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Bella Baby

Page 14

by Renee Lindemann

  “I love you too Chaz.” Bella ran her hand over his face and loved the sight of his eyes closing as she touched him. It was as if her love was a physical entity and he was absorbing the energy. “You really do love me, don’t you?”

  “Bella, I have been trying to tell you that from day one. I absolutely love you. You have my heart forever.”

  Kennedy heard the tender words as they were exiting the bathroom and she pushed Horatio back in to give them the moment. Chaz lifted Bella from the bed and pulled her clothes out of the overnight bag. He affectionately pulled the underwear up her body before clasping the bra around her back. Bella appreciated his attention to detail as he slipped the ankle socks onto her feet. Horatio slipped out of the bathroom grabbing their bag without interrupting. The jeans fit her perfectly and he enjoyed pulling them up over her wonderful ass. Bella lifted her arms so that he could slide the fitted t-shirt over her head.

  The new white shirt featured Chaz’s store logo on the front. Urban Gear’s black and gold logo encircled the front of the shirt with the clever initials “CC” at the bottom of the logo. The back of her shirt had the words “Bella Baby” in black letters. Chaz carefully slipped the belt through the loops of her jeans. Walking around her body Chaz grabbed the brush and carefully untangled her long brown hair. Lastly he pulled out the new white tennis shoes and slipped them onto her socked feet. When he was finished dressing her, he bent his mouth to hers and kissed her greedily. The knock at the door jolted them from their passionate exchange. Kennedy stepped out of the bathroom fully clothed in a similar outfit. Mia, Callie, and Ava were at the door dressed in jeans and a different Urban Gear logo t-shirt. Bella liked seeing that Kennedy’s shirt said “Kennedy Baby” on the back. The girls took a step back before walking into the room, as Chaz had yet to put on his shirt. Mia openly ogled Chaz’s amazing abs and muscular chest.

  “Put on a shirt Chico, you got the ladies swooning,” Horatio said exiting the bathroom. Chaz laughed grabbing his Urban Gear shirt and pulled it over his head. His shirt had “C-The Man” in black letters on the back. Chaz went to the safe and retrieved his gun and holster before passing Horatio his weapon. Mia and Callie openly gawked at the weapon exchange. Both men put on the holsters and checked their weapons. It was like a routine the way they checked the clip and chamber. They both put on jean jackets to hide the weapons.

  “Um why are you carrying those? Are we in danger?” Callie said looking around.

  “Don’t worry Callie we are the best with these and no you are not in danger,” Horatio said honestly. Bella appreciated that he didn’t make a joke and took a serious stance. It occurred to Bella that they needed a plausible cover story for them.

  “It’s okay Callie, really,” Ava said reassuringly. Mia on the other hand thought there was no end to Chaz’s sexiness. Especially after witnessing his sexual abilities with Bella, Mia was left totally wanting. Seeing his muscular chest and then checking his weapon made her panties dampen. She would have to seriously deal with her crush on the man. Waking up this morning to a selection of clothes and shoes for them to wear blew her mind. The large group made their way downstairs to one of the casino restaurants for food.

  “You sir are fucking classy,” Mia said to Chaz. “Thanks for the clothes right down to the underwear.”

  Ava threw Mia a look that indicated she needed to stop flirting.

  “You are welcome,” Chaz replied. “Can’t have my peeps looking rough plus all this free beautiful advertising will be on the casino floor.”

  “I want a shirt that says ‘Mia Baby’ on the back.” Mia didn’t mean to touch Chaz’s arm but she did and it didn’t go unnoticed.

  Everyone grabbed plates of food at the buffet before making their way to the long table. People were watching the large group and the t-shirts were a smart idea. Cole was quick with flyers for the store and discount coupons for those asking. Bella and Chaz couldn’t help canoodling as they made their food selections. Ava and Mia were engrossed in a serious conversation after Ava made Mia sit at the other end of the table, away from Chaz. Kennedy could see their heated conversation and she knew the reason. While none of them were excessively flirting with Horatio, she was seriously reconsidering having their college buddies around in the future. It was a conversation she would have with Bella later.

