to the front doors. Faolin had to resort to magic to see her. It only made Hallie angrier in the end, and he stopped doing so.
Three months without Hallie though was taking its toll. He needed to find a way to get her back. It was all he could think about. He had one option left, although he hadn’t wanted to use it. At this point though Faolin was desperate. He waited until late that evening and lay in his bed.
Hallie heard someone call her name. She looked around. She was all alone. Then Hallie felt the urge to move. Why the hell did she feel compelled to move? She glanced at the clock. It was midnight. Hallie went to bed at 11 o’clock, maybe this was a dream. Hallie heard the sounds from the street and the drip from the bathroom faucet. No probably not, she never noticed those in dreams. Hallie heard it again and felt the compulsion to move. To go where though? Hallie focused on the destination. Faolin’s apartment.
Oh no. Hallie refused. “Faolin, nephew of Titania and Oberon Queen and King of the Fae I order you to stop bothering me.” Everything stopped. Whatever Hallie did must have worked. She rolled over to sleep and started to cry instead.
The following Monday Hallie got a call she never expected. “Ms. O’Neil, this is Mr. Barrows, I own the management company for your building which means I’m Liam’s boss.”
“Yes Mr. Barrows, how can I help you?” Hallie responded confused.
“Liam hasn’t been answering his calls this afternoon. I was wondering if you’d seen him.”
“I haven’t seen him in three months.”
“He said you’d broken up, but I was still hoping you might…”
“No Mr. Barrows, have you tried his apartment?”
“I’m not in the city but, I called his personal cell no one answered. He was ill last week, and I’m a little worried.”
“Ill?” Hallie was beginning to worry too Fae didn’t get ill.
“Yes ill,”
“I have a key, I’ll check on him.”
“Thank you, Ms. O’Neil.”
Hallie hung up the phone “Damn you Faolin get your ass here right this moment.” Nothing happened. He’d waited all this time to ignore her now; the thought made Hallie mad. She went upstairs to Faolin’s apartment and let herself in. He was lying in bed wracked with sweat even though his skin was ice. He saw Hallie “I didn’t do it, Hallie, she used magic, she wants you to think... she doesn’t want us to marry… she wants me dead… she…”
He rambled on, but Hallie stopped him “Dead?”
“Magic’s almost gone.” He managed a smile for her.
“Go home Faolin,” Hallie said frustrated.
; “Can’t” he swallowed.
“And why not?” he looked up at her holding out her engagement ring.
Hallie gasped “Because I broke it off?” he nodded. “You can’t go back without me?” he nodded again; his eyes fighting to stay open. “You risked everything for me, but why?”
He smiled weakly “I love you,” it was barely a whisper, but Hallie heard it she took the engagement ring from him and slipped it on.
“Faolin I’m so sorry.” She kissed his brow before pulling his arm around her shoulder and hauling him up. She called to Underhill, and it appeared before her with its familiar scent. As soon as she stepped through, she shouted for Taise. The wolf appeared out of nowhere making her jump. Taise waited as Hallie laid Faolin on his back. Then he opened a portal for both of them to Faolin’s room. It surprised Hallie that Taise could use magic to get Faolin into bed.
Oberon barged through the doors just Hallie pulled the covers up. “What a mess,” he commented then looked at her “you waited long enough.”
“If Alainya wouldn’t have interfered he wouldn’t be in this state.”
“She tried to convince me they were having an affair and I believed it.”
“He hates Alainya,” he said confused.
“She was very convincing.” Hallie sighed looking to Faolin “Will he be alright?”
“He’ll be good as new in a few days.” Faolin was already breathing easier, and his skin was warmer. “You choose to go back, and he goes with you.”
Hallie nodded “I will stay, but I have to tell my mother where I went or she’ll be worried sick.”
“I wouldn’t advise leaving for a while” Oberon meant even if she left for a short time Faolin would have to go as well. “It’s the law until you’re married.”
“I will obey, but I need to call her.”
“You have a phone,” Oberon snorted and left.
Faolin woke hours later to Hallie stroking his hair. He tried to apologize to Hallie. She told him there wasn’t any need. She said she believed him now. Faolin was delirious with a fever and broke the rules. He told her how he wasn’t allowed to return to Underhill without her until they were married. He also confessed that he was near death because his magic was nearly gone. Faolin was sure his uncle was going to murder him. Hallie said he already knew though. He hadn’t said one word about it.
Faolin breathed a sigh of relief. He had Hallie back, and he didn’t have to worry about his uncle’s wrath. In a couple days they could return to the mortal realm and tie up loose ends before starting their life in Underhill.
Over the next couple days, Hallie finally seemed content in Faolin’s presence. She no longer second-guessed his choice. Hallie quit looking at the Fae women with suspicion. It was as if Faolin’s brush with death made her realize just how much he loved her. Faolin thought it silly, but if that’s what it took, he wasn’t going to argue.
Hallie said this time they would return for six months. She was going to tell her mom they were moving to the UK. After the wedding, Hallie was going to slowly distance herself from her mother over a few years. Eventually, she would have to cut all ties, she had a little time though. What were a few years in the millennia they had to look forward to?
Before they returned to the mortal realm, Faolin had to speak with Oberon. As the king, he reminded Faolin that he was still bound by the rules of his engagement to Hallie. He made Faolin repeat them for good measure. Then he told him that Alainya had not returned to Underhill yet. When she did though, it was up to the court to decide her punishment. Faolin understood no matter what Oberon claimed they were still family and he had to remain impartial.
