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Bella Baby

Page 23

by Renee Lindemann

  “I broke your heart let me fix it Bella. You still want to marry me don’t you?”

  Bella shook her head but the tears resumed. Chaz slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her close. “Let me show you that you are the only woman I want. I am not trying to use my dick to solve our problems but I want to show you that I only want you. I need you Bella.”

  Bella accepted his kisses on all parts of her body. Chaz’s eyes closed as she slid down his arousal. “Bella, it’s only you. Oh Bella baby, I love you so fucking much.”

  Bella placed her hand on the back of Chaz’s neck and the other hand on his shoulder as she moved with rapid speed. Chaz groaned loudly as she fucked him fast and hard. The familiar sensations of her orgasm hung in the balance.

  “That’s it baby, give it to your husband.”

  Bella unraveled once more and she clenched Chaz’s erection causing him to give a boisterous holler. As her orgasm receded Bella stood from Chaz and exited the tub.

  “Wait what? Bella come back I was about to come. I want to come inside you.”

  Bella grabbed an available towel and her cell phone before exiting the bathroom.

  “I promise like one more minute Bella. Just come sit back down and I will come. Bella please.” He was pleading for dear life for her to return. Chaz reached down to touch his erection, as he was so close. “Do not touch yourself, get dressed we are going to meet your mother for breakfast.”

  Chaz jumped as if he had been busted and groaned, not pleasurably.

  “You can come later after the wedding,” Bella said smiling. Chaz was out of the tub and wrapping her up in his arms. “Thank you Bella. I promise I will be a good husband.”

  “I promise to be a good wife and for now I will be forgiving. Chaz if your anger ever drives you that far away from me I will divorce you in a heartbeat. I am so serious right now. If you can’t handle your anger you better please tell me now.”

  Chaz kissed her lips as relief permeated his countenance. “I love you so much Bella, fuck. You have no idea how much I love you. I promise that I will never allow my anger to control me in such an irrational way.”

  They dressed quickly and Juanita was beside herself with happiness at the thought of meeting her son for the first time. Chaz sat on the bed staring at the picture of his birth mother. The similarities in their appearance were omnipresent and he breathed a sigh of relief. One of the problems he faced growing up was that he looked nothing like his family. There were always whispers but none of it ever required further processing. Now he was looking at the woman who created him and her family. He had two teenage siblings who looked just like Chaz. All the years of not feeling worthy and not knowing his place was coming together. He hoped he would be able to forage a relationship with his birth mother. They would never be able to get that time but they could possibly move forward with a future as mother and son. Bella explained that she tried to get away from his father but he blocked her options. His father had been the reason he was born prematurely and struggled to live right out the gate.

  Chaz’s knee bounced nervously as the cab drove to the time-share holding his birth mother. Bella placed a hand on his knee to steady his nerves. He covered her hand with his own and she could see him relax a little. Bella paid the taxicab driver and they walked hand in hand to the front door. Juanita was out the door with rapid speed wrapping Chaz up in her arms. Chaz hugged his mother and they both began to cry. There was no need for DNA tests anyone watching could see they were very related. Bella happily captured the tender moment on her cell phone. Marcus and Marisa ran to join and the four individuals cried together. Bella and Carl, Juanita’s husband, held onto each other and gave them their moment. Juanita placed a hand on Chaz’s cheek, “I thought I lost you. I have wanted to see this face for twenty-six years.”

  Chaz continue to cry as his siblings held on to him for dear life. Juanita tried to explain, “I am so sorry Chaz. I thought you were…”

  Chaz silenced her with another massive hug. He couldn’t believe he had family. He had a real mother and a real brother and sister. The siblings welcomed Carl and Bella to the group hug. Chaz released his mother and pulled Bella in for a tender hug. “Thank you Bella.”

  Juanita joined this hug murmuring, “Yes, thank you Bella.”

