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Dutch's Boy

Page 2

by Xavier Axelson

  Somewhere beyond them, the sky began to rumble, the horses were growing restless, but this didn’t stop Reb from tracing a path with his tongue down the side of Harry’s jaw. Harry’s cock was drooling precum, he could feel the cold wetness every time he moved each time Reb pulled him closer, tighter, and Harry felt himself lose a little more control.

  “Reb, I’m gonna,” Harry started to say but Reb cut him off by kissing him, forcing his tongue past Harry’s plea, past his words and into his deepest wants.

  “Reb?” Harry woke so suddenly he almost fell off his seat. He looked around searching for what surely couldn’t have been just a dream. His hat had fallen off and lay beside him, his shirt was unbuttoned, and he could feel a cold wetness between his legs. He also noticed a man sitting opposite him, his lips spreading into a big smile. Harry fumbled trying desperately to pull himself out of the dream and back into the real world but with each move, he was vividly reminded of Reb and the feel of Reb’s tongue inside his mouth. He felt himself begin to blush.

  “Some dream you were having.” The man tipped his hat back and continued staring at Harry. “ You were moaning and writhing like a snake on a hook, I was just seconds from waking you up myself.”

  Harry pulled his shirt closed and stood up suddenly and said, “you know where the bathroom is on this thing?”

  “Just down the way I reckon, past the bar, you might wanna stop and grab yourself a drink,” the man said as Harry pushed past him into the narrow train hallway. He stumbled several times on his way to the bathroom and it wasn’t until he asked several other passengers where the bathroom was that he was able to find it.

  “Come on boy, pull yourself together now, ain’t no use getting tied up on Reb. He’s miles behind you and the rodeo is closer than ever now.” Harry repeated this to himself as he splashed handful after handful of cold water on his face. He was surprised to find the man still sitting in the same spot when he returned.

  “Feeling better there, cowboy?” The guy’s voice was kind but joking.

  Harry did feel better and was now able to size the fellow up with relatively clear eyes. “Yeah, I guess I ain’t so used to traveling by train is all.” Harry offered his hand, “I’m Harry Reynolds.”

  “Blake Doogan at your service, Harry Reynolds,” Blake tipped his hat again and added, “you mind if I sit in here with you a spell? This here train is hotter than a whore in church and the damn windows are jammed on my side,” he looked out of Harry’s compartment as if looking to see if anyone was coming before adding, “the heat can make you do crazy things, I opened the windows while you were…uh napping.”

  Harry heard the mocking tone in the other guy’s voice and felt the all too familiar rush of heat spread over his face. He knew then he must have said something about Reb out loud. He looked over at the window and nodded, cool air was coming in, but it was still hot.

  “The damn A/C ain’t workin’ so they say, but who can you trust on these damn things anyway?” Blake pulled up his shirt to reveal the butt of a gun poking just above the waist of his chinos. He looked over to Harry and grinned. “These fuckers think I’m gonna get on a train without this? Shoot, they say they lock everyone’s gun up in a locker somewhere but they ain’t taking mine. I don’t leave my gun in no one else’s hands but my own. You won’t tell on me now, will ya?”

  He had that same joking tone in his voice and although Harry wanted to know just how Blake had gotten past security with his gun, he suddenly thought better of it, just shook his head, and pretended to be fascinated with the swiftly moving landscape just outside the window.

  “Aww come on now, we gonna be good friends, you headed to the rodeo up a ways ain’t ya? Hoping to qualify as a saddle bronc?”

  Harry turned on Blake suddenly and said, “How’d you know that? Who told you that?” His voice sounded hard and although Blake’s smile eased him, there was way too much at stake for Harry to write him off.

  “Just a wild guess I suppose. Its rodeo season lots of young guys lookin’ for work, lookin’ to get out from under their Ma and Pa. This ain’t my first time on a train, but I’d wager it’s yours.” Blake winked at Harry. “ How bout I get us some beers, you just about age I guess, what are you like nineteen, twenty?”

  Harry nodded. “Twenty.”

  Blake’s laugh followed him out of the compartment and up the aisle, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts of his dream. He didn’t hear Blake return and jumped when something cold landed on his head. “Damn,” he said now looking at Blake holding a bottle of beer out to him.

