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Dating for Keeps

Page 1

by Rachel Hogan

  Dating for Keeps

  by Rachel Hogan

  Also by Rachel Hogan:

  The Folly of Love

  Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.


  Chapter 1

  "You can't swear off a relationship forever Tessa, all the good guys will eventually settle down and you'll be forced to pick from the leftovers when you finally are ready."

  Tessa Brewster cringed at her friend Becky's crude remark. "Becky, be serious," she said laughing while popping a french fry into her mouth. "It's a little absurd - and sexist - to think of men as leftovers, as if they are nothing more than a delicious meal that needs to be grabbed while it is still hot."

  Becky smiled. "Actually, that is a perfect analogy for what I'm trying to say." She sighed, "Look Tessa, I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you to wake up ten years from now and regret the time you had to find a guy. You are a beautiful young woman, and twenty-six is the prime of your life! Don't waste it."

  Tessa rolled her eyes at her friend's exaggeration. Despite the fact that they had many things in common, she didn't quite believe in her friend's old-fashioned belief that a woman find a man to settle down and marry as soon as possible.

  "I'm not wasting it, I promise. I just haven't found anyone worth going out with. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their prince charming in college like you did with Ron. I do love men and I love to date, but all the guys I go out with bore me within five minutes. I guess I just have high standards."

  "Well, I think you need to lower your standards then, just a little. What about that guy last week? What was his name - Jared or something? He seemed nice. And normal. What was wrong with him?"

  Becky remembered Jared well. He had texted the entire time they ate dinner together. When she casually asked him who he was texting, he got very upset and told her to mind her own business. "Yeah, no I don't think he was interested in me. And rude guys aren't really my type. Trust me you couldn't pay me to go on a second date with him."

  "Well, he was the fourth first date this month. I think that this pattern might be revealing something."

  "What are you trying to say?" Tessa asked her friend accusingly.

  "I'm saying that maybe you have a problem with commitment."

  "I do not," Tessa frowned.

  "Oh? And when was the last time you had a serious boyfriend?"

  Tessa's eyebrows knit together as she tried to remember. "Well, I don't know exactly. I guess David..."

  "David was sophomore year of college! Tessa, that was seven years ago. Yikes, I didn't realize it was this bad. I think you need an intervention."

  Tessa snorted, "Oh, and what are you going to do for me, miss therapist?"

  Becky thought for a moment, and then a knowing smile crept across her face. "I know. If there is one thing you can't pass up, it is a bet."

  "Ye-ah. So?" Tessa stammered, looking at her uneasily.

  "Well, I bet that you can't date the same guy for at least a month. Thirty whole days with the same man. That shouldn't be so difficult, should it?"

  Tessa thought hard. It shouldn't have been hard, no, but she hadn't gone on more than one date with a guy in years. Years. She took a swig of her beer, as if the beverage could give her courage. "What's in it for me?"

  "Well, I thought that this would be the perfect solution to our debate over who gets the master bedroom."

  Tessa smiled. The two roommates were soon going to be moving into a new apartment and they had been quarreling for months over who would get the spacious master bedroom. This would be the perfect chance for her to win the coveted spot. "Okay," she said sticking out her hand. "You're on."

  "Great!" Becky's face lit up.

  "You know, it's kind of sad that you are willing to bet that room on this," Tessa went on. "You obviously don't have a lot of faith that I can do this. I can't wait to prove you wrong." She hesitated. "There's only one problem..."

  "What's that?"

  "Um, it's not like I have any dates lined up at the moment."

  "Oh! Don't worry about that. We'll find you someone tonight. In fact, I already have someone in mind."

  "You do? Who?"

  Becky gave a smile. "There's a guy sitting in the booth across the room who has been staring at you this whole time. I'm willing to bet that he might be interested. He looks alone, and he's super hot."

  Tessa looked up from their corner table in the bar. Trying not to be obvious, she discreetly glanced in the direction Becky indicated.

  She had to do a double take. "Forget hot, he's drop-dead gorgeous," she whispered to Becky. He had a model's face with a strong cheekbones and jaw line, topped with perfect dark hair. Even though he was sitting down Tessa could tell he was tall, and his broad shoulders indicated that he definitely worked out, which was always a bonus.

  In taking him in Tessa ended up staring a little too long. He noticed her looking and flashed a brilliant smile. She immediately felt her cheeks flush and she looked away. "That guy? Are you kidding? Never in a million years would he be interested in me. On a scale of one to ten he's an eleven. At least."

  "Don't be so ridiculous Tessa. You know you are beautiful. He certainly hasn't been staring at me this whole time now has he?" Becky looked at her friend. Tessa's long brown hair had a slight wave, just enough to give it volume but not enough that she needed to worry about wrangling the curly mass of hair like Becky did. With her near-perfect complexion and her big green eyes, men were always attracted to Tessa. Sometimes Becky hated being out with her because of that.

  "You know you never have trouble getting dates."

  "I guess that's true," Tessa conceded. "But how do I get a date with him? He doesn't look like he plans on coming over here." Stealing another glance in his direction, she saw that he was busy playing with his phone and was no longer looking their way.