  “Let’s go inside and have some breakfast,” Carl said wiping away a few stray tears. Inside Juanita showed Chaz the picture she had of him and that brought on a fresh round of tears. Growing up there were very few pictures of his childhood around their army base home. Most of his captured moments growing up were during a military event.

  “So big brother what do you do?” Marcus asked. Bella couldn’t believe the resemblance between Chaz and his brother. It was downright spooky that Marisa looked just like them. Her long dark hair accentuated a feminine face similar to Chaz’s with those beautiful hazel eyes, of course.

  “I own a few businesses and I am still in the army,” Chaz said forking a pancake. Bella stuck to fruit and scrambled eggs as she had a wedding dress to fit into later.

  “That’s so cool. I hope we can come and visit you and see your businesses,” Marisa said as the other individuals at the table all choked at the same time.

  “Well not all of them,” Juanita said beaming at Chaz. She could not believe her son was sitting right next to her after all this time. The love they had for each other was instantaneous. Bella knew he would give his life for this family. They sat talking and eating for a while. Eventually Juanita and Chaz went to the family room to talk privately. Bella enjoyed getting to know his siblings and step father.

  “You did a real good thing Bella. This has haunted Nita for twenty-six years. Every year she would celebrate his birthday alone and have a mini funeral for Chaz.”

  “It was not easy trust me. Chaz is amazing but his upbringing has rendered him a complicated man.”

  “Are you still getting married?” Carl looked alarmed that this may have interfered with their plans to marry. While he was happy to have his wife so content with her son, Carl did not want it to cost them their marriage.

  “We are still getting married. We just have some things to work out after,” Bella said as the invisible feeling of Chaz cheating on her tugged at her heart. The pain registered on her face and Carl issued a hug. “I am so sorry this has affected your relationship. This has been hard on them but you and I should not be forgotten in their anger and elation.”

  Bella nodded her agreement, “Let’s just say he almost shot the messenger.”

  “Damn it, I am sorry Bella. This really is a good thing. I hope that your heart will heal and you two can have a long and happy marriage. It really is possible.”

  Chaz interrupted their personal bitch session. “I hope so because I behaved so badly. Bella deserves better and I have to be better for her.”

  Bella walked to Chaz slipping an arm around his waist. He pulled her into his massive hug and she fought tears. “I love you so much.”

  “Thank you for keeping up your end, I promise to do the same.”

  Juanita’s brow furrowed as Chaz spoke those words. He went on to explain that Bella promised him a family. Chaz was quick to offer that Bella was not pregnant but that was next.

  “I have a son old enough to make me a grandmother,” Juanita said fanning from an internal heat source. Carl laughed before kissing his wife. “The prettiest grandmother ever.”

  Chaz hated leaving his new family but understood they would be at the wedding later. Bella needed to get some pampering and they needed to face their friends.

  Chapter 22

  Bella walked into the hotel finding it hard to find the happiness she had at the beginning of the trip. She was so excited to marry Chaz but wrestled with the news of his birth mother. Now that the story was out she felt like the casualty of what should have been a joyous occasion. Kennedy was right that perhaps she should have kept the information hidden. Bella knew that Juanita was the happiest woman on the planet right now. She reall
y thought that feeling should be permeating her emotions. Instead she was filled with apprehension. Chaz had behaved so badly and she didn’t want to be one of those women that just took infidelity turning a blind eye. Forgiving Chaz was going to be tough, no matter how much she loved him. Bella thought that she would end up like the women in his past, wishing for any contact with him, and she didn’t want that for her life. It made her feel pathetic. If the tables were turned she was sure Chaz would have fucked her and left her.

  Bella took out her cell phone to text her friends and Chaz pulled her away from the hotel spa. Chaz took her to the elevator pushing the button but not saying anything. Inside the room he indicated Bella should have a seat in the chair. Chaz dropped to his knees and spoke, “Bella what I did last night was reprehensible. I wish I could go back and change the way I behaved. You did something that no one I have ever met to date has done for me. You love me flaws and all. On top of that you gave me the family I should have had. I will forever be grateful to you for finding my mother. I do not see the joy and happiness on your face from a month ago when we decided to get married. I do not want to force you into something you are not sure about anymore. As much as it would kill me if you think we need to wait to get married, we can wait. I can make you fall in love with me again,” he said as the tears streamed down his cheeks. “I can’t believe that I hurt you like that. I am so ashamed of myself.”