  “Here ya go, Harry Reynolds, soon to be a famous rodeo star.” Blake handed Harry a long neck bottle and clinked it so hard with his own it caused some to splash out and run down Harry’s hand.

  “Thanks,” Harry replied, wiping his hand against his shirt. He took a deep drink letting the cold beer flood his parched insides. It was damned hot, he had been sweating, and the realization of it came quick once his thirst was slaked. “I must stink right about now,” he said mostly to himself but Blake must have heard it because he smiled suddenly.

  “You don’t smell a bit, not a bit, good lookin’ guy like you, how could you smell bad?”

  Blake’s eyes were deep grey, like river rock cold and appraising. This was a man who had seen a lot and wasn’t afraid to take advantage if only for his own survival.

  “You bring a gun with you, Harry?”

  Harry drained his beer before responding, he had been trying not to look directly at Blake, but that familiar twinge between his legs was making it harder to look away. Blake was not a bad looking guy; his eyes sparkled when he smiled, not unlike a snake Harry thought suddenly. Blake’s skin was tanned, weathered, he had worked long and hard in the sun Harry guessed, and when Blake smiled, which was often, Harry noticed the lines that formed by his grey eyes and the corners of his mouth. Harry thought of Reb and the dream then, this wasn’t Reb but Harry wasn’t sure he would ever see Reb again and he was alone.

  “You alright, Harry?”

  “Yeah fine, why?”

  “Cuz I asked you if you brought a gun with you and you’re just staring at me like you’re mute or something.” Blake scratched his stubbly cheek and took a final swig of his beer, those grey eyes still searching Harry.

  “Yeah, um, yeah I brought something with me, they took it though, guess I ain’t as clever as you.” Harry nodded towards Blake’s waist.

  Blake looked down to wear his gun was secured. “You wanna see it?”

  Harry tried to look anywhere but where the gun was but he got the feeling that Blake didn’t miss Harry’s appraising of not only the gun but Blake’s crotch and the flash of his bare stomach.

  Blake took the gun from his pants. “Hold on.” Harry watched as he leaned his head from the compartment again checking to see if anyone was walking about and once satisfied turned back to Harry and handed the piece over to him. Harry took it uncertainly. “It’s cool, cowboy, go ahead check it out, coast is clear.”

  Harry admired the gun; the handle was bone, it felt so light in his hands that he thought for one ridiculous moment that it might be a fake. Harry caught Blake looking at him, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

  “Is it loaded?”

  “What do you think?” Blake’s voice was suddenly husky and Harry could smell his sweat; strong and musky; masculine and familiar, like Reb’s, like the horses back home.

  Harry offered the gun back to its owner but was surprised to feel Blake’s hands on his, the gun cold and glittering in the late afternoon sun.

  “Let’s get down to business, cowboy, you been staring at me like you want something and I think I know what is you want.” Blake leaned in closer so that barrel of the gun was pressing into his gut; his mouth was close to Harry’s ear. “ This heat, it makes a man want certain things,” his tongue met the side of Harry’s face. “Bet you’ve heard that before.”

  Harry tried to pull away and ignore his stiffening cock. He felt suddenly o
ut of control, overwhelmed by Blake’s almost threatening sensuality.

  “I bet you never have had a cock in your mouth have you, cowboy? Never had a man put his hard cock right in that sweet little mouth?” Harry felt Blake push himself harder against the gun. “ Bet you’d let me do it wouldn’t you?”

  Harry felt himself nod against Blake’s neck. He could feel the other man’s pulse throbbing, could feel the heat rising between their bodies. The gun was getting slippery. “Let me move the gun.” Harry tried to move but Blake held his hand.

  “Unbutton my shirt, cowboy,” Blake whispered the command into Harry’s ear his tongue flicking against his earlobe. “See what happens when it’s hot like this?”

  Harry nodded again but still couldn’t move his hand; his cock was so hard he thought he would explode. “Blake, take my cock out, it’s so fucking hard it hurts.” They both looked down; Blake pushed the palm of his hand against Harry’s struggling cock until Harry almost cried out but instead bit the side of Blake’s neck.

