Book Read Free

Exclusive / a Touch of Heaven

Page 20

by Samantha Chase

  “If we don’t have any issues with permits, we’ve got everything else in place and we’ll be able to start the work on Monday,” Max replied.

  “Monday?” Regan croaked. “That’s…that’s soon.”

  Her wide eyes and look of utter shock had him wanting to wrap her in his arms and comfort her.

  Only…he couldn’t.

  Not yet.

  He took in the sight of her tonight, wearing a gauzy, sleeveless blouse that hid those phenomenal curves as it landed just below her hips. She’d paired it with white capri pants. She was barefoot and looked more petite than he remembered. Her toes were painted a shade of neon pink, and he noticed the small tattoo on her ankle.


  It must have been covered by her pants the other day and now all Sawyer could think about was what else Regan Amerson was hiding. His mind raced with the possibilities of what he might find the longer he stuck around.

  Unfortunately, she was still staring at him, waiting for an answer. His staring at and studying her was starting to become a habit. So rather than say anything right away, Sawyer nodded sympathetically at her. He knew Regan was struggling with this, and he wasn’t completely heartless. The network was gunning for the family drama angle, but Sawyer hoped to distract them with plans for the house to give Regan the time she needed.

  “And how long will it all take?” she asked.

  “The total renovation time should be about four weeks.”

  He held his breath, waiting to see if Regan had any reaction to that news. Sawyer knew he had to come up with a way to make her a little less annoyed and a whole lot more drawn to him. Unfortunately, his presence in her mother’s home represented everything she didn’t want.

  Good thing he never walked away from a challenge.

  Chapter 4

  When Monday rolled around, Devin Matthews was like a dog with a bone where the conflict between Caroline and Regan was concerned. No matter how Sawyer tried to distract him with new design ideas, Devin kept going back to the mother-daughter angle. When Regan threatened to refuse to sign the paperwork, he had backed down, but Sawyer knew he would have to step in to make sure his show didn’t turn into a soap opera.

  Sawyer and the crew arrived at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, and Caroline greeted them all in her best work clothes with a great big smile and what seemed like an endless supply of coffee and doughnuts. Introductions were made and soon Sawyer was laying out the plan for what he wanted to accomplish on the first day. Regan was there under protest, but it had been explained to her that there would be times when she was needed for the segment—and the first day of renovations was a key segment.

  The scowl on her face told Sawyer how much she was against being there.

  Once everyone had their tasks assigned and cameras were set up, Sawyer’s opening remarks were filmed. He introduced Caroline and Regan and what the plan was for their home. “Cut!” Devin yelled.

  “What’s the problem?” Sawyer asked.

  “We discussed this. I want you to introduce the project, but I want you to refer to the fact that mother and daughter are not in agreement on this job.”

  With a low growl of frustration, Sawyer stepped away from the Amersons and pulled Devin aside. “Look, I told you I am not interested in turning this into a damn family drama. If you want to play up that angle, you can find a way to do it during the editing with the voice-overs. I’m not doing it.”

  Devin glared at him. “I don’t see what the big deal is, Sawyer. It’s not like I’m asking anyone to play make-believe here—the daughter is clearly ticked off about this.” He glanced over at Regan and smirked. “She’s sexy as hell, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s going to be the villain.”

  Sawyer could not even begin to understand where the protective instinct came from where Regan was concerned, but before he knew it he had Devin by the collar. “There are no villains here, Dev. If you try to turn this into some kind of freak show, I’ll walk.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Watch me,” Sawyer snarled and released him. The two men stared one another down, and Sawyer realized they had the attention of most of the crew. “Either we stick to the formula or this is done.” A tense moment followed before Devin finally said, “Fine.” Sawyer wasn’t foolish enough to think this was the end of it, but at least for now they could start filming and begin the renovation.

  He led Regan and Caroline into the kitchen. “Okay, ladies,” he said, “most of the cabinets in here are in great shape. We’re going to take down the doors, paint them, and install new hardware, and then we’ll bring in new appliances. This center island, however, does have some issues, so we’re going to take it out.” They were each handed a large mallet and safety goggles. “Since this is your home,” he said with a big grin, “it’s only fitting that you get to take the first swing to get this demo going. So when I count to three, I want each of you to take a turn at knocking this island down and then we’ll bring the crew in to take over. Ready? One…two…three!”

  Caroline took the first swing and knocked off a big chunk of countertop; Regan went next and managed to take down a corner of the cabinet. They each got in a few more swings until the island was gone. Sawyer congratulated them both, and then invited the crew in to take over before ending the segment.

  “Great job, ladies!” he said. “We’re off to a good start and with the island out of the way, we’ll have more room to work in here.” He started to tell them what would happen next when Regan handed her mallet and goggles to one of the crew, whispering an apology before fleeing the room. Caroline started to go after her, but Sawyer stopped her. “Let me,” he said softly.

