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Bella Baby

Page 6

by Renee Lindemann

  Chapter 6

  Bella dragged her tired body to her apartment carrying three shopping bags planning her weekend. It was time to get back to some normalcy. Working out with her friends had resumed and that provided her with a way to take out her frustrations. Kickboxing gave her the opportunity to kick Chaz’s ass if only in her fantasy world. As she entered the building, a familiar voice called out to her.

  “You need some help with those groceries,” Chaz asked. Completely shocked, Bella turned and said, “No, now fuck off”.

  “Let me help you so that I can explain,” he said smiling.

  “I don’t see shit funny.” Bella explained to the security guard that Chaz was not her guest.

  “Stop acting like that Bella. Let me just talk to you. I can explain I promise.”

  “Fuck off!” Bella yelled and entered the elevator. Before the doors closed she put her bags down with just enough time to give Chaz the finger before the elevator doors shut. Chaz walked towards the elevators, but the guard stopped him.

  “Sorry. You heard the lady. You do not have a resident’s permission to be in the building. I am going to have to ask you to leave sir,” he said placing a firm hand on Chaz’s shoulders.

  “Look man, that’s my girlfriend and we had an argument. I didn’t call when I said I would and now she’s pissed. C’mon man you can’t let me up just this once? I guarantee you that you will be seeing a lot of me in this building.” Chaz knew Bella wanted to see him just as bad as he wanted to see her.

  “Sorry son. You are going to have to try and get her on the phone although it doesn’t look too good for you.” The guard escorted Chaz to the door. Chaz reached into his inner coat pocket and removed a stack of bills. He carefully placed the neat stack of bills into the security guard’s hand.

  “Now do I have access to enter the building?” Chaz asked.

  “You are giving me this to let you up to her apartment? I could lose my job. Is this enough to take care of my family? How do I know you won’t go up there and hurt her if she continues to reject you?” The security guard stared at the large sum of cash in his hand.

  “I have never put an angry hand on her and I never will. If she won’t let me in, then you will have profited. Please sir I haven’t seen her for two weeks,” he explained. “I’d rather you have the money and do this the easy way.”

  Ernest scratched his head as he slowly counted the bills in his hand, growing weaker with each hundred counted. In total Chaz handed the man fifteen hundred dollars. Earnest had no choice but to let Chaz up on the elevator. This was too much money to let pass, and he relented.

  “Son, don’t make me regret this decision,” Ernest begged.

  “You won’t, trust me. Believe it or not we’re in love.” Chaz smiled while entering the elevator car.

  Chapter 7

  Bella curled up on the bed with her favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Whiskers. She pulled the blanket over their bodies with tears streaming down each cheek. She couldn’t believe he just showed up and didn’t immediately throw himself on the ground begging for her forgiveness. Instead, he laughed and made her feel even more stupid.

  “Bella, open the door,” Chaz said knocking hard. She was shocked when she heard him pounding on her door. Quickly she jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, splashing water on her face. As fast as she could she brushed her hair and changed her food-stained shirt. Bella chugged a cup of mouthwash before exiting the bathroom.

  “Get away from my door you son of a bitch. You don’t look dead to me,” she yelled.

  “Let me in so I can talk to you please,” he pleaded.

  “About what?” Bella folded her arms over her breasts wanting to hit him.

  “Can I come in, damn? Bella I need to talk to you but not through this door.”

  “Why should I let you into my apartment?”

  “I need to talk to you about us but not in this damn hallway.”

  “Why should I let you into my apartment? You left me hanging for the last two weeks.” Bella was infuriated. He wasn’t taking her anger seriously.

  “I had to do this. Let me in so that I can explain why I did this to you.” Chaz begged leaning against the door. Just hearing her voice made him want to touch her. Bella opened the door and crossed her arms knowingly. Chaz smiled and said, “Stop acting like that Bella. Let me just tell you what happened, okay? Can I come in?”

  “No! Say your peace from the hallway. You made a joke out of me and had me thinking I was in love with you.”

