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Page 13

by R. A. Ender


  Stopping in front of a window that offered some reflection, Robin grabbed the bottom of her bra with both hands. Moving it side to side and up and down, she neatly adjusted her figure in her extremely tight fitting and form hugging dress.

  It always felt odd to be out of uniform and in regular citizen attire. Specifically today, it was very odd. She rarely wore dresses at the most formal of occasions, and never one this revealing or sexy.

  But, I do look damn good! She thought to herself as she smoothed out her dress before moving on. Despite being a few months from her fortieth birthday, she didn’t look her age at all. One of the benefits of not living your life planetside was avoiding the harsh damage done to your skin by sun exposure. Shipboard living had its benefits.

  It also offered ample time for exercise, which helped keep her figure tight, hard and shapely. She and Sara worked out together every day on board ship. She had never gone as hard in exercise as Sara. Sara was a finely sculpted athlete, though perhaps a little too boyish in her figure. Robin had always worked to be thin but made sure she retained her ample bosom and butt. They tended to be quite handy from time to time.

  A time such as today, where she had an important task to complete, requiring the assistance of some less than desirable freight captains. But, a fine looking woman always motivated them to talk, and then some! She had already wasted half the day visiting only a handful of taverns on the star base public concourse. In total, she had spoken to three men, all of whom were known local freight captains and ship owners. The private guys always had the best information, though to get it for free required more time than she wanted to spend. Still, the information gathered so far was good, and Richard would be very happy.

  Moving past a few concourse floor shops, Robin angled to enter one of the more notorious taverns. The Final Run tavern catered almost exclusively to the more colorful of the interplanetary travelers. It was also the only establishment that was openly known to permit special companionship offers to the wait staff, who were oddly all particularly beautiful women. Robin had not bothered to inquire as to why such an establishment was permitted to operate on a Defense Force run star base. She knew that many taverns operated brothels on privately owned or planet owned orbital facilities, but this was the first she had ever encountered on a Confederate owned base. But, F’lwok was always different than the rest of the Confederacy.

  As she was about to pass through the door, the security guard stood up and blocked her entrance.

  “Honey, what do you want?” He asked without any hint of politeness. He was very tall for a F’lwoka, standing at least eight feet, and he was very solidly built. Robin would not be able to bypass without his say so.

  Looking up to his eyes, she offered her explanation. “I wanted to get a drink.”

  He looked down at her with a distinctly F’lwoka facial expression of disgust.

  “Look, Mr. Klanok has enough girls working at his bar. He doesn’t need any other meat, especially free or bonded. So, take your skinny self elsewhere.”

  Robin paused for a moment, realizing that his objection might be hard to overcome. Opening her purse, she offered to the guard her Defense Force ID card, wrapped neatly inside some local currency she had left over from her previous planet side visits. She knew the amount was likely more than he earned in a day. It was not a bribe to get in, her ID alone was enough for that. But, if he let her in knowing she was Defense Force, he needed some money to keep that knowledge to himself.

  Opening the money, he caught sight of the ID, and quickly hid it and handed it back. At the same time, his other hand quickly pocketed the bribe.

  “So, are you here trolling? You don’t need to waste your time. I’m always ready for a human looking to experience something alien.” He offered with enough of a practiced delivery to let Robin know that more than a few Defense Force female personnel visit this tavern regularly.

  Robin had never understood the fascination some people had for sex with aliens. At the academy, she had once become attracted to a Vev’tev friend and had considered trying a relationship. That thought ended quickly when her best girlfriend showed some revealing sexual pictures of the Vev’tev that nearly turned her stomach.

  But still, she knew several friends from the academy who had experimented with several alien species. A couple of her friends had tried romantic relationships. The problems almost always ended the matches. Whether it was vast biological and psychological differences or just the same problems that any relationship has, she knew precious few long-term successes.

  For the most part, she just assumed it was to try something different and exciting. And for some species, it was easier than others. The Gemberlicans were a good example. Other than their diminutive size, they were biologically very similar to humans. Their similarity was one of the reasons the Bxtozil selected New Earth way back when. The F’lwoka and the Ituas were also roughly mammalian species. Most others were quite different.

  She had never heard of a Colukto mating with any other species. Since they are the only known aquatic species in the galaxy, that was not surprising. The Vev’tev are reptilian and the biological gulf was enormous. They are a very spiritual people, and that did attract human companions.

  The other known aliens in the galaxy resided outside of the Confederacy, so their interaction with humans was fairly limited, especially with Defense Force personnel. Robin had never heard of a Canua, Lanwouk, Bxtozil, B’taliyx, Blessal or Cat’cek living permanently on a human planet unless they were representing their governments. And they tended to remain on their embassy grounds. Even so, only the Blessal was a mammalian type alien, all the rest ranged from the repulsive insectoid B’taliyx to the cute but not biologically compatible avian Cat’cek.