  It didn’t take long to locate Regan in the far corner of the yard. The landscaping was full of beautiful flowers and mature trees, and his heart nearly broke when he found her back there crying with her arms wrapped around her middle. Walking up behind her, he gently put his hands on her shoulders before turning her into his embrace. “What’s going on?” he whispered.

  It took a moment for Regan to compose herself. When she pulled back and looked up at Sawyer’s face she saw genuine concern there, and it just angered her all the more. “You don’t get it, do you? To you, that was just a kick start to a demo, but to me, that island was where I did homework for years and had heart-to-heart conversations. That was the place where I would sit and talk on the phone before my father allowed me to have a phone in my room. We prepared meals there, I learned how to cook there, and with a couple of swings of a hammer, it’s gone!” She pulled free of his embrace. “So I hope you’re satisfied. I hope this earns you ratings, but believe me when I say I will never support this idea, nor will I watch your show again. If this is what it takes for you to get your ratings, then I want no part of it.”

  Regan turned to walk away, but Sawyer reached out and pulled her back. “Believe it or not, this is not how I get ratings. Do you think I want to do this job knowing how much this is hurting you?”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” she said angrily. “I’m nobody to you. This is just a job and you’re just jumping through the network’s hoops and doing what you’re told.”

  Now he was pissed. “Now, just a minute,” he snapped. “You’re right, I don’t know you, but I was hoping to change that. You’d be surprised if you had any idea of what I’ve had to go through over this project. They wanted to turn this into a family drama between you and your mother, and I’m doing my best not to let that happen. I’ve been patient with you and tried to be accommodating, but I don’t want to stand here and be insulted on top of everything else.”

  Unable to resist the hurt look on her face, Sawyer touched her gently on the arm. “I’m sorry this is all so upsetting for you. I’m sorry you have to sell your home, but I am not sorry that I’m here or that I’ve met you.” He looked deep into her eyes and saw the exact moment of surprise whe
n she caught his meaning. “I’m not the bad guy here, Regan,” he said softly. “If you could look beyond all this and take a little time to get to know me, I think you’ll see that for yourself.”

  Then, because he had nothing to lose, he lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. His first instinct was to take and devour, so long had he been thinking about this moment. But once he felt her soft lips under his and heard her quick intake of breath, he decided on slow and seductive. When Regan leaned into him and lifted her arms to loop them around his neck, Sawyer was lost. No longer was he the one in control. Regan nipped at his bottom lip and tentatively touched her tongue to his. Sawyer’s hand glided up into her glorious mane of hair as he anchored Regan to him. Again and again his mouth slanted over hers until he almost couldn’t breathe.

  With a growl of frustration, he finally broke their kiss, resting his forehead against hers. Sawyer tried to think of something to say, anything that wouldn’t break the spell and ruin the moment. Just when he was about to ask if she was okay, Regan’s hand snaked into his hair and pulled his mouth back to hers for another searing kiss. It was madness, complete and utter madness as they continued to pull one another closer, until all Sawyer could think about was hauling her behind one of the large oak trees and having her right then and there.

  This time it was Regan who pulled away. Her breathing was ragged as she slowly pulled her arms from around him and took a shaky step back. “Wow,” she whispered. “What was that?”

  Sawyer chuckled. “If you have to ask, then maybe I should try it again.” He took a step toward her but Regan held a hand out to stop him.

  “No, no—I know what that was, it’s just…I wasn’t expecting it.” She looked around the yard, up at the sky, anyplace but at him. “I don’t know what came over me,” she said shyly. “I’m upset over the house, of course, and—”

  Sawyer didn’t let her finish. “Don’t think this was about the house! I kissed you because I wanted to, because I’m attracted to you. And if you’re honest with yourself, you kissed me back because you’re just as attracted to me.”

  Regan crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him in disbelief. “Geez, conceited much?”

  “That had nothing to do with conceit, Regan, and you know it. We’re both adults and I don’t see anything wrong in admitting that there’s an attraction here. I want to get to know you better, to spend time with you.” He waited to see if she would say anything, but she didn’t. “This isn’t about the show.” Carefully, he reached out and took one of her hands. “We won’t even talk about the house or the show. I would like the opportunity to spend some time with you.”

  Regan eyed him warily.

  “Will you at least give me a chance? Can you at least try to separate me from the guy doing work on your house and just see me for me?” he asked solemnly.

  “Today is probably not the best day to be asking me this,” she admitted. “This is all too much for me, Sawyer. I can’t change what just happened between us. I’m not sure I’d even want to, but I can’t think beyond this. I need a little time.”

  Sawyer gently tugged her closer, relieved that she didn’t pull back when he kissed her again. “I can spare a little time,” he said, then he reluctantly pulled away and smiled at her. “Just not a whole lot of it.”

  Regan returned his smile, and didn’t catch the fact that the camera had been rolling off in the distance.

  * * *

  A week later, Regan was furious. Her mother was out of control with the house and hadn’t spent more than a handful of hours at the spa. “This wasn’t supposed to be a hands-on project,” she reminded Caroline during one of her rare stops at work. “The show is about the work the crew does, not the homeowner. Why are you spending so much time there?”