  “Unbutton my shirt, Harry Reynolds.” This time he practically growled the words and on some wild whim, Harry thrust the gun upwards and heard the snap of buttons coming undone as the body of the slippery gun met the flimsy snaps on Blake’s denim shirt.

  “Uhh huh just like that, let it out,” Blake whispered as he took Harry’s hand that held the gun and rubbed it against his chest. “Do you feel it?”

  Harry nodded. “Yeah,” he responded breathlessly. He felt Blake release him and for a minute, all Harry could see was stars. They had been so close that he had barely been able to breathe and the sudden rush of oxygen made him dizzy. He fell back against his seat and could only stare at Blake with an almost stunned fascination.

  “You like looking at me?” Blake opened his shirt wider and took Harry’s hand and pressed it against his chest. “ Touch me. Make me want to pull my cock out for you.”

  Harry obliged and began to stroke Blake’s body with curious hands; he pulled first at Blake’s nipples and watched as the man responded with familiar grunts, “harder, harder.” Blake leaned back so his shirt fell completely open. Harry was unable to resist any longer and pressed his lips against Blake’s quivering abdomen. Harry could feel the tight muscles contract at the touch of his lips. He let his tongue trace the fine trail of golden brown hairs that covered Blake’s stomach and led down to where the gun had been nestled only moments before. Harry paused when he got to the button on Blake’s chinos, he looked up and caught Blake’s sparkling eyes, and he didn’t need any more encouragement. He undid Blake’s pants and slowly unzipped them relishing the feel of Blake’s swollen cock beneath the fabric.

  “Go ahead, cowboy, pull it out,” Blake grumbled as he pushed Harry’s face closer to his crotch.

  Harry had seen naked guys before although never up close and he had hoped it would be Reb who would be his first but his need had become so urgent that he couldn’t think any more about anything except taking Blake’s cock in his mouth. He resisted only long enough to run his tongue over Blake’s briefs and then with an animalistic snarl he ripped them down and took Blake’s drooling cock in his mouth. At first, Harry felt as if he might be doing something wrong but whatever he lacked in technique, he made up for in eagerness. Blake fed Harry his cock like he was a hungry pup all the while he grunted his pleasure at Harry’s insistent licking and stroking.

  “That’s it, cowboy, just like that; suck that dick, yeah just like you dreamed about.” Harry looked up at the mention of his dream but didn’t stop; in fact, it made him want Blake more because he began to think about Reb. He sucked Blake like he wanted to suck Reb, he tugged at Blake’s balls the tighter they got, and the more Blake wanted to cum the more Harry didn’t want his fantasy connection to Reb to end.

  “Take the gun, take the fucking gun, and stroke it against my cock,” Blake’s command was at once strange and thrilling. Harry reached back and felt where the gun lay on the seat and without thinking pressed the gun against Blake’s engorged cock and began stroking it back and forth with a sudden frenzy that he would remember later as desperate. The gun was wet and slippery with Blake’s precum and Harry’s saliva. Harry wondered how much longer he could hold the gun and Blake’s cock when he felt Blake suddenly begin to shake with pending orgasm.

  “I’m gonna cum, cowboy, I’m gonna blow, fuck yeah!” Harry ducked his head just in time to avoid being hit in the face with the first blast of Blake’s cum.

  “Fuck, guy, fuck don’t stop stroking,” Blake growled and clasped a calloused hand over Harry’s and forced him to stroke even faster and harder; milking rope after rope of hot seed from Blake’s quivering cock.

  Harry didn’t stop because he didn’t want it to end, he didn’t want to lose the image of Reb and the fantasy that was playing out in his head.

  “Look what you made me do with that sweet mouth of yours, cowboy, and look at all that cum.” Blake nodded in the direction of where his load had landed next to the gun, “You wanna cum?” Blake asked falling back onto his seat and quickly tucking his cock away.

  Harry had wanted to when he had been able to hold the fantasy that it was Reb and not Blake, but now with the bleachy smell of semen and man sweat filling the small compartment he only shook his head. “Looks like we’re making a stop soon, they’ll start making announcements and people will start moving around, it’s cool.”

