Alpha for the Pack: M/M/M/M/M/M Dark Romance Mpreg (The stars of the pack Book 2)

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Alpha for the Pack: M/M/M/M/M/M Dark Romance Mpreg (The stars of the pack Book 2) Page 8

by N. J. Lysk

  Gabriel caught him in the kitchen and plastered himself against Ray’s back as he made some tea. He was close enough that Ray could tell he wasn’t hard, but he smelt warmth and welcoming like he… like he wanted Ray. He nuzzled at Ray’s neck, stubble rasping against the sensitive skin. Ray froze with his hand in the kettle. Did Gabriel expect him to…?

  “Can I have a cuppa?” came the whispered request. Ray startled a little, but nodded. His cousin stepped back to let him reach for a second cup.

  He concentrated on getting rid of the teabag—Gabriel liked his tea weak—and adding milk to his own drink before turning around to face his alpha. Gabriel was already watching him. Their eyes met. “You’re still nervous,” he said.

  Ray put his cup on the kitchen table and, to his surprise, Gabriel took a seat. Ray didn’t, just leaned back against the counter a couple steps away. But he needed those steps, just a little space to know he could move away if he wanted to. He picked up the cup again and took a sip, letting the flavour and warmth fill him up. “Yeah,” he said.

  “Fair enough,” Gabriel said softly. He was staring into his cup like he could read his future in its depths. “Am I doing something to make you nervous?”

  “Well, you…” Ray trailed off, unsure. It wasn’t that Gabriel had done anything wrong today. He’d come into the kitchen and hugged Ray, not mentioning the fact that he very much wanted Ray to go to bed with him despite it being obvious to them both. “Not really. Not now.”

  That made Gabriel stiffen, but Ray didn’t think he was surprised. He hoped he wasn’t angry, either, but it was hard to tell without seeing his face. His heartbeat only told Ray that he was mildly agitated.

  “I can go,” he gritted out finally. He couldn’t manage anything close to neutral and he still wasn’t looking at Ray. But for the first time, Ray realised the anger wasn’t directed at him.


  Gabriel glanced up, frowning but hopeful.

  Ray licked his lips. “You remember what we talked about?”

  “Of course.” Ray waited, sipping at his drink but not looking away, until Gabriel finally seemed to get that wasn’t enough. “Ask you, and foreplay?” he offered, oddly tentative.

  Ray nodded, essaying a smile that didn’t feel quite natural. But hey, they were both trying.

  Gabriel exhaled, then tried his own smile. “Can I kiss you?”

  Ray nodded, watching him get to his feet, shirt pulling on his shoulders as he moved, eyes intent on Ray. Only when his cousin gently took it from his hands, did he notice he was still holding the cup. Gabriel leaned closer and put his lips against Ray’s cheek. Ray shivered, then turned his head till their lips met in a soft whisper. Gabriel’s breath hitched and his hands found purchase on Ray’s waist. Ray didn’t think he meant to, but one of his fingers slid under the fabric and onto Ray’s bare skin, sending a shot of wanting through him. And then they were kissing, tongues tangling and teeth nipping.

  Ray found himself growing pliant in his cousin’s arms, but Gabriel pulled back and found his eyes. “Don’t fall asleep,” he whispered, pulling him from the daze of lust he’d got used to falling into. He tried kissing Gabriel back, he liked the feeling of his stubble against his own bare cheeks and the smoothness of his teeth against his own tongue. He smelt good too: masculine, and a little sweaty, and Ray’s.

  It was still Gabriel who had to stop them and suggest they move to the bedroom. But it was a suggestion, even if refusing at that stage seemed beyond ridiculous to Ray. Ray let Gabriel lead him to the bed and pull his shirt off before laying him down on his back—but he did have enough willpower to drag his cousin on top of him. Gabriel opened their trousers and took their cocks out. “Is this good?”

  Ray didn’t see how the angle could work, and then the heavy, hot weight of Gabriel’s cock pressed against his own and his cousin pulled on them both. Ray thrust hard enough that if Gabriel had been any lighter, he might have thrown him off the bed. As it was, it made their wet cocks slide together and both of them moan. They came like that, kissing so clumsily it was closer to panting in each other’s faces. Afterwards, Gabriel turned enough to rest his face in the curve of Ray’s neck, shifting his hips to the side to give their oversensitive cocks a break.

