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The Scorpion's Tale

Page 19

by Wayne Block

  “Hello, Nick,” Giorgio answered. “How do you like the Copacabana Palace?”

  “What’s happening with our meeting?” Nick snapped.

  “I’m still working on it. I’m sure I’ll have something arranged by tomorrow afternoon, but this may take an extra day or so.”

  “What’s the holdup?” Nick demanded, his voice tense.

  “This is Brazil. Things move at a much slower pace and these guys aren’t just lining up to be killed. Besides, you wanted them all together. I can reach a few quickly, but getting all of them is difficult.”

  “Where are you?”

  Giorgio hesitated. “I’m here in Rio.”

  Nick struggled to maintain his composure. “I know that Giorgio, but where in Rio? I want to meet you tonight.”

  Giorgio started to sweat. “Sorry Nick. I’m keeping a low profile until this is over. You’ve got my cell number, but I’m not meeting anyone until I see how this plays out.”

  Nick smiled, now certain Giorgio intended to double-cross him. He bit his lip to stifle his rage against this simpleton trying to outplay him. “What’s the problem Giorgio, don’t you trust me?”

  Again Giorgio hesitated. “Of course. I just don’t trust Renaldo.”

  Nick decided it was not yet time to pressure Giorgio. “Just move fast. I need to get back to New York. Our new enterprise can’t wait much longer, capiche?”

  “I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.” Giorgio heard the line go silent. It was only a matter of hours before he would finally rid himself of Manzione. Giorgio realized he didn’t have much time, since he would have to capitulate to Nick’s demands for a face-to-face meeting. The prospect of having Nick killed presented a real opportunity to make a fresh start, but it could also backfire.

  Giorgio poured a tall glass of vodka and downed the contents. He stood before a full-length mirror and hardly recognized himself: his eyes were sunken, framed by heavy, dark circles. His conscience had made him physically ill, and each day he sank deeper into depression. He constantly thought of Roberto Milani and his parents, who had been like a father and mother to him. No matter how much he drank, he could not drown his demons.

  Giorgio finished a second drink and let his drained body sink into his couch. The more he analyzed the events that brought him to this moment, the clearer the truth became. Nick had masterfully orchestrated everything, like a chess master manipulating pieces in a global chess game. Giorgio was positive Nick had ordered the murders of Tony and his partners. Nick had left him alive only as a fall guy with the Brazilians. After the Brazilians were taken care of, he would be useless to Nick. Time was running out. He thought about contacting Giovanna, but what would he say to her? All he could do was crawl back inside his bottle by pouring himself a third drink.


  Nick was preoccupied with Giorgio and the impending hit on Renaldo. He wasn’t happy that Giovanna and Giorgio were in the same city. He did not want them speaking to each other under any circumstances. Nick was torn by Giovanna’s presence; he loved her and was enjoying her company, but it made it more dangerous for him. He wasn’t comforted knowing that Giovanna might be manipulating him as Alberto had suggested. She had her own agenda, and he didn’t appreciate being seduced as part of her scheme to circumvent Alberto’s directive to her.


  Steven lay down on his bed and closed his eyes. The dive alone was exhausting. Coupled with the subsequent attacks, Steven was left completely drained. He slept through lunch, awakening just before dinner. Steven left his cottage and found the compound quiet. Guards once again patrolled the beach. Steven walked to the main house where Captain Mike, Rafael, and Miguel were watching a soccer match. Mike’s entire arm had been wrapped in gauze and strapped against his chest. He looked up and raised a bottle of Corona to Steven with his good arm.

  “Hey, it’s my hero, James Bond! Join us for a cold one!”

  “We would be honored,” Miguel said, addressing Steven directly for the first time since they’d met.

  “I’d like that,” Steven said. “How’s the arm?”

  “It’s torn up pretty badly, but the doctor says it’ll be fine.”

  “Were you successful in finding your man?” Steven asked.