  Blake pulled a bandana from his pocket and leaned across to wipe up his mess and to grab his gun. He quickly wiped it clean and tucked the weapon back in his pants, then said, “guess you’re right, Harry Reynolds, guess you’re right, but damn there is so much more I’d like to do to you.” Blake paused as if he wanted to say more but didn’t.

  Harry had been right; it wasn’t minutes later when announcements about the upcoming arrival were being broadcast and attendants filled the narrow hallways and checked for trash and calmed anxious travelers with answers to their questions.

  “You boys alright in here?” A large train porter asked as the train began to slow for its arrival.

  “Right as rain sir, right as can be,” Blake answered, his grey eyes sparkling, Harry stayed quiet.

  Harry watched as Blake stood up, tucked his shirt in and adjusted his hat, which Harry noticed on closer inspection wasn’t leather but snakeskin. He had only seen a few hats like that and they generally weren’t worn by men of solid reputation.

  “Here’s where I get off,” Blake said and winked in Harry’s direction. “You get where you gotta go, cowboy, don’t get messed up with any bad sorts out in this here wide world, this ain’t your daddy’s ranch.” Blake tipped his hat and left.

  Harry didn’t watch Blake leave and was grateful for the noise and commotion that passengers both departing and arriving caused. His mind was buzzing with Blake’s overwhelming presence and Reb’s lingering memory. Hell, this wasn’t what he left home for; he left home to get his rodeo career off to a big start. A start Dutch Reynolds would be proud of but also powerless to stop.

  Harry settled back into his seat with a sigh. He really was looking forward to starting a whole new life and meeting new people. Spread his wings so to speak. He was tired of being known as Dutch’s boy, he wanted to be known for who he was, or would become. A rodeo star. He laid his head against the glass window and saw Blake walk by. He had been Harry’s first real experience of a sexual nature, well with another guy that is, and it had been an experience he wouldn’t soon forget but he still couldn’t help but to think of Reb.

  Harry was beginning to realize that as good as he was with horses; he was equally bad at wrangling his thoughts. His mind raced with images of his home, his sister and Ma, then Reb’s cocky smile and the way he smelled and the sadness in his eyes when they’d said their goodbyes. Luckily, not many people got on the train where Blake had gotten off so it was relatively empty and he was left undisturbed although with nothing to distract him he found himself more susceptible to anxiety.

  He really was alone, really truly
and no matter how tough he had thought he was back home — out here was an entirely new frontier. Men boarding trains with guns like outlaws from some old western, what would Ma think? Never mind Dutch, hell, he’d probably reintroduce Harry to the horsewhip if he even knew what Harry had already done. Then again, Harry was twenty years old, he wasn’t a boy any more, and he was a grown man, ready to make his way.

  “Aww hell,” Harry muttered as he finally submitted to an uneasy sleep. His mind had spun itself into exhaustion and sooner than later he would be just where he had always wanted to go.

  The next thing he knew he was pushing his hat down over his eyes to block the fast moving sunlight filtering through the train windows. It was morning. He was sore; his muscles ached from sleeping sitting up. “I feel like I’ve been working the horses all day, man this traveling business is harder than it looks,” he said as he blinked while searching for his sunglasses. He needed a shower, a decent meal, a good night’s sleep. He’d be right as rain then. Right as rain — Blake had said that, that snakeskin-wearing bandit. Harry smiled in spite of himself, it had been alright, a good, crazy trip, and even if his sleep had been poor, he did feel better than the day before. His mind had quieted down a bit. It was this train he reasoned, the constant movement gets inside your head makes things move around too much. His heart had a warm feeling spread through it because that was something Reb would say.

  “Stop thinking of him already!” Harry thought while he stretched and yawned at the same time. “ Solid ground, solid food, and a solid bed will put me right.”

  He smiled as he though, this time tomorrow, I’ll be heading over to the rodeo to see what’s what. Even as he thought it, he felt the train begin to slow down and the arrival announcements were the sweetest sounds he had heard since he got on the train.

  Once he got his duffel and his gun out of the huge locker that Blake had somehow managed to avoid, Harry found a place to sit and eat.


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