  “So how was everyone’s night?” Chaz asked looking around the table. Myra immediately blushed and tried to cover her face with her hair. Cole was sitting a little taller after last night. He had never had two women give him a blowjob before. Ace and Isla seemed the most comfortable about last night’s set-up. Michael looked as if he had won a lottery last night.

  “I had a great time,” Ace said with a full plate of food. Isla nodded her head aggressively while putting a fork full of fruit to her mouth.

  “Did our engagement party treat our friends right?” Chaz asked looking around the table for confirmation.

  “Well dawg, I got some righteous pussy last night, so that was great. Um I saw some raw talent last night that surprised even a freak like me,” Horatio said giving Bella a quick wink. Chaz and Horatio pounded fists as Bella shook her head turning beet red.

  “Horatio, geez do you have any tact?” Kennedy asked hitting his arm.

  “The man asked how was the party baby. You don’t want the people to know you made my damn toes curl? I am not a liar baby,” Horatio said plying Kennedy with kisses.

  “I don’t know Horatio. I think my night topped your night. We were busted by our neighbor,” Michael bragged. Sabrina laughed shaking her head while Stephanie slipped a hand between Penelope’s thighs. Michael had no idea his sometime girlfriend was going to spend some time with her new friends.

  “What happened?” Callie asked but then thought better of the question. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. Callie was thinking about Martinez from last night, wishing he had come back to the hotel with them. Callie threw Mia a dirty look as she gazed at Chaz. Mia’s crush was going to mess this up for them, she was sure of it.

  “Apparently we were making too much noise and he had a problem communicating when we opened the door,” Sabrina said nonchalantly. Stephanie laughed as Penelope welcomed the hand between her thighs. “It had something to do with seeing four nude people answering the door.”

  “Man, this crew is full of voyeurs and exhibitionists. We got to see sex and coochie eating in a hallway and that was just on our floor,” Ava alleged. “Who knows what happened in the other rooms?”

  Myra choked on her food and Cole gently patted her back. The table erupted in laughter at this situation.

  “Ok it got pretty freaky in our room. You try rooming with these two,” Myra explained pointing to Ace and Isla. The couple pretended innocence that no one believed.

  “None of that, unfortunately, starred any of us,” Mia said regrettably indicating, herself and two friends. Mia shifted her eyes to her plate afraid to look at Bella and Chaz. She felt bad having a crush on her friend’s fiancé but she couldn’t help the attraction. Chaz’s hard body and confidence continued to encourage her crush. She imagined Chaz touching her intimately. Mia had to fight an imagined gasp.

  “There is always next time,” Ace said smiling at the trio. Callie visibly blanched not understanding how Isla could handle the massive man.

  “Don’t worry Triple Threat, next time we will be better prepared. I have plenty of cool ass friends,” Chaz replied. He looked at the three women and saw that Mia’s eyes revealed a very real crush. Fuck!

  Cole stood and held up his glass of juice. “I just want to say congratulations to Chaz and Bella. Anyone who has spent anytime with you two can clearly see the love you have for each other. I know that you will have a wonderful marriage and a beautiful family. To the happy couple and thanks for an awesome ass night.”

  Everyone let out a cheer to the happy couple and that last line.

  “Stellar fucking night,” Korey exclaimed. His wife, Shania, was practically glowing after their wond
erful night and morning. Other people watched the loud table listening to the conversation.

  Chaz took this opportunity to stand. “I just want to thank you all for celebrating with us. I am the happiest man in the world except probably Michael but close. The most amazing woman I have ever met in my life has agreed to be my wife. Bella, I promise to love you as my wife forever. No matter where life takes me, I will always find my way back to you.” Chaz pulled Bella to his side and gave her a kiss the equivalent of the panty-crushing smile. Bella felt her knees weaken as he invaded her mouth. Chaz wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tightly. Kennedy snuggled into Horatio’s embrace understanding the last line of Chaz’s speech all too well. Horatio put kisses on Kennedy’s face indicating he felt the same. Other than Julie, the rest of the table was clueless as to the true meaning of that line. Ava and Callie got the impression there was more to Chaz than they would be privy too. Mia mistakenly took that last line to mean that he might make mistakes but he would always go home to Bella. She wondered if a brief affair with Chaz was worth her friendship with Bella. They had not been close for years and she wasn’t sure if the moment presented itself, she would be able to turn it down.