  Only species that Robin knew for sure was a write off was the Ka’Tak. A unique species that couldn’t be categorized, they were completely incompatible with humans. Their incompatibility was a large reason why they remained hostile to the Confederacy for almost a millennia after initial contact.

  Physically, they are very tall, some reaching twenty feet, due in large part to their long necks. However, they are very thin and somewhat fragile. This biology has led to an extremely paranoid attitude toward any perceived threat to their physical safety, which they combat with tremendous force. Their military remains one of the strongest in the galaxy, despite now having been at peace and in a cooperative relationship with the Confederacy for several centuries, and being completely surrounded and protected by Confederate territory.

  Their biological processes also make a relationship impossible. They are physically too tall for a human. They are loners, never remaining with families or friends. The children of the Ka’Tak, unlike every other intelligent species known, are abandoned at birth to fend for themselves. Mating is brief and violent, and results in thousands of offspring, few of whom survive.

  The Ka’Tak simply fail to conform well enough to attract another species as a mate. This suits them fine as it permits them to continue their insular and paranoid culture.

  Returning her attention to the guard, Robin smiled up at him. “Maybe another time. Tonight, I’m looking for a freighter captain to dirty me up. Who would you say is the most dangerous?”

  The guard gave her a quizzical look, before eyeing her more carefully. Robin could tell right away that this F’lwoka guard was no moron.

  “I don’t let dangerous humans in this bar. If you are looking for the guy with the best stories, try Captain Argus near the arrow board in the back. He goes anywhere there is money. I bet he is what you are looking for.”

  Fascinated by how quickly the guard figured out who she actually wanted to meet, Robin leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, while palming him another day's pay worth of bribe.

  “Thank you very much, sweetie.” She whispered before turning to walk into the tavern.

  Leaving the bright lights of the concourse, Robin entered a very dark and dirty looking es
tablishment. Despite a lot of colored lights, it didn’t manage to raise the brightness of the room beyond a very dark dusk.

  Looking around she saw a number of customers seated at small tables. Next to almost every male patron sat a young woman of some species. At least half were human, and then mainly F’lwoka after that. Looking around for a moment, she tried to find her target, Captain Argus. However, she couldn’t pick him out quickly, and several of the men had caught sight of her, and she was beginning to draw attention. It obviously was not every day that a beautiful woman walked into this tavern unescorted.

  Sliding up to the bar, she hopped into a swivel chair. A human waitress moved down to take her order and give her a good look over. Aside from asking her what she wanted to drink, though, she made no comment on the unusual tavern guest.

  Turning around in her chair casually, Robin looked around the tavern again. Not surprisingly, all the girls had managed to get the attention of their male clients back. These girls were professionals and not about to lose a night’s pay because one of their men got lucky with a Defense Force troll. Fortunately, that allowed Robin to have a good look around, and she managed to find her Captain, seated, as the guard said, next to the arrow board.

  The waitress was back with her drink, which Robin paid for, before hopping off the chair and walking toward the arrow board. She didn’t bother trying to hide where she was headed.

  When she arrived at the table where Captain Argus was seated, drinking his drink of choice, she sat down next to him, at the best angle to show off her low cut top and legs.

  To her surprise, the Captain hardly even moved his eyes, except to notice what she was doing. Taking another sip of his drink, he casually began speaking.

  “Look, honey. I’ve told your boss before that when I’m here, I ain’t interested in talking to Dfor Intel. If you want to wait for me at my berth, be my guest, but don’t bother me here.”

  Robin was not that surprised that the Captain had had conversations with Defense Force Intelligence. They tended to keep up regularly with private freight owners and operators, as a type of unofficial observation branch. It took less money and often yielded better results than an agent could manage.

  “Well, sorry Captain but I’m not from intelligence.”

  Argus made a half snort, half laugh, and took a big gulp of his drink. “Look, lady, I’m no idiot. You are Dfor, no doubt and I ain’t lucky enough to have one as gorgeous as you out trolling for the likes of me. Maybe thirty years ago, but not now. So, you tell your boss to not bother sending pretty ones, I ain’t any more likely to talk to you than that ugly miniature pig you work for.” And with that Argus drained his drink and pounded it twice on the table, which seemed to produce a response from behind the bar across the other end of the room.

  Observing the Captain, Robin saw that he was at least in his early sixties. That usually meant he loved running interstellar ships because even the most unsuccessful of ship owners could make a good living and sell their ship for retirement twenty years earlier. Small commercial transports could net very good money in the Confederacy, especially if they worked across borders. There was always a need for speed and efficiency over the security and safety offered by the larger corporate transport companies.

  He also wore the standard leather jacket, always the favorite of the private transport guys. Unlike many, he wore a hat over what appeared to be a very bald head. He was stubbly but clean, not a common trait among freighter captains, unfortunately.

  Turning her chair around so she could pull up to the table, Robin leaned forward. Placing her left hand on the table edge, and using her right arm to slightly push her breasts up, she leaned toward Argus with a slightly more authoritative manner, while still absolutely appealing to his more base male desires.