  Bella let the tears fall as she looked at Chaz. She loved him so much and wanted to spend her life with him, however not at the cost of her sanity.

  “I am afraid I will become paranoid. I am afraid I won’t be able to fully forgive you. Chaz, I do not want to end up like the women you have been with in the past. I do not want to be stupid,” Bella explained as tears overwhelmed her speaking voice. Chaz shook his head and pulled Bella to the floor.

  “I am not telling you this to upset you. I just want you to understand how much you mean to me and how much you effect my life,” Chaz whispered. He recounted the story of Trinity in the truck when he took her home and the events of the previous night, in graphic detail. In both stories the women were all over him and he was physically unable to respond. He easily resisted their attempts.

  “The point is that in both situations, you were the only person I was thinking about. I promise you Bella that I do not make a move until I consider the effect it would have on you, not us but you. I want nothing but to make you happy. I want nothing but to have you as my wife and the mother to my children. I am so adamant about this because I know you are going to be a wonderful mother. I want, for once in my life, to make a good decision. Bella, you are the best decision I have ever made in my insane life. I love you so much. I wish I could find the words to convince you that you are the most important person in my life.”

  Bella found his lips and Chaz wrapped her in his arms as he passionately kissed her mouth. Chaz broke the kiss preferring to look into Bella’s tear stained face. The last twenty-four hours had been emotionally draining on the couple. He loved her so much and just wanted to become her husband. They both had shitty childhoods but some how she managed to overcome her past. From the first day Bella took a chance on Chaz. He wanted to show her that she never had to regret meeting him.

  “Bella, will you marry me,” he smiled. “Today!”

  “Yes Chaz. I will happily marry you.” Bella beamed at his tear stained face. He was capable of emotions other than anger or sex, which warmed her heart. He was not a remorseless killer figuratively or literally. Bella straddled his lap and they made out, renewing the love they had for each other.

  “I can’t wait to make love to Mrs. Caruthers tonight,” he whispered as she kissed his neck. Chaz gripped her ass as she moved against his erection.

  “I want you too Mr. Caruthers, so bad. I love when you are inside me.”

  Chaz groaned at the thought and remembered this morning’s session that left him feeling good but not released. “The first performance of the evening might be quick. I have some build up.”

  Bella giggled as she recalled their morning. “I want to spend most of this trip with you inside me. Is that a tall order?”

  Chaz vigorously shook his head. The look of joy had returned to Bella’s eyes and he buried his face in her neck, so grateful for it’s return.

  Chapter 23

  “Bella are you okay? What happened last night? We were so worried about you,” Kennedy stammered as they walked to the spa.

  “I told Chaz about his birth mother and it didn’t go well at first. It’s okay now. They met and you would never know they have been separated these twenty-six years.”

  “His mother is here in Vegas? What? How?” Julie interjected, shock registered on her face.

  “What did we miss?” Mia asked, looking to Callie and Ava. Susanne, Pops wife, and their daughters were joining them for some pampering.

  “It’s a long story but the woman that ‘raised’ Chaz was not his biological mother. He never knew that he was the product of an affair. It was tough for him to handle the news. She volunteered to bring her family out here to meet him.” Bella took out her cell phone and showed the video of Juanita running into Chaz’s arms. All the ladies crowded around the phone to watch the crying Juanita and Chaz’s embrace. When his siblings joined the hug there was a collective sigh. Walking into the salon, there was not one dry eye amongst the group.

  “Um is that his brother?” Mia asked casually. Bella smiled and replied, “He is legal too.”