  Mike shook his head. “No, we weren’t, but we’ve still got people looking.”

  “Where’s Pablo now?”

  “He’s on the veranda waiting for you.”

  Anxious to get his quest back on track, Steven made his way through the house and out to the veranda where Pablo was sitting in his customary seat at the patio table. He gazed up at Steven from his magazine and grinned. “How was your nap?”

  “Much needed.”

  “Sit down next to me so we may talk.” Pablo reached into a cooler next to his chair, pulling out two frosty bottles of Corona. He slid a bottle toward Steven with a wedge of lime.

  Steven took a few satisfying gulps, then sat back and admired the fading sunlight reflected on the sea. “Thank you. How’s your leg?”

  “Thanks to you, I’ll be fine. Thank you for saving our lives. You have my undying gratitude.” Pablo’s demeanor changed as he stared off into the distance. “I’m sorry about what happened today.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Steven paused. “Do you have any idea who did this today?”

  Pablo thought about his complicity in the Scorpion’s plan. He nodded. “Yes, I do. It’s the Scorpion. He’s making his point because he knows you are here with me.”

  “If the Scorpion has found me then I’ve found him. I’m closer to my goal.”

  Both men remained silent and watched the seabirds dive beneath the surface, feeding on a school of baitfish near the shore.

  “I’m very sorry about your family,” Pablo said.

  “Thank you,” Steven said, looking surprised. “How do you know?”

  “News travels quickly in my circles.”

  “You know the Scorpion, don’t you?”

  “I know of him. We were in similar circles. However, there is only one who can find him. The Scorpion could be anywhere and anyone. For all we know the Scorpion is down the beach, watching us.”

  “Tell me what you know about Veeksburn,” Steven said, abruptly changing the subject.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Where is he now?”

  Pablo realized Steven knew about Billy’s death and that Steven was testing his credibility. This was a critical juncture and now, he would have to divulge some meaningful information to Steven. “Veeksburn is dead.”

  “What happened?” Steven inquired, without any trace of surprise. Steven’s demeanor confirmed Pablo’s suspicion.

  “After you left him, he was found shot to death. He paid the ultimate price for directing you to me. I believe the Scorpion has been following you for quite some time. He visited Charlie in his apartment after you were there, but for reasons I don’t comprehend, left him alive. But you know all of this already, don’t you?”

  Steven said nothing.

  “For now, you can relax. He may think you are dead. Anyway, while you are within my compound you are untouchable.”

  Steven sank back into the chair. The sun dipped below the horizon and evening was upon them. His thoughts drifted back to Billy, dead in the desert. “What could this scum want from me? He’s taken everything I loved.”

  Pablo shifted in his chair as his chef approached with two bowls of jumbo shrimp. Pablo dipped a large shrimp into cocktail sauce, consuming half in one bite. Steven was uninterested in the food.

  “You weren’t being truthful when you told me you only know of him,” Steven said, as he watched Pablo devour a shrimp. “You know more.”

  Pablo looked toward the black water. “What I know is unimportant. You must know more than I can tell you to have any chance of killing him.”

  Steven frowned. “No Pablo, all I need to know is where to find the son-of-a-bitch and what he looks like.”

nbsp; Pablo’s gaze settled on Steven. “You are trying to kill a man whose soul is already dead.”

  “Where do I have to go next?” Steven said, ignoring the comment.

  “You will be going to St. Thomas.”

  “Will Joaquin be expecting me?”

  Pablo nodded. “Yes, I have already asked his permission.”

  “And does he have his own army of bodyguards?”

  Pablo laughed. “Joaquin lives a humble life.”

  “What does Joaquin know about me?”

  “He knows you have won my respect, and that I owe you my life. You’ll leave in the morning. It is best to move quickly. Your journey is no longer at your leisure. The Scorpion is playing a game with you. He does everything with a purpose; he let you live in Vegas, yet he tried to kill you here. You must learn his rules to have any chance of winning, which remains highly unlikely.”