  “I love you Chaz! And thank you everyone,” Bella said fighting tears. She had never in her life been so happy and now she was about to become Mrs. Caruthers. A few people nearby congratulated the happy couple. They went out onto the casino floor and enjoyed the laidback atmosphere of a Sunday afternoon. Chaz stuck as close to Bella as he could get without getting into her purse. He had no plans to assist Mia with her crush. He didn’t want to end up in a bad situation. Chaz’s goal was to show Mia that her crush was pointless. He would not cheat on Bella. Everyone was playing the slots or trying their hand at the tables. Bella took this opportunity to pull Chaz into one of the bar areas. They talked while sitting at the bar. Bella sipped on a white wine while Chaz drank tonic water with lime.

  “I had so much fun last night,” Bella informed. “It was a real step outside my comfort zone.”

  “I am afraid to tell you Bella, last night you were being yourself. I think the way you behaved before you met me was the pretending. You just needed me to help you get over your fears. I always want you to be yourself baby,” Chaz explained. Bella leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss.

  “You think last night having sex against a wall in a hallway with an audience is the real me? Perhaps you are right because I enjoyed it so fucking much.”

  “It took everything I had not to come,” he laughed. “You were putting it on me last night.”

  Bella gave Chaz an incredulous look.

  “I didn’t do anything last night. You were in charge one hundred percent.”

  Chaz laughed, “Uh it probably looked like that to everyone else but you were in charge. All that sexiness, taking control, and then putting your fears aside was such a turn on Bella.”

  “What about all this sexiness? You have my college friend contemplating our friendship because she wants you. Can you turn it down a little?” Bella smiled but her voice was serious. Chaz shook his head and grabbed her belt loop, pulling her to stand in front of him. Chaz met her mouth with his mouth slipping his tongue inside. The warm kiss became a hot kiss in a few seconds. Chaz placed his hand on the back of Bella’s head as he continued to explore her mouth. Bella wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. When Chaz broke the kiss he buried his face in her neck.

  “You see too much,” he whispered. “Bella, I won’t lie, the old me would have tried to fuck the six of you but that’s not who I am anymore. I love you so much and I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. You are the only woman I need.”

  “You are such an amazing man. I understand how she feels but I really hope she doesn’t challenge our friendship by trying anything. This is so new to me Chaz. I am not used to having this much drama and competition.”

  Chaz shook her body as he frowned. “You have zero competition Bella. You are the only woman that I want.”

  Chaz refused to release Bella, just wanting to get the message drilled in her head. They sat at the bar talking and laughing occasionally making out. He didn’t release her when his cell phone rang. Big Willie didn’t show up at the Perfect Ten for the weekly liquor delivery.

  “I need to go to the Perfect Ten for the liquor drop off. Do you want to go with me or do you want me to take you home first?” Chaz asked hoping she would go with him.

  “I will go to the club with you if you promise we will not be there all day. We need to get home to our babies.” Bella thought the dogs would probably be going crazy by now.

  Chaz indicated that they were leaving and those who needed rides to their cars at the Perfect Ten would have to ride in the Hummer. Chaz parked his Hummer in the parking structure of the hotel the previous day. Chaz and Horatio had a quick conversation away from the group while they decided.

  “Big Willie is somewhere flaking. Bella and I are going to the Perfect Ten for the liquor delivery,” Chaz explained.

  “Okay dawg, do you need me to do anything? I will try to figure out what’s happening with Big Willie,” Horatio agreed.

  Chaz looked down at the missed calls on his phone. There was a barrage of text messages and missed calls as word spread that he was a newly engaged man. Chaz laughed as he read some of the messages.

  Ariana: Really Chaz, you are getting married?

  Liana: Is this a joke? You haven’t fucked me in months, why?

  Tracy: You said you do not do relationships and now you’re getting married?

  Tamika: Fuck you, liar!

  Brittney: Come fuck me for old times sake before you get married! Pls!

  Dana: Who said you could get married?

  Ebony: I know the rumor mill must be churning out lies. Are you getting married?