  “Can I come in, I don’t want our business in the hallway?”

  “Come in but don’t go past the door because you will be leaving out of it shortly.” Bella unable to control her anger greeted Chaz with a left hook to the nose. The punch caught him off guard, and his nose started to bleed lightly.

  “Ow! Why did you hit me?” Chaz was shocked but laughed it off. That was all he needed to know she really did love him.

  “That’s for treating me like some third-class skank.” Bella comforted her now hurt knuckles then grabbed a tissue from the box nearby. Hastily she gave the tissue to Chaz and smiled when she saw the small amount of blood. He wasn’t the only one that could be lethal.

  “Damn girl! You are violent. I had my reasons for doing what I did.” His voice was nasal as he applied pressure to his septum to stop the blood.

  “I have been going crazy Chaz. This shit wasn’t funny.” Bella felt the tears well up in her eyes and fought letting them fall. Chaz explained that there was a part of his life that he kept secret from almost everyone, except Horatio. He wanted to make sure that she felt the same about him. Chaz hated being so secretive, but this was the first time he ever wanted to reveal that part of his life to another person.

  “Why didn’t you just ask Chaz? I have been here going through it, missing you and blaming myself,” she said tears flowing down her face. “I couldn’t understand how we could have what we have and not both want it”.

  “I am sorry Bella, but trust me you will understand later why I had to do what I did. I just had to be sure,” he said wiping the tears from her cheek. Bella held his hand to her cheek to make sure it was real. Chaz kissed her lips softly and stroked her hair. He had missed her so much in such a short time that it amazed him. “I missed you so much you know that don’t you?”

  “I missed you too. Don’t ever do that again, you can always talk to me.” Bella hated caving so easily, but she couldn’t help it. She happily hugged his neck and breathed in his sent. Chaz wrapped her up in his arms loving the feel of her body.

  “I promise baby, the truth from here on out,” he replied.

  Chaz continued to kiss Bella. He began to slowly move her in the direction of her bedroom, but he couldn't be sure of its location. Sensing his movements Bella took his hand and led him to her bedroom. Delicately Chaz removed Bella’s clothes kissing her softly on the neck as she whimpered. Bella eagerly snatched his shirt off running her hands over his soft skin. She couldn’t believe he was in her apartment. When he stripped her naked, she happily wrapped her legs around his waist. Chaz held her in his arms gorging himself on her ample breasts. Slipping his hand down, he pushed inside her wet body. Bella gasped and began to move with his rhythm. Chaz’s strong legs managed to hold their bodies. Together they moving in perfect unison. Bella wrapped her long legs and arms covering his body completely as he sat down on the bed.

  “I told you I was coming back for my pussy,” he whispered.

  “I missed you so much baby,” Bella wailed. Chaz was moving beneath her body driving her crazy. She felt so full and raced towards her first orgasm. Extending her head back Bella moaned loudly. Chaz took this opportunity to kiss her elongated neck.

  “Fuck Bella,” Chaz croaked. The internal squeezing felt so wonderful. Chaz lifted their conjoined bodies and then lowered Bella onto the bed. He surveyed her sexy naked body. The soft tan of her skin and the apex of her thighs called to him.

  “The lovemaking is over Bell
a,” Chaz informed. He pulled her legs apart and repeatedly plunged deep into Bella as she cried. These were tears of pleasure not tears of pain. He wanted her to know how much he missed being inside her sweet body. Chaz’s face contorted as he fought the urge to come. He wanted more. He wanted her begging and screaming before he came. “You like that Bella?”

  “Yes baby, please,” she said her voice childish and whiny. Chaz found her mouth as the beginnings of his orgasm took shape. Thrust after thrust and he erupted coming loudly, “I love this pussy. This is my pussy.”

  Chaz kissed her face wildly having missed her more than she missed him. He was sure he faired worse than she had during their two-week hiatus. The wild passionate kisses led to another round of intense lovemaking. Chaz cradled Bella in his arms stroking her hair. She could not believe sex could be this wonderful. Just being next to him wiped the last two weeks away. Bella wanted to be tough and get down to the news. She would need ample time to process this news.