  His teeth were right next to Ray’s neck, but it was still such a vulnerable position to arrange himself into that it made him want to say something. There wasn’t much more to say, though, so he put his arm around Gabriel instead and held him close.


  The others took their cue from that. Iesu had been twitchy as hell since the full moon. He'd stayed with the pups all night long just like he'd promised, but that meant he hadn't been with Ray at all. Ray wasn't surprised that night when he asked if Ray wanted to come look at some furniture on his computer after dinner. Ray had known the blowjob he’d provided the morning after the full moon couldn’t be enough to satisfy the alpha; but he’d been too sore for more fucking, and Iesu too much of a gentleman to say anything. He wondered if Sergi was making up for the difference, but somehow it felt wrong to ask them about their relationship. They'd chosen each other and they chose what to do together.

  And they always seemed to choose to be together, so Ray wasn’t surprised to find Sergi, shirtless and sleepy, on Iesu’s bed. His alpha lifted his head and twisted to the side to blink at him, eyes bright and pleased. Ray thought about painting him like that: the muscles of his back in stark contrast with the red coverlet, the curve of his arse painted on his tight jeans. He approached the bed without speaking and swung a leg over one of Sergi’s half spread ones. The alpha raised himself on his elbows and twisted to look at him curiously, his eyes dark and his cheeks flushed with sleep and something more. Ray remembered his face flushing in anger, his body tense under Ray's when they fought... He couldn't believe he'd tricked himself into thinking it was all about wiping the smug look off his rival's face.

  He'd wanted this: Sergi under him, making no objections to Ray’s superior position, going down easily with a pleased rumble when Ray put his hands on his lower back and slid them up towards his neck. It had never been just been about winning...

  “Wow,” Iesu said from the doorway, towel slung low on his hips and watching them with evident delight. “I should be late more often.”

  Ray shrugged and Sergi made a noise he couldn’t quite parse, but Iesu actually glanced at his desk where Ray saw his laptop was open and still on. “I really wanted to show you the shelving…” he lamented. From under Ray’s massaging hands, Sergi snorted his disbelief.

  Iesu laughed, mostly at himself. “Okay, okay, you’re right,” he agreed and dropped the towel, exposing his beautifully tanned skin. He had to have spent the summer swimming naked in the lake because there was no interruption to the smooth honeyed colour of his skin. He had a few curls around his nipples and leading down the centre of his chest and down his abdomen, where there was proof of how much he liked the view. His cock was red and hard and shiny with precome.

  Ray only realised that he was staring when Sergi shifted under him too abruptly and he had to lean forward to keep his balance, accidentally pressing his own erection against Sergi’s arse. Sergi groaned and before he knew it, Ray found himself being pushed down into the bedding, Sergi slotting his own leg between Ray’s and pressing his knee against his cock. Ray whimpered, struggling against Sergi’s hold on his wrists. He didn’t really want to get away: he needed more as much as he needed less. Sergi gave it to him, leaning in and taking his mouth into a brutal kiss, wet and hard accompanied by the thrust of Sergi’s jean-clad erection onto Ray’s stomach and the pressure of his leg against Ray’s crotch. His shirt had ridden up and he was desperately conscious that it was barely covering the upper part of his chest. He could feel each thrust in his nipples, erect and still sensitive over flesh not quite as firm as it had been a year earlier.

  Iesu joined them in the bed, crawling on Ray’s other side and sneaking a hand between them to open first Ray’s, then Sergi
’s zipper. Sergi allowed it, but he didn’t seem ready to get off Ray long enough to get naked. Not until Iesu kissed his cheek and teasingly brought his mouth to his own, taking Sergi’s passionate kisses for himself and allowing Ray to get a breath under them both.

  “Off,” he said, pulling at his lover’s trousers when they parted.

  Sergi grumbled but obediently rolled to the side to shuck it all off. Iesu took the chance to pull on Ray’s cuffs. Ray obligingly raised his hips for it and soon he was on just his shirt, hard and exposed, and Iesu had hold of him. He went easily when Iesu rolled him to lean back on Sergi, now fully naked, and then knelt between Ray’s legs himself.