As his uncle, Oberon told him to be careful. He was worried that Alainya might try something else. Faolin was already preparing defenses against her. The best way to hurt him now was through Hallie, and he wasn’t going to let that happen.
Life went back to normal in their tiny apartment. Faolin made up an excuse about a family emergency with his boss, Mr. Barrows. The man was very nice and accepted the explanation. Hallie Told Sharon the same thing. She got to keep her job, although Hallie was out of PTO. Her pay was docked for a week. Sharon was more worried that Hallie was back together with Liam. She told Hallie that she was making a mistake. She’d already heard the same concerns from Jenny. It was Hallie’s mistake to make. If anything happened, she had to live with the consequences. Sharon told her to be careful and to come to work on Monday.
Hallie slowed things down a little at work. Sharon was disappointed. What was the point though of rushing around like crazy for a career she was going to quit in less than a year? Their last month in the mortal realm, Hallie was going to stay in New Jersey with her mom. They were also going to have a small ceremony for her. The actual wedding though would be in Underhill.
Faolin insisted on some sort of spell even though his aunt specifically told Hallie not to let him use his magic. Whatever he did was supposed to protect them from Alainya. If it kept that bitch out of her fiancé’s pants, she’d let Faolin cast a spell or two.
Ten weeks after returning to the mortal realm Hallie returned from a long day of work. She called out for Faolin like she normally did as opened the door. There was no answer. She checked her phone. Normally if he had to go on a call, he sent her a text, nothing. Hallie set her purse down and went into their apartment. Normally she’d grab a weapon but if Faolin wasn’t responding they weren’t dealing with a normal intruder.
A few steps in she saw the mess in the living room. Books were everywhere, the couch looked like it exploded, the coffee table was in splinters, and there were scorch marks on the ceiling. What the hell happened? “Faolin I summon thee.” Hallie saw a glimmer of light appear then fade. “Faolin nephew of Queen Titania and King Oberon, I summon thee.” The light appeared again and faded. Something was wrong. He heard the summons and was trying to respond.
Hallie had no magic of her own. She couldn’t go to Faolin. Maybe he could bring Hallie to him though. “Faolin bring Hadleigh Aoife O’Neil to you.” The light flared for the third time more strongly. It lasted longer, but it faded too. Hallie cursed. She had no idea what to do now. She needed help. Hallie closed her eyes and called to Underhill. Going there now was as easy as breathing. Hallie stepped through the portal and ran for help.
The room Faolin was being held in was like any other. There was a bed and a window. It was late out now, and the moon was full. Trying to answer Hallie’s summons was a dumb thing to do. Faolin wasted a lot of magic. It was something he couldn’t afford to do. His captors knew that too. They were counting on it. Faolin had no clue how he was going to get out of this though.
All of Faolin’s protective efforts were focused on Hallie. He never thought they would come after him directly. Faolin was overconfident. Now it could cost him everything. He ran his hand over the protective shield and watched it ripple. It took two Fae’s magic to contain him. If he had all his magic, it wouldn’t matter. He was Titania’s nephew, and King Oberon didn’t settle when he chose his bride.
The door opened. The shield parted just enough for Alainya to step through. Her movements were always liquid silk, and it gave Faolin the chills. “How the mighty have fallen Lord Liam.” She mocked.
“Alainya, there will be a price to pay for this,” Faolin warned.
“I don’t really care. First I kill you, then that mortal you’ve grown attached to, and finally, I’ll skin that wolf of yours alive.” She smiled.
“Taise is a guardian, he’s protected by Fae law,” Faolin growled.
“He threw his lot in with you when he helped you murder Lokesh.” She snarled.
“Lokesh butchered my whole family. He was so blinded by rage he killed his own son and daughter in law. I was within my rights when I took his life.”
“I’m not having this argument again.” She turned her back on Faolin, “I loved Lokesh, we were gett
ing married, and you murdered him over a few mortals. It's time you pay Liam.”
Hallie was looking for Endali. She found King Oberon instead. When Hallie tried to tell him what happened, she started crying. It was the sheer frustration of not knowing what happened. Oberon was kind though. Kinder than Hallie ever guessed he would be. He wrapped his arms around Hallie and coaxed the information out of her.
When Hallie finished, she had no clue what to do. She felt better though. “What do I do now? I have no magic. How can a mortal defeat a Fae?”
“Two, and you can’t,” He told her. Hallie was ready to cry again. “Faolin could if he had all of his magic and wasn’t worried about using it.”
Tell me how.” Hallie said.
“A bargain then,” Oberon suggested.
Hallie wasn’t sure. She heard stories about the Forest Lord’s treachery when it came to deals. “What are the terms?
“I tell you how to save Faolin, and you provide me with an heir.” Hallie looked at the king with suspicion.
“What’s the catch?” Hallie asked.
“This is as wide open of a bargain as I ever give.” He offered.
“I need the information to free him from the two Fae who are holding him at this time.” Hallie clarified. “And I don’t want to have your child I want to have Faolin’s.”
“Agreed,” He offered his hand.
“Faolin and I raise our children not you,” Hallie added.
Oberon laughed and shook her hand. “When I offer an open deal it isn’t specific to help you. But good for you Hallie. Wait till I tell Titania.” He shook his head. “Faolin can save himself. He only needs his magic, to restore it. You must free him from his vows.”
“We have to marry to do that,” Hallie reasoned.
“You know his true name,” Oberon shrugged. “Swear to be his. Then you can go to him.”