  "Well then, I guess you'll have to do the asking won't you?" Becky laughed because she knew the thought horrified Tessa. "Off you go then. A bet's a bet."

  Tessa's beauty and her ability to attract men came as a drawback at this particular moment. She was used to men coming up and making conversation with her, and she was far too shy to even consider going across the room to approach a stranger. "Are you kidding? I can't just walk up to a random stranger and ask him out. Talk about looking desperate. Come on Becky, please help me out here."

  Becky looked at the despondency written across her friend's face and felt a little sympathy. She smiled. "Alright, I guess I can help you. Just this once. After all, the bet won't be any fun if you lose already."

  "I just can't go over there and ask him outright," Tessa paled. "The thought makes me want to crawl in a hole."

  "Okay then, we'll give him an excuse to come over here."


  Becky thought for a moment and her face brightened when an idea came to her. "All you have to do is go up to the bar and order a drink. Carry your wallet in your hand, but when you come back I want you to 'accidentally' leave your wallet behind. He's been eyeing you so much he's bound to notice, and that will give him the chance to bring it over here to us."

  "I don't know," Tessa frowned. "What if someone else takes it?"

  "Well, I'll be watching, silly. If anyone tries to steal it, I'll intervene. Come on, a bet's a bet."

  Tessa sighed, "Okay, you're right. Here

  She grabbed her clutch and headed over to buy a drink. Upon returning to the table, she left her clutch behind, just as Becky had suggested. She didn't dare look behind her to see if the man had noticed, but the delight on Becky's face indicated to Tessa that they were about to have an encounter with the handsome stranger.

  "Excuse me miss," a deep voice with a brilliant British accent sounded behind her. "I believe you left this at the bar."

  Tessa turned to face the dark-haired stranger. He was even more handsome up close than he was from afar, and at well over 6 feet tall, he towered over Tessa's petite 5 foot 3 inch frame. She liked that.

  "Oh, how clumsy of me," Tessa chuckled, reaching out her hand for the clutch. "Thanks, Mr. -"

  "Lucas Griswold," he extended his arm for a warm handshake. "You can call me Lucas, of course."

  "Lucas, thank you." Tessa said inwardly reeling from the heat of his grip. "I'm Tessa Brewster, and this is my friend Becky Piper," she turned to indicate Becky.

  Becky shot up from her chair. "Hello, very nice to meet you. Actually, if you'll excuse me, I need to run outside and make a phone call. Nice to meet you Lucas," she said, practically running for the door.

  Tessa smiled and sighed at her friend's overtly obvious nature. "Sorry, she can be a little - awkward at times."

  "Not at all, I understand. We all can be a little awkward, can't we?" His smile made her completely melt.

  "Listen, Tessa, I know this is a little out of the ordinary, but I'd love to get to know you a little better. It's not everyday I have the opportunity to meet a beautiful woman like yourself. Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement with a colleague in a few minutes, and I have to run. Can I be so bold as to ask you to join me for dinner tomorrow evening?"

  Tessa's heart raced. She had been asked out many times before, but never by anyone quite so handsome."I would love that," she managed meekly.

  "Wonderful, I'm delighted you said yes. Perhaps if you give me your number I could phone you tomorrow to finalize details? I want to make a reservation first and so forth."

  "Yes, of course." Tessa pulled a business card out of her wallet. "My cell number is on here. Feel free to call me anytime."

  He glanced at the card. "Oh, you work for an antiques shop? How interesting," his eyes brightened. "I can't wait to get to know you better, Miss Tessa Brewster. Until tomorrow then." He took her hand and kissed it before turning and walking out the door.

  As soon as he was gone Becky came running back to the booth. "He's gone already! What happened?"

  "I happened to score a date with him, that's what happened," Tessa smiled confidently.

  "He was so handsome. And British!" Becky gushed.

  "I know. I can't believe it!" Tessa smiled, "Looks like you may be on the losing end of this bet already, Becky."

  "Well, we'll see. We still have a month to go you know. But for your sake, I can't say I'd be sorry to see you stay with that hunk."

  Tessa smiled, contentedly. "Me neither. Maybe all my waiting is finally going to pay off."

  Chapter 2

  As he promised, Lucas called Tessa the next morning and arranged to pick her up for dinner at 7:00. While getting ready for a date wasn't new to her, the butterflies she felt as she dressed for dinner were definitely out of the ordinary. Something about Lucas seemed different than other guys she had met. Even after speaking with him for only five minutes she could tell that he was far more poised and refined than the men she usually met, and thus she felt that she must dress to impress him a bit differently than she normally would. After agonizing in front of her closet for what seemed like hours, she finally settled on a simple black cocktail dress that was neither too racy nor too conservative.

  When Lucas arrived at her door that evening, she realized with relief that she had made a wise outfit choice. One look at Lucas caused her breath to catch in her throat. He was wearing perfectly tailored khaki slacks paired with a smart blue blazer and a tie. Tessa couldn't remember the last time she had gone on a date with someone so impeccably dressed, and it certainly made an impression on her. There was just something about a man who made a conscious effort about his appearance.