  “I’m fascinated by the whole process! It’s amazing how much they get done in a day, and Max has let me have a bit of a say in choosing some of the finishes. I think I’m going to High Point with him tomorrow to look at some options for the master bathroom.”

  “Sawyer had all that designed,” she patiently reminded her mother. “You signed off on all his designs. There is no reason to go to High Point, or anywhere else for that matter, because it’s a done deal. You jumping in and changing things is just going to drag this job out. Now, in case you’ve forgotten, we have a business to run here—you have clients you’ve pawned off on other people all week. Can you please reel it in a bit and give us a hand?”

  Caroline sighed dramatically. “Honestly, it’s not like I’m needed all that much here. None of my clients have complained—I left them in very capable hands. In case you’ve forgotten, young lady, there is going to come a time when you will have to run this place without me.”

  Not this again. “Yes, yes, yes…you’re going to retire, I’m going to run the place, blah, blah, blah. While I appreciate not getting the extended disco version of how I can make it on my own, until you retire I would love it if you were here to help me.”

  Caroline sat down on the office sofa and gave Regan a patient smile. “I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but Sawyer has been getting a lot of grief for not making you appear more on the site. By having me there, at least it’s keeping the producer and the network quiet. Now, I’m sorry if you don’t like the fact that I’m not helping out here as much, but you have to decide which is more important to you—me being here at the spa or you not having to deal with the home renovations.”

  Regan rested her head in her hands at her desk and sighed. When had their lives gotten to this point? Things used to be way less complicated, but now it seemed like nothing was the way she wanted it to be. “Fine, go to High Point. Pick out bathroom fixtures and whatnot. I’ll handle things here.”

  Smiling, Caroline stood and walked over to hug Regan. “That’s my girl.” With a final squeeze, she walked toward the door. “I think you’d really like what they’re doing on the house. So far it’s much better than I had even imagined. That Sawyer is very talented.”

  You’re telling me. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy, Mom.” Just don’t ask me to come over there yet.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I made an appointment here for Sawyer for tomorrow morning. He hurt his shoulder on his previous job and it’s still giving him trouble. I recommended a deep tissue massage and he was all for it. He’ll be here tomorrow at ten.” And with that, her mother was gone.

  Regan banged her head on her desk. Break time was over. She would be forced to see him and she was certain he was going to ask her about their last conversation, about spending time with one another. Could she go on a date with him? Sure. Could she see herself maybe going out on more than one date with him? Absolutely. Could she see herself having crazy monkey sex with him all over her townhouse?

  Oh, yes.

  And while yes, all that would be fine and well, the ability to separate Sawyer from his job was going to take a little effort. Not that it was impossible. Regan always hated it when people assumed that all there was to her was a spa owner; she was more than that. She was a woman who enjoyed spending time with her friends or reading a good book, going to the movies, or hiking. When someone only wanted to talk to her about work, it was sort of a turn-off. Couldn’t she then take that same attitude with Sawyer and just not talk about his work?

  If ever there was a time to find out, she guessed it was going to be tomorrow.

  * * *

  “He’s a dude.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

  Regan sighed. “Todd is capable of doing this.”

  “Your mother said you were doing the massage,” Sawyer countered mildly.

  “Well, since she hasn’t been here much, she wasn’t aware of my schedule. You need a deep tissue massage and Todd is capable of doing that for you. He has the best hands.”

  Sawyer clenched his own into
fists. “I do not want to be massaged by a guy, Regan,” Sawyer said, then looked directly at Todd. “No offense.”

  “None taken,” Todd said, all six-plus feet of him. He turned to face his boss. “It’s your call, Rae.”

  Rae? He has the best hands? What the hell is going on here? Is Regan involved with this guy? Sawyer’s mind was spinning. The thought of Regan being involved with another man had never even crossed his mind! He didn’t relish the thought of breaking up her and her boyfriend, but neither was he able to deny how much he wanted her. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stared Regan down. “Do you have another client right now?”

  “Well, no,” she said sheepishly. “But I do have other things to do.”

  “I can wait until you’re done,” he said, his lips twitching with a smile because he knew she completely believed him. He would wait all day if he had to if it meant having her be the one to do the massage.

  Regan looked from him to Todd and back again. “I’ve got this, Todd,” she said grudgingly. “Why don’t you get Mr. Bennett set up in room three, and I’ll be in shortly. Thanks.” She turned and walked away before Sawyer could see just how uncomfortable she was with this whole situation.

  Back in her office, Regan took five minutes to get herself composed. She was a professional, she could do this. She’d massaged her fair share of men since she opened her business and this should be no big deal.

  Only it was.

  Because it was Sawyer.

  Ever since she’d first met him, and especially since their kiss in the yard, Regan had dreamed of touching him. Of course, in her dreams it wasn’t in a professional manner; no, those dreams had them alone at her place—or anywhere she could have him—and they were wild for one another just as they’d been last week. Merely the thought of unleashing that kind of passion and have it not be in a public place sent tingles down her spine.


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