  “I was just wondering Bella, geez.” Mia blushed and covered her face with her hand. “Sorry they are attractive. I know I am not the only one to have a crush on Chaz.”

  Bella shook her head as the other ladies raised their hands. Susanne, sheepishly raised her hand, and her daughters threw her crazy looks. They both raised their hands giggling.

  “I am marrying this heartbreaker,” Bella exclaimed, laughing.

  Inside the salon they were treated to all manner of pampering. Bella was massaged, polished, made up, combed, curled, waxed, and relaxed. After several hours of exquisite treatment they emerged ready to have a wedding. The Bellagio Hotel’s chapel was to be the wonderful setting for their nuptials. Bella hoped the video and photography would capture the beautiful Nevada sunset with an array of amazing colors. Bella chose a simple wedding package. They had already splurged on the trip. A private limo would whisk them away to the marriage office and bring them back to the hotel. Upon their return they were going to be treated to a special chef prepared dinner at the hotel’s buffet. There would be another party bus after dinner, without strippers, to whisk them all over the city to celebrate afterwards.

  The best part was the ceremony would stream live on the Internet. Employees at the Perfect Ten, Urban Gear, and Caruthers’ Home Cooking were going to watch the wedding at their respective locations. Bella’s co-workers also promised to watch the wedding and were meeting at her boss’s house to watch. Bella sent the information to what remained of her family just in case they cared. A few days before they left for Vegas, Trisha called to congratulate Bella on the wedding. Trisha was her mother’s only sister.

  “Congratulations Bella, it’s nice to hear from you,” Trisha said softly into the phone.

  “Thanks Aunt Trish, I am very happy. Chaz is an amazing man.”

  They talked for a while and Trisha provided family updates on their remaining members, which were few. Trisha hinted around to some repairs that were needed on the home previously occupied by Bella’s beloved Nana. Bella ended the conversation shortly thereafter, not wanting to get into the details. Mary Anne called when she received the announcement but was very straightforward with requests.

  “Hey Bella, I got your invitation but I can’t afford to go to Las Vegas. I would love to be there,” Mary Anne admitted.

  “Hey Aunt Mary Anne, it’s not an invitation. It’s an announcement that’s all. We are just going to go with a few of our friends and get married. Neither my fiancé or I have much family so we thought
this would be smarter.”

  “Bella, you know that’s a lie. You have plenty of family. You just don’t come around any more. I have twelve grandkids and there is plenty of family. You just ran away from us once you started making money.”

  “I do not really know any of them anymore. It’s been so long. I just wanted you to know that I was really happy and getting married.”

  “Oh okay well I’m glad someone is happy. We are over here struggling with this economy. William, Jordan, and Mika had to move back into my house. It’s tough with their kids and stuff to make ends meet.”

  Bella was livid that she was trying to hit her up for money. “I am sorry to hear that. I am sure things will turn around for you soon. It’s nice that the insurance money helped to pay off the house.”

  Mary Anne scoffed, “That was a long time ago and it made sure you had somewhere to live and we wouldn’t be on the streets. Besides things change Bella. We took you in and looked after you. That’s what family does.”

  “So I have heard, well I have to get back to work. It was nice to hear from you Auntie. If you have a computer and Internet, you can watch the wedding online.”

  “I have a computer, we are not animals Bella. But I can see you have forgotten about family on your climb to the top. You know you have nothing to be mad at me about. I treated you like one of my kids. I was a good mother to you when you had no one.”

  Bella had to stifle a giggle at this woman’s audacity. Bella remembered doing her kid’s homework and being denied the same luxuries as her kids growing up. Even though Bella came with social security money, she was denied access to the funds and often had to beg for the necessities. “Well yes you took me in when I had no one. Uh thanks. I have to get going.”

  Mary Anne started to cry. “Bella it is really bad over here. Can you send me something?”

  “I do not want to start something that I will not continue Aunt Mary Anne. I am not a source of income to you anymore. I have a life of my own and bills to pay.”


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