  “So do we talk secrets now or later?” Bella said rolling onto her belly.

  “Not now baby! I am still in the zone,” Chaz replied. He ran his fingertips along her back watching the goose bumps appear on her skin.

  “I really missed you, you know that?” Bella felt so emotional after the excellent sex.

  “I know. I saw you,” he said. Chaz kept touching her this reassured his brain that she was really here. He never wanted to leave her again. He knew that was a promise he could never make.

  “You saw what?” she asked sitting up.

  “Nothing, I rode past a couple of times and saw you sitting in your car.”

  “You mean you were watching me lose my mind? I was in utter misery and you just sat and watched happily.” Bella’s brow began to furrow as anger permeated her face.

  “Calm down Bella. How else would I know if you felt the same, besides I had to see you?” Bella was off the bed with super speed.

  “So you watched me wallow in misery knowing that your presence would have stopped my wallowing?”

  “Come on Bella. I was just making sure that you were really feeling me. I didn’t want you to wallow.” Chaz could smile now but he didn’t think it was funny watching her cry. Angrily she put on her robe and in disbelief she said, “That smile is going to get you slapped, better yet punched again.”

  Chaz exited the bed quickly cutting off Bella from heading to the living room.

  “Do you think that was easy for me? I hated seeing you so upset and knowing it was me that was causing that pain. I was dying without you. I missed you so fucking much.”

  “I don’t know what to think. I was going nuts thinking that these feelings I was having after one weekend with you were crazy.”

  All traces of a smile were erased from Chaz’s face. “My life is complicated and I had to be sure.”

  “Do you think my life has been a cake walk?” she asked quizzically.

  “I am a green beret in the U.S. army, under a Special Forces division with Top Secret level clearance. That’s all I can say,” he blurted. Bella’s ears could barely register what he was saying let alone process the information. She stuttered unintelligible words as the bewilderment registered on her face.

  “I put in a request just to say that sentence to you. I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. I have assignments that vary in length and location. During my down time I manage my businesses.”

  Chaz explained that he had been in the army from birth. “My father had been an important General in the army which made my choice of profession pre-determined.”

  He talked more about his family and less about his “other” job. Chaz had grown up under the overbearing weight of his demanding and physically abusive father. Often he suffered his father’s wrath while his older brother, William, basked in his father’s undying attention. Chaz’s mother, Emily, had done little to protect her youngest son out of fear. He would attack her on a whim and therefore very rarely ventured to protect Chaz when her husband was on a warpath. Sometimes William would do the abusing in their father’s absence. It had been a constant struggle for Chaz to please his father and stave off the bullying from his own brother. This subject was pretty hard on Chaz to discuss and seeing this Bella pulled him near to her as his words trailed off.

  “We are family now,” she said kissing him lightly on the cheek.

  “I need you Bella. I am sorry I had to do that to you,” he whispered. “Tell me what I need to hear.”

  Bella gave a shy smile as she hugged a still very naked Chaz. Kissing her neck Chaz urged her to speak.

  “I love you Chaz,” she murmured softly. Chaz couldn’t help the huge grin on his face. Lifting Bella’s legs around his waist once more Chaz slid into his woman.

  “I love you too Bella,” he groaned. Chaz refused to allow Bella a chance to catch her breath as he frantically made love to her on the oversized sofa in her living room. Bella hoped her neighbors didn’t hear the passion erupting from her apartment. She could not control the volume of her voice. Chaz most certainly loved coming inside her once more. On the couch Bella pulled the crocheted blanket around their bodies. A soft knock at the door interrupted their cuddling. Bella assumed it was a neighbor and pulled on her robe to apologize for the noise.