  "Good evening, Miss Brewster. I hope you're in good spirits. I have a little something for you." His deep voice with its enchanting accent was as smooth as melted butter on toast. As he spoke he removed an arm from behind his back and displayed a large bouquet of crimson roses.

  "Oh my! How beautiful," Tessa exclaimed. "These are really so lovely. Thank you." Her astonishment and delight was evident as she took the roses from his hands.

  "Wow!" Becky said, walking into the foyer where they were standing. "Those are gorgeous. Nice work," she winked at Lucas.

  Tessa colored at her friend's bold manner. "Well, I think we should be going, right?"

  "Ah yes, I don't want to be late for the reservation." Lucas offered Tessa his arm then turned to Becky. "It was lovely seeing you again Becky. Have a wonderful evening."

  He escorted Tessa out of the apartment on his arm, in the fashion of a true gentleman. Outside, she was astonished to find a black town car waiting for them.

  "Is this your car? You actually have a driver?" Tessa asked, puzzled as Lucas helped her into the vehicle.

  "Why yes, I do. I find I am able to get much more work done when I have someone else behind the wheel. Sitting in traffic doesn't seem to be a very productive use of my time."

  "No, I guess not. Speaking of which, what exactly do you do for work?"

  "Oh, I'm in international business," he replied vaguely with a wave of his hand. "Boring stuff really. I will admit, I find your line of work to be fascinating. You work in an antiques shop, is that right?"

  "Well, yes I do." Tessa admitted, feeling rather ashamed of her seemingly insignificant career. "For the time being anyway. My aunt owns the shop but she doesn't have much of a head for business, so she hired me on to help run things."

  "Well, it sounds wonderful to me. You must come across some remarkable old items."

  "Well, sometimes I suppose," Tessa conceded. "But I also come across a lot of junk. Those worthwhile antiques only come along every so often."

  "You know, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Lucas asked. "My grandfather was a great violin player. He used to collect antique violins and when I was a boy he would take out his collection and we would look over them together. He even taught me to play a few notes on one. It is a very special memory for me. He passed long ago, but as a sort of remembrance to him I like to pop into antique shops now and then and if I spot a violin I tend to buy it. Do you know if you have any violins in your shop?"

  Tessa thought for a moment then frowned, "No, I'm pretty sure we don't at the moment. I can't remember the last time we had a violin come through. I think they are quite rare."

  "Oh yes, they are. That's why grandfather liked collecting them so much. If you do happen to get your hands on one, would you set it aside for me? I would love to buy one." As if he needed to verify his interest he added, "Cost isn't an issue."

  "Certainly," Tessa smiled. "I think it's wonderful that you were so close to your grandfather like that. I'll let you know if I find anything for you."

  The car slowed and Lucas leaned forward to look out the window. "Ah, here we are." He waited for the driver to come around and open the door, then he offered Tessa a hand as she got out of the car.

  "Rizzuto's! I had no idea we were coming here."

  "Is that alright?" Lucas asked with concern in his voice.

  "Oh yes, absolutely. I'm just surprised, that's all. I've always wanted to come here, but haven't had the opportunity." Tessa knew the reason she had never come to this restaurant was because it was the most expensive in Chicago, but she didn't tell that to Lucas. She already felt there was a gap between their social standing and she didn't want to widen it intentionally.

  The two entered the restaurant and were showed to a corner table that was clearly meant to be separate from the re
st of the dining room. Without any prompting, a waiter appeared as soon as they sat down, bringing with him a bottle of champagne. Tessa wasn't well-versed in types of champagne, but she guessed that the bottle was expensive.

  "To my beautiful date Tessa Brewster. May this be the beginning of a wonderful friendship." Lucas raised his glass in a toast.

  "Cheers," Tessa replied, clinking his glass and taking a sip. The coolness of the champagne was much needed as it helped calm her giddy nerves. Feeling a bit out of her element in such a fancy restaurant, she picked up the menu and flipped through it.

  "I honestly have no idea what to get," she said.

  "Do you have any certain food preferences or allergies?" Lucas asked.

  "Not really. I'm pretty easy to please in the food department."

  "Well, can I be so bold as to order for the both of us? I have a general idea as to what is good."

  "Sure, that'd be great!" Tessa felt a bit relieved that she didn't have to worry about choosing her meal; she couldn't even pronounce most of the menu.

  Lucas proceeded to order, and the meal that followed was one of the best Tessa had ever eaten. A steady stream of courses arrived, each more decadent and delicious than the last. Lucas also made sure to keep the champagne flowing, although Tessa was careful not to drink too much. She was conscious of the fact that this was her first date with Lucas, and she really knew very little about him. Drinking too much and letting her guard down could be a costly mistake.

  As they were eating Lucas was the first to initiate conversation. "So Tessa, please, tell me a little about yourself."

  "Well, I'm 26 and originally from Florida. I came to Chicago to go to college and fell in love with the city, so I never left. I got a business degree in college and have spent the past several years working in my aunt's antique shop, helping her run things."

  "Is that what you want to do forever?"


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