  Felecia: Really Papi? You are getting married to some puta?

  Talisha: Who is this bitch you are marrying? You are an asshole Chaz!

  Kelly: Damn, I needed you. Do not get married Chaz!

  Jackie: Heard at Club Flexx you marrying some white chick? Really?

  Diane: Did you find God? Why are you getting married?

  Raquel: You do not love women you only fuck them. Come fuck me first.

  Paula: I thought relationships were a no-no! Liar! Who is she?

  Angela: Dirty motherfucker! No relationships my ass!

  Monica: Is this bitch a fucking unicorn? How the fuck did she do this to you?

  Carmen: At Perfect Ten last night saw that fucking spectacle. You looked totally

  Pussy whipped by that white bitch. Wow! So white girls now?

  Pamela: Marlene filled me in. You are gone over some white girl and getting married?

  Debbie: Debbie does Chaz, not anymore!! Fucking loser and a liar!

  Kia: You better not be marrying the stripper bitch! She’s a trick and that’s disgusting!

  Chaz to Kia: HELL NO! I am marrying my girlfriend Bella.

  Kia: Girlfriend? No, that’s not possible. You do not do girlfriends!

  Chaz to Kia: I thought it was impossible too! I love her more than I love me.

  Kia: Is this Chaz or the girlfriend? That shit is impossible. You only love Chaz.

  Chaz to Kia: Used to be that way not anymore. Kia, I love her so much.

  Kia: Wow congrats man! Much love still! Is she pretty? Can I meet her?

  Chaz to Kia: She is beautiful and no you can’t meet her. You can’t turn my wife out.

  Kia: Damn it is serious! Good luck man!

  Chaz laughed, as he and Kia were always cool. She was one of the few women he slept with that heard his words and understood them. Kia was bisexual and loved when Chaz would bring women over for them to both play with. He would not be bringing Bella to Kia. Those days were over. He didn’t want to share Bella with anyone else.

  Chaz replied to all the ladies, “Sorry ladies but the rumors are true. I am marrying the love of my life very soon. If I ever hurt you, I apologize from the bottom of my he
art. I wish you nothing but the best. You deserve better than me.”

  Horatio laughed upon hearing the messages. “Um you know you are totally fucked right now.”

  “Because of these text messages?” Chaz looked up from the phone to stare at his friend. Horatio shook his head in the negative.

  “What? Why?” Chaz was amazed by the fast responses as his phone vibrated wildly.

  “That Mia girl is gone over you. Kennedy is pissed and I am sure Bella has figured it out as Mia is so damn obvious. She looks like she wants to fuck you right this second.”

  Chaz looked up from his phone with a dower expression and rubbed his head.

  “Yeah I noticed and so did Bella. She can forget it dude. I am not fucking this up.”

  “You had better not. Kennedy and Bella are super close. If Kennedy leaves me because of you I’m going to have to hurt you Chico,” Horatio said rubbing his hands together.

  “I heard the official talk last night. You off the market man?”

  Horatio shook his head to the affirmative. “I gotta break some hearts dawg! Kennedy is with me man. I wasn’t making that shit up. She had my damn toes curled. Plus she is so fucking smart and stands up to me. I love that damn girl.”

  Chaz held his hands up in defeat. “You do not have to tell me man. I have already put a ring on it. They are going to keep us coming home.”

  “For sure dawg! I can’t leave Kennedy out here with all these fools running around.” Chaz nodded in agreement as they turned to survey their ladies. Horatio was trying to figure out how to convince Kennedy to move into his place, it was just safer.

  “I hear you man. Did you see that cornball last night trying to give Bella his business card? I almost knocked his ass to the ground with that I’m a lawyer shit.”

  Horatio was laughing and then switched to his serious face.

  “I um wonder if you can ask Bella to teach Kennedy that little trick she did last night?”

  Chaz laughed hard while pointing at Horatio who was still wearing a serious face.

  “You are trying to ruin my fun. Hell no! Bella would tell Kennedy who would be pissed and that might affect me. Besides I think it is natural talent. The first time she did that to me I screamed like a damn girl. I am not ashamed to tell you that. I still scream but I man up now and scream inside my head.”


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