  “What the fuck is going on in your apartment? It sounds like someone was being murdered!” Kennedy exclaimed with Julie standing behind her. Kennedy did not wait for a response or notice that Bella was wearing a bathrobe. Chaz sprang from the couch with the effort of a ninety year old man. He was still recovering from his most recent orgasm. Quickly he grabbed the crocheted blanket wrapping it around his hips. Kennedy and Julie stopped in their tracks taking in the sight of Chaz.

  “Uh Kennedy, Julie, this is Chaz,” Bella said giggling. The blanket was doing very little to hide Chaz’s modesty. When all eyes fell below his waist he tried adjusting the blanket.

  “Nice to meet you ladies,” Chaz gave them a panty crushing smile. Both ladies faltered a little and recovered quickly.

  “So you are the bastard that devastated our friend for two weeks?” Kennedy asked trying to keep her eyes above his waist. Chaz nodded his head and gripped the blanket.

  “Yes I am that bastard.” Chaz made to walk to the bedroom.

  “We are past formalities so you need to answer our questions right now.” Julie indicated wanting to know if he had any friends or brothers. Chaz turned to the side and without an ounce of embarrassment re-wrapped the blanket around his waist. Both ladies sighed and Bella allowed the huge grin to spread over her face. Chaz took a seat on the couch and waited for the barrage of questions.

  Kennedy shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Why did you abandon our friend?”

  “My primary job is with the government and I have top secret clearance. It requires me to be uh discrete. I had to know she was really feeling me before I could tell her this.”

  “You really expect us to believe that?” Julie hoped he wasn’t running game on her best friend this seemed too far-fetched.

  “I hope you do but I only need Bella to believe it because it is the truth.”

  “What are your intentions towards our best friend?” Kennedy was still remembering her crying best friend. Chaz did his best to present his answer in a tasteful manner.

  “My current intentions were to hit the magic number four.” He gave that panty-crushing smile. “Long term, Bella will be moving out of this apartment and into our home in the suburbs. What number Bella?”

  Bella blushed holding up three fingers as Julie gave her an incredulous look. Kennedy was not swayed by his sexual prowess.

  “Is it just sex? You two haven’t known each other for much else.”

  “No it’s not just sex but that is fantastic. Given my choice of profession time is irrelevant to me. I do not operate by some preconceived clock or calendar. I love Bella plain and simple. I do not need months or days to know this.”

  Bella did her best not to swoon in regards to his choice of words.r />
  “Love or lust?” Kennedy was a dog with a bone. Bella was her only family and she fiercely protected her. There had been a time when Bella had fiercely protected Kennedy and she would be forever grateful.

  “Both, if I am being honest. I am not sure how much of what we just did you heard but um I would definitely say that I love lusting over Bella. I love her Kennedy and I will do everything in my power to make sure she never suffers as she did these last two weeks again. My job may take me all over this planet but every time I leave, I am coming home to Bella. The moment I laid eyes on Bella I knew that she was all I would ever need. I am not being cocky but I don’t chase women. I would chase Bella all over this country. The short of it is we belong together and we will be together.”

  “Well damn okay, nice to meet you Chaz,” Julie said about to shake his hand then decided against it. “Not sure where that hand has been.”

  Kennedy maintained her suspicions before stating, “You can get dressed now. That blanket is a horrible distraction.”

  All three ladies laughed as Chaz, cocky smile and all, made his way to the bedroom. He was careful to let the blanket slip as he walked into the room. Bella laughed loudly as his firm ass greeted the ladies. Julie walked over to Bella’s wine cart grabbing a bottle.

  “I need a drink. Whew! I see how easy it was to fall in love with that.”

  Kennedy recovered from her temporary lapse becoming serious once more.

  “So that’s it he shows up with some cockamamie story and you two fall into bed or couch together?”

  “No Ken, it was more than that. Lots of tears and explanations. I am sure he paid the security guard lots of money to let him take the elevator to my apartment.”

  “I get the sex part but the love part Bella be sensible.”

  “Ken, did you just see that man. I love him and I am not sleeping with him,” Julie said taking a huge swig of her wine.


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