  “If we could only both go at once.” He sighed, more at Sergi than at Ray.

  Sergi twitched under Ray, obviously liking the image. The movement slid his cock into the leaking space between Ray’s buttocks, making him squirm. He was ready for penetration, of course, just like any omega would be when an alpha wanted him. Iesu’s eyes gleamed when he added, looking directly at Ray, “Do you think you could take it?”

  Ray trembled, whether at the surge of lust or fear, he couldn’t say. But it was apparently too much for Sergi because his hands were clamping around Ray’s hip and middle to lift him up. He sat back against the headboard and drew Ray to him. Iesu took hold of Ray’s upper arms and helped him kneel so that Sergi’s cock could be introduced into his body. Ray let himself be pulled back down to take the whole length into his body, shuddering at the fullness of it as they made him sit on Sergi’s lap. He had never been penetrated from below before, he realised. He didn’t have long to think though, because as Sergi started moving, Iesu brought Ray closer and started kissing him. It was not his usual soft and tender kisses either; he licked into Ray’s mouth as if he had to take every moan his lover was dragging from Ray’s throat or die. Ray clutched at him, too gone on the pleasure of Sergi’s cock deep within him and Sergi’s and Iesu’s own need to do more than hold on.

  Iesu crawled closer and knelt between Ray’s thighs, pressing his naked thigh deliciously against Ray’s dick for a moment and pushing him down even more fully onto Sergi’s engorged cock. His own erection left a line of heat as it dragged against Ray’s left thigh, but he shifted away almost at once. He lifted Ray’s knees, bending him double against Sergi’s chest. Ray squirmed where he was impaled. He felt Iesu’s fingers brushing his now exposed arsehole and Sergi’s cock going into it. Sergi groaned as Ray was moved on him, and Ray let his head fall back on his shoulder, whimpering at the combination of the light touch of Iesu’s fingers and the overwhelming fullness of Sergi fucking him.

  Was Iesu really going to put it in him too? He couldn’t find the words to ask, or to protest. Iesu nudged his own leg between Sergi’s and then his cock was pushing into the space between Ray’s arse cheeks, slick with his own juices and Sergi’s precome. Ray whined low in his throat. He was going to do it, he realised. They were truly going to share him. He wondered if they would stop if they really hurt him, or if their own pleasure would make it feel good to him when their cocks met inside his body. Would it still feel good if they made him bleed? How far did the alpha magic really go?

  Iesu lowered his hands to Ray’s buttocks and pressed them together, holding his dick tight between them, then he started to thrust. Ray convulsed, the sensation of Iesu’s cock sliding against his balls as Sergi surged into his arse was almost too much to bear without coming. And then his brain processed that it wasn’t happening. Iesu hadn’t been serious. His alpha sped up his pace, slicking up Ray’s buttocks and thighs with his arousal. Sergi’s big cock in him felt like a relief compared to what he’d been expecting, and then they shifted his hips and the head of Sergi’s dick pushed directly against his prostate, lighting him up. Ray squirmed, begging for release without words and pushing back for more. But he couldn’t come. He needed…

  Fortunately, Sergi only managed a couple of aborted thrusts into him before he was clutching at Ray’s arms too, fingers interlacing with Iesu’s, and coming hard, teeth sinking into the back of Ray’s shoulder. Iesu sped up, groaning, and took hold of Ray’s neck to leave his own mark. Sergi’s orgasm was still coursing through Ray’s body when Iesu’s began. The alphas held him as he convulsed with pleasure, sobbing with relief as the tension finally broke. He thought he had lost consciousness for a moment because when he blinked his eyes open again he could feel his cheeks were wet with tears.

  They laid him down on the bed between them; and Iesu even managed to get a blanket to cover them all before they fell asleep.


  And then there was Josh. It shouldn’t have been so different; he had had sex with Josh before his heat. Hell, he had asked him if he was attracted to men and Josh had clearly understood that it was a personal question. But it was like now that he had begun, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the other things he wanted to ask.