  “Look, Captain, I’ll talk to you straight. I’m Defense Force, but not intel. I do want information. I’ve been told you are the man to speak to, and before I return to my commanding officer empty handed, I was hoping you could help a girl out.”

  The Captain, for the first time, moved his eyes over to take a good look at Robin. She saw that his eyes started at hers but quickly jumped between looking at her breasts and her eyes. However, after a few fleeting glances, he locked his eyes on hers with a strong intensity.

  “What ship are you from?” He asked.

  Robin was about to answer, when the waitress came up to the table, deposited Argus’ drink, and walked away. When she was out of earshot, she spoke.

  “The Caesar Augustus. Any special reason you wanted to know?”

  His eyes narrowed slightly, “Wanted to know if your Commanding Officer had ever hassled me before I did him a favor. But, I can’t remember ever being stopped by a Caesar Augustus, and I hope you’ll remember me being nice to you if you ever do.”

  Robin crossed her arms, hugging her body, and leaning closer to Argus in the process. “I will remember, don’t you worry.”

  Argus sat back a little, slightly unnerved by her forward physical actions. “I’m sorry, what was your name?”

  “I’m Robin Shelbus.”

  “Well, my name is Captain Sam Argus, and you can pull your dress up. I will help you whether your breasts are swinging in my face or not. I’m long past the age where a nice face and body motivates me, young lady. I appreciate the effort, but save it for a younger guy who you are actually interested in, please.”

  Robin was a little surprised by his decency and did as he asked, pulling her top up to cover as much cleavage as possible, and taking a sip of her drink.

  “So, Robin Shelbus of the Caesar Augustus, what information is your Commanding Officer looking for?”

  “He is looking for any information you might have about the extent of the TeleGod network failure?”

  Argus’ smile broke wide across his face and he leaned back obviously pleased with the question.

  “Well, now that is the best question I’ve ever been asked by Dfor. Are you telling me that y’all have no idea about your own comm network? That is a funny thing. Makes me wonder why I ever stick to the space lanes.”

  Leaning in toward her, Argus locked his eyes on hers. “Are you seriously asking that question because you don’t know the answer? Or are you asking to find out how much we know?”

  Robin met his intense stare without flinching. “I don’t waste my time fishing, Captain. I leave that to Dfor Intel.”

  The Captain let out a loud hoot of laughter that brought the stares of several patrons their way. All looked away again quickly, a survival reflex borne from many tavern brawls that they did not want to be swept up in. The Captain's eyes kept bouncing with laughter even after his outburst.

  “That, my dear girl, is the truest thing I have ever heard. Cheers to you,” and he lifted his glass to salute her.

  “I will be happy to tell you anything I know. I hope it will be enough.”

  And with that, Argus and Robin began having a very quiet conversation which turned out to be much more informative than she ever suspected.


  Richard was still privately fuming as he walked along the concourse to find Robin. In such a mood he did his best not to make eye contact with anyone who would be even the least bit inclined to salute a senior officer or offer to sell him some exotic knick knack or food. Despite his best efforts, there were always a few raw recruits around that saluted, as they were drilled to do. Richard just did his best to seem not to have noticed and just kept moving.

  His ire had been raised after his scheduled appointment with Fleet Admiral Janus had been delayed, leaving him sitting in the outer office waiting for almost an hour. The Admiral’s staff never gave a very good answer as to what the reason for the delay was. Richard assumed it was not a very good one.

  This impression was confirmed when the Admiral finally showed up and didn’t even offer an apology or explanation. If the excuse had been a good one, Richard would have heard it.

  The meeting started poorly. It was obvious t
hat Admiral Janus had not appreciated being forced to allow a secret IAE ship to cross into his command territory, and that he was going to carry that grudge into their current state of affairs.

  “Admiral Hilbornus. I heard you have not docked your ship. Why? My staff tells me with the lack of system communication that decision is causing a navigation risk. When will you dock?”

  That statement was how they opened the discussion, and it never improved. A few choice tongue lashings were in order and delivered by Richard. The arrogant and pompous Admiral Janus seemed to ignore them and push forward with his agenda of trying to have Richard submit to his authority.

  While on detached duty from the Old Colony Region fleet, the Caesar Augustus was not a power onto itself. Especially during times of war or emergency, he should dock his ship and submit to the nearest regional command. In the case of F’lwok, that meant submitting to Fleet Admiral Janus, Commander of the Confederated Union of Worlds Defense Force Northern Fleet.

  Well, Richard had decided long before his ship dropped out of hyperspace that he was not about to be commanded by Janus. To avoid his ship becoming attached to the Northern Fleet, it was resting in space out beyond the fifth planet of the inner system. He had flown into the star base with Robin in his two-seat, atmosphere capable Squalus Class A Fighter. Not a standard fighter on board Defense Force ships, but a special present to him from the New Earth Defense Alliance, and one of the benefits of holding the rank of Fleet Admiral.


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