  “His death is all I desire. A tie is a win for me,” Steven said.

  “I hope we have the opportunity to spend time together again. You are welcome to be my guest anytime. And if…well…”

  “If I live?”

  Pablo nodded. “Yes. If you live, I would love you to return. I believe that you and I could be great friends.”

  Steven sighed. “I’d better make arrangements for a flight to St. Thomas and...”

  “The arrangements have been made,” Pablo interrupted.

  “I insist on giving you money.”

  “Nonsense,” Pablo said, raising his hand to silence Steven. “You were my guest, and now you are my friend.”

  “Thank you, Pablo. But tell me–you don’t approve of what I’m doing.”

  Pablo lowered his eyes. “On the contrary, I completely understand. As a younger man, I would have done the same. But having the benefit of many years of experience, I know that you are embarking on a journey that will end your life. It saddens me.”

  “Do you feel there is another choice for me, Pablo? I have nobody to give me advice. Everyone tells me I’m young and I will love again. Everyone tells me to forget about this man and move on. Tell me what I should do.”

  Pablo pondered Steven’s question. “You have no choice but to find him and kill him. If you don’t find him, you will die slowly inside. You will end up hating yourself. Going after him, you will just have a faster, more honorable death.”

  “I never asked for any of this! I was a simple man living a simple life.” Tears of anger welled up in Steven’s eyes.

  “Fate can be unkind. Sometimes we have no choice but to follow our heart, wherever that may lead.”

  “Thank you for your honesty,” Steven said, quickly regaining his composure. “You’re the first person who hasn’t told me I’m crazy.”

  Pablo laughed. “You are crazy. To do this is insane! There just isn’t any other way for some men. Are you prepared to kill him when you find him?”

  “Yes,” Steven answered, much too quickly.

  Pablo looked off into the distance. “I see. Have you ever killed a man, Steven?”

  “No,” Steven answered, more tentatively.

  “Have you ever seen a human being die before your eyes? Take his last gasps and watch his life slip away?”

  “I almost did today.”

  Pablo frowned. “It’s not a pleasant experience, but in this case you’ll undeniably know pleasure. If you’re lucky enough to kill him, you’ll see his face for the rest of your life. I promise you he’ll haunt you like a ghost. But that’s better than the ghosts that now haunt you.” Pablo snapped his fingers. “Miguel… Raphael!”

  Miguel and Raphael emerged, dragging a man whose hands and mouth were bound with tape. His face had been badly beaten and his eyes were wide with fear.

  Pablo stood and walked over to the man, motioning Steven to follow. “This man conspired to kill us today. What shall we do with him?”

  Miguel handed Pablo a gun, which Pablo then placed into Steven’s hand. “If you are going to kill the Scorpion, you must be able to kill without a second thought. Kill this piece of shit.”

  Steven stared at the gun and then into the victim’s terror stricken face. “I have no reason to kill this man, but I have every reason to kill the Scorpion.”

  “This man tried to kill you this afternoon. His role in our attempted murder is his death sentence. Kill him now!”

  Steven hesitated and stared into the eyes that pleaded for mercy. “I won’t.”

  Pablo nonchalantly took the gun and shot the man in the head. His body fell to the ground.

  “If you couldn’t do that, you’ll never be successful in achieving your ultimate goal,” Pablo said. “Your flight will be departing at noon tomorrow.”

  Pablo raised his glass to Steven, whose eyes were still wide with horror. “I toast your innocence and hope it does not interfere when your time of revenge is at hand.”

  Steven looked straight into Pablo’s eyes. “May I ask you one final question?”


  “Why can’t you return to New York?”