  None of the reasons he had given Iesu and Sergi had changed. He and Josh were bound for life, whatever happened between them would never go away. Without the possibility of stopping, the idea of beginning was beyond terrifying… And he was first omega of his pack, they had to come first. Maybe he couldn’t stop himself from feeling, especially not when he had pretty much admitted to it. He certainly couldn’t avoid Josh and the more of Josh he saw, the more he wanted to see.

  The more he wanted to have.

  To say he wasn’t in the mood to go to bed with his friend would have been an understatement of epic proportions. He wanted Josh, naturally—and not simply because Josh wanted him—but he also knew that every moment spent together was a moment he risked giving himself away.

  Josh wouldn’t have asked for it if he hadn’t needed it, though. It wasn’t a matter of pleasure only: alphas needed to have sex with their omegas regularly to feel secure in their bond. He would have suffered if Ray had asked him for a break, but he would have wanted to know if there was something wrong. And Ray couldn’t explain why it was him specifically that he didn’t want to intimate with… It just wouldn’t work.

  He opened his door in just his underwear and invited Josh in. He kissed him by the door with as much honest interest as he could summon when he wanted to throw himself on the bed and hide his face instead. Josh noticed he was a little stiff and pulled back and checked his expression. Whatever he thought he saw on Ray’s face slowed him down, but it didn’t make him stop. Of course, it only made it harder to have him planting soft, tiny kisses along Ray’s neck and ear—more teasing than sensual—and Ray struggled not to squirm, wanting things fast and passionate. He needed Josh’s overwhelming desire to cover up for his own very mixed feelings: he wanted Josh, but he also wanted to know. He wanted to ask so badly, he was starting to think the answer—any answer—might provide more relief than an orgasm.

  He whimpered when Josh dragged a hand down his stomach and into his underwear, circling his cock loosely before sliding the tips of his fingers through the wetness between Ray’s legs. The sensitive nerves of his arsehole seemed directly connected to his cock and when his mate pushed his fingers inside, he arched into it, suddenly desperate. Josh had to take his fingers out so he could drag Ray to the bed. He only paused to push Ray’s underwear down his legs and help him step out of it. And then they were on top of the covers and Ray barely had time to get his knees up before his friend finally pressed his hips forwards and fitted his cock inside. The relief was enough to distract him from the pain of the sudden stretch. Josh paused for a moment before hitching his hips up to force Ray to take his entire length. Ray groaned, overwhelmed, and wriggled, trying to adjust to the hot weight inside of him.

  He should have been used to it, as many times as he had been fucked. But slick and all, it was still always a struggle to accept another body into his own. Josh knew what he bear, of course, and when he started moving into him, it was no more than Ray could take—intense but not painful. He turned his head for it when his alpha leaned in closer and captured his mouth and even though he was struggling for
air, he kissed back. It felt like he could never stop kissing back, like was pouring himself down into that kiss and when he was all gone, he would die from it.

  Josh pulled away. His eyes were wild and he was gasping, flushed and feverish. Ray looked right back at him for a moment. It felt like staring into the sun. “Ray…” Josh whispered, and then again, “Ray.”

  Ray didn’t glance back up. Josh was fully seated inside him, Ray’s legs bracketing his hips, as close as another person could get. Ray clenched around him, pushing up into it, and Josh’s hips stuttered in an aborted thrust. He grunted with the effort of keeping still. “Ray, what…”

  Ray shook his head, still not meeting his eyes again. If he did, he thought he’d shatter into a million pieces. And then Josh seemed to understand what he needed because he started moving faster, in and out, faster and harder. Ray let eyes flutter closed and he leaned back on the pillows. He relaxed when he felt Josh’s mouth sucking a bruise on the skin of his neck on top of the mark his teeth had left on Ray’s skin forever.

  It lasted for a long time: Ray’s cock was hard but the arousal came and went, peaking before receding again, a capricious ocean mocking him. Ray risked opening his eyes to check on Josh and his friend groaned as their eyes met. And just like that he was coming. Ray felt the warmth of it deep inside even as he clenched and arched as his own orgasm rushed through him, like a flood that left nothing standing.

  Josh pulled out of him too fast and half collapsed on his side, their warm, sweaty skin sticking together. It was still too hot, but Ray needed to breathe more than he needed to cool down, so he stayed still, both of them panting with the effort of getting enough air.


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