  Pablo collapsed back into his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. He dismissed his associates and motioned for Steven to sit down next to him again. Pablo regarded him closely. “I’m not in the habit of answering such a personal question, my young friend. But under the circumstances, I will give you an answer. There is a very powerful family in New York with whom I did much business. The patriarch is Alberto Manzione. Alberto Manzione had a brother named Pierro. For many years, we were great friends. Pierro had two sons–Carlo was the eldest and Nick the youngest.”

  Steven’s eyes were wide with anticipation on what Pablo would say about the Manzione family. He could barely contain his excitement. “What happened?”

  “We had a business deal with the Manziones and two other groups. This happened a few months after Pierro died. The deal soured and several people were killed. Carlo was one of the casualties. Alberto and Nick accused me of murdering Carlo. Alberto ordered my execution so I secluded myself here. The family has sent several mercenaries to Roatan over the years to assassinate me. As you can see, all have failed.”

  Steven stared at Pablo in total disbelief. “You killed Carlo Manzione?”

  “No, I didn’t. I tried to explain the truth to Alberto, through intermediaries, but he wouldn’t listen. I had nothing to do with Carlo’s death, but there were several other people who knew the truth. All of these men tried to tell Alberto what actually happened; they’re all dead now.”

  Steven looked puzzled. “Do you know who killed Carlo?”

  “No, but I know who had Carlo killed. It was his brother, Nick.”

  “Nick?” Steven bellowed, unable to contain himself. “You’re crazy. I know Nick. He was my best friend growing up. Nick and Carlo were inseparable; Nick idolized Carlo!”

  Pablo, surprised by this revelation, looked into the distance. “Yes, I know the boys were close when they were younger, and I admit I don’t know what Nick was like as a boy. But it’s obvious that you know nothing of Nick Manzione the man. He is an evil, amoral sociopath.”

  “You’re no saint.”

  Pablo glanced at the dead man on the floor. “Evil knows evil. Nick will kill anyone if it means advancing his own interests. He has no honor.”

  “Can you prove that?”

  “Not anymore. The evidence is gone and the witnesses are dead. It would be my word against Nick’s, and in New York, Nick’s word is law. I understand that Nick is keeping company with a young woman named Giovanna Milani, from San Remo. After your family was killed, the Scorpion murdered her brother, father, and mother. She is trying to find the killers and Nick is helping her. I tell you this now because you know Nick Manzione and because I have learned there is a contract out on him and this woman. You must be very careful if your paths cross. I caution you to keep your distance.”

  “Who has this contract on Nick’s life?”

  “I think you already know the answer.”

  “Do you have any idea wher
e I can find Nick?”

  “My sources tell me he’s in Rio.”

  Steven stood and extended his hand toward Pablo. “Thank you for everything.”

  Pablo stood. “Remember, Steven, trust no one. Especially Nick. Good luck.”

  Steven walked back to his cottage and finished packing. He couldn’t believe what Pablo told him about Nick, but his safest course was to trust no one, including Pablo. Steven decided he needed to find Nick, since they now shared a common bond.


  As soon as Steven left, Pablo’s cell phone rang. Pablo knew who it was before answering; he also knew he was still being watched.

  “I want no discussion. Play the tape.”

  Pablo took a digital recorder out of his pocket, connected his phone to it, and played the entire conversation he just had with Steven. For the first time in years, a tear rolled down Pablo’s dry cheek.


  Giovanna awoke before Nick. She changed into a pair of shorts and Nick’s tee shirt before leaving for an early morning swim to clear her head.

  Giovanna had the pool to herself; not even the cabana boys had arrived at such an early hour. Giovanna slipped into the pool and swam a few laps, enjoying the sensation of the water washing her thoughts away. After her swim, she leaned her head against the pool’s coping and gazed absentmindedly up at the hotel’s facade. A shadow suddenly fell over her, blocking the early morning sunlight. She turned around and covered her eyes with open fingers, straining to see the face hovering over her.

  “Giovanna, I must speak with you.”

  She instantly recognized the voice. “Giorgio?”

  “Please walk with me,” he said, extending his hand to help her out of the pool.


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